scholarly journals Historical Studies on Sarak Values and their Implementation in Gowa

2017 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 183-188
M. Dahlan

Abstract The study examined historical sense of sarak values and their implementation in Gowa, including the concept of sarak as a part of pangngadakkang element, Gowa people’s understanding about sarak as pangngadakkan element, and the implementation of sarak values among Gowa people. This is a qualitative descriptive research implementing field research method. In order to find out the actualization of sarak in Gowa, it also used historical approach as the main method in the research. The data obtained in this study were processed and analyzed in a deductive, inductive, and comparative way. The study found out that sarak is Islamic law as well as pangngadakkang element which is determined after Islam exists and is accepted by the people of Gowa. The implementation of sarak in Gowa is loaded with intellectual, moral, social, and ritual values. Spiritual values related to humanism contain aspects of the sanctity of life. Intellectual value is found in the history that in the era of Gowa Kingdom local people have reached high intellectual capacity. The teachings of sarak also set social values which mainly include on procedures of men relation in the law of family and muamalah. Ritual value is also the most prominent aspect as reflected in palili and attumate ceremony. The research indicated the significance of preserving sarak values as the element of pangngadakkang as long as it does not conflict with the teachings of Islam, for it symbolizes identity of a community that has been bequeathed by the glory of the past.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 152-182
Ahmad Arif Masdar Hilmy ◽  
Ria Cahyaning Utami

The determination of the dowry in the marriage of the people of Karangsono Village was originally based on the rules of Islamic law, namely by using the principles of convenience, lightness, and simplicity. However, people's lives that are never stagnant make them always interact with each other, thus forming a new concept of dowry determination in the community. The purpose of this article is to determine the description and implementation of the concept of the dowry class in the community marriage of Karangsono Village and to review it using the perspective of the social construction theory. This field research used a qualitative descriptive method and data analysis used Berger and Luckmann's social construction theory. Data were collected through document study, interviews, and observations. This research resulted in conclusions: (1) The concept of the dowry class in the community marriage of Karangsono Village is based on the classification of the prospective bride, which is seen from the status of a virgin or widow, her beauty, and age. The higher the quality of the woman, the higher the dowry she can get, (2) The determination of the dowry in Karangsono Village has undergone a social construction based on three simultaneous processes. The externalization process is illustrated through adaptation to religious texts and life being experienced. The process of objectivation here gives birth to new meanings, which are manifested in the actions of the wider community so that they become objective facts. The process of internalization is illustrated by the affirmation in the consciousness experienced subjectively.(Penentuan mahar dalam perkawinan masyarakat Desa Karangsono mulanya didasarkan pada aturan hukum Islam, yakni dengan menggunakan asas kemudahan, keringanan dan kesederhanaan. Namun kehidupan masyarakat yang tidak pernah stagnan, membuat mereka selalu berinteraksi satu sama lain, Tujuan artikel ini ialah untuk mengetahui deskripsi dan implementasi konsep kelas mahar dalam perkawinan masyarakat Desa Karangsono, serta ditinjau menggunakan perspektif teori konstruksi sosial. Penelitian lapangan ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif dan analisis datanya menggunakan teori konstruksi sosial Berger dan Luckmann. Pengambilan data dilakukan melalui studi dokumen, wawancara dan observasi. Penelitian ini menghasilkan beberapa kesimpulan: (1) Konsep kelas mahar dalam perkawinan masyarakat Desa Karangsono ialah berdasarkan klasifikasi yang dimiliki calon pengantin perempuan, yakni dilihat dari status perawan atau janda, paras kecantikan dan usianya. Semakin tinggi kualitas yang dimiliki perempuan, maka semakin tinggi pula mahar yang bisa didapatkannya, (2) Penentuan mahar di Desa Karangsono telah mengalami konstruksi sosial berdasarkan tiga proses simultan. Proses eksternalisasi tergambar melalui adaptasi dengan teks-teks keagamaan dan kehidupan yang sedang dialami. Proses objektivasi disini melahirkan pemaknaan baru, yang termanifestasikan ke dalam tindakan-tindakan masyarakat luas sehingga menjadi kenyataan objektif dan biasa dilakukan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Proses internalisasi tergambar oleh penegasan dalam kesadaran yang dialami secara subjektif dan pentransferan akan pengetahuan tentang makna-makna objektif)

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 140-160
Hidayatina Hidayatina ◽  
Suci Lailatul Laila

