scholarly journals Symptoms of Damage to Soybean Varieties Due to Major Pest Attacks in South Sulawesi, Indonesia

2021 ◽  
Abdul Fattah ◽  
Idaryani Djamaluddin ◽  
Asriyanti Ilyas ◽  
Muslimin Muslimin ◽  
Andi Nurhayu ◽  

South Sulawesi Province is one of the centers for soybean development in Indonesia. The varieties that are widely planted by farmers in South Sulawesi include Anjasmoro, Argomulyo, Grobogan, Gema, Dering-1, and Burangrang. These varieties have different levels of seed yield and damage levels. This paper aims to provide an overview and information about the types of soybean varieties, the level of pest damage, and the types of pests that cause damage to soybean varieties developed by farmers in South Sulawesi Province. The method used is to collect various information in the form of secondary data and primary data from research results related to soybean varieties, types of pests that damage soybean plants and the level of damage caused by soybean pests in South Sulawes. The results obtained provide information that the highest level of leaf damage caused by Spodoptera litura F. occurred in the Anjasmoro variety 10.94–32.69% followed by Argomulyo 10.16–26.17% and Grobogan 8.61–24.81%. The highest level of pod damage due to pod sucking was found in Burangrang varieties, namely 13.20%, Gema 12.51%, Dering 10.5%, Argomulyo 9.40%, Grobogan 8.50%, and Anjasmoro 7.70%. The level of fruit damage caused by the fruit borer Etiella zinckenella T., the highest occurred in Detam-1 15.71%, Ring 14.50%, Burangrang 10.60%, Gema 10.0%, Argomulyo 8.20%, Grobogan 7.10%, and Anjasmoro 6.70%. The rate of soybean yield loss caused by S. litura F. was the highest at Anjasmoro 8.97%–11.29%, then Grobogan 7.88–12.80%, and Argomulyo 6.77–14.90%. Meanwhile, the percentage of seed yield loss caused by the attack of the pest Nezara viridula L. ranged from 10.0–41.0% for all varieties. Likewise with Riptortus linearis F., the percentage of soybean seed loss caused ranged from 15 to 79% for all varieties.

Weed Science ◽  
2013 ◽  
Vol 61 (1) ◽  
pp. 68-76 ◽  
Andrew P. Robinson ◽  
Vince M. Davis ◽  
David M. Simpson ◽  
William G. Johnson

Soybean plants exposed POST to 2,4-D can have reduced seed yield depending on the dose and time of exposure, but it is unclear how 2,4-D affects specific yield components. Objectives were to quantify soybean injury, characterize changes in seed yield and yield components of soybean plants exposed to 2,4-D, and determine if seed-yield loss can be estimated from visual assessment of crop injury. Ten rates (0, 0.1, 1.1, 11.2, 35, 70, 140, 280, 560, and 2,240 g ae ha−1) of 2,4-D were applied to Becks brand 342 NRR soybean at three soybean growth stages (V2, V5, or R2). The soybeans were planted near Lafayette, IN and Urbana, IL in 2009 and 2010 and near Fowler, IN in 2009. Twenty percent visual soybean injury was caused by 29 to 109 g ha−12,4-D at 14 d after treatment (DAT) and 109 to 245 g ha−1at 28 DAT. Nonlinear regression models were fit to describe the effect of 2,4-D on seed yield and yield components of soybean. Seed yield was reduced by 5% from 87 to 116 g ha−1and a 10% reduction was caused by 149 to 202 g ha−12,4-D at all application timings. The number of seeds m−2, pods m−2, reproductive nodes m−2, and nodes m−2were the most sensitive yield components. Path analysis indicated that seeds m−2, pods m−2, main stem reproductive nodes m−2, and main stem nodes m−2were the most influential yield components in seed-yield formation. Seed-yield loss was significant (P < 0.0001) and highly correlated (R2= 0.95 to 0.99) to visual soybean injury ratings. A 10% seed-yield loss was caused by 35% soybean injury observed at 14 DAT, whereas a 10% seed-yield loss was a result of 40, 19, and 15% soybean injury observed at 28 DAT when soybean was exposed to 2,4-D at the V2, V5, and R2 growth stages, respectively.

