2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (58) ◽  

Today, developed societies consider it as a necessity to protect the buildings that are accepted as cultural heritage and represent the life and architectural technologies of the past years. Historical buildings that are transferred to future generations with new functions by keeping original values alive provide continuity both economically and culturally. According to this understanding, the building, which was used as a Winding House in the Ottoman Period in Sogut district of Bilecik Province, but lost its function in the process and served as a Tekel warehouse; it has been taken under protection in order to protect its historical, original and architectural elements and has been re-functionalized as the Sogut Museum today. The aim of the research is to reveal the location and history of the building, which was built as a dressing house, and the transformation process into Sogut Ertugrul Gazi Museum by re-functioning: space, environmental features, economic and socio-cultural aspects. In the qualitative research, the data were collected by observation, interview and document analysis. As a result of the evaluations made, the original spatial constructs of the building have adapted to the new function with little intervention without any change, the re-functionalized structure meets the spatial needs with the museum function, the museum has intense visitors outside the province and its location, bringing the life of the Ertugrul Gazi period to today. It has been observed that it sheds light on its values. Keywords: Re-Functioning, Sogut Ertugrul Gazi Museum, spatial analysis, environmental features, economical, social and cultural evaluation


Dalam penelitian ini, penulis  membahas  ‘Koto Rayo’, sebuah pemukiman kuno di sisi Sungai Tabir, Jambi sebagai sebuah budaya dan kearifan lokal. Penelitian difokuskan pada nilai kearifan lokal yang dimiliki masyarakat dalam kaitan dengan situs ini. Hasil penelitian dan pembahasan memunculkan fakta-fakta sebagai berikut. Pulau Sumatera memiliki peradaban tinggi di masa lalu, khususnya melalui Kerajaan Sriwijaya yang mengontrol dan mendominasi seluruh pulau ini dan sebagian besar wilayah Asia Tenggara. Salah satu wilayah Kerajaan Sriwijaya di Pulau Sumatera adalah Jambi, yang dahulu memiliki banyak Kerajaan Melayu. ‘Koto Rayo’ yang terletak di sisi Sungai Tabir ‘mungkin’ salah satu peradaban yang berhubungan dengan sejarah Kerajaan Melayu Jambi dan atau Kerajaan Sriwijaya di masa lalu. Situs ini mempengaruhi beberapa perilaku kearifan lokal pada masyarakat sekitar dalam wujud perilaku yang tegas dalam melestarikan lingkungan dan menjaga warisan budaya. Kearifan lokal ini penting untuk meminimalisir efek negatif globalisasi.The objective of this study is to discuss ’Koto Rayo’, an ancient settlement on the side of Tabir river, Jambi as a culture and local wisdom. The study focused on the value of local knowledge in the communities in connection with this site. Data was collected through observation, interviews and document analysis. The results and discussion led to the following facts. The island of Sumatra has a high civilization in the past, particularly through the kingdom of Srivijaya that controls and dominates the entire island and most of the Southeast Asia region. One of the kingdom of Srivijaya in Sumatra is Jambi, which once had many Malay kingdom. ’Rayo Koto’ located on the side of Tabir river is ’probably’ one of civilization associated with the history of the Malay kingdom of Srivijaya kingdom of Jambi in the past. This site affects some local knowledge on the behavior of the surrounding community in the form of assertive behavior in preserving the environment and maintain the cultural heritage. This local knowledge is essential to minimize the negative effects of globalization.

2014 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
A. Mohammadi Kalan ◽  
E. Oliveira

ABSTRACT - Sustainable architecture aims to design buildings and infra-structures, such as squares and bazaars, adapted to the social, economic, cultural and environmental contexts of certain place. The practice of sustainable architecture contributes to sustainable development, therefore for the development of future generations. The concept must integrate not only bioclimatic strategies, but also economic, social and cultural facets. Sustainable architecture research is either carried while the designing process takes place (the present) but is also focused on the built environment through the historical time of a place (the past). The aim of this article is to bring to the academic discussion new perspectives on sustainable architecture and debate the relationship between the architectural elements and the social and cultural aspects by taking the Tabriz Historic Bazaar Complex as case study. Infra-structures like Bazaars are geographically placed all over the world, from Turkey to Egypt, from Tajikistan to Iran. In Iranian cities, the bazaar keeps playing an important role as economic and social engine. Thus, research the main elements that keep the Bazaar of Tabriz so actively dynamic in the present will be discussed.

