scholarly journals Effect of Locally Formulated Watermelon and Moringa Syrup Booster on the Growth Performance of Heterobranchus bidorsalis Fingerlings

E. C. Nwanevu ◽  
G. M. Sokari ◽  
G. N. Isitor ◽  
E. E. Orlu ◽  
S. G. Ogolo ◽  

Aim: Evaluation of the effectiveness of formulated Watermelon (Citrullus lanatus) and Moringa oleifera booster on the growth performance of Heterobranchus bidorsalis. Study Design: Data were subjected to statistical analysis using Duncan Multiple Range Statistics and interpretation was done using SPSS Version 22. Place and Duration of Study: The experiment was conducted in the laboratory at the Department of Applied and Environmental Biology, Rivers State University, Nigeria for a period of 12 weeks (3 months), between November, 2016 – March, 2017. Methodology: Total of 240 Heterobranchus bidorsalis fingerlings with an initial mean weight (1.61±0.23 g) and length (5.13±0.26 cm) were acclimated for one week. After acclimation, the fishes were fed twice daily (9am and 6pm) with 10% of their body weight after coating 2 ml/1 kg of the commercial feed with their individual growth booster syrup and allowed to air-dry for about 20 minutes. Heterobranchus bidorsalis fingerlings were scooped for the measurements exercise at one week interval after which they were returned to their various tanks. Results: The result of this study recorded the experimental diets with optimum growth and survivability. From the result, it was deduced that, Commercial feed coated with watermelon syrup booster recorded the best performance in the growth variables of mean weight (26.36 ±3.19 g), mean length (13.61±1.35 cm), mean weight gain (24.64±3.00 g), mean length gain (8.38±1.35 cm), relative weight gain (25.36±3.19) while Commercial feed coated with commercial syrup booster (CbCf) recorded the best performance in growth variables of Daily Growth Rate (15.15±0.55) and Specific Growth Rate (2.69±0.03%) against Moring growth booster and commercial feed (control). However, there was less mortality as the fishes in different treatment tanks survived above 90%. Conclusion: It could be summarized that Commercial feed coated with watermelon syrup booster (WbCf) had the best growth performance against the control groups although their values were not significantly impacted (p>0.05) when compared with other experimental diets.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 1
Ahmed. M Musa ◽  
Elnuman. B. Mohammed ◽  
Afra. A.Abd Alla ◽  
Wael. M. Alfatih ◽  
Abdelgadir. M. Manofal

The study was conducted at the fish farm of the Department of Fish Sciences, Faculty of Agricultural Technology and Fish Sciences, Al-Neelain University. The purpose of the study is to compare the growth performance of different local strains of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) to provide the necessary information for conducting research leading to genetic improvement of the locally farmed Nile tilapia. Fish fry used in the study were spawned by brooders collected from, Jebel Aulia Dam Reservoir (White Nile strain A) , Sennar Dam Reservoir (Sennar strain B), Lake Nubia (Halfa strain C) and khashm elgirba reservoier( Khashm elgirba strain D). The study was conducted for six weeks in twelve happas, each stocked with 30 fry in three replicates for each strain, averaging 5 g. Fish were fed by diet with a protein level of 35%. Statistical analysis showed Sennar strain was the best growth rate with a percent weight gain of 1529%, followed by white nile strain with a percent weight gain of 1114%, followed by khashm elgerba strain with a percent weight gain of 993% and finally Halfa strain with a percent weight gain of 829%. Daily Growth Rate gain was 0.9g/day for sennar strain, followed by other strain with no significant(≥0.05). Food Conversion Ratios (FCR) were best in sennar and white nile strain ,survival rate with the same no significant(≥0.05) between treatments. finally results indicated that there is significant( ≤ 0.05) between treatments so sennar and white nile strains is better than two strains in this study.

2009 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 199 ◽  
S. Sarah ◽  
. Widanarni ◽  
Agus Oman Sudrajat

