scholarly journals The Real Target of Kant’s “Refutation”

2019 ◽  
Vol 38 (3) ◽  
pp. 7-31
Roberto Horácio Pereira

Kant was never satisfied with the version of his “Refutation” published in 1787 (KrV, B 275-279). His dissatisfaction is already evident in the footnote added to the preface of the second edition of the Critique in 1787. As a matter of fact, Kant continued to rework his argument for at least six years after 1787. The main exegetical problem is to figure out who is the target of the “Refutation”: a non-sceptic idealist or a global sceptic of Cartesian provenance or both. In this last case, a related problem is to know whether either of them is the Cartesian sceptic of the first Meditation, the idealist sceptic of the second Meditation and first part of the third Meditation, or some other non-sceptic idealist. I present and defend a new reconstruction of Kant’s “Refu­tation” as a successful argument against Mendelssohnian idealism of Cartesian provenance. This defence is based on a simple logical sketch of the proof provided by Dicker, but essentially modified in the light of Dyck’s insight about Kant’s opponent. How shall I support my reading? First, by appealing to overwhelming textual evidence according to which the proof is of the existence of mind-independent things, showing that Kant’s main opponent is Mendelssohn’s idealism of Cartesian provenance. Finally, I support my reading by showing that Kant’s “Refutation” is doomed to fail against all forms of global scepticism, but is quite successful against Mendelssohn’s idealism.

Think India ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 22 (3) ◽  
pp. 680-686
Azad Pratap Singh

In our society, the proportion of youth is higher than any other society. They are important in this regard. But the real question is whether his views, trends and likes and dislikes are different from other generations of society in political terms. What is the reason for the tendency to see youth as a separate class. That we borrow the principles of politics from the West, where the distinction of generations is more important factor in politics than the distinction of community or class. At one time, parties like the Labor Party and the Green Party have been standing mainly on the vote of the youth for some time. The second reason is that the image of the youth is based on the English-speaking youths living somewhere in the metros. We often consider him to be a symbol of youth. While in reality they are a very small part of our youth. And the third reason is that the part of change, revolution and the politics of change that had set the hopes of the youth are still there in our political understanding. The fact is that the youth class is not very different from the elderly or any other generation in terms of participation in politics, if different then it means that its participation is less than the other class because it is more concerned about education and employment. There is no fundamental difference between the vote of the youth and other generations in terms of voting or political choice. If there is a difference, then only in the sense that the parties who have come in the last 25-30 years have heard more about the youth, hence their choice is more. Older parties usually get little support from the youth. However, it is not related to its youth, because the information about that party is limited to certain people.

Walter Ott

Despite its difference in aspiration, the Meditations preserves the basic structure of perceptual experience outlined in Descartes’s earliest works. The chapter explores Descartes’s notion of an idea and uses a developmental reading to clear up the mystery surrounding material falsity. In the third Meditation, our protagonist does not yet know enough about extension in order to be able to tell whether her idea of cold is an idea of a real feature of bodies or merely the idea of a sensation. By the time she reaches the end of her reflections, she has learned that sensible qualities are at most sensations. As in his earliest stages, Descartes believes that the real work of perceiving the geometrical qualities of bodies is done by the brain image, which he persists in calling an ‘idea,’ at least when it is the object of mental awareness.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 71-88
Robert Kolb

Abstract Groups of pastors in Siebenbürgen issued three confessions of faith between 1557 and 1572 – the Consensus Doctrinae (1557), the Brevis Confessio (1561), and the Formula pii consensus (1572) – in which they defended their view of the Lord’s Supper in line with Wittenberg teaching against medieval teaching and against challenges from Swiss Reformed theologians. These documents reflect both conditions in Siebenbürgen and the streams of thinking in the wider environment of Luther’s and Melanchthon’s followers. The Brevis Confessio was published with memoranda from four German universities and letters from several theologians supporting its formulations. The first two documents largely tend toward Luther’s expression of the doctrine of the real presence, while the third uses language employed by both Wittenberg teachers, avoiding controversial expressions. This last confession strives toward consensus among the followers of the Wittenberg preceptors.

Numen ◽  
1992 ◽  
Vol 39 (2) ◽  
pp. 175-192 ◽  
Arvind Sharma

AbstractThe paper is conceptually divided into four parts. In the first part the widely held view that ancient Hinduism was not a missionary religion is presented. (The term ancient is employed to characterize the period in the history of Hinduism extending from fifth century B.C.E. to the tenth century. The term 'missionary religion' is used to designate a religion which places its followers under an obligation to missionize.) In the second part the conception of conversion in the context of ancient Hinduism is clarified and it is explained how this conception differs from the notion of conversion as found in Christianity. In the third part the view that ancient Hinduism was not a missionary religion is challenged by presenting textual evidence that ancient Hinduism was in fact a missionary religion, inasmuch as it placed a well-defined segment of its members under an obligation to undertake missionary activity. Such historical material as serves to confirm the textual evidence is then presented in the fourth part.

Ad Van Vugt

Real consciousness needs time and adequate space to develop and help us to stop automatic unconscious reactions in order to create awareness and presence. Feelings, thoughts and behaviour usually come from conditioned assumptions. In supervision our goal is to look “behind” those automatic assumptions, using techniques that help to connect to the real need, in order to find positive alternatives to automatic reactive patterns. When 60 to 80% from our behaviour is ruled by non-verbal information talking it is not enough. Art-therapy techniques will mirror not only conscious but also unconscious information. Our expression opens doors to an understanding of what is the reality behind our usual assumptions. The “Third Position” is a technique that I developed in which we create a space to give form to the situation we want to work with.

