import duty
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Dr. J. Thiagarajan ◽  
S. Balakrishnan

This article studies the opportunities and challenges that persist for the Toy Manufacturing sector in India. India is named for its traditional toy a year back history of 5000 years. The industry gives more employment opportunities and provides more revenue to the people who depend on it. But due to the change in liking of traditional toys, patterns and innovation of Chinese toys create a great deal of trouble to the Indian manufacturers. The study is essential in estimating the opportunities and challenges available in the toy manufacturing sectors in India. The study adopts the literature survey approach, mainly from various agencies' reports and news from the websites. The at manirbar mantra, Covid 19 influence, Global scenarios link shows significant opportunities for toy manufacturing sectors. Challenges are found to be in the availability of foreign toys, increased import duty on raw material and capital goods, and introduction of quality standards in Toy Production.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (6) ◽  
pp. 2107
Adelia Rizky Windyaka

AbstractThe government made Law Number 5 of 1999 concerning the prohibition of monopolistic practices and unfair business competition to regulate business actors in carrying out activities related to buying and selling in the market. The birth of this regulation provides a limit for business actors to create healthy business competition. The presence of a platform for online shopping also makes trading activities easier today. The development of this shopping style also affects the number of imported goods that enter Indonesia. There is a policy regarding the setting of the value for import duties on imported goods which has increased from the previous one. The change in the value of this import duty is a step by the government to protect domestic business actors.Keywords: Law; Bussiness competition; Policy; Import.AbstrakPemerintah membuat Undang – Undang Nomor 5 tahun 1999 tentang larangan praktek monopoli dan persaingan usaha tidak sehat untuk mengatur pelaku usaha dalam melakukan kegiatan yang berkaitan dengan jual beli didalam pasar. Lahirnya peraturan ini memberikan batasan bagi pelaku usaha agar menciptakan persaingan usaha yang sehat. Hadirnya platform untuk berbelanja online juga mempermudah kegiatan perdagangan saat ini. Berkembangnya gaya berbelanja ini juga berpengaruh terhadap banyaknya barang impor yang masuk ke Indonesia. Terdapat kebijakan mengenai pengaturan besaran nilai bagi bea masuk barang impor yang mengalami kenaikan dari sebelumnya. Berubahnya nilai bea masuk ini sebagai langkah pemerintah melindungi pelaku usaha domestik.Kata Kunci: Hukum; Persaingan Usaha; Kebijakan; Impor.

С.Н. Алпысбаева ◽  
А.А. Бакдолотов ◽  
Н.Н. Жанакова ◽  
S. Alpysbayeva ◽  
A. Bakdolotov ◽  

Статья посвящена изучению вопроса введения ЕС углеродного корректирующего пограничного механизма (далее - УКПМ), в структуре которого предусмотрена импортная пошлина на углеродоёмкие импортные товары. Для экспорто-ориентированных стран данный налог означает наличие высоких рисков снижения выручки от экспорта энергоресурсов в Европу, а также в другие страны. Авторами изучены предпосылки введения углеродного корректирующего пограничного механизма, введение и реализация которого ориентирована на сокращение выбросов парниковых газов в ЕС, а также стимулирование сокращений выбросов в других странах. Представлены краткие результаты проведенных международных исследований таких компаний, как Boston Consulting Group, KPMG по оценке эффектов введения УКПМ на международную торговлю. В статье также сделана предварительная оценка потерь Казахстана от введения ЕС углеродного корректирующего пограничного механизма, с использованием подхода «Что-Если» на основе данных 2019 года. Согласно проведенным расчетам, если бы в 2019 году, экспорт подвергался бы углеродному налогу в рамках углеродного корректирующего пограничного механизма, то потери составили бы минимально $157,5 млн. или 2,1% поступлений в Национальный фонд РК, и максимально, предполагая, что весь экспорт используется в глобальных цепочках поставок товаров в Европу, $576,4 млн. или 7,7% поступлений в Национальный фонд РК. The article is focused on the study of the introduction of the carbon border adjustment mechanism (hereafter CBAM) by the EU, the structure of which considers an import duty on the carbon-intensive goods. For export-oriented countries, this tax implies a higher risk of reduced revenue from carbon-related energy exports to Europe, as well as to the other countries. The authors studied the prerequisites from CBAM introduction, the development, and implementation of mechanism which the aim is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the EU, as well as to stimulate the reduction of emissions in other countries. The brief results of studies of international companies, such as Boston Consulting Group and KPMG, are presented on the assessment of the impact of introducing CBAM on international trade. The article provides a preliminary assessment of Kazakhstan's losses due to the carbon border adjustment mechanism introduced by the EU, using the "What-If" approach based on 2019 data. According to the calculations, if CBAM was implemented in 2019 and carbon exports were taxed according to the mechanism, the estimated losses would be $157.5 million, or 2.1% of the revenues of the National Fund of the Republic of Kazakhstan, at minimum. At maximum, with an assumption that all exports that are used in the global supply chain of goods to Europe, the revenue losses would become $576.4 million, or 7.7% of the revenues of the National Fund of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 17-33
Rahayu Ningsih ◽  
Choirin Nisaa'