<p>This experiment was conducted to study the stocking density effect on growth and survival rate of giant gouramy seed in the aquarium. Fish were stocked at the density of 2.5; 5.0; 7.5 and 10 individual/l with average initial weight and length were 0.013 g and 5.56 mm, respectively. Fish were fed with silkworm (<em>Tubifex</em> sp.) <em>ad libitum</em> in the morning and evening for 22 days of experiment. Aquarium was siphoned and water was changed everyday for maintaining good water quality. Result showed that survival rate remain high in all treatment (93.5 - 95.5%). Increasing stocking density from 2.5 to 10 individual/I did not affect survival rate. On the other hand growth rate and feed efficiency decreased, while fish yield increased. Stocking density of 2,5 individual/l gave  the highest daily growth rate, individual growth rate, growth in length and feed efficiency of 12.94%, 0.0081 g/day, 16.84 mm and 12.51%; respectively. The highest value for fish yield (0,0360 g/l/day) was obtained from stocking density of 10 individual/l</p> <p>Key words: stocking density, seed, survival rate, growth rate, giant gouramy <em>Osphrenemus goramy</em></p> <p> </p> <p>ABSTRAK</p> <p>Keterbatasan pengadaan benih ikan gurame (<em>Osphronemus gourame </em>Lac.) disebabkan oleh tidak seimbangnya jumlah benih yang tersedia dengan kebutuhan usaha pembesaran. Teknik pembenihan yang digunakan sampai saat ini relatif sederhana dengan cara tradisional. Pemeliharaan gurame secara terkontrol di akuarium dapat menjawab tantangan dalam teknologi pembenihan gurame sekaligus sebagai sarana pola budidaya secara bertahap yang sedang berkembang saat ini. Produksi yang tinggi akan dicapai dengan pemeliharaan pada kepadatan yang tinggi. Pada keadaan lingkungan yang baik dan pakan yang mencukupi, peningkatan kepadatan akan disertai dengan peningkatan hasil. Jumlah ikan yang ditebar pada penelitian ini disesuaikan berdasarkan perlakuan yaitu 2,5; 5,0; 7,5 dan 10 ekor/l. Pengamatan terhadap ikan dilakukan sampai hari ke-22. Hasil pengamatan menunjukkan bahwa peningkatan kepadatan 2,5 - 10 ekor/l pada pemeliharaan benih gurame di akuarium mempengaruhi pertumbuhan, hasil dan efisiensi pakan, namun tidak berpengaruh terhadap kelangsungan hidup. Dengan meningkatnya padat penebaran, laju pertumbuhan dan efisiensi pakan semakin menurun, sedangkan hasil (<em>yield</em>) semakin meningkat. Padat penebaran 2,5 ekor/l menghasilkan laju pertumbuhan harian, laju pertumbuhan individu, pertumbuhan panjang mutlak dan efisiensi pakan tertinggi, masing-masing mencapai 12,94 %, 0,0081 g/hari, 16,84 mm dan 12,51 %. Sedangkan nilai tertinggi untuk hasil (<em>yield</em>) sebesar 0,0360 g/l/hari diperoleh pada padat penebaran 10,0 ekor/l.</p> <p>Kata kunci : padat tebar, pembenihan, gurame dan <em>Osphronemus gouramy</em></p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
Hamed H.E. Saleh

 No or little information on the use fresh (wet) housefly maggots (Musca domestica) in African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) fry feeding. Therefore, this study was conducted to investigate the effect of feeding on fresh (wet) housefly maggots with or without artificial diet on water quality, growth performance, survival percentage and feed utilization of African catfish fry under laboratory conditions. Housefly maggots produced from a mixture of poultry droppings and foods wastes, it was used to replace artificial feed at 0, 50 and 100% levels. Catfish were fed artificial diet alone (Feed 1), fresh (wet) housefly maggots alone (Feed 2), and 50% fresh housefly maggots with 50% artificial diet (Feed 3) were prepared and tested on triplicate groups of African catfish fry (initial weight of 0.25±0.02 g) for 60 days. Results showed that final weight (g/fish) was significantly highest (P£0.05) in fish fed feed 3 (6.03±0.08), followed by fish fed feed 2 (4.62±0.27), followed by fish fed feed 1 (3.15±0.68). Specific growth rate (%/day) was also significantly highest in fish fed feed 3 (5.31±0.10), followed by fish fed feed 2 (4.86±0.03), followed by fish fed feed 1 (4.18±0.24). The same trend was observed with total weight gain, percentage weight gain, daily growth rate and relative growth rate. Feed intake and protein intake were significantly highest (P£0.05) in fish fed feed 3 and fish fed feed 2, followed by fish fed feed 1. While, feed conversion ratio (FCR) and protein efficiency ratio were not significantly (P>0.05), but the improvement in FCR recorded in catfish fry fed feed 3 and feed 2 under the experimental conditions. Survival percentage was within the range 55–75%, with insignificant differences (P>0.05) among treatments. The water quality parameters such as temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, total ammonia, nitrite and nitrate were not significantly (P>0.05) among the treatments and were tolerable for fish culture. Accordingly, use of the 50% fresh (wet) housefly maggots with 50% artificial diet in African catfish fry feeding had positive effect on growth performance and reduce of the feed cost.