2006 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 173-199
Edgar Tello Garcia

The aim of this paper is to study the second person pronoun in the poetry of Randall Jarrell and Gabriel Ferrater. The main thesis goes against the commonplace that holds that the second person pronoun is a mere trace dependent on the poetic I. As we shall demonstrate, the You is absent or evanescent, and its relation to I cannot be reciprocal but shifting. Since both poets were conspicuous literary critics this article first draws up an outline of the possible theoretical implications for selecting that voice. The commentary on their poems is divided into four sections taking up Genette’s concept of palimpsest. Based on a comparison of Ferrater’s “La cara” and Jarrell’s “The Face,” second person clues lead us to comment on the different reading conventions they could have considered before writing a poem. The third section analyzes the second person anchorage, conceived less as an imprisoning structure than as an impossibility of naming (reading) the You properly. Studies of “Well water” and “Si puc” show how naming things that are open to the senses is the only way we can indirectly glimpse, reconstruct or interpret the original relation between first and second person pronouns —a relation we cannot help thinking of as the real— rather than phantasmal —overlapping realism.

The Real ◽  

LABURPENA: Garrantzitsua da modu onek gida dezatela gure erakundeen funtzionamendua, alde batetik jarduera ilunak eta, bestetik, tratu bereiziak saihestuz. Iruzkingilearen iritziz, bi betekizun horiek ez dira behar bezala errespetatu ez Auzitegiko epaiketan amaitu zuen benetako historian, ez historia horretaz arduratu zen epaiketaren epaian. Kritikagarriak dira bai jokaera batzuk (Botere Judizialaren Kontseilu Nagusiaren barruan gertatutakoak), bai arrazoiketa ugaritan edukitako antzeko jarrera (3. salarena). Hori guzti hori, Kontseiluko Batzorde Iraunkorra berritzeko akordioaren harira eta Administrazioarekiko Auzien Salaren aurrean inpugnatu ostean. RESUMEN: Importa que las buenas maneras presidan el funcionamiento de nuestras instituciones evitando —por un lado— las oscuras actuaciones y los desiguales tratos —por el otro—. En opinión del comentarista, ambos requisitos no han sido convenientemente respetados ni en la historia real que desembocó en el juicio ante el Tribunal ni en la sentencia de éste que se ocupó de aquélla. Criticables algunos comportamientos (en el seno del CGPJ) y actitud nada equidistante (de la Sala 3ª) en no pocos de sus razonamientos. Todo ello con ocasión del Acuerdo para renovar la Comisión Permanente del Consejo y de su posterior impugnación ante la Sala de lo Contencioso-Administrativo. ABSTRACT: Good manners matter when presiding over the functioning of our institutions by avoiding —on one side— shady dealings and unequal treatments —on the other—. In the opinion of the commentator, both requirements have not been duly respected nor in the real story that led in the trial before the Court nor in the ruling by this latter when dealing with the former. Objectionable as they were some behaviors (within the General Council of the Judiciary) and with a non equidistant attitude (by the Third chamber) in many of its reasonings. All of it at the time of the Agreement to renew the Permanent committee of the Council and its posterior challenge before the Contentious-Administrative chamber.

Mansu KIM

This paper focused on the structure of the growth stories, especially in surveying Gangbaek Lee’s (이강백) drama “Like Looking at the Flower in the Mid-winter (동지섣달 꽃 본 듯이)”. It is structured by ‘rule of the three’. In this text, three sons go to seek their mother, they experience the tests three times. Third son wins the game because he succeeds to find his true and alternative mother. It is similar to the story of English fairy tale “Three Little Pigs”.  In Freudian terms, the characters of the both texts are superego, ego and id. The core of the growth story is that third son (id) wins the first son (superego) and the second son (ego) by using his own energy (meaningful labor). In Levi Strauss’ terms, the contrast between the third and the others can be schemed the contrast between culture and nature. Lee’s drama presents the third son as the real hero who overcomes two elder brothers. The first is so conservative (oversleep), the second is so selfish (overeat). Two brothers were too political or too ideal to become a true, humanistic and warm-minded adult. In his view, ‘drama’ related to the third son is the most humanistic and warm-minded action in the world. These both stories are based on the plot ‘rags to riches’ which contains the success of the poor and powerless. In other words, the poor and weak child can grow to the true hero, and reach the final destination, according to the Gustav Jung’s expression, ‘the Self as a Whole’.

Fabio Pagnacco ◽  
Luca Furlani ◽  
Alessandro Armellini ◽  
Luca Casarsa ◽  
Anthony Davis

The present contribution is focused on heat transfer measurements on internal cooling channels of a high pressure gas turbine blade in static and rotating conditions. A novel rig designed for the specific purpose was used to assess the heat transfer coefficients on a full internal cooling scheme of an idealized blade. The channel has a multi-pass design. Coolant enters at the blade hub in the leading edge region and move radially outwards inside a two-sided ribbed channel. The second passage is again a two-sided ribbed channel with a trapezoidal cross section of high aspect ratio, while inside the third leg low aspect-ratio cylindrical pin fins are arranged in a staggered configuration to promote flow turbulence. Inside the third passage, the coolant is progressively discharged at the blade trailing edge and finally at the blade tip. The test model differs with respect to the real design only because there is no curvature due to the blade camber. Conversely, the correct stagger angle of the real blade with respect to the rotation axis is preserved. Experiments were performed for static and rotating conditions with engine similar conditions of Re=21000 and Ro=0.074, both defined at the channel inlet. Transient liquid crystal technique was used for the measurement of the heat transfer coefficient (HTC) on both pressure and suction sides internal surfaces of the channel. From the spatially resolved HTC maps available, it is possible to characterize the thermal performances of the whole passage and to highlight the effect of rotation.

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