scholarly journals Ideology and the Pursuit of Desire in Ben Okri’s Starbook

Ezekwesili Chinyere Chinedu

Ideology to the common man is a perspective of interpretation. A group’s ideology is the basis of their self-image which incorporates their identity, actions, norms and values, as well as their relationship with other groups. Ideologies are expressed and reproduced in the social practices of their members, and more practically acquired and perpetuated through discourse. These have also been depicted in fictional works such as Okri’s Starbook. Okri’s Starbook has been widely and variously read. Some critics have read it as an allegory of the slave trade in Africa, and others as a portrayal of Okri’s perception of reality. But this paper takes a different perspective. It seeks meaning and interpretation from the language of the text and not outside it. The analysis of ideology in a literary text is a study on language, since it is within language that meaning is mobilised. This paper examines ideology and the pursuit of desire by picking on characters whose dispositions and desires are oriented towards the satisfaction of underlying wants and needs. It searches for meaning and interpretation from what the text says at the underside of discourse, hence, it adopts the Poststructuralist critical approach. Jurgen Habermas’s linguistic theory is appropriate for the analysis and interpretation of actions in the text because this paper seeks to verify whether the actions of characters in the book are motivated by the pursuit of desire.

2018 ◽  
Linda Wati

In this paper study of the approaches, ideologies are defined here within a multidisciplinary framework that combines a social, cognitive and discursive component. The'systems of ideas', ideologies are sociocognitively defined as shared representations of social. As the basis of a social group's self- image, ideologies organize its identity, actions, aims, norms and values, and resources as well as its relations to other social groups. Ideologies are distinct from the sociocognitive basis of broader cultural communities, within which different ideological groups share fundamental beliefs such as their cultural knowledge. Ideologies are expressed and generally reproduced in the social practices of their members, and more particularly acquired, confirmed, changed and perpetuated through discourse. Although general properties of language and discourse are not, as such, ideologically marked, systematic discourse analysis offers powerful methods to study the structures and functions of underlying' ideologies.

2015 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 132
Hamdi Hameed Yousif

One of the post-modernist approaches to literary criticism is the queer criticism which has not been evaluated properly. Queer criticism can refer to any piece of literary criticism that interprets a text from a non-straight perspective. Therefore, it includes both lesbian and gay criticism. The aim of this paper, therefore, is to trace the social and political reasons behind the emergence of Queer criticism in the late twentieth century till it acquired momentum in the twenty-first century. After trying to define the terms related to the Queer criticism, the paper tries to examine the poetics of queer (gay and lesbian) literary works and to point out the main characteristic features of this critical approach by identifying the criteria and the textual evidence by which a literary work is labeled queer. It, also tries to shed light on the common features between queer criticism and feminism, on the one hand, and queer criticism and the deconstructuralist approach on the other hand. The final section of the study is a critique which points out the negative aspects of this approach.

