scholarly journals Netiqueta Institucional | Institutional Netiquette

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (8) ◽  
pp. 227
Diana Rubio Calero

A la hora de hablar de comunicación institucional, se entremezclan varios conceptos, donde debido a las nuevas maneras de comunicar, se encuentran las redes sociales. Según su utilización por parte de una institución, el mensaje que trasmitirá a los ciudadanos tendrá un enfoque u otro, pero, ¿Se tiene en cuenta la manera de escribir en estas herramientas? ¿Es importante tener una estrategia de comunicación online? ¿Las instituciones saben como comunicar en redes sociales? ¿Las cuentas de los máximos representantes también influyen en la imagen de la organización a la que representan? Con esta comunicación se pretenden abrir nuevas líneas de debate acerca de la importancia que la netiqueta tiene a la hora de fomentar unas positivas relaciones institucionales con los ciudadanos y otras organizaciones por parte de las instituciones públicas._____________________Regarding institutional communication, several concepts are intermingled, where new ways of communicating are included, like the social networks. According to its use by an institution, the message it will transmit to citizens will have one approach or another, but, Do they consider the way they write in these tools? Is it important to have an online communication strategy? Do institutions know how to communicate on social networks? Do the accounts of the chiefs  also influence the image of the organization they represent? This paper is intended to open new lines of debate about the importance that netiquette has when promoting positive institutional relations with citizens and other organizations by public institutions.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (10) ◽  
pp. 45
Andrea Castro Martínez

En la última década a nivel internacional la diplomacia se ha adaptado al nuevo contexto tecnológico en el que se enmarcan muchas de las relaciones entre los diferentes actores políticos, sociales y económicos. Los canales online han fortalecido su presencia dentro de las estrategias de comunicación institucional en aras de promover una mejor proyección de su imagen pública y de su reputación digital. De este modo, son muchos los países que han adoptado diferentes medidas para potenciar su diplomacia digital.En el caso de España, las redes sociales se han establecido como uno de los ejes de la ciberdiplomacia con el propósito de atender a los españoles en el extranjero, acercar a los ciudadanos la actividad diplomática y aumentar el conocimiento que en el exterior se tiene del país y de su cultura.El modo en que se configura la presencia española en los medios sociales a través de los perfiles de sus representaciones en el exterior centra la atención de este estudio, que tiene como objetivo conocer la estructura de la diplomacia digital española en redes sociales, así como el uso que se hace de las mismas por parte de los distintos actores digitales._______________________In the last decade, internationally speaking, the diplomacy has adapted itself to the new technological context in which many of the relations among the different political, social and economical agents are framed. Online channels have strengthened their presence into the strategies of institutional communication in order to promote a better projection of their public image and digital reputation. So, many are the countries which have adopted different measures in order to potentiate their digital diplomacy.In Spain, social networks have established themselves as one of the axes of the cyberdiplomacy with the aim of assisting Spanish people abroad, of approaching the diplomatical activity to the citizens and of increasing the knowledge of the country and its culture outside its frontiers.The way in which the Spanish presence is configured in the social medias through the profilesof its representations abroad is the target of this study, which aims at knowing the structure of the Spanish digital diplomacy and also the use of these ones which is done by different digital agents.      

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 ◽  
pp. 119-135
Mihaela Rus ◽  
Tănase Tasențe ◽  
Valentina Cămară

With the development of social networks and their becoming as the main means of informing citizens about the activities of local, central and European public administration, more and more institutions have synchronized their institutional communication strategy with the functioning mechanisms and characteristics of Social Media. At the same time, in the age of social networks, concepts for authority and control of the public message have been reconfigured, and most public institutions have understood that in Social Media (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Youtube, etc.), institutions do not have control over the message, but the essential role in the dissemination and control of the message is played by the online public.

