environmental indicator
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Animals ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (10) ◽  
pp. 2838
Yinan Gong ◽  
Guojing Zhao ◽  
Huixin Yang ◽  
Yan Li ◽  
Mengyu Tan ◽  

Mammalian coat color is determined by heritable variations such as disease, nutrition, and hormone levels. Variation in animal coat color is also considered an environmental indicator and provides clues for the study of population genetics and biogeography. Records of abnormal coloration in the wild are rare, not only because it is often selected against, but also because of the difficulties in detection of the phenomenon. We used long-term camera-trapping data to first report abnormal coat coloration in yellow-throated marten (Martes flavigula) in China. Six types of abnormal coloration were found only in the Northeast Tiger and Leopard National Park, Northeast China, which were not reported in other regions in China. A total of 268 videos of Martes flavigula contained normal coloration, 455 videos of individuals of the species contained abnormal coloration, 437 contained the ‘gloving’ type (martens with de-pigmented front toes, paws or lower forelimbs), while the remaining other 18 videos contained five types (different degrees of white-spotting and dilution). The higher relative abundance index (0.428, ‘gloving’ to 0.329, normal) and wide distribution area of the ‘gloving’ type indicated that this abnormal coat coloration type is usual in Northeast China, which may reflect genetic variability in the local population. These records will contribute to further research on animal coat color and its corresponding adaptive strategy.

2021 ◽  
Carresse Gerald ◽  
Boris Deshazo ◽  
Hayden Patterson ◽  
Porché Spence

Abstract Background Third Fork Creek is a historically impaired urban stream that flows through the city of Durham, North Carolina. Caenorhabditis elegans (C. elegans) are non-parasitic, soil and aquatic dwelling nematodes that have been used frequently as a biological and ecotoxicity model. We hypothesize that exposure to Third Fork Creek surface water will inhibit the reproduction and chemotaxis of C. elegans. Using our ring assay model, nematodes were enticed to cross the impaired water samples to reach a bacterial food source which allowed observation of chemotaxis. The total number of nematodes found in the bacterial food source and the middle of the plate with the impaired water source was recorded for three days. Results Our findings suggest a reduction in chemotaxis and reproduction on day three in nematodes exposed to Third Fork Creek water samples when compared to the control (pvalue<0.05). These exploratory data provide meaningful insight to the quality of Third Fork Creek located near a Historically Black University. Conclusions Further studies are necessary to elucidate the concentrations of the water contaminants and implications for human health. The relevance of this study lies within the model C. elegans, that has been used in a plethora of human diseases and exposure research but can be utilized as an environmental indicator of water quality impairment.

María Josefa Jiménez-Moreno ◽  
Miguel J. Escalona-Maurice ◽  
Rodrigo Rodríguez-Laguna ◽  
Ramón Razo-Zarate ◽  
Otilio A. Acevedo-Sandoval

Objective: To propose the landscape as an environmental indicator that spatially and temporally, describes, analyzes, and evaluates territory, by changing some natural, social, economic, and cultural components. Approach: Different methodological concepts of the landscape and environmental indicators were reviewed, as well as their characteristics to describe and evaluate the environment. Results: It was found that the landscape is a comprehensive analysis method for the study of the environment, by selecting the parameters that describe and represent each landscape, through shapes, size, colors, textures, shadows, patterns, situations, associated features, and structures arranged under a spatial and temporal order which, when perceived by humans, present a given form of organization or disorganization in the environment. Implications: The environmental indicator allows to analyze and evaluate the changes in space and time, with updated qualitative and quantitative research. These changes play an important role in building the perception of environmental problems through the landscape. Conclusion: Landscape is an integral component that describes the biotic and abiotic elements of a given space. While, as an environmental indicator, it analyzes and evaluates changes in the composition and configuration of the environment, both spatially and temporally.

2021 ◽  
Cai Min ◽  
Liselotte Sander Johansson ◽  
Martin Søndergaard ◽  
Torben L. Lauridsen ◽  
Feizhou Chen ◽  

2021 ◽  
Jason Williams ◽  
Sally Potter-McIntyre ◽  
Justin Filiberto ◽  
Shaunna Morrison ◽  
Daniel Hummer

&lt;p&gt;Indicator minerals have special physical and chemical properties that can be analyzed to glean information concerning the composition of host rocks and formational (or altering) fluids. Clay, zeolite, and tourmaline mineral groups are all ubiquitous at the Earth&amp;#8217;s surface and shallow crust and distributed through a wide variety of sedimentary, igneous, metamorphic, and hydrothermal systems. Traditional studies of indicator mineral-bearing deposits have provided a wealth of data that could be integral to discovering new insights into the formation and evolution of naturally occurring systems. This study evaluates the relationships that exist between different environmental indicator mineral groups through the implementation of machine learning algorithms and network diagrams. Mineral occurrence data for thousands of localities hosting clay, zeolite, and tourmaline minerals were retrieved from mineral databases. Clustering techniques (e.g., agglomerative hierarchical clustering and density based spatial clustering of applications with noise) combined with network analyses were used to analyze the compiled dataset in an effort to characterize and identify geological processes operating at different localities across the United States. Ultimately, this study evaluates the ability of machine learning algorithms to act as supplementary diagnostic and interpretive tools in geoscientific studies.&lt;/p&gt;

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (4) ◽  
pp. 1856
Masato Honda ◽  
Xuchun Qiu ◽  
Suzanne Lydia Undap ◽  
Takeshi Kimura ◽  
Tsuguhide Hori ◽  

