scanning probe
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Nano Letters ◽  
2022 ◽  
Bojing Yao ◽  
Chen Chen ◽  
Zhidong Du ◽  
Qian Qian ◽  
Liang Pan

2022 ◽  
Vol 65 (1) ◽  
pp. 15-20
Takuya MATSUMOTO ◽  
Reiko MURAKAMI ◽  

Weichen Guo ◽  
Bao-Quan Ai ◽  
Liang He

Abstract We investigate the two-dimensional melting of deformable polymeric particles with multi-body interactions described by the Voronoi model. We report machine learning evidence for the existence of the intermediate hexatic phase in this system, and extract the critical exponent $\nu\approx0.65$ for the divergence of the correlation length of the associated solid-hexatic phase transition. Moreover, we clarify the discontinuous nature of the hexatic-liquid phase transition in this system. These findings are achieved by directly analyzing system's spatial configurations with two generic machine learning approaches developed in this work, dubbed ``scanning-probe'' via which the possible existence of intermediate phases can be efficiently detected, and ``information-concealing'' via which the critical scaling of the correlation length in the vicinity of generic continuous phase transition can be extracted. Our work provides new physical insights into the fundamental nature of the two-dimensional melting of deformable particles, and establishes a new type of generic toolbox to investigate fundamental properties of phase transitions in various complex systems.

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
Iaroslav Gaponenko ◽  
Salia Cherifi-Hertel ◽  
Ulises Acevedo-Salas ◽  
Nazanin Bassiri-Gharb ◽  
Patrycja Paruch

AbstractThe wealth of properties in functional materials at the nanoscale has attracted tremendous interest over the last decades, spurring the development of ever more precise and ingenious characterization techniques. In ferroelectrics, for instance, scanning probe microscopy based techniques have been used in conjunction with advanced optical methods to probe the structure and properties of nanoscale domain walls, revealing complex behaviours such as chirality, electronic conduction or localised modulation of mechanical response. However, due to the different nature of the characterization methods, only limited and indirect correlation has been achieved between them, even when the same spatial areas were probed. Here, we propose a fast and unbiased analysis method for heterogeneous spatial data sets, enabling quantitative correlative multi-technique studies of functional materials. The method, based on a combination of data stacking, distortion correction, and machine learning, enables a precise mesoscale analysis. When applied to a data set containing scanning probe microscopy piezoresponse and second harmonic generation polarimetry measurements, our workflow reveals behaviours that could not be seen by usual manual analysis, and the origin of which is only explainable by using the quantitative correlation between the two data sets.

2022 ◽  
Mark Aarts ◽  
Alain Reiser ◽  
Spolenak Ralph ◽  
Esther Alarcon-Llado

Regulating the state of the solid-liquid interface by means of electric fields is a powerful tool to control electrochemistry. In scanning probe systems, this can be confined closely to a...

Yue Liu ◽  
Bingxue Yu ◽  
Hongli Wang ◽  
Kaiyang Zeng

The contact mode voltage modulated scanning probe microscopy (SPM) techniques, such as switching spectroscopy piezoresponse force microscope (SS-PFM), are powerful tools for detecting local electromechanical behaviors. However, interpreting their signals,...

Д.А. Киселев ◽  
А.В. Павленко ◽  
С.П. Зинченко

The properties of c-oriented thin films Sr0.5Ba0.5Nb2O6 grown on a Si(001) (p-type) substrate with a pre-deposited Ba0.2Sr0.8TiO3 layer were studied using scanning probe microscopy and dielectric spectroscopy. It is established that the films Sr0.5Ba0.5Nb2O6 are characterized by low surface roughness (less than 6 nm), average crystallite size 93 nm. It is shown that there is spontaneous polarization in the film directed from its surface to the substrate, which caused the manifestation of the field effect for the case of the Si substrate with p-type conductivity without external field effect. Differences in the magnitude of the surface potential signal for regions polarized by an external electric field of different polarities (+10 and −10 V), as well as in their relaxation to the initial state, are revealed. The reasons for the established patterns are discussed.

Дмитрий Викторович Иванов ◽  
Александр Сергеевич Антонов ◽  
Елена Михайловна Семенова ◽  
Александра Ивановна Иванова ◽  
Виталий Александрович Анофриев ◽  

В работе исследуется морфология рельефа наноразмерных пленок платины на поверхности слюды с помощью сканирующего зондового (в режиме атомного-силового) и туннельного микроскопов. Пленки платины исследовались непосредственно после их получения на установке магнетронного напыления, а также после отжига в муфельной печи в воздушной атмосфере. Отжиг позволял установить возможные диапазоны изменения фрактальной размерности и высотных параметров, соответствующие деградации нанорельефа. Получены значения фрактальной размерности для пленок разной толщины при двух альтернативных методах исследования на разных исходных масштабах образцов: на основе данных атомносилового микроскопа - D̅=2,17÷2,38 и сканирующего туннельного микроскопа - D̅=2,28÷2,50 в зависимости от последовательности напыления слоев и отжига пленок. Выбор последовательности операций магнетронного напыления и отжига и внешних условий позволяют формулировать рекомендации по развитию технологии «выращивания» структур с заданной морфологией поверхности. The morphology of the relief of nanosized platinum films on the mica surface is investigated using the scanning probe (in the atomic force mode) and tunneling microscopy. Platinum films were investigated immediately after their preparation in a magnetron sputtering facility, as well as after annealing in a muffle furnace in an air atmosphere. Annealing made it possible to establish the possible ranges of variation of the fractal dimension and the altitude parameters corresponding to degradation of the nanorelief. The values of the fractal dimension were obtained for films of different thicknesses using two alternative methods of investigation at different initial scales of samples: based on the data of an atomic force microscope - D̅ = 2,17÷2,38 and a scanning tunneling microscope - D̅ = 2,28÷2,50 depending on the sequence of deposition of layers and annealing of films. For comparison, experimental data of other authors are presented. The choice of the sequence of operations for magnetron sputtering and annealing, and external conditions makes it possible to formulate recommendations for development of the technology for «growing» structures with a given surface morphology.

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