Вероника Викторовна Катермина ◽  
Анна Александровна Гнедаш ◽  
Мария Витальевна Николаева

В статье приводятся результаты комплексного анализа лингвистических паттернов коммуникации топовых российских журналистов в официальных аккаунтах социальных платформ ВКонтакте, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter. Целью данной статьи является изучение лингвистических паттернов, продуцируемых топовыми журналистами в своих онлайн-аккаунтах, способных задавать векторы восприятия политического контента, создаваемого главными лидерами государств, и приводящих к трансформации дискурсивных полей как в онлайн-, так и в офлайн-пространстве. Среднестатистический россиянин тратит почти половину дня на онлайн-взаимодействие, почти 50 % этого времени приходится на популярные социальные медиа, в том числе интернет-серфинг в среде официальных аккаунтов топовых журналистов. Потребление данных паттернов рядовыми пользователями / читателями, находящимися под «силовым» влиянием дискурсивного поля, становится определяющим фактором в процессе выработки и принятия индивидуальных / коллективных решений, реализация которых формирует то или иное социальное действие как в онлайн-, так и в офлайн-пространстве. Согласно данным мониторинга социальных медиа и СМИ компанией «Медиалогия», нами были выбраны аккаунты Алексея Венедиктова, Владимира Соловьева, Владимира Познера, Маргариты Симоньян и Ксении Собчак в ВКонтакте, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter. Эмпирической базой (дата-сеты) стали все посты, комментарии и ветки дискуссий, отражающие реакцию данных журналистов и общественности на Послание Президента РФ В. В. Путина Федеральному Собранию РФ от 15 января 2020 г. Дата-сеты были получены машинным методом сплошной выборки и подвергнуты комплексному анализу, включившему сетевой, лингводискурсивный, фолксономический анализ. В результате проведенного исследования были сделаны выводы о том, какими лингводискурсивными особенностями характеризуются посты топовых журналистов в популярных социальных сетях; как характеризуются лингвистические паттерны, продуцируемые топовыми журналистами в онлайн-пространстве; как различается контент, создаваемый журналистами в разных социальных сетях; каковы особенности этих различий в зависимости от специфики самих социальных платформ; как влияет политический контекст на лингвистические паттерны, продуцируемые топовыми журналистами в онлайн-пространстве. The article presents the results of a comprehensive analysis of the linguistic communication patterns of top Russian journalists in the official accounts of the social platforms VKontakte, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter. The purpose of this article is to study the linguistic patterns which are produced by the top journalists in their online accounts and which can set vectors of interpretation of political content created by state leaders and cause the transformation of discourse fields both in online and offline spaces. The average Russian spends almost half a day on online interaction, almost 50% of this time is spent on popular social media, including surfing the top journalists’ official accounts. The linguistic patterns produced by journalists in their online accounts are capable of transforming discursive fields both online and offline. The consumption of these patterns by ordinary users / readers who are under the influence of the discourse field becomes a determining factor in the process of making individual / collective decisions, the implementation of which forms a particular social action both in online and offline spaces. According to “Mediologia” monitoring data of social and mass media, the authors selected the accounts of Aleksey Venediktov, Vladimir Solovyev, Vladimir Pozner, Margarita Simonyan, and Ksenia Sobchak in VKontakte, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter. The data sets of the study are all the posts, comments, and threads of discussions that reflect the reaction of the above-mentioned journalists and the public to the Presidential Address to the Federal Assembly on 15 January 2020. The data sets were gained through a continuous sampling method and underwent a comprehensive analysis including network, linguo-discursive, folksonomic analyses. As a result of the study, the authors have drawn the conclusions on what linguistic and discursive features characterize the posts of the top journalists in popular social networks; the way the linguistic patterns produced by the top journalists in online space are characterized; the way the content created by the journalists in various social networks differs; what is the specificity of these differences depending on the specificity of the social platforms themselves; the way a political context affects the linguistic patterns produced by the top journalists in online space.