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 668
Funda Kurak Açıcı ◽  
Zeynep Nilsun Konakoğlu

<p><strong>Abstract</strong></p><p>Cities have existed throughout the history as a combination and conflict of various cultures. The values of citizens are shaped by cultural accumulation that is created from the past to our times. Cultural elements cover a wide scope of fields from science in life to art. The history of the city helps the recognition of the city’s architecture, music, tradition, habits and culture and creates the identity of the city. All of these elements that form a city constitute the cultural heritage of the city. The best witnesses of cultural heritage are city museums which present cities as they are. City museums are one of archive sources that contain all the information that may be gathered about a city. Museums are significant structures that transfer the past to the future, witness all the times experienced by cities and symbolize cities. This study was form around who the structure and culture of a city is reflected by museums, which are the strongest protectors of the cultural heritage of a city. This is why this study discusses the province of Trabzon which has hosted several civilizations from the past to the present and protected its cultural heritage, as well as its city museums. Information and documents were collected in relation to the city museums in the province of Trabzon, and city museums were discussed with the method of field surveys. The city of Trabzon has been covered in the scope of the study with the city’s museums where it preserves its cultural heritage. The museum contributes to the development and strengthening of the social consciousness as well as the transfer of the city’s values, and the values we make us with great care. The purpose of the study is to reveal the extent to which city museums protect the cultural heritage of the city and transfer it to future generations.</p><p><strong>Öz</strong></p><p>Tarih boyunca kentler pek çok kültürün birleşimi ve çatışmasıyla ile var olmuştur.  Kentlilerin sahip oldukları değerler geçmişten günümüze gelen kültürel birikimlerle şekillenir. Kültürel öğeler, yaşam içinde bilimden sanata pek çok alanı kapsamaktadır. Kentin tarihi, mimarisi, müziği, gelenek ve göreneği kenti ve kentin kültürünün tanınmasına yardımcı olur ve kentin kimliğini oluşturur. Kenti meydana getiren tüm bu öğeler, kentin kültürel mirasını temsil eder. Kültürel mirasın izlerinin en iyi tanıkları, onları olduğu gibi sunan kent müzeleridir. Kent müzeleri kente dair elde edilebilecek tüm bilgileri içinde barındıran kentin en önemli arşiv kaynaklarından biridir. Müzeler, kent için geçmişi geleceğe aktaran, kentin tüm zamanlarına tanıklık eden ve kenti simgeleyen önemli yapılardır. Bir kentin kültürel mirasının en güçlü koruyucuları olan müzelerin, kentin yapısını ve kültürünü nasıl yansıttığı bu çalışmanın ana kurgusunu oluşturmaktadır. Bu nedenle geçmişten günümüze birçok medeniyete ev sahipliği yapmış olan Trabzon kenti, kültürel mirasını koruduğu kent müzeleri ile çalışma kapsamında ele alınmıştır. Kent müzeleri şehrin değerlerinin gelecek kuşaklara aktarılmasının yanı sıra, toplum bilincinin gelişip güçlenmesine de katkıda bulunmaktadır. Trabzon kentindeki tüm müzeler bizi bir çatı altında toplayan; tarihimizi, kültürümüzü, gelenek ve göreneğimizi, kısacası bizi biz yapan değerleri büyük bir titizlikle korumaktadır. Çalışmada, literatür araştırması ile kentin müzeleri ile ilgili bilgiler ve belgeler toplanmış ve yerinde gözlem yoluyla da kent müzeleri irdelenmiştir.</p>

2014 ◽  
Vol 14 (34) ◽  
Edna F. Alencar

Nas áreas de várzea do médio Solimões, Am, o fenômeno das terras caídas destrói as paisagens, altera a configuração das margens e leitos dos rios, e provoca a mobilidade dos moradores. Nesse processo são destruídos certos vestígios das ações humanas que serviriam como âncoras da memória da históriados lugares. Nesse artigo procuro analisar como os moradores do povoado São João, localizado na RDS Mamirauá, lidam com esse fenômeno, e as estratégias utilizadas para repassar às novas gerações os fragmentos de memória que conservam a história do lugar, e as percepções e práticas que formam o patrimônio cultural do grupo,enquanto conhecimentos que orientam os modos de interagir com esse tipo de ambiente. Ao narrar a história e descrever as paisagens ancestrais, os narradores tomam certas toponímia da paisagem como lugar de memória e que reforçam a memória do lugar: as capoeiras e as plantas cultivadas pelos antigos.  Palavras-chave: Amazônia. Paisagem e Lugar. Memória Social. "At that time there was these islands over there": about ways of perceiving the environment and narrate the past AbstractIn the lowland areas of the Middle Solimões River, Am, the phenomenon of land fallen destroys landscapes, changes the configuration of the banks and beds of rivers, and causes the mobility of residents. In this process are destroyed certain vestiges of human actions that serve as anchors for historic memory of the places. In this paper analyze how the villagers São João, located in RDS Mamirauá, deal with this phenomenon, and the strategies used to pass on to future generations the memory fragments that retain the history of the place, and perceptions and practices that form the cultural heritage of the group, while knowledge that guide the ways to interact with this environment. In narrating the story and describe the landscapes ancestors, the narrators take certain place names in the landscape as a place of memory and reinforce the memory of the place: these condary forests and plants cultivated by the ancients.Keywords: Amazon. Environment. Place and landscape. Social Memory.

