Cendekia Niaga
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Published By Pusdiklat Perdagangan

2548-3145, 2548-3137

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 60-68
Hari Linda Lukitowati ◽  
Luksi Paryatno

The Trade Education and Training Center (Pusdiklat Perdagangan) participates in the development of competencies and skills of the Indonesian people. One of contribution is organizing webinars through the learning management system (LMS) Kudagang. As an education and training center that organizes infographic webinars, Pusdiklat Perdagangan hopes to provide the best service. Therefore, evaluation is a mandatory thing that must be done. The infographic became a webinar topic that was given to participants, both academics and professionals. To provide optimal service, Pusdiklat Perdagangan evaluates webinar activities through participant suggestions. The purpose of this study is to identify things that need to be addressed and improved in the implementation of future webinars so that the quality of services provided is optimal and identify topics and webinar materials that are really needed by the community. Suggestions from participants in the form of text are processed and analyzed using text mining. The data analysis consisted of two parts: (1) analysis of suggestions regarding the webinar activities; (2) suggestions for the next webinar topic. The results of the analysis of participant suggestions indicate several things that need to be improved in the implementation of the webinar, including the audio quality, the practice duration, the technique in delivering material, and the role of the host in guiding the webinar activities. The webinar topic suggestions given by the participants to Pusdiklat Perdagangan are advanced infographics, social media management, public speaking, effective communication, and how to write scientific articles

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 69-83
Agus Kurniati ◽  
Sopan Adrianto

In organizing School Principal Strengthening Training, BPSDM Province DKI Jakarta is required to produce graduates capable of compiling RPS document in order to improve education quality. The problem faced was the large number of graduates who have difficulties during the preparation of RPS document and they need guidance to arrange RPS document, so that the resulting RPS document can be implemented properly in order to improve education quality. One of the strategic step taken is through post training services. This study is aimed to analyze the post training strategy of Strengthening School Principal Training using SOAR strategy analysis. The research method used is descriptive quantitative. Data collection was carried out through interview, observation and questionnaire. The data obtained were processed and tabulated as a basis for conducting SOAR analysis. The analysis used SOAR analysis by calculating the IFE-EFE matrix. Based on the result of the SOAR analysis, BPSDM Province DKI Jakarta is in the quadrant III/OA strategy quadrant, which is to take advantage of existing opportunities to achieve the expected result through a strategy for making forum/media in order to optimize and maintain the competence of Training graduates, namely the School Principal Managerial Consultation Room.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 44-59
Steven Raja Ingot

Semakin rendahnya biaya perdagangan antar negara menyebabkan peningkatan kegiatan perdagangan dengan skema Global Value Chains (GVC) yang terbukti memberikan banyak manfaat bagi negara antara lain percepatan industrialisasi, transfer teknologi, penyerapan tenaga kerja dan peningkatan nilai tambah industri. Partisipasi dalam GVC terdiri dari dua komponen yakni forward participation dan backward participation dimana keduanya memiliki karakteristik yang berbeda. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi apakah ekspor komoditi primer (karet dan CPO) negara ASEAN 6 berhubungan dengan partisipasi GVC forward dan ekspor komoditi manufaktur (elektronik dan otomotif) berhubungan dengan GVC backward serta mengeksplorasi faktor-faktor yang dapat mendorong partisipasi GVC. Studi ini menggunakan data panel dinamis dengan metode GMM dan menemukan bahwa ekspor komoditi primer berhubungan dengan GVC forward kecuali untuk produk CPO sedangkan ekspor komoditi manufaktur berhubungan dengan GVC backward. Peningkatan GDP berpengaruh negatif terhadap partisipasi GVC sehingga peningkatan produktivitas sangat diperlukan untuk mendorong partisipasi, sedangkan FDI yang masuk ke wilayah ASEAN 6 diindikasikan lebih kepada resource dan market seeking bukan network seeking. kualitas infrastuktur berhubungan positif dengan forward participation karena kualitas produk hasil sumber daya alam berpengaruh dari kualitas infrastruktur. Kualitas pembiayaan dalam negeri dan kualitas institusi perlindungan hukum atas hak kekayaan intelektual berhubungan dengan backward participation. Pemodalan juga sangat dibutuhkan oleh industri untuk mendukung kegiatan perdagangannya serta kualitas perlindungan atas hak kekayaan intelektual juga berhubungan positif dalam mendorong backward participation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 100-118
Hino Samuel Jose