The driving factor for the increased consumption of herbal medicine is the widespread issue of back to nature voiced by the international media. UniQ Drink Healthy Herbal Drink is a contemporary herbal drink from Central Java, which found an innovation with a traditional concept to become modern. The large number of herbal drink enthusiasts has attracted the attention of Mrs. Adis to become an entrepreneur in the herbal drink UniQ Drink Healthy Herbal Drink in the city of Lhokseumawe. The objectives of this research are: To examine the business strategy of UniQ Drink Healthy Herbal Drinks in general and based on a sharia economic perspective? The method used is in the form of field research with a qualitative descriptive approach. The results of this study explain that: a) UniQ Drink's business strategy is in accordance with the production and marketing strategy, in its production strategy the company does not use chemicals and preservatives and its management is still traditional. b) This business has not implemented a business strategy in accordance with Islamic law, including the facts that are not in the packaging label which are not indicators of production and expiration dates and in financial records, but the company always gets out of the amount earned by 20% of the amount obtained to give to the people.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 396-412
Muhammad Taufan Djafri ◽  
Askar Patahuddin ◽  
Azwar Iskandar ◽  
Ambarwati Ambarwati

This research aims to find out: (1) the issue of waqf disputes and their resolution in Indonesia in the review of the Law. No. 41 of 2004 and Islamic law; and (2) the issue of waqf disputes and their settlement in Wahdah Islamiyah. This research includes the category of descriptive research using qualitative methods with a juridical-normative approach through field research. The results showed that: (1) the form of land waqf dispute problems in Indonesia, including: (a) issues involving holders of legitimate rights to waqf land; (b) issues related to the reason for rights or proof of acquisition used as a basis for granting rights; (c) errors/misrepresentation of rights. In addition, the problem is also in the form of still many waqf land that does not have a Waqf Pledge Deed, many waqf implementations are carried out religiously or based on mutual trust, the demand for the return of waqf land by wakif heirs and waqf land is controlled for generations by nazirs who deviate from waqf accounts. Article 62 of Law No. 41 of 2004 on Waqf affirms that the resolution of disputes is taken through deliberation for consensus. If dispute resolution through deliberation is unsuccessful, the dispute can be resolved through mediation, arbitration, or court. As for the review of Islamic law, the resolution of waqf disputes and other issues in the realm of Islamic law can be facilitated through litigation and non-litigation. The existence of peace (al-iṣlah) and deliberation for consensus is always a priority and is expected to solve problems without causing other problems (lā ḍarara wa lā ḍirāra) to achieve the benefit of the people in accordance with maqāṣid al-syarī'ah and justice; (2) Wahdah Islamiyah faces several problems of land waqf disputes, such as lack of legal certainty in waqf land ownership, waqf practice by conventional means, waqf land for sale, claims of waqf land ownership, and no checking the legality of waqf land. In the settlement of land waqf disputes, Wahdah Islamiyah directs the resolution of all dispute cases through two patterns, namely litigation and non-litigation patterns, which are generally done by familial means or consensus deliberation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 363-382
Daud Rismana ◽  
Muhamad Farchan Sulistiyanto

Among the people of Java. Especially in the Cangkring Village of Rembang, Karanganyar, Demak. There are various rituals that are sacred and have been hereditary traditions, one of which is the earth alms tradition is a cultural ritual from the past. The community in the Cangkring Rembang Village, Karanganyar, Demak, considers that the real purpose and purpose of the earth alms tradition is a form of gratitude that created the universe namely God who has bestowed agricultural produce for the people in the Cangkring Rembang Village. Therefore, the people of Cangring Village in Rembang always carry out the tradition of alms in the earth, which is in the middle of the moon or dzulqo’dah. In this study included field research in the Cangkring Rembang Village, Karanganyar, Demak. While information is collected by interviews. The data that has been obtained is analyzed using data analysis techniques with descriptive, deductive, and inductive methods. Likewise, almsgiving is a convention of Javanese tradition with Islam. Given the earth alms tradition is a ritual passed down from ancestors to later generations, even though the earth alms tradition does not directly mention it in the Holy Qur'an and the Prophet's Hadith, but it is reviewed from the Islamic law in perspective fiqh, it is still permissible but does not contradict existing Islamic laws, and does not associate partners with Allah SWT.

Burhan . ◽  
Asmiraty .

