scholarly journals Hertiginnan, hovet och staden i det gustavianska Stockholm

2013 ◽  
Vol 10 ◽  
pp. 103 ◽  
My Hellsing

<p>The Duchess, the Court, and the City in Gustavian Stockholm</p><p><br />This article analyses the everyday urban sociability and the staging of politics of the Swedish duchess Hedwig Elizabeth Charlotte in the years around 1790. The cultural and social life of the Gustavian court has been the focus of much scholarly attention. However, the main aim of these studies has been to examine court life as a reflection of Gustavus III&rsquo;s personality and political ambitions. This article, however, integrates Gustavian court sociability in a broader European pattern by focusing on the monarch&rsquo;s sister-in-law. It aims to give a detailed account of social practice through a vast selection of the Duchess&rsquo;s personal remains: her political journal and letters, informal notes to friends, and household accounts showing the sums she spent on charity. It also takes into account royal theatre box subscription lists as a way to identify the composition of the theatre audience. The claim of this article is that the Swedish royal family maintained their authority through their daily urban presence, such as their walks in the public gardens and main streets of Stockholm, their attendance at weekly balls at the Stock Exchange (B&ouml;rshuset), or their visits to the royal theatres. Through a carefully ritualized sociability, the court preserved their social exclusivity in their urban encounters.</p>

1882 ◽  
Vol 14 (12) ◽  
pp. 228-228
H. H. Lyman

Last June I was in Boston, from the 14th to the 30th, and during this time Alypia octomaculata was in season and very abundant. Had I chosen to carry a net in the public gardens and uptown streets, I suppose I could have taken a couple of hundred specimens, always provided that I wasn't “run in” as a lunatic. As it was, I contented myself with carrying a supply of pill boxes, and succeeded in taking about thirty-five specimens. During two days I was visiting a friend about seven miles from the city, but did not see a single specimen of this species; but in those streets in which there were small plots of grass in front of the houses, they were very common. The spot where I took the most of those I captured was a plot of grass about ten feet by seven, in which there was a Syringa between two Deutzias, both species of shrubs being in blossom.

2017 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
pp. 01-10
Armendra Amar

The 1984 Bhopal Gas Leak tragedy has been classified as one of the World’s major Industrial accidents of the 20th century, recorded post 1919, by a United Nations Report. This tragedy killed thousands of people and maimed thousands. Union Carbide subsidiary pesticide plant released approximately 40 tonnes of Methyl Isocyanate (MIC) gas which went on to touch the lives of more than 500,000 people of the city. In a way, even after it immediately killed and maimed in thousands, it is still a continued disaster as the generations exposed to the toxic gases have been consistently showing up signs of physical and mental deformity. This gruesome event’s impacts on society are beyond time and space. The crucial question that renders is that how media dealt with the situation and to what extent it affects the everyday life of masses. This study came into initiation when the researcher visited the Methyl Ico-Cynate gas-affected area of Bhopal. During the pilot study, the researcher saw that people of the affected place were living in inadequate conditions. Thus, a concern piqued the interest of the researcher, and evoked an indispensible question: Is media fulfilling its responsibility as the fourth pillar of society in times of chaos and devastation, towards the public? For examining his queries researcher has taken renowned print media outlet’s articles of Bhopal gas tragedy as the content of the analysis. Hence on the basis of Hindi print media content of Bhopal gas disaster the researcher has taken the initiative to search appropriate answers to questions which examine the role of media after the tragic occurrence has taken place in society.

2021 ◽  
pp. 174-184
Andrey V. Melnikov ◽  

The article is devoted to the source features of a unique documentary complex – the correspondence of two major Russian historians S.F. Platonov (1860–1933) and M.M. Bogoslovsky (1867–1929). The epistolary dialogue of scientists is of considerable interest not only in terms of studying their life and work. The confidential correspondence reflects significant events in the scientific and social life of Russia, Moscow, Petersburg-Petrograd-Leningrad. Correspondence is a valuable historical and historiographic source not only for understanding the development of historical science in Russia, the formation of Moscow and St. Petersburg historical schools, but also for studying the public consciousness of the Russian humanitarian intelligentsia at the end of the 19th — first third of the 20th centuries, in-depth knowledge of the culture of a turning point in the history of Russia. The letters contain valuable information about the everyday life and life of the professors, the organization of scientific life at the Academy of Sciences, the Archaeographic commission, at Moscow university and the Moscow theological academy, at the Moscow higher courses for women, at the Institute of history of the RANION, the Historical Museum, other higher educational institutions and scientific societies two capitals, they reflect the international ties of domestic historical science with scientists from Great Britain, Germany, France, USA, Czech Republic.