Forestry export is one of Indonesia’s strongest industries embraced in economic diplomacy or the international trade negotiation. FLEGT VPA that is conducted between Indonesia and European Union gave a fresh head start for Indonesia’s forestry exports, however it also exposed Indonesia into new challenges amid the Indonesia-EU CEPA negotiation with the EU Green Deal happening. Therefore, Indonesia needs to scrutinize every dimension that might obstruct national export development in the post-pandemic era and to keep the demands flowing for the forest industries. This article is aimed to discuss on how FLEGT VPA impacts Indonesia’s forest timber exports after the signing of Permendag 74/2020. This article also discussed the context on how Indonesia through FLEGT VPA can face against the EU Green Deal in forestry export. This article is researched using document-based research of literature studies and supporting data. This research concludes that FLEGT VPA through Permendag 74/2020 is adopted as part of Indonesia’s trade development and recovery efforts in post Covid-19 pandemic and to adopts the Timber Legal Verification System.   FLEGT VPA has also impacts the forestry small and medium exporters because of the increased production cost as the result of the timber bureaucracy that was set by the government. This article resulted that FLEGT VPA however imposed challenges but at the same time developing its market capabilites and export to create a positive image for the sustainable timber industry. Amid the increased green politics in European Union affecs intra ASEAN hence committed for all member states in starting through possible foreign trade and economic cooperation scheme.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 34-43
Ratri Nur Rohmah

Technology and covid-19 pandemic has become the main trigger for implementation of distance learning in Basic Training Civil Servants at BSSN. E-learning has many differences compared to the conventional methods that were applied previously. We hoped e-learning activities running well so they can achieve the learning objectives. This study seeks to reveal an overview of the effectiveness of e-learning Basic Training Civil Servants. The method used in this research is descriptive research. Data collection was carried out by observation, interview and literature study methods. Interviews were conducted with managers, administrators, teachers and training participants. Based on the research, the results is e-learning Basic Training Civil Servants run effectively. This can be seen from the data that shows that learning has succeeded in achieving the set instructional goals, is able to provide an attractive learning experience, is able to actively involve participants, and the facilities that support the teaching and learning process are fulfilled properly. In addition, it was also found that synchronous model was more attractive to participants than asynchronous. Participants feel that synchronous model can help them focus more and increase motivation when learning. To improve the implementation of online learning in the future, it is suggested to increase synchronous method and delivery  material through gamification application to make leraning more interesting

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-16
Kumara Jati ◽  
Aziza Rahmaniar Salam

Abstract Fluctuation in macroeconomics variables has given a difficulty to interested parties to implement good governance and appropriate accountability to accelerate sustainable development. This is a research to understand how to maintain stability of macroeconomic variables and its relations with partner countries. This study takes the examples of three major countries in Asia, Indonesia-Malaysia-Thailand (IMT), and India. Moreover, public sector openness and public administration need to facilitate information disclosure and increased cooperation between countries. Based on VAR model, the shock effect of macroeconomic variables (exchange rates, interest rates and foreign exchange reserves) vary each other. The existence of shock indicates the transmission among variables indirectly through intermediate channel, such as: capital, commodity and money market between 4 countries. Model ARMA-ARCH/GARCH and STSM shows macroeconomic variables in IMT and India will be relatively maintained and stable in 2022. Good governance should be based on principles of accountability, innovation, integration, and collaboration. Economic structure similarity and diplomatic relations established for decades have made IMT and India able to help each other to facilitated information disclosure and increased cooperation between the countries. However, the presence of shock from outside remains to be watched out as the global changes can disrupt the sustainable development.   Abstrak   Fluktuasi variable ekonomi makro telah memberikan kesulitan bagi pihak yang berkepentingan untuk menerapkan Tata Kelola yang baik dan Akuntabilitas yang tepat untuk mempercepat pembangunan berkelanjutan. Ini adalah penelitian untuk memahami bagaimana menjaga stabilitas variable ekonomi makro dan hubungannya dengan negara-negara mitra. Studi ini mengambil contoh tiga negara utama di Asia, Indonesia-Malaysia-Thailand (IMT) dan India. Selain itu, keterbukaan sektor publik dan administrasi public perlu memfasilitasi keterbukaan informasi dan peningkatan kerjasama antar negara. Berdasarkan model Vector AutoRegression (VAR), Shok variable ekonomi makro (nilai tukar, suku bunga dan cadangan devisa) bervariasi satu sama lain. Keberadaan shok menunjukkan adanya transmisi antar variable secara tidak langsung melalui saluran perantara, seperti: pasar modal, pasar komoditas dan pasar uang antara 4 negara. Model ARMA-ARCH/GARCH dan Struktural Time-Series Model (STSM) menunjukkan bahwa variable ekonomi makro di IMT dan India akan relatif dapat dipertahankan dan stabil pada tahun 2022. Tata Kelola yang baik harus didasarkan pada prinsip-prinsip akuntabilitas, inovasi, integrasi, dan kolaborasi. Kemiripan struktur ekonomi dan hubungan diplomatik yang dibangun selama beberapa decade telah membuat IMT dan India dapat saling membantu untuk memfasilitasi pengungkapan informasi dan peningkatan kerjasama antar negara. Namun, keberadaan shok dari luar masih harus diwaspadai karena perubahan global dapat mengganggu pembangunan berkelanjutan.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 17-33
Rahayu Ningsih ◽  
Choirin Nisaa'