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (6) ◽  
pp. 347-381
Michele Goulart Massuchin ◽  
Regilson Furtado Borges

Este artigo apresenta uma análise sobre como o jornal O Estado do Maranhão (MA) se apropria da sua página no Facebook como espaço para difundir conteúdo jornalístico. A abordagem metodológica é quantitativa e qualitativa a partir da análise do conteúdo de 608 posts extraídos da fanpage do jornal e de entrevista com a responsável pela versão digital do veículo. A pesquisa tem por objetivo analisar as características dos conteúdos distribuídos pela rede social, especialmente observando o espaço destinado para temas políticos e eleitorais. A análise trabalha com as seguintes características: temas, tema eleitoral, abrangência, valência e interação. Como resultado principal ressalta-se que O Estado do Maranhão concedeu espaço considerável para o tema político-eleitoral, com baixa presença de entretenimento.   PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Jornalismo; redes sociais; eleições.   ABSTRACT This article presents an analysis of how the newspaper O Estado de Maranhão (MA) appropriates the Facebook page as a space for disseminating journalistic content. The methodological approach is quantitative and qualitative from the content analysis of 608 posts extracted from the fanpage of the newspaper and interview with the responsible for digital part of the vehicle. The research aims to analyze the characteristics of the contents distributed by the social network, especially observing the space destined for electoral subjects. The analysis discuses these characteristics: themes, electoral theme, scope and engagement. As a main result, O Estado do Maranhão granted considerable space for the political-electoral theme.   KEYWORDS: journalism; social networks; elections.     RESUMEN Este artículo presenta un análisis sobre cómo el diario El Estado de Maranhão (MA) se apropia de su página en Facebook como espacio para difundir contenido periodístico. El enfoque metodológico es cuantitativo y cualitativo a partir del análisis del contenido de 608 posts extraídos de la fanpage del periódico y de entrevista con la responsable de la parte digital del vehículo. La investigación tiene por objetivo analizar las características de los contenidos distribuidos por la red social, especialmente observando el espacio destinado a temas electorales. El análisis trabaja con las siguientes características: temas, tema electoral, alcance y la relación com os lectores. Como resultado principal se resalta que el Estado de Maranhão concedió espacio considerable para el tema político-electoral.   PALABRAS CLAVE: periodismo, redes sociales, elecciones.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 153-172
Preetish Ranjan ◽  
Abhishek Vaish

A free and easily accessible platform for sharing information over social media has its negatives. It is being misused to intimidate others by exploiting the trust factor inherent within it. This paper is on the persistent pursuit of offering an exquisite solution to address this possible misuse of social media also called STAs and their subsequent impacts on society. These attacks are very sensitive to society and often organized groups with a high skill set are involved to disguise the security agencies. In this work, a model has been proposed to approximate socio-technical attack subject to the structural virality of information in the social network. The work is unique in the sense that previous works are mostly based on statistical values of the network but the proposed work considers the latent structure of the network which is not being reflected from their statistical values. This also paves the way for future researchers to implant other hidden features of nodes and messages circulating within the network which could be helpful for the detection and mitigation of STAs.