Saudi Arabia is Indonesian trading partner with a total trade value in 2019 reached USD 5.07 billion. Indonesia's trade with Saudi Arabia contributed to a deficit in Indonesia's trade balance, from USD 1.36 billion in 2015 to USD 3.68 billion in 2018. Amid efforts to increase exports to Saudi Arabia, on May 27, 2020, Custom Saudi, has issued a policy of changing the rate of import duty on 37 tarif lines (HS 2 digit) with an increase to be in the range of 7% to 20% from the initial rate, which is in the range of 5% to 12%. This matter, of course, has potential effect on Indonesia's export penetration. This analysis aims to identify Indonesian export products that are affected by the increase in import duty rates in Saudi Arabia and analyze the impact of the increase in the import duty of Saudi Arabia and its implications for Indonesia's export performance. With the descriptive analysis method using secondary data of trade data sourced from the Central Bureau of Statistics and UN Comtrade, this study concluded that the increase in Saudi Arabia's import duties on Indonesia's main export products had an impact on several of Indonesia's main export products, namely paper products, iron and steel products, iron and steel, Man-made staple fibres, and Machinery. Meanwhile, other export products such as automotive, plastic product, Electrical machinery, palm oil, processed meat and fish products, and some textile products have no substantial impact. Therefore, to anticipate the impact on the penetration of Indonesian export products, the government needs to disseminate information to business actors, especially exporters whose products are subject to an increase in import duty in Saudi Arabia so that anticipatory steps can be taken as well as efforts to find alternative export destination markets  in other countries.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
Rafli Wiratama ◽  
Fahmi Muhammad Ahmadi ◽  
M. Nuzul Wibawa

