Maria Milovanova ◽  
Alexandra Matrusova

The article raises issues of understanding the boundaries in the Russian linguistic worldview, comparing mental imagery of boundaries in the native speakers of the Russian language and of other languages. Based on song lyrics and an extensive associative survey, the authors draw conclusions about the key features of the perception of boundary in the Russian language native speakers, communication boundary and dialogue as surmounting of boundary

2021 ◽  
pp. 138-151
Marina V. Pimenova ◽  
Elena A. Moshina ◽  

The paper presents the study of the mythologeme Mat’-Syra-Zemlya (Damp Mother Earth) as a part of the Russian language picture of the world. Mythologeme is a phenomenon of language consciousness going back to a certain archetype. The authors have revealed that the linguistic consciousness of the Russian language native speakers firmly holds the linguoculturological meanings of the mythologeme under study, with most striking, firmly rooted in the Russian language picture of the world, the differential signs associated with this mythologeme being: ‘person (female)’ (48.5 %), ‘mother’ (26.3 %), ‘goddess’ (17.3 %), ‘surface’ (5.4 %), ‘grave’ (2.5 %). The mythologeme Mat’-Syra-Zemlya combines two differential signs: ‘birth’ and ‘death’. The earth is the birth womb and grave into which a person leaves after death. There is evidence of syncretism of sememes due to the change of religion: the adoption of Christianity when a new ritual practice of funerals came to Russian culture. According to the analysis, the mythologeme Mat’-Syra-Zemlya implements a complex of signs in the Russian linguistic culture, with the prototype being a more ancient mythologeme - Velikaya Boginya Mat’ (the Great Mother Goddess). The study has revealed the following associative meanings related to the mythologeme Mat’-Syra-Zemlya in the Russian linguistic culture: 1. Earthly life in this world; 2. Agricultural activities of man (plowing); 3. Family - earthly and heavenly; 4. Ritual practice (oath, frankincense; handful / pinch of land transported to a new land); 5. Death and funeral; 6. Birth and return to earth.

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (3) ◽  
pp. 241-252
Elvira S. Isajeva ◽  
Elina G. Vasiljeva

The research is devoted to one of the modern trends in linguistics - cultural linguistics. The topicality is related to the study of the Russian language functioning as the language of diaspora in the eastern region of Latvia - Latgale. The research aims to characterize the means of expressing the concept fire based on modelling and analyzing its associative field in the aspect of Latvian picture of the world. Theory and practice of the associative experiment were used as a methodological framework for the research. The method of free associative experiment reveals the specific features of different cultures, as well as the functional peculiarities of the linguistic consciousness both of a separate individual - a native speaker, and of a certain ethnic or national group. The word fire (Latvian - uguns) was suggested as a stimulus word. The received reactions were analyzed according to linguistic and cultural-contextual aspects. A comparative analysis of the associative fields revealed both the specific features of the Russian linguistic picture of the world, which combines the characteristics inherent in the Russian language of the metropolis and the ones that indicate the influence of the linguistic and cultural environment, and the features and signs that coincide or are identical in the Russian and the Latvian linguistic picture of the worlds. The data processing and the analysis define the concept fire precisely as a full-fledged concept in the perception of the native speakers of the Russian language in Latgale, since not only the dictionary meaning is actualized in their linguistic picture of the world, but also a multi-level associative field, unique in terms of contextual connotations, is modelled.

2021 ◽  
pp. 191-210
Nikolay D. Golev ◽  
Irina P. Falomkina ◽  

The paper is dedicated to describing the word-building system of the Russian language in terms of its vocabulary. Lexical factors are discussed influencing the formation of lexical units’ potential as motivating units of word-building processes and relations and the realization of this potential in language activities. Of most interest for the authors are anthropocentric determinants, most of which are coordinating the lexical system and, through its mediation, the word-building system with the worldview of native speakers of the Russian language. The proposed model of derivational development of vocabulary provides such coordination through studying the deep-seated process of conceptualization of the words that are the potential motivators of neologisms. This study identifies the word frequency as an external manifestation of conceptualization. The frequency data were obtained from Google search system statistical data. Capturing not only usual but also occasional and potential words, this source is an effective tool for studying word-building processes and their results. This study has unveiled the interrelation between the language worldview of native speakers of Russian and their “word-building behavior” in language activities. The worldview has been found, first of all, to be determined by the pragmatic factor, which primarily influences the usage of a word in the speech reflected by its frequency. The frequency ranks lexical units due to their derivational potential and thereby provides a researcher with a reliable instrument for its study.