Antonio Domínguez Serrano ◽  
Isabel Gutiérrez Porlán

Los museos en la actualidad tienen la capacidad de potenciar su poder de comunicación y de promoción, gracias a la proliferación de las redes sociales y de las tecnologías móviles en las que nos vemos inmersos en el siglo XXI, estableciendo, de esta manera, una interacción constante con los usuarios. No obstante, todos los museos de la Región de Murcia no han sido capaces de asumir el reto de esta revolución tecnológica. Este artículo comporta una revisión de la manera en que estos centros museísticos están aprovechando las plataformas sociales, elaborando un análisis descriptivo de una muestra de 101 museos repartidos en la Región de Murcia y el límite temporal que se ha elegido para el desarrollo de este trabajo está fijado entre el 1 de enero y el 30 de abril de 2017 en las plataformas Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Flickr, YouTube y Google+. Los resultados se caracterizan por la presencia de buenos ejemplos de éxito junto con un gran número de museos que se encuentran al principio de un uso consciente y exitoso de las redes sociales, así como casos de una ausencia de otros museos en la red. Este artículo se constituye, por lo tanto, como un ensayo que prepare posibles vías de análisis futuras, como sondeo del comportamiento de los museos de la Región de Murcia en las redes sociales, y con el objetivo de elaborar una propuesta de mejora de la calidad de la difusión de los contenidos y de promoción a través de estas herramientas, de ahí que se haya considerado fundamental el establecimiento de un análisis descriptivo y cuantitativo, cuyos resultados proporcionen datos fiables para estudios posteriores. Museums nowadays have the capacity to enhance their communication and promotion power, thanks to the proliferation of social networks and mobile technologies in which we are immersed in the 21st century, establishing, in this way, an interaction Constant with users. Nevertheless, all the museums of the Region of Murcia have not been able to take on the challenge of this technological revolution. This article involves a review of the way in which these museums are taking advantage of the social platforms, elaborating an empirical and comparative analysis of a sample of 101 museums spread in the Region of Murcia and the temporal limit that has been chosen for the development of this Work is set between January 1 and April 30, 2017 on the platforms Facebook, T witter, Instagram, Pinterest, Flickr, YouTube and Google+. The results are characterized by the presence of good examples of success together with a large number of museums that are at the beginning of a conscious and successful use of social networks, as well as cases of a total absence of certain other museums in the network. This article, therefore, constitutes an essay that prepares possible ways of future analysis, such as a survey of the behavior of the museums of the Region of Murcia in social networks, and with the objective of elaborating a proposal for quality improvement The dissemination of content and promotion through these tools, which is why it has been considered essential to establish a descriptive and quantitative analysis, the results of which provide reliable data for further studies.

Comunicar ◽  
2012 ◽  
Vol 19 (38) ◽  
pp. 131-138 ◽  
Marisol Gómez-Aguilar ◽  
Sergio Roses-Campos ◽  
Pedro Farias-Batlle

This paper examines the academic use made of the social networks by university students through a survey conducted among a representative sample of students at Universidad de Málaga (Spain) (n=938) and two discussion groups. Given that network consumption has profoundly penetrated the daily routines of the students, the vast communication possibilities of these channels could be considered for educational use in the future despite a predominance of entertainment-related use. We discuss the most suitable networks for academic use, which type of activities may be most widely accepted among the students and which social networking tools could be most useful for academic purposes. The results indicate that consumption of social networks in the student population surveyed is very high. In addition, the students show a favourable attitude to lecturers using social networks as an academic resource. However, the frequency of use of such networks for academic activities was rather low and, on average, the most frequently used academic activities are those initiated by the students themselves, such as answering queries among peers or doing coursework. The perceived low academic support on social networks may mean that lecturers take only limited advantage of their potential. El uso académico que hacen los universitarios de las redes sociales es el estudio que se presenta a partir de una encuesta administrada a una muestra representativa de estudiantes de la Universidad de Málaga (n=938) y dos grupos de discusión. Dado que el consumo de redes se ha implantado profundamente en las rutinas diarias de los estudiantes, las vastas posibilidades comunicativas de estos canales podrían considerarse para sacar provecho educativo en el futuro, a pesar del predominio del uso dirigido al entretenimiento. Se discuten cuáles son las redes más adecuadas para su uso académico, qué tipo de actividades pueden tener mejor acogida entre los estudiantes y qué herramientas de las redes sociales podrían ser más útiles para propósitos académicos. Los resultados indican que el consumo de redes sociales de la población estudiada es muy alto. Así mismo, los estudiantes presentan una actitud favorable a que los docentes utilicen las redes como recurso educativo. Sin embargo, la frecuencia con la que los estudiantes dan un uso académico a las redes es más bien escasa y, en promedio, las actividades académicas con frecuencia de uso más elevada son aquellas que parten de la iniciativa de los propios estudiantes, como la solución de dudas inter pares o la realización de trabajos de clase. Del escaso apoyo académico percibido en las redes por los estudiantes, se deduce un limitado aprovechamiento por parte de los docentes.