ABSTRACTThe role of Customs and Excise Type C Soekarno-Hatta in carrying out supervision of onlne deposit service business operators who do not pay import duty and tax in the framework of import as well as the modus operandi carried out by online deposit service business actors to avoid payment of import duty and deeds of perpetrators online courier services business perspective criminal law because, the number of online entourage business operators who use passenger luggage facilities contained in Article 7 and Article 12 of the Minister of Finance Regulation Number 203 / PMK.04 / 2017 concerning the provisions on the export and import of goods carried by passengers and the crew of the means of conveyance, namely exemption of imported imported goods up to a maximum value of Free On Boad USD 500.00 (Five Hundred United States Dollars) per person for each arrival is exempted from import duty. However, this exemption from import duty is utilized by business people who entrust online services to carry out trading activities, because basically this regulation is for personal goods of passengers or personal use and not for goods. This research uses qualitative research by combining an empirical approach is legal research on law in fact and applied by humans who live in the community itself and to determine the implementation of legal norms that have been applied. The results of this study aimed that the role of Customs and Excise Soekarno-Hatta in carrying out complaints against business operators entrusting services online, using the category of passenger luggage control by conducting preliminary supervision by looking at, baggage x-ray analysis and looking at passenger profiles using the Passanger Name Record system For Government (PNR-GOV), then the modus operandi of online business services is to use deminimis threshold by recognizing that service goods are left as personal goods and not giving actual customs notification. Acts carried out by online deposit service business operators who do not pay taxes by physically smuggling by placing their merchandise in improper places have violated the rules of Article 102 letter (e) of Law Number 17 Year 2006 concerning Customs of the act of entrusted business services online by not notifying the type and / or quantity of imported goods in customs notification wrongly violating Article 102 letter (h) of Law Number 17 Year 2006 concerning Customs. The threat of criminal imprisonment is 1 (one) year and a maximum of 10 (ten) years and a fine of at least Rp.50,000,000.00 (fifty million rupiah) and a maximum of Rp.5,000,000,000.00 (five billion rupiah).Keywords: Business Executives Services Online, Customs Type C Soekarno Hatta, Exemption from Import Duties.ABSTRAKPeran Bea dan Cukai Tipe C Soekarno-Hatta dalam melakukan pengawasan terhadap pelaku usaha jasa titip onlne yang tidak melakukan pembayaran pajak bea masuk dan pajak dalam rangka impor serta modus operandi yang dilakukan oleh pelaku usaha jasa titip online untuk melakukan penghindaran pembayaran bea masuk serta perbuatan pelaku usaha jasa titip online perspektif hukum pidana karena, banyaknya pelaku usaha jasa titip online yang menggunakan fasilitas barang bawaan penumpang yang terdapat dalam Pasal 7 dan Pasal 12 Peraturan Menteri Keuangan  Nomor 203/PMK.04/2017 tentang ketentuan ekspor dan impor barang yang dibawa oleh penumpang dan awak sarana pengangkut yaitu pembebasan barang impor bawaan sampai dengan nilai paling banyak Free On Boad USD 500.00 (Lima Ratus United States Dollar) perorang untuk setiap kedatangan diberikan pembebasan bea masuk. Namun pembebasan bea masuk ini dimanfaatkan oleh pelaku usaha jasa titip online untuk melakukan kegiatan perdagangan, karena pada dasarnya peraturan ini untuk barang pribadi penumpang atau personal use dan bukan untuk barang daganangan. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian kualitatif dengan menggabungkan pendekatan empiris adalah penelitian hukum tentang hukum pada kenyataanya dan diterapkan oleh manusia yang hidup dalam masyarakat itu sendiri dan untuk mengetahui implementasi norma hukum yang telah berlaku.Hasil penelitian ini menujukan bahwa peran Bea dan Cukai Soekarno-Hatta dalam melakukan pengawsaan terhadap pelaku usaha jasa titip online, menggunakan katagori pengawasan barang bawaan penumpang dengan melakukan pengawasan pendahuluan dengan melihat, analisis x-ray bagasi dan melihat profil penumpang dengan menggunakan sistem Passanger Name Record For Government (PNR-GOV), kemudian modus operandi yang di lakukan pelaku usaha jasa titip online adalah menggunakan deminimis threshold dengan mengakui bahwa barang jasa titip sebagai barang pribadinya dan tidak memberikan pemberitahuan pabean dengan sebenarnya. Perbuatan yang dilakukan oleh pelaku usaha jasa titip online yang tidak membayar pajak dengan melakukan penyeludupan secara fisik dengan meletakan barang daganganya di tempat yang tidak sewajarnya telah melanggar peraturan Pasal 102 huruf (e) Undang-Undang Nomor 17 Tahun 2006 tentang Kepabeanan perbuatan pelaku usaha jasa titip online dengan tidak memberitahukan jenis dan/atau jumlah barang impor dalam  pemberitahuan  pabean  secara salah melanggar Pasal 102 huruf (h) Undang-Undang Nomor 17 Tahun 2006 tentang Kepabeanan. Ancaman pidananya pidana penjara  1 (satu) tahun dan paling lama 10 (sepuluh) tahun dan pidana  denda paling sedikit Rp. (lima puluh juta rupiah) dan paling banyak Rp. (lima milyar rupiah).

Rahmadi Indra Tektona ◽  
Nuzulia Kumala Sari ◽  
Amru Hanifa Mukti

Indonesia has a problem increasing the number of iron and steel imports from year to year, but Tiongkok and Vietnam are highlighted differently by government because they have experienced a significant increase, so they are suspected of dumping. And than, what the legal remedies should be taken against the alleged dumping carried out by Tiongkok and Vietnam by competent institutions and related parties and what the legal consequnces are. This research will be analyzed with normative legal research principles, legal doctrines, and international agreements with the law approach and conceptual approach.The Antidumping Code is the basis of Indonesia’s efforts towards Tiongkok and Vietnam given that the three countries are remembers of the World Trade Organization with General Agreement on Tariff and Trade. The Indonesian Anti-Dumping Committee is an institution that is given the authority to conduct dumping investigations, both offensively or defensively wich is inisiated based on initiatives or requests from the majority of the Domestic Industry of the similar goods. If the investigation process carried out by KADI is proven to be found dumping it will be subject sanctions in the form of the imposition of Anti-Dumping Import Duty according to the amount of dumping margin and if it is not found or deministic margin then the investigation process is terminated. And it is unfortunate because dumping specifically has not been regualated in a law in Indonesia.