2016 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 147
Erni Erawati

One of traditional settlements in Indonesia is located in the residential area of Kajang, Bulukumba, South Sulawesi Province. Settlement community in Kajang is classified into two levels, the first is meso level consisted on spatial villaes, homes, and forest, and the second is macro level consisted on the spatial region consisting of kamase-masea region, and the region kuassayya. From the shape and function of artefacts and sites in Kajang area, it can be mentioned that the Kajang district has the Megalithic sites and Islamic sites which are still functioned until recently. The aim of this research is determining the  pattern of settlement in the area of the Kajang based on the location of the sites. The source of data consist of two namely secondary data which is obtained from literary research, and primary data obtained  through field research by observation and survey. The pattern of settlement in the Kajang area shows two characteristics; firstly,  Settlement patterns and placement of home in group, leading to the altitude, facing to the west; the sacred building that is located at high altitude and surrounded by indigenous forest areas and settlers' houses. Secondly, settlement patterns extend lengthwise in a row on both sides of a pathway up to the foothills, and on riverbanks. Those houses are characterised by the location of owner's social stratification. There is no specific orientation of houses to the wind directions. Sacred building is placed in higher space surrounded by residents' houses. Ammatoa as the spiritual leader, and a site that functions to inaugurate Karaeng as leaders of the governance. Salah satu permukiman tradisional di Indonesia adalah permukiman di kawasan Kajang, Kabupaten Bulukumba, Propinsi Sulawesi Selatan. Permukiman masyarakat di kawasan Kajang terdiri atas dua tingkat, yaitu bersifat meso yang menyangkut tata ruang desa, rumah tinggal, dan hutan adat, dan bersifat makro menyangkut tata ruang kawasan yang terdiri atas kawasan kamase-masea dan kawasan kuassayyya. Dari bentuk dan fungsi situs-situs di kawasan Kajang, dapat dikatakan bahwa kawasan Kajang memiliki situs Megalitik dan situs Islam yang masih dipergunakan sampai sekarang. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui pola permukiman di Kawasan Kajang berdasarkan letak situs-situs. Sumber data penelitian ada dua, yaitu data sekunder yang diperoleh melalui penelitian pustaka, dan data primer diperoleh melalui penelitian lapangan dengan cara observasi dan survei permukaan.Pola permukiman di kawasan Kajang menampilkan dua ciri, yaitu: 1). Pola permukiman dan penempatan rumah secara berkelompok mengarah pada ketinggian, arah hadap rumah ke arah barat, bangunan sakral berada di tempat ketinggian dan dikelilingi oleh kawasan hutan adat dan bangunan rumah penduduk, 2). Pola permukiman berbentuk memanjang dan berderet disebelah menyebelah jalan, kaki bukit, dan pinggir sungai dan pantai dengan ciri yang menunjukkan pelapisan sosial. Terdapat dua fungsi situs di kawasan Kajang, yaitu: situs yang berfungsi sebagai tempat pelantikan Ammatoa sebagai pemimpin di bidang spiritual, dan tempat pelantikan Karaeng yang dianggap pemimpin di bidang pemerintahan.

2020 ◽  
pp. 41-44
R. Hutianskyi

Goal. of my study was to investigate the combined effect of pesticides, including seed dressers, post-emergence herbicides, fungicides, biologicals, and plant growth regulators on weediness and soybean yield in the Eastern Forest-Steppe of Ukraine. Methods. Field, analytical and statistical. Results. The weeds in the soybean crops were represented by 15 species. Cockspur (Echinochloa crusgalli (L.) Roem et Schult.), yellow foxtail (Setaria glaua (L.) Beauv.), lamb’s quarters (Chenopodium album L.) and redroot pigweed (Amaranthus retroflexus L.) dominated in the soybean crops. In the controls, the dominant position in the soybean crops (in terms of the wet weight of weeds) was occupied by biennial and annual dicotyledonous weeds (56—57% of the total wet weight of weeds). Annual gramineous weeds (37—42%) and perennial dicotyledonous weeds (2—6%) ranked the second and third most spread species. Pre-sowing treatment of seeds increased the competitiveness of soybean plants against weeds. Herbicide composition Tabezon (2.0 l/ ha) + Formula (6 g/ ha) + surfactant Trend 90 (0.2 l/ ha) (primordial leaves) + Lemur (1.5 l/ ha) (biternate/ triternate leaves) significantly reduced the total number of weeds in the soybean crops by 89% and their wet weight by 97%. There was no evidence of significant effects of post-emergence combinations of herbicides with chemical or biological pesticides on the effectiveness of weed control in the soybean crops. Analyzing the soybean seed yield, I revealed that application of herbicides alone in the crops was the most justified. Conclusions. Increased competitiveness of soybean plants against weeds on pre-sowing seed treatment has been demonstrated. There was no evidence of significant effects of post-emergence combinations of herbicides with chemical and biological pesticides on the weed control effectiveness. Monoapplication of herbicides was the most justified.