Saudi Arabia is Indonesian trading partner with a total trade value in 2019 reached USD 5.07 billion. Indonesia's trade with Saudi Arabia contributed to a deficit in Indonesia's trade balance, from USD 1.36 billion in 2015 to USD 3.68 billion in 2018. Amid efforts to increase exports to Saudi Arabia, on May 27, 2020, Custom Saudi, has issued a policy of changing the rate of import duty on 37 tarif lines (HS 2 digit) with an increase to be in the range of 7% to 20% from the initial rate, which is in the range of 5% to 12%. This matter, of course, has potential effect on Indonesia's export penetration. This analysis aims to identify Indonesian export products that are affected by the increase in import duty rates in Saudi Arabia and analyze the impact of the increase in the import duty of Saudi Arabia and its implications for Indonesia's export performance. With the descriptive analysis method using secondary data of trade data sourced from the Central Bureau of Statistics and UN Comtrade, this study concluded that the increase in Saudi Arabia's import duties on Indonesia's main export products had an impact on several of Indonesia's main export products, namely paper products, iron and steel products, iron and steel, Man-made staple fibres, and Machinery. Meanwhile, other export products such as automotive, plastic product, Electrical machinery, palm oil, processed meat and fish products, and some textile products have no substantial impact. Therefore, to anticipate the impact on the penetration of Indonesian export products, the government needs to disseminate information to business actors, especially exporters whose products are subject to an increase in import duty in Saudi Arabia so that anticipatory steps can be taken as well as efforts to find alternative export destination markets  in other countries.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 84-99
Aditya Rahman Azis Aditya Rahman Azis ◽  
Vid Adrison

Premium price is an indicator of certification market effectiveness. But its existence depends on the eco-consumers in the markets. Ideally, certification is in line with benefits obtained from the market. This research aims to analyze whether the SVLK certification is capable to generate premium price of Indonesian mouldings exports and see if there is a different effect between EU and Non-EU export destinations. The analysis base on transactional exports data from 2006 to 2017 using the hedonic model approach. The regression results show that the price of SVLK certified products is 7% more expensive than non-certificate products. However, there is no significant influence of the export destination to EU or Non-EU to the prices.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 70-84
Agung Gatra Diarga

The condition of the global economy is greatly affected by the movements of economic agents itself. After the global crisis that happened years ago, 2018 the state of the global economy not fully recovered. In the moment the role of economic agents so influenced by the information received and how that information is processed, so that will affect the perception on an object of that information. And in the end will have an impact on decision making right or not. In this research will analyze perception on the impact of business to consumer perception shown through indicators of the business tendency index on consumer tendency index. The research was conducted using secondary data from the central bureau of statistics by focusing on a span of years the global crisis that is 2017-2019 or pre until post crisis. The method used is descriptive statistics analysis. The result of which is known that the perception business have a positive influence on consumer perception in the view through the business tendency index on consumer tendency index  

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 54-69
Teja Primawati Utami

The covid pandemic in  the world requires of social restrictions. Working from home is one solution in doing work. Every employee is required to contribute to the organization by always maintaining their performance. Therefore, monitoring is important to do to assess the performance results of these employees. Three monitoring alternatives are presented, namely, monitoring by means of self-uploading of performance results, monitoring with confirmation from supervisor and automatic monitoring applications during work implementation. The TOPSIS decision making method is used to select the three alternatives with 8 criteria. Based on the results of calculations and TOPSIS analysis, it was found that the automatic monitoring application during work was the best monitoring that needed to be made and to be implement. The value of relative proximity to the positive ideal solution of 0.63139.

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