Money laundering is a system, treated to legitimate illegally earned wealth in a way aiming to conceal the source of the wealth and after the process, the money looks like legal money. Our study aims to identify, analyze, and reveal the reasons that occur the offense and simultaneously, to suggest strategies and a model to control money laundering in Bangladesh. This study conducted based on primary data using a factors-based questionnaire, which responded to by teachers of universities and officers of banks. Findings suggest that reasons behind the offense are to transform black money into white money; to pay bribe and speed money; to hide the source of bribe and speed money; to get higher remittance, the illegal channel being used; to get a higher return from investment in other countries’ securities, stocks, and derivatives; to deposit money safely abroad; to evade import duty for having a higher rate in the specific items like gold, and to build a second home abroad. Findings also suggest a lack of ethical practice in life; having an imbalance in income and expenditure, and more earning tendency influenced people to conduct money laundering. Findings further suggest that the politician has a higher tendency to conduct money laundering than other occupations. Countries should control money laundering internationally by helping each other and update the way of controlling rules and regulations continuously.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 65-80
Putu Sekarwangi Saraswati

The occurrence of these customs smuggling crimes cannot be changed in the sectorof income tax and import duty / excise for the state, but will be able to influence and bringnegative impacts. Where criminal acts can be carried out by bodies that will integrate goodsabroad or translate goods from abroad, for example by providing customs documents thatare not in accordance with goods exported or imported. Acts of smuggling in falsification ofcustoms documents in addition to economic factors, also by factors in Indonesia, quality ofdomestic industrial products, including barriers to entry of certain types of goods, looseningof supervision, others, the perpetrators themselves do not know that they have committedfraud customs documents. Whereas prevention efforts can be done preventively andrefresively.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
Marsanto Adi Nurcahyo ◽  
Aditya Subur Purwana

ABSTRACT:Anti-dumping on tinplate products aim to protect domestic industries. Still, some industries want tinplate products not to be subject to anti-dumping because domestic production is not sufficient. This research examines the application of anti-dumping import duties on tinplate products from China, Taiwan, and Korea from 2014 to 2018, to know whether there are differences in the value of imports before and during the anti-dumping import duty. Use secondary data sourced from UN-Comtrade. Samples are selected by countries that have continuously sent tinplate products to Indonesia from 2010 to 2018, namely China, Taiwan, Korea, Japan, Germany, India, and Malaysia. Using the Mean Equality Test, it is known that there are differences in the import value before and during the anti-dumping import duty, with a p-value of 0.0114 less than α (0.05), so it is concluded that there is a difference in the import value of the tinplate product before and during anti-dumping duty. Descriptive analysis results illustrate imports from China and Taiwan tend to decrease. In contrast, imports from Korea tend to increase despite being subjected to anti-dumping duties because they can compete by using preferential tariffs based on free trade schemes.Keywords: Antidumping, Import duty, TinplateABSTRAK:Anti-dumping terhadap produk tinplate bertujuan melindungi industri dalam negeri, akan tetapi terdapat ìndustri yang menginginkan produk tinplate tidak dikenakan anti-dumping karena produksi dalam negeri belum mencukupi. Penelitian ini menguji penerapan bea masuk anti-dumping terhadap produk tinplate dari China, Taiwan dan Korea selama tahun 2014 s.d. 2018, dengan tujuan mengetahui apakah ada perbedaan nilai importasi sebelum dan selama dikenakan bea masuk anti-dumping. Menggunakan data sekunder yang bersumber dari UNComtrade. Sampel dipilih negara yang secara kontinyu mengirim produk tinplate ke Indonesia sejak 2010 s.d. 2018, yaitu China, Taiwan, Korea, Jepang, Jerman, India dan Malaysia. Menggunakan Mean Equality Test, diketahui terdapat perbedaan nilai importasi sebelum dengan selama dikenakan bea masuk anti-dumping. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai-P (p-value) adalah 0,0114 lebih kecil dari alpha (α=0,05), sehingga disimpulkan terdapat perbedaan pada nilai importasi produk tinplate sebelum dengan selama dikenakan bea masuk anti-dumping. Hasil analisis deskriptif menggambarkan importasi dari China dan Taiwan cenderung menurun sedangkan importasi dari Korea cenderung naik walaupun dikenakan bea masuk anti-dumping karena mampu bersaing dengan menggunakan tarif preferensi berdasarkan skema perdagangan bebas.Kata Kunci: Anti-dumping, Bea Masuk, tinplate

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 25-35
Salamuddin Daeng

This article describes implications of Indonesia government policy regarding to Special Economic Zones in Batam. The pioneer of Special Economic Zones had been exist with the enforcement of constitution about free trade and free port. Facilities or convenience is a factor that will attract investors, through this facility, it is expected investors just simply come to the concern government to take care of all permits relating to the investment activities. On the other side, facilities or incentives provided by legislation to investors, such as privileges or special treatment in certain different outside SEZ areas, that is the tax holiday for a period of time, the suspension or exemption of import duty, including tax.

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