Pedro A. Pereira Correia ◽  
Irene García Medina ◽  
Zahaira Fabiola González Romo ◽  
Ruth S. Contreras-Espinosa

Purpose – This paper aims to understand the contribution made by Facebook as a marketing tool for companies, and through empirical observation (interviews and questionnaires) and theoretical analysis (studies and academic literature on the subject), to analyse the reactions of individuals in social media (particularly in Facebook) and its confluence with the organizations. The overall aim is subdivided into three objectives covering more precisely the two poles of marketing communication (the consumers and the businesses), within the context of Facebook: to learn about the users’ vision on Facebook and their point of view on being a part of it; to understand the strategic vision of Facebook from those responsible for marketing and communication in companies; and to analyse the role of Facebook in marketing activities and interactive communication (users and companies). Design/methodology/approach – The first part of this study is a theoretical study of the area and existing published research. The second part is a qualitative study. In this sense, the theoretical analysis in the field of social networks supports the propositions discussed in the empirical analysis, which is based on a random sample of individuals and representative companies. The analysed universe consists of a randomly unrepresentative group of consumers living in Portugal, particularly in the cities of Funchal (Madeira) and Lisbon, and company representatives established in Funchal (Madeira), to understand if the theoretical arguments are also verified in these regions regardless of their particular characteristics, especially the geographical and demographic. Findings – Today the focus continues to be very connected to sales and promotions and to traditional communication channels when it should move to create interactions with meaning for the audience through content before focusing on sales. Organizations should consider the way they communicate with their target audience and consider social networks and mobile technologies as a new way of expanding the business, adapting to this new consumer not contemplated by the traditional marketing and communication media. Research limitations/implications – Furthermore, the existing literature quickly becomes obsolete without addressing the issue in depth, sometimes referring qualitative studies based on demographic and geographic variables and traditional models. Moreover, most of the authors are Anglo-Saxon and discuss realities away from the one studied here. Geographical location and time are also other important limitations, as in Portugal, the phenomenon is recent and both individual users and company representatives (who constituted the study sample) have little practical experience in the use of online technologies and social networks; probably the main setback is the limited period of the study, concentrating the analyses on the current interviewee experience instead of an evolutionary people's behaviour analyses concerning the use of social networks. Although the evolution of information technology is a catalyst for a more intense online social experience, it is important to understand how to live the virtual experience and how the communication between individuals and companies evolves (how to adapt to this new consumer audience), face the current short-term models based on offline actions, reactive strategic actions, misperception of users and lack of information on social network consumers’ life. Practical implications – Organizations should consider the way they communicate with their target audience and consider social networks and mobile technologies as a new way of expanding the business, adapting to this new consumer not contemplated by the traditional marketing and communication media. The study presents a qualitative analysis of the behaviour, the reactions and the attitudes of individuals towards organizations, with the aim of understanding which are the social factors that contribute to sustainable competitive advantage to organizations and support strategies and future actions. Social implications – The social aspects are a part of the experience in the Facebook community and also of the shopping experience. So it is important to monitor these behaviours in Facebook or other networks to perceive users of social networks, and consequently define marketing and communications actions to transform fans into customers. Relevant factors come associated with tacit knowledge of the organization, particularly those related with learning and social interaction of the organization and organization knowledge about virtual communities. To a higher coexistence of these factors, the more difficult the replication is, and the higher the strengthening of the hypothesis of sustainability of competitive advantage. Originality/value – Organizational survival increasingly depends on the socialization, sharing interests and activities with the audience linked to the incorporation of digital technologies in their activities, especially those related to social networks. Technology emerges as a support for the satisfaction of social connection, transforming communication between people and companies, making it much more dynamic and transparent. As we have seen, there are many positive factors associated with the participation in the social networks. Prominent among these are the interactivity, the detection of customer needs, the adjustment of supply, transmission of content without geographical boundaries and the ease of implementation of viral marketing campaigns.