Nurmusyahidah Nurmusyahidah ◽  
Arfin Hamid ◽  
Andi Tenri Famauri

Bad credit is caused by two factors, which are from the bank and from the customer. This study aimed to analyze the fine financing problems in the Islamic of Pawnshop Unit Bone according to Indonesian Ulama Council (MUI) perspective. This research is a normative legal research using a sociological juridical approach. The primary data used are regulations or legal products from the Indonesian Ulama Council, namely the DSN-MUI fatwa regarding fines and direct interviews with employees and customers. Besides, the secondary data used was number of books that contain opinion Indonesian Ulama Council and other literature which is relevant to research. The results showed that the application of fines in financing problems in the islamic pawnshop Unit Bone of South Sulawesi had positive and negative impacts. The positive impact was giving a deterrent effect to customers who face the due while the negative impact is the waste of time for employees who have to work more than working hours. However, the impact of these fines did not reduce the performance of the South Sulawesi specially in the Islamic of Pawnshop Unit Bone in order to become a non-bank financial institution that is still in demand by the public and become a financial institution that can help the economy of Indonesian society, among them is the society in Bone, South Sulawesi. It is because people in Bone regency tend to open up business as their economic livelihoods.

Afifah Sabila ◽  
Asep Agus Handaka Suryana ◽  
. Iskandar

This study was conducted from August 2020 to July 2021. Competitiveness can be interpreted as the ability of a region to make it excel in producing a commodity more than any other region. The competitiveness, especially in the field of brackish water aquaculture can be known through several indicators, i.e. human resources, infrastructure, production and science and technology. This study aims as an effort to realizing fisheries development in Indonesia by knowing the competitiveness profile of brackish water aquaculture in Indonesia through qualitative descriptive analysis method. The research procedure was conducted in several stages, the first of which was the collection of secondary data at the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries. The second stage is to analyze the primary data in the form of expert opinions or competent people in their fields. Then the last stage is to analyze the data that has been obtained during the research. Based on the results of the study, it was concluded that the competitiveness profile of brackish water aquaculture in Indonesia was outperformed by south Sulawesi province with a final value of 17.03, while the region with the lowest competitiveness value was Riau Islands Province with a final value of 0.05.

2018 ◽  
Vol 32 (5) ◽  
pp. 513-519 ◽  
Spencer McCown ◽  
Tom Barber ◽  
Jason K. Norsworthy

AbstractIntroduction of the Roundup Ready® Xtend system (Monsanto Co., St. Louis, MO) provides an alternative weed management option for growers, but of concern is the risk of dicamba injury to sensitive crops, particularly soybean from off-target movement and tank contamination. Experiments were conducted to determine the response of soybean to low rates of dicamba over a wide range of application timings. Two glufosinate-resistant varieties (HBK 4950LL–indeterminate and HALO 5.45LL–determinate) commonly grown in Arkansas were chosen for these studies. Two rates of dicamba, 2.18 and 8.75 g ae ha–1(1/256× and 1/64× of the POST labeled rate for dicamba-resistant soybean), were applied at two vegetative (V4, V6) and six reproductive (R1 to R6) growth stages. Compared to the nontreated control, dicamba applied during late vegetative and early reproductive growth of soybean caused leaf injury, plant height reduction, and seed yield loss for both soybean cultivars. Averaged across dicamba rates applied at R1, soybean seed yield was reduced 14% for the HBK 4950LL cultivar and 19% for the HALO 5.45LL cultivar. Averaged over rates, dicamba applied at R1 to the HALO 5.45LL and HBK 4950LL soybean resulted in 48% and 43% visible injury 4 wk after treatment, respectively. Grain yield was similar to that of the nontreated control when dicamba was applied at the later reproductive stages averaged across rates.

Tamaddun ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 33-41
Andi Mulyani Kone ◽  
Rosmiaty Pammu ◽  
Wahdaniyah Jamal

The aims of this research is to explore and to represent the form and the characteristics of linguistic politeness, in buginese Karampuang Sinjai, South Sulawesi society. The method employed was descriptive method. The source of data divided into two categories, primary data will be collected and analyzed as an object of the people in Karampuang Sinjai. Secondary data that was some literature related to the object analyzed. The result of this research show the characteristics and the forms of linguistic politeness in Karampuang Sinjai, South Sulawesi.  