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (8) ◽  
pp. 179-188

English: Venugopal has a distinct identity in Hindi poetry. The atmosphere of disillusionment and the social status quo had an effect on your poem. Oriented towards Akavita. But soon you realized his regression. As a result, progressives were oriented towards the stream. The land of reality shaped beautiful dreams of the future. Your poem conveys the hopes, dreams, feelings, sensations of the common man. It also exposes the middle class weaknesses while being sympathetic towards the neglected workers and is a proponent of action against the power. It shares the golden dreams of the future, in retaliation for its oppression-exploitation-violence. It has the content of strategy and tactics for the youth taking action from the power. Sometimes it is very suggestive and expresses socio-political reality in an interesting way. Where the dialogue style is present in it, its symbolism is multidimensional. This poem also questions the role of media by taking a sarcastic pose. Hindi: वेणुगोपाल हिन्दी कविता में विशिष्ट पहचान रखते हैं। मोहभंग के वातावरण और सामाजिक यथास्थिति का आपकी कविता पर प्रभाव पड़ा। अकविता की ओर उन्मुख हुए। परंतु शीघ्र ही आपको उसकी प्रतिगामिता का बोध हुआ। परिणामस्वरूप प्रगतिशील धारा की ओर उन्मुख हुए। यथार्थ की जमीन ने भविष्य के सुन्दर-सुखद स्वप्नों को आकार दिया। आपकी कविता साधारणजन की आशाओं, स्वप्नों, अनुभूतियों, संवेदनाओं को रूपाकार देती है। यह उपेक्षितों-श्रमिकों के प्रति संवेदना रखते हुए भी मध्यवर्गीय कमजोरियों को उजागर करती है और सत्ता के विरुद्ध मोर्चेबन्द कार्रवाही की प्रस्तावक है। यह उसके दमन-शोषण-हिंसा का प्रतिकार करते हुए भी भविष्य के सुनहरे स्वप्न बाँटती है। इसमें सत्ता से मोर्चेबन्द कार्रवाही करते युवाओं हेतु रणनीति और रणकौशल की सामग्री मौजूद है। कहीं-कहीं यह बहुत विचारोत्तेजक है और सामाजिक-राजनीतिक यथार्थ को रोचक ढंग से अभिव्यक्त करती है। इसमें जहाँ संवाद-शैली मौजूद है वहीँ इसकी सांकेतिकता बहुआयामी है। यह कविता व्यंग्यात्मक मुद्रा लेकर मीडिया की भूमिका को भी प्रश्नांकित करती है।

2019 ◽  
Vol 35 (1) ◽  
pp. 69-78
Gabriel Zamosc ◽  

In this paper I discuss the Nietzschean notion of a pathos of distance, which some democratic theorists would like to recruit in the service of a democratic ethos. Recently their efforts have been criticized on the basis that the Nietzschean pathos of distance involves an aristocratic attitude of essentializing contempt towards the common man that is incompatible with the democratic demand to accord everyone equal respect and dignity. I argue that this criticism is misguided and that the pathos in question involves encouraging the fl ourishing of higher types that give meaning and justification to the social order. For Nietzsche, the experience of living under a society that is thus organized leads to the psychological demand to search for spiritual states within a person that can make life worth living. I conclude by considering whether, so conceived, the pathos of distance is compatible with democracy.