Е.Ю. Долгова

Статья посвящена описанию глагола «погрязнуть» по лексикографическим источникам, фиксирующим словарный состав русского языка X - XVII вв. В работе используется метод лингвистического портретирования, позволяющий объединить данные этимологических и исторических словарей и увидеть динамику развития семантического, словообразовательного, сочетаемостного и стилистического потенциала языковой единицы в диахронии. В статье подробно изложены материалы этимологических и исторических словарей русского языка, приведены и описаны многочисленные варианты употребления имперфектива грязнуть и перфектива погрязнуть, зафиксированные в словарях, содержащих лексику древнерусского и старорусского периодов: гр#зъти, гр#зhти, гр#зити, гр#знqти, погрязати - погр#зти, погр#зити, погр#знqти. Установлено, что в древнерусском языке глагол гр#зноути (гр`t#знuти) имел прямое номинативное значение «погружаться, тонуть» и редко употреблялся в памятниках письменности. Многозначным и наиболее частотным был положительный, результативный член глагольной видовой пары перфектив погрязнуть (погр#зноути). В статье приведены все лексико-семантические варианты глагола и примеры словоупотреблений, зафиксированные в словарях, отражающих лексику X - XVII веков. В статье приведены синонимы и многочисленные дериваты глагола погрязнуть , в том числе рассмотрена семантика абстрактных существительных, образованных от глагола погрязнуть ( погрязение, погрязнение, погрязновение ) и отражающих влияние церковнославянского языка на книжно-письменный литературный язык древнерусского и старорусского периодов. Лексикографический портрет лексемы погрязнуть проявляет неоднозначность в трактовке некоторых значений в разные исторические периоды. Проведенный анализ позволяет сравнить значения лексемы, увидеть их отличительные особенности и сделать вывод о существовании самостоятельных стереотипных образов, существующих в сознании носителей языка в X - XVII веках. The article is devoted to the description of the verb "to wallow" from lexicographic sources that fix the vocabulary of the Russian language of the X - XVII centuries. The method of linguistic portraiture is used to combine data from etymological and historical dictionaries and see the dynamics of the development of the semantic, word-formation and stylistic potential of the language unit in the diachrony. The article details the materials of etymological and historical dictionaries of the Russian language, presents and describes numerous variants of the use of an imperfective “gryaznut’” and a perfective “pogryaznut’”, recorded in dictionaries containing the vocabulary of the Russian language of the X - XVII centuries. It has been established that in the ancient Russian language, the imperfective “gryaznut’” had a direct nominative meaning of "dive, sink" and was rarely used in monuments of writing. The multi-valued and most frequency used was the positive, effective perfective “pogryaznut’”. The article presents all lexical and semantic variants of the verb and examples of word usage recorded in dictionaries that reflect the vocabulary of the X - XVII centuries. The article presents synonyms and numerous derivatives of the verb, including the semantics of abstract nouns formed from the verb “pogryaznut’” and reflecting the influence of the Church Slavonic language on the book-written literary language of the old Russian period. The lexicographic portrait of the lexeme “pogryaznut’” shows ambiguity in the interpretation of certain meanings in different historical periods. The analysis allows us to compare the meanings of the lexeme, see their distinctive features and conclude that there are independent stereotypical images that exist in the minds of native speakers in the X - XVII centuries.