Derek French

This chapter discusses some of the procedures to be followed when transferring some or all of a company member’s shares to another person, for sales on and off the London Stock Exchange, transfers of all or a part of a member’s holding and transfers of certificated and uncertificated shares. After describing share certificates and uncertificated shares, the chapter considers the problem of who should bear the loss when a transfer of shares is forged or fraudulent. It also explores transmission of shares on death or bankruptcy. Transferring shares may result in a change of control of a company. The chapter considers takeovers, the City Code and compulsory acquisition of remaining shares. There is full discussion of the provisions for disclosure of significant holdings both to warn of potential takeover moves and to disclose in the public interest who has significant control of a company.

Sára Czina ◽  

At the turn of the 20th century, Budapest was famous for its Coffeehouse Culture. One of the most popular Café was the New-York Coffeehouse; today, it is remembered for its literary life. After 20 years of operation, in 1913, new people bought the tenant’s rights and established the first Coffeehouse joint-stock company in Hungary, called New-York coffeehouse Company Limited. This paper aims to analyze the operation of the Company in relation to the stock transfers, analysis of its profitability, and the changes in the transformations in the shares. The main goal was to figure out how the profitability and the stock transfers were connected to the contemporary social and economic circumstances. The years of the World Wars, Revolutions, the Great Depression, and the cultural/social life of the twenties had their deep effects on the life of the Company. The changes were perceptible for the public, too. Many articles were published about the hardships of the Company and the changing atmosphere of the Coffeehouse. These were different; not all of them damaged the interest of the Company Limited equally. Still, the difficulties influenced the stock transfers, profitability, and the everyday life of the Managers and Shareholders. These circumstances are parallel to the changes of the Company.

2020 ◽  
Vol 30 (14) ◽  
pp. 2265-2277
Joanna Reynolds ◽  
Ruth Beresford

Public and patient involvement (PPI)—engaging the public in designing and delivering research—is increasingly expected in health research, reflecting recognition of the value of “lay” knowledge of illness and/or caring for informing research. Despite increased understanding of PPI experiences within the research process, little attention has been paid to the meaning of PPI in other areas of contributors’ lives, and its value as a broader social practice. We conducted repeated narrative interviews with five experienced PPI contributors from the United Kingdom to explore how meaning is constructed through narratives of PPI in relation to their broader “life-worlds.” Narratives were extremely varied, constructing identities and meanings around PPI in relation to family and social life, career and employment, financial status, and wider social agendas, as well as health. This emphasizes the importance of recognizing PPI as a social practice with diverse meaning and value beyond health research.

2012 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-18 ◽  
Mary P. Corcoran

A feature of late modern society is the economisation and privatisation of social life resulting in a decline in the public realm. Judt has observed that we are drifting toward a society of ‘gated individuals who do not know how to share public space to common advantage’ (2010: 216). Similarly Oldenburg (1989) has expressed concerns about the sustainability of third places – places that occupy the space between the marketplace, workplace and home place – in the modern era. He argues that ‘third places’ are being replaced by ‘non-places’ – places where individuals relate to each other purely in utilitarian terms. Non-places promote civil disaffiliation rather than civil integration. This article argues for an exploration of the ‘spaces of potential’ within the public realm of the city that can help to promote relationships of trust, respect and mutuality. Acknowledging and promoting such ‘spaces of potential’ amounts to a challenge to the privatisation and economisation of social life. Moreover, it creates the possibility of a reinvigorated public sphere and an enhancement of civil integration.

Inner Asia ◽  
2010 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 25-48 ◽  
Timur Dadabaev

AbstractThis article attempts to analyse the memory of people through recollections of the everyday life of people in Soviet times in the Central Asian republics of Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan. By using extensive interviews with seventy-five elderly people in Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan regarding their Soviet-time experiences, this article argues that the public view of history in post-Soviet Central Asia often falls in between Soviet historiography advocating advances of Soviet past and post-Soviet historical discourses rejecting the Soviet past. Public perceptions of history in Central Asia are mostly shaped by and related to the everyday needs, experiences, identifications and mentality of people as opposed to the ideologies and political doctrines of the time. They often reflect not only the perceptions of people regarding their past but also their perceptions regarding their present.