Choirun Nissa Ramadhani ◽  
Yuli Andriani ◽  
Ibnu Bangkit Bioshina Suryadi ◽  
Kiki Haetami

This research aims to determine the percentage of the addition of fermented lamtoro leaf on fish growth rate of gourami fingerlings. The test fish used was gourami that amounted to 320 tails with a length of 4-6 cm from Farming Development Gurame and Nilem – Singaparna, Tasikmalaya. The container used in this research was an aquarium with a total of 16 pieces with a size of 40 × 30 × 30 cm3. The density of gourami fingerlings during the research was 20 fish-tails/aquarium with long maintenance of 40 days. The feed given is 5% of the fish body biomass. The research was conducted on 8 November 2019 until 14 February 2020 at the Fisheries Laboratory, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Universitas Padjadjaran, Indonesia. This research used experimental method with Completely Random Design (CRD), which consists of four treatments and four times the repeated feeding of commercial feed (control), the leaf meal of lamtoro fermentation result 10%, 15%, and 20%. Based on the results of the research, fermentation of lamtoro leaves can improve nutrient content after fermentation, seen from the presence of increased protein content from 21.88% to 26.11% and decrease in crude fiber content from 46.33% to 20.85%. The addition of lamtoro leaf meal fermentation results up to 15% in commercial feed resulting in a daily growth rate of 1.90%, feed conversion ratio of 2.05 and the survival rate of 70%.

2010 ◽  
Vol 39 (1) ◽  
pp. 9-17 ◽  
José Teixeira de Seixas Filho ◽  
Maria Goreti Almeida Oliveira ◽  
Guilherme de Souza Moura ◽  
Eduardo Arruda Teixeira Lanna ◽  
Silvana Lages Ribeiro Garcia ◽  

The objective of this study was evaluate the influence of feeding bullfrog tadpoles on commercial feed containing 28% crude protein (CP), on their digestive enzyme performance and activities. The experiment lasted 60 days, at the density of one tadpole/L in boxes containing 30 L water. A hundred and twenty tadpoles at the 25 Gosner stage averaging weight and length was 0.046 g and 6.22 mm, respectively, were used. Survival rate, length, final weight, weight gain, feed consumption, apparent food conversion, specific growth rate and activities of chime, amylase, lipase and trypisin were the parameters evaluated, biweekly, in five biometries. Quadratic effect was observed for the length and the weight. There was larger growth of the tadpoles from the 15th to the 45th day (19.82 mm). On the 15th day, the tadpoles presented the largest specific growth rate (16.93%/day), and the largest weight gain (5.460 g), feed intake (14.099 g) and the best apparent food conversion (2.46) was from the 45th to the 60th day. The specific activity of amylase was 205 times greater at 60 days when compared to the beginning of the experiment. The results demonstrated that, for the three enzymes studied, the action capacity over the tadpole chime increased significantly after the 30th experimental day. Moreover, they suggested a greater capacity of tadpoles to digest carbohydrates in detriment to proteins, and this fact was accentuated in the initial phase of the exogenous feeding of this amphibian. The commercial feed with 28% CP provide good performance in the bullfrog tadpoles, indicating the juvenile formation within commercial bullfrog farming standards.

2001 ◽  
Vol 58 (5) ◽  
pp. 1012-1020 ◽  
A Gangnery ◽  
C Bacher ◽  
D Buestel

The Thau lagoon (France) has been studied for many years because of its ecological interest related to economic activities: shellfish cultivation, tourism, and industry. The standing stock of cultivated filter feeders is around 20 000 t and consists of two main species, the Japanese oyster Crassostrea gigas and the Mediterranean mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis. To predict changes in the standing stock and the annual production, a mathematical model of the population dynamics was defined. It was based on the continuous equation of the density as a function of the mortality rate, the individual growth rate, and the interindividual variability. The daily growth rate was derived from field surveys and depended on the phytoplankton concentration and individual weight. The model also took into account the rearing strategy of the producers defined by the timetable of seeding and harvesting, obtained by an inquiry among the producers and used to simulate real cases of standing stock changes. The model was also used to assess the potential impact on the environment through the computation of the food consumption, which was compared with the residence time and the primary production.