We investigated the pollution levels of 6 heavy metals and 29 dioxins (polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs), polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs), and dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyls (DL-PCBs)) in intertidal and supratidal zones by using wharf roaches (Ligia spp.) collected from 12 sampling sites on the coast of Northeast Japan from November 2011 to June 2012. The total concentrations of heavy metals ranged from 177 to 377 µg/g-dry weight (dw), and the predominant metals were copper, zinc, and aluminum. The order of the detected level of heavy metals was zinc > aluminum > copper > cadmium > lead > chromium, and this trend was similar to a previous report. The total toxic equivalent (TEQ) value of the PCDD/Fs ranged from less than the limit of detection (<LOD) to 2.33 pg-TEQ/g-dw, and the predominant congener was octachlorodibenzodioxin (<LOD to 110 pg/g-dw). Compared with PCDD/Fs, DL-PCBs were detected at a predominantly higher level (total TEQ value: 0.64–27.79 pg-TEQ/g-dw). Detected levels of dioxins, especially DL-PCBs in the wharf roach, were like those in the bivalves. These results indicate that the wharf roach could reflect heavy metals and dioxin pollution in the supratidal zones and is a suitable environmental indicator for these environmental pollutants. This is the first study to investigate heavy metals, PCDD/Fs, and DL-PCBs pollution in coastal isopods in Japan.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 23-28
Bifa Aulia Manuhuwa ◽  
Retno Hartati ◽  
Hadi Endrawati

Foraminifera merupakan organisme uniseluler yang dapat berperan sebagai indikator lingkungan serta dapat menentukan lingkungan pengendapan. Cara hidup foraminifera dibagi menjadi dua yaitu foraminifera planktonik (melayang) dan foraminifera bentonik (menambat). Peran foraminifera sebagai organisme indikator ideal karena memiliki siklus hidup relatif singkat sehingga memfasilitasi peristiwa rekaman episodik (Haunold et al., 1997). Saat ini foraminifera banyak hidup di perairan laut dangkal dan laut dalam seperti di Delta Wulan, Demak. Litologi penyusun Delta Wulan ini masih berupa endapan sedimen yang dapat diketahui bahwa delta ini berumur Kuarter. Sehingga, persentase P/b Rasio dapat digunakan untuk menganalisis lingkungan pengendapan (Grimsdale dan Morkhoven, 1955). Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menentukan komposisi foraminifera dan P/b rasio sebagai indikator lingkungan pengendapan. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Januari dan Maret 2019 di perairan Delta Wulan, Demak. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode survei eksploratif. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan secara purposive sampling dengan menetapkan 12 titik penelitian. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ditemukan 24 genus foraminifera yang dikelompokkan menjadi 4 kelas, yaitu Globothalamea, Fusulinata, Tubothalamea dan Nodosariata. Nilai kelimpahan untuk foraminifera planktonik berkisar 57-8000 ind/m2sedangkan foraminifera bentonik berkisar 29-314 ind/m2. Nilai P/b Rasio berkisar antara 86 – 93% dengan kategori batimertri batial atas.Foraminifera is an unicellular organism that can act as an environmental indicator and can determine the depositional environment. The way of life of foraminifera is divided into two namely planktonic foraminifera (floating) and bentonic foraminifera (tethering). The role of foraminifera as an ideal indicator organism because it has a relatively short life cycle thus facilitating episodic recording events (Haunold et al., 1997). At present many foraminifera live in shallow and deep sea waters such as the Wulan Delta, Demak. This Wulan Delta lithology is still in the form of sediment deposits which can be seen that this delta is Quaternary age. Thus, the percentage P/b ratio can be used to analyze the depositional environment (Grimsdale and Morkhoven, 1955). The purpose of this research is to determine the composition of foraminifera and P/b ratio as indicators of depositional environment. This research was conducted in January and March 2019 in the waters of Delta Wulan, Demak. The method used in this research is explorative survey method. Sample was collected by using purposive sampling and deciding 12 research sites. Based on the results of the study found 24 genus foraminifera which are grouped into 4 classes, namely Globothalamea, Fusulinata, Tubothalamea and Nodosariata. The abundance value for planktonic foraminifera ranges from 57-8000 ind/m2 while the bentonic foraminifera ranges from 29-314 ind/m2. The value of P/b Ratio range from 86 - 93% with the upper batial bathymetry category.

Masato Honda ◽  
Koki Mukai ◽  
Edward Nagato ◽  
Seiichi Uno ◽  
Yuji Oshima

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) concentrations in wharf roach (Ligia spp.), as an environmental indicator, and in environmental components of the intertidal and supralittoral zones were determined, and the PAH exposure pathways in wharf roach were estimated. Wharf roaches, mussels, and environmental media (water, soil and sand, and drifting seaweed) were collected from 12 sites in Japan along coastal areas of the Sea of Japan. PAH concentrations in wharf roaches were higher than those in mussels (median total of 15 PAHs: 48.5 and 39.9 ng/g-dry weight (dw), respectively) except for samples from Ishikawa (wharf roach: 47.9 ng/g-dw; mussel: 132 ng/g-dw). The highest total PAH concentration in wharf roach was from Akita (96.0 ng/g-dw), followed by a sample from Niigata (85.2 ng/g-dw). Diagnostic ratio analysis showed that nearly all PAHs in soil and sand were of petrogenic origin. Based on a correlation analysis of PAH concentrations between wharf roach and the environmental components, wharf roach exposure to three- and four-ring PAHs was likely from food (drifting seaweed) and from soil and sand, whereas exposure to four- and five-ring PAHs was from several environmental components. These findings suggest that the wharf roach can be used to monitor PAH pollution in the supralittoral zone and in the intertidal zone.

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