Kebudayaan ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 27-42
I Made Sutaba

Archaeological researches in Indonesia have discovered a number of various historical and archaeological artifacts that belong to cultural heritage. As historical evidences, this cultural heritage is an important source of the plural information and messages of the past life of our society. It is remarkable that this cultural heritage has some problems for example problem of typology, function, meanings, and the other for the society. Studying the problems, it is interesting to do research on its function as a teller of the past history that contained various aspects of the life of our society that not yet studied until today. By learning the problems, this research goal is to find the answer of the problems. To reach this goal, we do this research gradually by collecting data through literature study and field observation along with interviews. The next step is analysis carried out through methods of typology analysis, contextual, functional analysis, ethno archaeological and ethno historical approach. Finally the result showed that the function of our cultural heritage is as teller of the many-sided aspects of the past history of our artifacts such as technological aspects, social, and religious aspects but it is impossible to get full completed information due to some reasons. Keywords: archaeological and historical artifacts, cultural heritages, teller of the past.  AbstrakPenyelidikan arkeologi di Indonesia sudah berhasil menemukan artefak sejarah dan arkeologi yang beraneka ragam, yang tergolong sebagai warisan budaya. Sebagai bukti-bukti sejarah, warisan budaya ini adalah sumber informasi dan pesan-pesan kehidupan masyarakat masa lalu yang bersifat pluralistik. Menarik perhatian, bahwa warisan budaya ini mempunyai permasalahan yaitu, permasalahan tipologi, fungsi dan makna dalam kehidupan masyarakat. Mempelajari masalah ini, sangat menarik untuk melakukan penelitian mengenai fungsinya sebagai penutur sejarah masa silam, yang mengandung aneka ragam, aspek kehidupan masyarakat, yang belum dikaji sampai sekarang. Dengan mencermati permasalahan ini, maka tujuan penelitian ini, adalah untuk meneliti permasalahan tadi. Untuk mencapai tujuan ini, penulis melakukan penelitian secara bertahap melalui pengumpulan data dengan metode kajian pustaka dan observasi lapangan yang disertai dengan wawancara. Langkah selanjutnya, adalah melakukan analisis dengan analisis tipologi, kontekstual, analisis fungsional, pendekatan etnoarkeologi dan etnohistori. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa cagar budaya itu berfungsi sebagai penutur kehidupan masa silam yang mengandung aspek yang bersfiat jamak, adalah aspek teknologi, sosial dan religi, tetapi tidak mungkin untuk mendapat informasi yang lengkap karena berbagai faktor.Kata kunci: peninggalan sejarah dan purbakala, warisan budaya, penutur masa silam.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 68
Ni Putu Ratih Pradnyaswari Anasta Putri ◽  
I Putu Adi Widiantara

Abstract: Pura is one of Balinese architectural works that serves as a place of worship for Hindus. Pura as one of the local wisdom of the Balinese people is often associated with the identity of a region and cultural heritage. Pura is considered as one of the real proofs of the history of history from the past until now. The rolling of time and time, and the absence of adequate historical documentation regarding temples in Bali caused changes and developments that often did not match the standard. Many factors can be said to be the cause of changes or developments in a temple, including: (1) lack of documentation; (2) understanding of local people who are still minimal in the process of building a temple; (3) the absence of rules, awig-awig, or guidelines regarding the process of building a temple; (4) the people's desire to carry out practical and inexpensive temple renovation processes; and (5) people's insensitivity to the identity of their territory. Sites that have historical value are instead replaced with new or current models that are not necessarily based on original literature from previous ancestral orders. Seeing this phenomenon, researchers believe that there needs to be a preservation effort, namely a conservation strategy so that changes and developments can be overcome and controlled according to their portion. This research was carried out in an exploratory manner with qualitative data analysis, which explores data in depth through in-depth interviews.                                     Keywords : Pura, Site, Conservation, IdentityAbstrak: Pura merupakan salah satu karya arsitektur Bali yang berfungsi sebagai tempat ibadah bagi umat Hindu. Pura sebagai salah satu kearifan lokal masyarakat Bali seringkali dikaitkan dengan identitas suatu wilayah dan warisan budaya. Pura dianggap sebagai salah satu bukti nyata perjalanan sejarah dari masa lampau hingga sekarang. Bergulirnya waktu dan jaman, serta tidak adanya dokumentasi sejarah yang memadai mengenai pura-pura di Bali menyebabkan terjadinya perubahan dan perkembangan yang seringkali tidak sesuai pakemnya. Banyak faktor yang dapat dikatakan sebagai penyebab dalam perubahan ataupun perkembangan sebuah pura, antara lain : (1) tidak adanya dokumentasi; (2) pemahaman masyarakat setempat yang masih minim terhadap proses pembangunan sebuah pura; (3) tidak adanya aturan, awig-awig, ataupun guidelines mengenai proses pembangunan sebuah pura; (4) keinginan masyarakat untuk melakukan proses renovasi pura dengan praktis dan murah; dan (5) ketidakpekaan masyarakat akan identitas wilayahnya. Situs-situs yang memiliki nilai historis malah diganti dengan model kebaruan atau kekinian yang belum tentu berdasarkan sastra asli dari tatanan leluhur sebelumnya. Melihat fenomena tersebut, peneliti meyakini perlu adanya sebuah upaya pelestarian yaitu strategi konservasi sehingga perubahan dan perkembangan dapat diatasi dan dikendalikan sesuai dengan porsinya. Penelitian ini dilakukan secara eksploratif dengan analisis data kualitatif, dimana menggali data sedalam-dalamnya melalui wawancara mendalam (in depth interview).Kata Kunci: Pura, Situs, Konservasi, Identitas