Tatyana Leontyeva

The article discusses the changes in collocability of the word friend over time. It notes that the works by A.S. Pushkin contain the forms, unexpected for the perception of the native speakers of the modern Russian language: blood friends, direct friend, peaceful friends. The analysis of the specified attributive combinations is carried out applying definitional, contextual, linguocultural analysis methods. The text material from the National Corpus of the Russian language is used. It is proved that the expression "blood friends" could denote "people connected by strong friendship" and "people of the same class". Physical kinship criterion has been proved to serve as a basis for cognitive understanding of spiritual intimacy and social class identification. However, the connection between primary and secondary semantics is not so direct here; it is mediated by the cultural layer – the custom of twinning, a form of artificial relationship noted among many peoples. Most examples of the usage of the phrase "direct friend" mean 'express your opinion to someone honestly, directly'. The expression "peaceful friends" is interpreted as based on a doubling of the meaning 'in a relationship of agreement'. The research results can be used in compiling dictionaries of the Russian language, and also in teaching linguistic disciplines.

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (5) ◽  
pp. 69-75
A. N. Kondratyev ◽  
L. M. Tsentsiper ◽  
I. S. Terehov ◽  
E. A. Nechaeva ◽  
V. A. Koryachkin ◽  

Medical vocabulary is a part of the Russian language used by the professional community. Most of the terms are borrowed from other languages and poorly understood by most native speakers. The development of medicine, in particular, anesthesiology and resuscitation, leads to the emergence of many new conditions, symptoms, syndromes and their defnitions. The latter often cause controversy among doctors. The article is devoted to some aspects of the appearance of controversial terms in anesthesiology and resuscitation to discuss them.

Sara Alfalki

This article presents the composition and structure of the associative-semantic field Child and the structure of the image (concept) of the same name in the Russian linguistic view of the world. According to the results of the conducted research and other scientific works related to the study of this object we describe the basic lexical-semantic groupings within ASP, which are called the most important meanings that characterize child with age, size, gender, physical, physiological, psychological, cognitive, behavioral and active characteristics in terms of education, in his social relations. These meanings determine the structure not only of this lexical field, but also the structure of the mental formation of the same name. First proposed and justified the selection as a separate aspect of the structure of ASP and the structure of the concept of the dimension of the attribute child emotional object (sweet, tender, love) relationship. The emphasis on this aspect is justified by the fact that the system of the Russian language has a significant number of units of lexical, morphemic, word-formation levels that regularly convey this meaning. Along with the use of these means in the direct meaning for the characteristics of the child, they are used as genre-forming means in various speech situations, including metaphorically, in order actualizing the affectionate attitude towards adult speech participants. For the article, we also wrote about (diminutives) containing suffixes of subjective evaluation, as defined by many authors, its role in our work and how to make nouns with diminutive or affectionate suffixes that indicate a small size, a small age of the child and at the same time an affectionate, loving attitude.

Olga V. Dubkova ◽  

At present, fragments of the Chinese worldview are studied on the basis of theoretical and practical research developed by the Moscow Psycholinguistic School. In Russian and Chinese psycholinguistics, sufficient material has been accumulated to determine the main advantages of the free associative experiment. The problems of identifying stimulus words and interpreting reactions reflecting the Chinese picture of the world are also obvious. The free associative experiment allows us to determine the deep mental connections of the phonetic and graphic appearance of the Chinese word, represented by graphemes different from those of the Russian language, the latter having their own lexical and additional “graphic” meaning. The difficulties in learning languages of different typological systems are associated with the problems of compiling a vocabulary of stimulus words and the possibility of a multivalued interpretation of Chinese recipients’ reactions, reflecting the images of the Chinese consciousness. For this reason, it is unacceptable to transfer the “reification” of fragments of the Russian worldview to the fragments of the Chinese worldview. When compiling a vocabulary of stimulus words, one should take into account the structural and grammatical features of the Chinese word, the structure of Chinese characters and their origin, the frequency in the speech of native speakers, etc. To interpret the reactions of a free associative experiment, in addition to bilingual dictionaries, it is advisable to use various dictionaries of the Chinese language, including etymological ones. Based on the established tradition of analyzing the results of associative experiments, the author typologizes the reactions of Chinese speakers, which allows to establish the dynamics of the Chinese worldview.