2016 ◽  
pp. 37-53 ◽  
Irina Koluzaeva

“Within One’s Inner Circle”: The Identity of Ruthenian Szlachta (Noblemen) of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania at the Time of the Union of Lublin (the Case of Filon Kmita Czarnobylski)The main aim of this article is to reconstruct the Ruthenian nobleman’s (szlachcic) perception of “us” and “the sphere of familiarity” in the second half of the sixteenth century and to place him within his respective communities and social groups by analyzing successive levels of his identity. It seems to be particularly important to study ideas and awareness of the common representative of the Ruthenian political nation of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, as scholars have so far been paying attention only to the notions of identity held by particular representatives of the elite, or else by intellectuals. Clientelist relationships of particular Ruthenian families, which are of crucial importance for reconstructing the complete image of the period, have not commonly been the subject of scientific research.The main thesis posited by this work is that the perception of one’s inner, familiar circle, of “us” as opposed to “them,” in the case of Ruthenian nobility was as multilevel as their national identity. To elucidate the posed questions, I am going to analyze Filon Kmita’s personal correspondence, his public, family and matrimonial relationships, the social practices he engaged in, and military and official environments to which he belonged.Such approach can help us not only to reconstruct the circle of relationships of this remarkable person but also to show how one of three primary nations of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth – the Ruthenians – was experienced from the perspective of one of its representatives. „W kręgu swoich”: O świadomości ruskiej szlachty Wielkiego Księstwa Litewskiego w dobie Unii Lubelskiej (na przykładzie Filona Kmity Czarnobylskiego)Głównym zadaniem mojego artykułu jest rekonstrukcja postrzegania „swojskości” przez ruskiego szlachcica z drugiej połowy XVI wieku oraz analiza jego wielopoziomowej świadomości, która umożliwi usytuowanie tego pojęcia w systemie odniesień poszczególnych grup i zbiorowości społecznych. Szczególnie istotne wydaje się zbadanie horyzontów i wyobrażeń przeciętnego przedstawiciela ruskiego narodu politycznego Wielkiego Księstwa Litewskiego w XVI wieku, dotychczas uczeni skupiali się bowiem najczęściej na wyobrażeniach elit (zwłaszcza ich pojedynczych przedstawicieli) lub intelektualistów, a związki klientalne poszczególnych rodzin ruskich, niezwykle istotne dla skonstruowania całościowego obrazu, praktycznie nie były przez nich jeszcze badane. Jedna z najważniejszych tez mojego artykułu zakłada, że świadomość przynależności do takiego „kręgu swoich” była jednym z nieodłącznych elementów ówczesnej ruskiej tożsamości. Jednocześnie zarówno postrzeganie „swoich”, jak i świadomość narodowa ruskiej szlachty charakteryzowały się wielopoziomową strukturą. Aby uzyskać rzucić światło na tak postawione kwestie, analizie poddam korespondencję osobistą Filona Kmity, jego powiązania społeczno-rodzinne, związki małżeńskie, zależności klientalne, praktyki społeczne, otoczenie wojskowe i służbowe. Takiego rodzaju podejście może pomóc nie tylko w przedstawieniu konkretnej jednostki (wprawdzie wybitnej, ale pozostającej poza środowiskiem elity Wielkiego Księstwa Litewskiego), lecz również w prezentacji trzeciego największego narodu Rzeczypospolitej w XVI wieku z punktu widzenia jednego z jego przedstawicieli.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
Abdul Khaliq ,Hafiz Salahudin, Shumaila Kamal Khan

Ancient Egyptians lived a civilized life. They patronized their own rules and norms for their daily and religious matters. The woman does not have equal rights as to man. The man was considered superior and the woman as servant of man. The marriage of brothers and sister was in vogue in Egyptian society and it was also practiced in royal families. There was divergence among the people in society like superior and inferior segments. The royal and elite people enjoyed many rights and preferences in the society. The common man was dealt as the servant of the royal families. This approach produced a big distance among the people in Egyptian society. They worshiped many gods. This paper took a review of their religious matters in detail. It was also discussed that how Egyptians made their new gods. The background of monotheistic and polytheisticapproaches with respect of ancient Egypt were also highlighted. Egyptians daily life was influenced by their religion.

2019 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
Marcus Herz ◽  
Thomas Johansson

Social work is often described as socially oriented, politically sensitive and as taking a critical approach to ‘social problems’. However, recently we have seen how this self-image has lost ground. In the present article, we have discussed how demands for evidence and scientific evaluations of social work have gradually pushed the discipline and practice in the direction of psychological measurements and methods. Here, we will identify a problematic development within the social and theoretical practice of social work, and make some suggestions regarding how to start discussing, analysing and dealing with this changing social landscape. We will identify some critical points and issues and present models of how to think about and develop a critical social work practice. KEYWORDS: Evidence, psychologization, social work practice, meta-theory, discursive-narrative

2017 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 1621
Neriman Nüzket Özen