Elena I. Mamaeva ◽  

Pharmaceutical heritage is a set of scientific and practical achievements of pharmaceutical activity of mankind. Historical and cultural pharmaceutical heritage is a collection of tangible and intangible evidence of the historical development of pharmaceutical science and practice, embodying a significant socio-cultural experience of humanity and preserved for transmission to future generations. Pharmaceutical and medical heritage is difficult to differentiate due to the long joint history of development and intertwining modern practices, but the separation of the professions of a doctor and a pharmacist allows us to distinguish the historical and cultural pharmaceutical heritage from the end of the XVII century. Historical and cultural pharmaceutical heritage is classified into tangible and intangible, according to functional characteristics, material historical and cultural heritage is divided into movable and immovable heritage.

2006 ◽  
Vol 47 (1) ◽  
pp. 111-114
Sandra G. Shannon

Time, timing, and timelessness all converge in Harry J. Elam's The Past as Present in the Drama of August Wilson (2004), a major addition to Wilson studies at this profound juncture in the history of American theatre. First, Elam's study offers a sweeping retrospective of Wilson's blending of past and present time in his recently completed cycle of plays. Yet it is the timing of the book's release that affords it an added advantage. Though published in 2004, The Past as Present in the Drama of August Wilson can easily be regarded as a most fitting tribute to one of the great voices of the American stage. As the nation—indeed the world—mourns the sudden loss of August Wilson, current and future generations of scholars, students, educators, theatre practitioners, and lovers of theatre may find comfort in knowing that the foundation has already been laid for serious and sustained study of his phenomenal legacy and far-reaching influence. Elam's work adds a vital cornerstone to that foundation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 58 (2) ◽  
pp. 341-349
Kayumov Kahramon Nozimjonovich Et al.

This article mainly focuses on the factors of development of the social infrastructure of small towns, the history of the study. At the same time, it also explores the policies for the effective integration of small towns into the structure of the environment, cultural life, aesthetic, historical, scientific, social or spiritual values used in the past, present and future generations, and the effective development of social infrastructure.

Petro Nesterenko

Annotation. The article analyzes the little-studied art of the Ukrainian publishing sign, which has a history of almost fifty years and is well known for its highly artistic works. An excursion into the past of the Ukrainian publishing label has been made, collecting documents scattered across various sources of reports on samples of the publishing labels, both known and in the vast majority of unknown authors, and we pay tribute to this important cultural heritage that has developed in the course of the European process. The publishing signs of the second half of XX – beginning of XXI centuries are described and their artistic features are analyzed. The art of the Ukrainian emblem, especially in the last century, has not been practically studied. Probably, the topic is considered too small to draw enough attention. Turning pages of the book, few people pay atten- tion to the publishing house, thanks to which we have the happy opportunity to hold it. The artistic decision of modern publishing signs, which often quite often has a small font character, is not striking. They are created mainly by artists, editorial staff, without paying much attention to this process. However, there are times when they turn out to be the work of talented young artists who, over time, become famous. For example, the well-known art publishing signs for the leading Kiev publishing houses &quot;Art&quot; (artist V. E. Perevalsky) and &quot;Rainbow&quot; (artist O. I. Gubarev), created at that time by young graphic artists, who are now well-known folk artists of Ukraine. However, the art of the sign is an important component of book graphics, it does not lose its relevance at a new stage of society and deserves in-depth study.

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