2020 ◽  
pp. 167-180
Roman I. Vorontsov ◽  

The article deals with the dynamics of a fragment of the Russian linguistic worldview projected onto the experience of academic lexicography. Based on the data extracted from the three editions of the Great Academic Dictionary of the Russian Language (also referred to as the Dictionary), which serves as a reflection of the 80-yearlong history of the Soviet and Russian society, the sociocultural dynamics of a conceptual view of economy and trade is uncovered through its lexical, semantic and lexicographic realization. The aim of the research is to analyze the semantic dynamics of the words with root torg- [trade] based on the Dictionary data. This includes the study of the lexicographic interpretation of these words as well as the justification of new lexicographic solutions. The key attention is paid to a number of polysemantic words: torg, torgovat’, torgovat’sya, torgovlya, torgovyy. In the course of the research, the method of componential semantic analysis is applied together with the comparison of the entries from different editions of the Dictionary and with the selection of text illustrations by means of linguistic corpora. Two aspects of the semantic dynamics of the words with root torg- are discussed: 1) reflection of lexicographic principles adopted by the authors of the Dictionary and 2) lexical and semantic objectivation of the Russian linguistic worldview. The first aspect is represented by the trend of semantic differentiation typical of the Dictionary and manifested in both enlargement and specification of the word semantic structure. Syncretic meanings that can be seen in the first edition are later splintered into separate meanings or even shades of meaning (torgash, torgashestvo, torgovat’). The sociocultural dynamics is presented by a number of linguistic trends. The first trend is generating new collocations, and the adjective torgovyy shows here the highest productivity. Adjacent to it stands the active formation of compound words beginning with torgovo-. The second (controversial) trend is obsolescence of words and meanings: notions of the Soviet economy are going out of use (torg as a ‘trade institution’). The third trend is actualization of obsolete words and meanings, which is often only illusive. In the Soviet period, many notions of economy were considered inadmissible or typical of the Czarist era, hence, these words were defined as obsolete ones. However, the historic change of the early 1990s showed that this part of vocabulary was always commonly used, even in the Soviet texts that could not serve as a source of illustrations due to censorship. Thus, the considered aspects of the semantic dynamics of the words with the root torg- demonstrate the general way of conceptualizing the economic sphere by the Russians. It is mainly reflected in the social revaluation of the market relations, trade, and entrepreneurship. The lexical and semantic objectivation of this revaluation requires shrewd lexicographic solutions.

2020 ◽  
Vol 22 (2) ◽  
pp. 516-524
A. M. Kiseleva

This article presents a historical and etymological analysis of the motivating signs of the concept of "muzh" (husband) in the Russian language. Primary signs of the concept make up the internal form of a word and serves as the basis for new cognitive signs. Actual motivating signs appear first as conceptual ones and later as functional, evaluative, symbolic, and figurative. The primary motivating sign is "man": it is the oldest one and goes back to the pre-Indo-European language. The analysis of etymological dictionaries revealed 42 motivating signs. The article provides examples of the representation of this concept in the literature, including the modern one. Etymological and historical-etymological dictionaries revealed the following motivating signs of the concept of "muzh" (husband): a man; a male spouse; an adult man; a man that understands; a scientist; an ancestor; an Amazon female warrior; an age; people; community member; a serious man; a citizen; a brave man; a strong man; a fighter, a warrior; an ordinary man; a hero; a male celebrity; a respected, venerable man; a public figure; a witness; a free man; a peasant, a farmer; a feudal-dependent peasant; a peasant (low status in legal relations); to man oneself; a person with unnaturally large manhood; a male specimen; an attendant of a tsar, king, or prince, a noble man; a servant of a prince, a warrior in the prince’s squad; a divine husband; a man of desire; a blood man, a murderer; big men (a privileged part of the free population in Ancient Russia); young men (a less privileged part of the free population in Ancient Russia); nobleman (a great man); a member of household; a servant; a hand (worker); a slave; someone who is ready. Such a long list of motivating signs confirms the ancient history of the concept and its socio-cultural significance in the Russian linguistic worldview.

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