This study aims to analyze the implementation of tahlilan,  society perspective towards this tradition, and the factors of the tahlilan existence on Ternate community. The study was designed in the form of qualitative descriptive research by applying field research, teological normative, and socio-cultural approaches.  The data were collected through interview and documentation. The result showed that tahlilan for Ternatenese is nothing but the momentum where family, relatives, friends, and surrounding communities gather to recite some hayyibah sentences (hamfdalah, takbir, shalawat, tasbih), Qur’an verses, dhikr, and other prayers. Ternate society believes that tahlilan is crucial as a medium of da’wah. There are many positive benefits felt by the people of Ternate such as psychological, social, economic, and importantly religious awareness. In religion side, tahlilan is a minfestation of love for Islam and the cultivation of the monotheism concept. The development of understanding and awareness in Muslim religion also lead to a process of evaluation and change in the implementation of tahlilan. In this case, Islamic da'wah succeeds in influencing the socio-cultural life of Ternate community. The tahlilan tradition can exist til now because it is considered to still have coherence with Islamic values, customs and culture. Ternate society still hope that the tradition of tahlilan will last forever. However, there has been no inheritance or regeneration model for tahlilan implementers since the process of regenerating the rituals of tahlilan has proceeded naturally so far.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 56-63
Lutfiyatul Hasanah

Along with the development of the era from the traditional to the modern direction there are still socio-religious phenomena that are quite unique. This unique phenomenon exists in the Wonosobo Village area. The people of Wonosobo Village in the process of delivering the body to the cemetery still believe in the existence of the spray. From this it can be believed the community has a special commitment to still maintain and carry out these traditions. To uncover the above phenomenon, researchers formulate the problem as follows. (1) What is the meaning contained in the blast tradition? (2) How is the tradition of brain spray carried out? (3) What is the view of Islamic law in the blast tradition? Based on this formulation, this study aims to understand the meaning, procession, and also the view of Islamic law towards the implementation of the blast tradition. To answer the questions above, this study was designed with a field research design that discusses qualitative descriptive, by means of observation, interviews, and documentation. The results showed that in the blast tradition the basic meaning, values ​​contained and changes in its implementation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 63
Mahlil Bunaiya ◽  
Delvy Hamzah ◽  
Mawaddatul Ulfa

One of the efforts to meet the needs of the Minangkabau people that they achieve is through migration, as in the economic culture of Minangkabau immigrants from Nagari Atar Batusangkar, Padang Gantiang District, Tanah Datar Regency. About 99% of the imigrants were found in the field involved in Photo Copying businesses scattered in the city of Yogyakarta. The hope is that people's behavior in fulfilling the economy can continue to run well and in accordance with Islamic law. This study aims to explain how Urf's review of the economic culture of Minangkabau migrants in Yogyakarta using a qualitative descriptive research methodology. The results of the study conclude several things, among others: First, according to records in 2015 the number of Minangkabau residents in Yogyakarta reached 10,000 people or around 350 families, and those who run photocopy businesses are 80 families or 155 tablets. Second, the Economic Culture in the photocopy of the Minangkabu Community in Yogyakarta is referred to as 'Urf in Islamic law, because it fulfills several conditions' Urf and the law is mubah. Third, related to economic culture can furthermore be one of the studies that offers siding to the local community's economy which has basically been an economic support since the past in an effort to promote life, as well as' Urf which can then be used as a method and source of Islamic law in its development. economy because it conforms to Islamic principles.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
Siti Zulaikha

Buying and selling is one form of activity that involves the relationship between humans to meet their daily needs. The problems that occur in the order agreement in Mebel Jati Ukir Sumber Anugrah Metro Utara are the practice of applying advances in order agreements and how the views of sharia economic law apply to the cancellation of advances in order agreements. The purpose of this study is to find out how to apply advances in agreements order and know how the views of sharia economic law on the application of advances in the agreement of orders for Mebel Jati Ukir Sumber Anugrah Metro Utara. The benefit of this study is to be able to add to the scientific repertoire in the field of muam especially regarding the views of sharia economic law on the application of advances in order agreements and as input for the people who make order agreements to pay attention to Islamic economic law provisions so that no party is harmed. This study uses a type of field research research with the nature of qualitative descriptive research. Data sources used are primary data sources and secondary data sources. The data obtained were analyzed using qualitative analysis methods namely inductive methods. Based on the research it can be concluded that the application of advances in the order agreement in teak Mebel Jati Ukir Sumber Anugrah Metro Utara according to Sharia Economic Law is permissible. This is because the furniture owner has provided a period of time for the buyer to settle the remaining payment. So that if the buyer cannot pay off the remaining payment before maturity, then the advance that has been given belongs to the furniture.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 244-284
Nurhadi Nurhadi ◽  
Mawardi Dalimunthe