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 90
Ahfandi Ahmad ◽  
Rahmadanih Rahmadanih ◽  
M. Saleh S. Ali

Food availability of one area affects its community food consumption patterns. The area will use its natural resources to satisfy all needs of its society. This study aimed to explain the patterns of consumption and production of food in a mountainous area. This research is a descriptive study using both qualitative and quantitative approaches. In qualitative approach, the data obtained by indepth-interview and Focus Group Discussion (FGD), whereas quantitative data obtained through household surveys of 40 households as samples. Field data collection is done systematically through questionnaires and interviews. There are two data sources namely primary data and secondary data. Primary data were obtained from people in the local area either as informants selected using snowball techniqueor respondents selected purposively. Furthermore, the secondary data were obtained from the literature that correlates with research areas. The result shows that the pattern of food production in the mountainous region is divided into two types based on the land used that is wetland and dry land. The wetland is used by mountainous community to produce food such as rice and corn with a frequency of twice a year. As for the dry land, it is cultivated to produce vegetables that are produced throughout the year as daily necessities. The pattern of consumption in the community correlates with the amount, type and consumptive frequency of the food. In general, people in mountainous areas still consume rice as a staple food by eating vegetables and fish as complementary with a frequency of 2-3 times a day. This is because the access is still relatively easy to obtain these foods.

2016 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 299 ◽  
Petrus Rani Pong-Masak ◽  
Andi Indra Jaya ◽  
Hasnawi Hasnawi ◽  
Andi Marsambuana Pirzan ◽  
Mahatma Lanuru

Budidaya rumput laut sangat prospektif menjadi alternatif usaha oleh masyarakat pesisir dan pulau-pulau kecil. Pemilihan lokasi budidaya melalui kegiatan inventarisasi dan pemetaan potensi sumberdaya lahan merupakan tahapan awal yang penting dilakukan. Penelitian ini bertujuan menentukan kelayakan lahan perairan untuk pengembangan budidaya rumput laut di Gusung Batua, Pulau Badi Kabupaten Pangkep. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode survai untuk mendapatkan data primer dengan pendekatan SIG dan data sekunder. Data dianalisis dengan metode PATTERN berdasarkan skoring dari beberapa variabel kunci untuk menentukan tingkat kelayakan lahan bagi pengembangan budidaya rumput laut. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perairan Gusung Batua di Pulau Badi memiliki potensi lahan pengembangan budidaya rumput laut dengan tingkat kelayakan tinggi seluas 42,1 ha (4,2%), tingkat kelayakan sedang 660,3 ha (66,6%), dan tingkat kelayakan rendah 156,8 ha (15,8%).Seaweed cultures were very prospective for alternative job by community in coastal and small Island. Site selection of culture by inventory and mapping activity of waters resource make up initial stage of important done. This research aimed to determine of waters suitable for development of seaweed culture in Batua Reef, Badi Island, Pangkep Regency, South Sulawesi. Research conduct by survey method to obtain primary data with Geographical Information System (GIS) and secondary data. Data were analysis with PATTERN (Planning Assisstance Through Technical Evaluation of Relevant Numbers) method based on scoring of key variables to determine of suitable level of waters for development of seaweed culture. Result of research showed that Batua Reef waters have area potential for seaweed culture with most suitable were 42,1 ha (4.2%) as wide, moderately suitable were 660.3 ha (66.6%) as wide, and low suitable were 156.8 ha (15,8%) as wide.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 34
Haris Maupa ◽  
Syarifuddin Sulaiman ◽  
Hardinasta Perdana

The development of new commodities or products that are in line with market needs is a challenge for exporters. The company's export performance reflects the specific behavior of the company in utilizing and managing resources and capabilities effectively in the context of international competition. This study aims to identify what factors influence the increase in export performance of products in South Sulawesi. This study uses a quantitative approach. The method used is indepth interview (in-depth interview), observation and questionnaire. Researchers are required to risk their ability to study more deeply about strategies for improving export performance. Research location in South Sulawesi. The data collected includes primary data and secondary data. The analysis technique in this study is qualitative descriptive, IFAS (Internal Factors Analysis Summary) and EFAS (External Factors Analysis Summary) analysis and SWOT (Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats) analysis to design an ideal export performance strategy. The results show that strong internal and external environmental conditions can support the development and improvement of export performance for companies. This finding can contribute to exporters to determine strategic planning in improving their performance.

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