Alba Navarro

La ciudad en el cine es un ámbito de investigación que propone analizar la imagen mostrada por los cineastas sobre las diferentes urbes a nivel mundial. París representa uno de los lugares estelares para el rodaje de películas. Además, es importante destacar su vinculación con el nacimiento y la maduración del séptimo arte y con el desarrollo de movimientos artísticos ligados a él. En este artículo nos sumergimos en el estudio de la película Paris (2008) de Cédric Klapisch, poniendo nuestra atención en las localizaciones elegidas por el autor para desarrollar sus historias y tratando de indagar en los motivos que le han llevado a elegir unos u otros emplazamientos con los diferentes iconos parisinos. Además, estudiamos el carácter simbólico de los diversos lugares y emblemas y su influencia en el relato fílmico. En definitiva, intentamos desgranar la visión que el propio autor tiene de la metrópolis y la manera en que se la traslada al público.Abstract: The city on cinema is an investigation area which proposes the analysis of the image shown by filmmakers about many cities worldwide. Paris represents one of the star places of film shooting. It is important too to highlight its connection with the origin and the growth of the seventh art and with the development of artistic movements linked to it. In this paper we dive into studying the film Paris (2008) by Cédric Klapisch, aiming our attention into the different places chosen by the author in order to develop its stories and trying to inquire the reason behind the selection of those sites with the parisian icons. Moreover, we study the symbolic character of the different places and emblems and their influence in the filmic narration. In short, we try to approach to the vision that the author has from the metropolis and the way he gives it to the public. Palabras clave: Cine y ciudad; cine y París; Paris de Cédric Klapisch; iconos parisinos. Keywords: Cinema and city; Cinema and Paris; Paris by Cédric Klapisch; Parisian icons.

2019 ◽  
Vol 23 (2) ◽  
pp. 127-140
Muhammad Noor ◽  
Hairunnisa Hairunnisa ◽  
Ghufron Ghufron

April 17, 2019 has passed with every story, the election is a democratic process to elect the President and Vice President 2019-2024, this election is held simultaneously with the legislative general election. In this 2019 election. Are the steps and actions of the Samarinda City Election Commission team carrying out education and outreach to the public about the urgency of awareness of choosing a trustworthy central and regional leader for the next 5 years. Either through conventional media or social media that is currently being used by young people in the city of Samarinda, because it is undeniable that the number of beginner voters has a not small quota. Besides that, it also discusses how the communication of the political participation of the people of Samarinda City in following and enlivening the 2019 Election. Political participation is to take part or take part in state political activities or activities. In determining the selection of informants can use purposive sampling technique. Purposive sampling technique is to determine the sample with certain considerations that can provide maximum data and subjects / objects according to the purpose. Samarinda City KPU can be said to be trustworthy and attractive, so it is expected that as a source / communicator it can recognize well and have knowledge of the communicants it faces in its socialization activities to increase political participation in the 2019 elections  Key Word : Role, Election Commission, Political Participation, Elections ABSTRAK Tanggal 17 April 2019 telah berlalu dengan setiap cerita, Pemilu merupakan sebuah proses demokrasi untuk memilih Presiden dan Wakil Presiden periode 2019-2024, pemilihan ini dilaksanakan serentak dengan pemilihan umum legislatif. Pada Pemilu tahun 2019 ini. Apakah langkah-langkah dan sepak terjang tim Komisi Pemilihan Umum Kota Samarinda telah melaksanakan edukasi dan sosialisasi kepada masyarakat tentang urgensi kesadaran memilih pemimpin pusat dan daerah yang amanah untuk 5 tahun ke depan. Baik melalui media konvensional ataupun media sosial yang marak saat ini dipergunakan oleh pemuda di kota Samarinda, karena tidak dipungkiri bahwa jumlah pemilih pemula memiliki kuota yang tidak sedikit. Selain itu membahas pula bagaimana komunikasi partisipasi politik masyarakat Kota Samarinda dalam mengikuti dan memeriahkan Pemilu 2019 ini.  Partisipasi politik adalah mengambil bagian atau mengambil peranan dalam aktivitas atau kegiatan politik negara. Dalam penentuan pemilihan informan dapat menggunakan teknik Purposive Sampling.Teknik purposive sampling adalah menentukan sampel dengan pertimbangan tertentu yang dapat memberikan data secara maksimal serta subjek/objek sesuai tujuan. KPU Kota Samarinda bisa dikatakan, dapat dipercaya dan memiliki daya tarik, maka diharapkan sebagai sumber/komunikator dapat mengenali dengan baik dan memiliki pengetahuan akan komunikan yang dihadapinya dalam kegiatan sosialisasi yang dilakukan untuk meningkatkan partisipasi politik pada Pemilu 2019. Kata Kunci : Peran, KPU, Partisipasi Politik, Pemilu  

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