2021 ◽  
Vol 41 (1) ◽  
pp. 77-83
A. W. Lamidi ◽  
S. S. Abiola ◽  
M. A. Ozoje ◽  
O. A. Adeyemi ◽  
A. Y. P. Ojelade

The experiment was designed to evaluate the effect of egg size on hatching quality and post-hatch growth performance of normal feathered indigenous chickens. Hatchable eggs, grouped into three sizes: medium/control, small and large, were incubated to obtain day-old chicks. One hundred and eighty (180) day-old chicks were allotted to three treatment groups according to the egg sizes from which they were hatched. Egg size significantly (p<0.05) influenced chick hatching weight. Chicks hatched from large eggs were the heaviest (36.89g) while those obtained from small ones were the smallest (31.02g). Daily growth rate (DGR) was progressive and uniform in both cockerels and pullets in the first 8 weeks of life across the treatment groups. It was concluded that egg size, though could determine chick hatching weight, but not a good predictor of post-hatch growth performance in normal feathered indigenous chickens

2019 ◽  
Vol 18 (4) ◽  
pp. 42-50
Luong T. Le

The objective of the study was to evaluate effects of 3 different diets and 3 different live food stocking densities on cobia fingerling rearing in composite tanks system in the Ninh Thuan 1st grade Seafood Breeding Center from 6 - 25 days old. The experiment was performed as a 3 × 3 factorial design [live food types: 100% Copepoda (Cop), 100% Nauplius of Artemia (Art), and 50% Copepoda + 50% Artemia; live food stocking densities: 5 - 10 individuals/mL, 10 - 15 individuals/mL, and 15 - 20 individuals/mL]. Each treatment had 5 replicates. After the nursery phase, the results showed that environmental parameters in all treatments were in normal ranges for cobia larvae growth. There was no difference in total length when cobia larvae were fed different feed densities (P < 0.05). The 100% Art live food and the live food density of 15 - 20 individuals/mL gave the highest growth rate, whereas the 100% Cop live food and the live food density of 5 - 10 individuals/mL resulted in the lowest weight of larvae. There was no difference in weight gain when simultaneously changing the types and live food density (P < 0.05). The survival rate of cobia larvae was highest for the 100% Cop live food and the live food density of 15 - 20 individuals/mL and lowest for the 100% Art live food and the live food density of 5 - 10 individuals/mL. However, there was no difference in the survival rate of cobia larvae when simultaneously changing the types and live food density (P < 0.05).

Murat Yeşiltaş ◽  
Mehmet Ali Turan Koçer ◽  
Hüseyin Sevgili ◽  
Edis Koru

Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) and African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) were preferred to grow in aquaponics due to their high and fast productivity growth. However, limited research was conducted on the impact on different inorganic substrates’ growth performance in aquaponics. In this study, lettuce’s growth performance was determined in four different kinds of inorganic substrates in Nutrient Film Technique (NFT) aquaponics by measuring final weight, daily growth rate, stem diameter, plant and root lengths, leaf number per plant and shoot/root ratio. Polyester fiber, rock wool, zeolite, and gravel were used as inorganic substrate materials. A constant flow rate of 0.3 L/min was maintained using with a submersible pump motor. At the end of the study, the African catfish’s feed conversion ratio was estimated to be 0.66, while the specific growth rate (SGR) was 2.3%. Total lettuce yields for polyester fiber, rock wool, zeolite and gravel were obtained as 5.072,22 kg/m2, 4.934,03 kg/m2, 6.067 kg/m2, and 5.382,64 kg/m2 respectively. There were statistically significant differences for daily growth rate between the inorganic substrates that the significantly highest values were recorded in the zeolite. The results revealed that initial plant length and shoot/root ratio were the significant factors on the growth performance for lettuce in aquaponic system tested. The best lettuce yield performance was observed in zeolite substrate but, economically available option was found as gravel for hydroponic troughs.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 214-221
Rahman Albahadly

The present study aimed to investigate the effect of fish grading on the growth performance of common carp Cyprinus carpio cultivated in floating cages located in the Al-Mashab River northwest of Basrah. A total of 4896 fishes were transferred from storage cages to culture cages (3×4×2 m), and distributed at a rate of 816 fishes per cage with a culture density of 34 fishes/m3 into six cages, three of which were classified into large (GL), middle (GM) and small (GS) individuals, whereas three cages were left without grading (UG). The graded and ungraded cages were chosen depending on the standard deviation for each cage. The fishes were fed for both treatments on a standardized, locally made diet. The results of the study were evaluated according to the criteria for total weight gain (WG), daily growth rate and specific growth rate. In the first grading process, significant differences (P<0.05) were recorded between graded (GL) and ungraded in final weight and specific growth rate (SGR) but not in weight gain and daily growth rate (DGR), while in the second grading, significant differences (P<0.05) were recorded between graded (GL) and ungraded in final weight and weight gain but not in SGR and DGR. At the end of the second grading period, the daily and specific growth rate of graded fishes were ranged between 3.26-4.73 g/day and 0.22-0.46%/day, respectively, while for ungraded fishes there were 2.35 g/day and 0.23%/day, respectively. The survival rate (SR) was not different very much in all treatments and ranged between 94.34 to 95.49% in small graded and ungraded fishes, respectively. The study results recommend at least two grading processes should be established during the culture season in two or three months intervals.

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