2014 ◽  
pp. 287
Juan Soto Ramirez

Categoría: Comunicado Fecha de recepción: 28 de mayo de 2012 Fecha de aprobación: 28 de junio de 2012 Resumen El tema de la exclusión ha sido demasiado discutido en disciplinas como la sociología y la antropología social. Incluso en la psicología social la temática ha nutrido bastantes investigaciones. Como tópico ha dado lugar a innumerables reflexiones de grandes pensadores e intelectuales. Frente a las diversas facetas que ha adquirido la exclusión en el mundo contemporáneo, paulatinamente se han gestado diversos modos de inclusión más allá de la oposición material y simbólica que son dignos de ser analizados y discutidos. En este texto se discuten sólo tres: el mundo de las imitaciones, la conexión multifrénica y el entretenimiento de bajo nivel. Con el afán de apropiarse de una subjetividad que les ha sido negada, los ‘desafiliados’ de diversos sistemas simbólicos han optado por generar estrategias de inclusión en el ámbito de la vida cotidiana y son dignas no sólo de ser analizadas sino de ser discutidas. A lo largo de todo el texto se llama la atención sobre los heurísticos que apuntalan las formas contemporáneas del consumo. Palabras clave: Exclusión, Estrategias, Consumo, Entretenimiento, subjetividad, redes sociales Abstract The issue of exclusion has been overly discussed in disciplines such as sociology and social anthropology. Even in the social psychology, it has drawn considerable research interest. As a topic has led to countless thoughts of great thinkers and intellectuals. Given the different facets that exclusion has acquired the exclusion in the contemporary world, various modes have been increasingly developed beyond the material and symbolic opposition, which are worthy of being analyzed and discussed. In this paper, we discuss only three: the world of imitations, the ‘multifrenica’ connection and low level entertainment. In an attempt to seize a subjectivity that has been denied, the ‘unaffiliated’ from various symbol systems have chosen to generate strategies for inclusion in the scope of everyday life and are worthy not only be analyzed but to be discussed. Throughout all texts, it is emphasized the heuristics that underpin contemporary forms of consumption. Keywords: Exclusion, Strategies, Consumption, Entertainment, subjectivity, Social Networks * Profesor Titular C de Tiempo Completo de la Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (UAM), Unidad Iztapalapa, México, D.F. Licenciado en Psicología Social por la Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (UAM), Unidad Iztapalapa. Maestro en Psicología Social por la Facultad de Psicología de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM). Doctor en Antropología Social por la Escuela Nacional de Antropología e Historia (ENAH), [email protected]

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 12
Miguel Martín Cárdaba ◽  
Rafael Carrasco Polaino ◽  
Ubaldo Cuesta Cambra

The popularization of Internet and the rise of social networks have offered an unbeatable opportunity for anti-vaccines, especially active communicators, to spread their message more effectively causing a significant impact on public opinion. A great amount of research has been carried out to understand the behavior that anti-vaccine communities show on social networks. However, it seems equally relevant to study the behavior that communities and communicators “pro vaccines” perform in these networks. Therefore, the objective of this research has been to study how members of the Spanish Association of Health Journalist (ANIS) communicate and use the social network Twitter. More specifically, the different interactions made by ANIS partners were analyzed through the so-called “centrality measures of social network analysis” (SNA), to check the configuration of the user network and detect those most relevant by their indexes of centrality, intermediation or mentions received. The research monitored 142 twitter accounts for one year analyzing 254 twits and their 2.671 interactions. The research concluded that the network of ANIS partners on Twitter regarding vaccines has little cohesion and has several components not connected to each other, in addition to the fact that there are users outside the association that show greater relevance than the partners themselves. We also concluded that there are an important lack of planning and direction in the communication strategy of ANIS on Twitter, which limits the dissemination of important content.

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