Having language learning ability means that people possess an immense level of power. In addition to their communication and language sharing function, languages have a probably more substantial function: Presenting people constructed desirable realities that should be part of the social and cultural order by means of the discourse created by the balance of power holding structures. Of these constructed realities, the most significant constitutions are constructions regarding social gender. While constructing the social genders of masculine and feminine, the discourse directs the society in the desired way so that their own power mechanisms and norms can be maintained. The discourse constructed with the help of linguistic elements and social gender constructed accordingly fall under the common scope of both Discourse Analysis and Gender Studies Therefore, discourse and social gender constructions emerge in a text and reflections of both fields are carried out through texts. With a critical approach; Michel Foucault, one of the prominent figures of Discourse Analysis, attempts to reveal what kind of power relations exist beneath discourses and how realities are constructed to be conveyed to people and through which linguistic elements they are represented. Social gender also sets out to reveal how gender is constructed socially and culturally with linguistic elements. Since most of the criteria that must be taken into consideration while analyzing a literary text are of linguistic property, there appears points of intersection in terms of Discourse Analysis and Gender Studies. Addressing those points is among the objectives of the current study.  ZusammenfassungDie Fähigkeit über eine Sprache zu verfügen bedeutet für Menschen, eine enorme Macht zu besitzen und zu beherrschen. Sprachen haben im Allgemeinem eine weitere, sogar noch wichtigere Funktion auβer der Kommunikation und der Vermittlung des Wissens: Mit dem Diskurs, der durch die herrschenden Machtverhältnisse erschaffen wird, werden die erwünschten Realitäten konstruiert und den Menschen präsentiert. Unter diesen diskursiv konstruierten Strukturen sind die sozial und kulturel inszenierten Geschlechter von Bedeutung. Der Diskurs beabsichtigt bei der Strukturierung von weiblichen und männlichen Geschlechtern die Fortführung seiner Normen und Machtbeziehungen, um eine richtungsweisende Wirkung auf die Gesellschaft auszuüben. Die Geschlechter und der Diskurs werden mit Hilfe von sprachlichen Elementen aufgebaut. Deshalb gibt es gemeinsame Forschungsfelder für die Diskursanalyse und die Gender Studies. Zudem treffen der Diskurs und die Geschlechterkonstruktionen aufeinander und werden gleichzeitig in Texten reflektiert. Einer der wichtigsten Forscher der Diskursanalyse, Michel Foucault, versucht mit einer kritischen Vorgehensweise implizite Machtverhältnisse hervorzuheben und den Menschen bewusst zu machen wie Realitäten sprachlich sichtbar gemacht werden können. Die Gender Studies beabsichtigen auch, die sprachliche Aufdeckung der sozial und kulturell erschaffenen Geschlechter zu ermitteln. Da die Kriterien bei einer literarischen Textanalyse überwiegend auf sprachliche Indikatoren beruhen, zeigen Diskursanalyse und Gender Studies viele Gemeinsamkeiten auf. Diese Berührungspunkte darzulegen ist das Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit.

Kateryna Valiavska

The work of O.Makovei «Biography of Osyp Yurii Fedkovych-Hordynskyi» is analyzed in the article. The goal of the article is to find in the text representations of social practices, which were peculiar for the high society lifestyle in the medium of the educated middle class – intelligentsia – in the Duchy of Bukovyna throughout the 19th.century. In the discourse of the author’s biographical work and in used memories of Fedkovych’ contemporaries it is stressed that noble standards of living were the ideal of the social life in Bykovyna and Chernivtsi, herewith negative connotations were present in such statements. The lifestyle of Y.Fedkovych’s parents suited this definition, while the poet in his conscious age tried to oppose to such a lifestyle. That is why his behavior in front of the audience was characterized by displays of protest against following elite standards of living in the society. Probably, his demonstrational wearing of rustic (Hutsul) clothing was also connected with his goal. Despite the fact that his participation in social practices of the high society lifestyle allowed Fedkovych to gain support of his writing talent in the 1860s, in the 1870-1880ss he was demonstratively violating accepted behavioral norms, which were generalized as the rules of common courtesy. Furthermore, he tried to stress that he is equal with villagers, he called himself Hutsul. But O.Makovei found out that Hutsuls still considered Fedkovych to be a stranger – «lord in disguise», «German». While analyzing life and works of Y. Fedkovych, O.Makovei described poet’s social surrounding – intelligentsia- and its peculiar social practices such as following the common courtesy rules in self-representation (manners, clothes, communication), different types of intelligentsia leisure (clubs, salons parties, theatre) and cooperation. Keywords: social practices, life style of the high society, Y.Fedkovych, O. Makovei, intelligentsia, middle class, Bukovyna, Chernivtsi.

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