The purpose of this study is to find out the concept of khilafah according to Sayyid Quthub and Taqiyuddin al-Nabhani, differences and legal basis. This study is a library model, with primary data sources, the Zhilalal-Qur'anic Tafseer and Nizham Al-Hukmi Fi Al-Islam and qualitative descriptive analysis methods. The result is the thought of the concept of khilafah according to sayyid Quthub: 1). The concept of the ruler / caliph, that who becomes the ruler of the choice of the Muslims, acts in absolute freedom, but that person gets the authority because he constantly applies the law of Allah Almighty. 2). The Islamic government system, the Supra Nasional government (the unity of the entire Islamic world). 3). The pillars of his Islamic government: a). Justice of the ruler; b). People's obedience; c). Consultation between the people and the authorities. Thought of the concept of the Caliphate according to Taqiyuddin Al-Nabhani: 1). The concept of the ruler / caliph is a person who represents the Ummah in government affairs and power and in applying syara 'laws. 2). The system of government is khilafah. 3). The pillars of his Islamic government: a). Sovereignty in the hands of syara '; b). Power of the people; c). To appoint a legal Caliph fardlu for all Muslims; d). Only Khailfah has the right to carry out tabanni (adoption) against syara 'laws; e) The Caliph has the right to make constitutions and all other laws. The differences in the concept of khilafah are both: 1). According to Sayyid Quthub, if the ruler fails, then the ruler can be dismissed if the Muslims are no longer satisfied with him. This statement gives a signal that the people get rid of the rulers who no longer fulfill their functions (zhalim rulers). It is different from the opinion of Taqiyuddin al-Nabhani. An Amir al-mu'minin (Khalifah), even though he is responsible before the people and his representatives, but the people and their representatives are not entitled to dismiss him. Nor will the Caliph be dismissed, except when deviating from Shara law. The one who determined the dismissal was only the Mazhalim court. 2). The system of Islamic government according to Sayyid Quthub does not question any system of government in accordance with the system of conditions of society, but this government is characterized by respect for the supremacy of Islamic law (shari'ah). Whereas According to Taqiyuddin Al-Nabhani that the system of Islamic government is khilafah. 3). The pillars of Islamic government according to Sayyid Quthub and Taqiyyuddin al-Nabhani, points three parts a and b at the above conclusions are: 1). Sayyid Quthub: a). Justice of the ruler; b). People's obedience; c). Consultation between the people and the authorities. 2). Taqiyyuddin al-Nabhani: a). Sovereignty in the hands of syara; b). Power of the people; c). To appoint a legal Caliph fardlu for all Muslims; d). Only Khailfah has the right to do tabanni (adoption) against the laws of shara; e). The Caliph has the right to make constitutions and all other laws. The legal bases for determining the Caliphate according to both: 1). The legal basis for the establishment of the Caliphate according to Sayyid Quthub: 1). Ruler, Qur'an Surah (2) al-Baqarah verse 30; 2). Islamic Government System, Qur'an Surah (24) an-Nur verse 55; 3). Pillars of Islamic Government, Qur'an Surah (4) an-Nisa 'verse 58. 2). The legal basis for the establishment of the Caliphate according to Taqiyyuddin al-Nabhani: 1). Ruler, hadith of Muslim history from Abu Said Al khudri, Hadith no. 1853 and Muslims from Abdullah Bin Amru Bin Ash, Hadith no. 1844; 2). Islamic Government System, Al-Qur'an surah an-Nisa '(4) verse 59, an-Nisa' (4) verse 65. Muslim, saheeh Muslim, volumes, 3 pp., 1459 and 1480; 3). Islamic Pillars of Government al-Qur'an surah An-Nisa (3) verse 65, and Surah An-Nisa (3) verses': 5.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 391
Ahna Soraya

<p class="07KatakunciKeywords">This study aims to determine the perspective of Islamic eco-theology in the Reresik Sendang tradition in Wonosoco Village. How the people of Wonosoco Village carry out, interpret, and how the Reresik Sendang tradition is seen from the perspective of Islamic eco-theology. This research uses a type of field research using a qualitative descriptive approach. Data collection techniques obtained through the results of observations, interviews, and documentation. The findings from this study indicate several important points: First, the tradition of Reresik Sendang is a form of effort by the people of Wonosoco Village in preserving the natural environment based on Islamic teachings. Secondly, in the implementation of the Reresik Sendang tradition, there are still rituals which are Hindu-Buddhist teachings. The community interpreted that the Sendang Reresik tradition is a form of gratitude to God Almighty, as well as a form of respect for the ancestors. Third, viewed from the perspective of Islamic eco-theology in the Reresik Sendang tradition in Wonosoco Village, there is a meeting point in it, which sees nature as a "sign" of God.</p>

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