kern county
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Michael J. Stephens ◽  
David H. Shimabukuro ◽  
Will Chang ◽  
Janice M. Gillespie ◽  
Zack Levinson

2021 ◽  
Eunhee Park ◽  
Julie Yip ◽  
Emily Harville ◽  
Marlene Nelson ◽  
Gloria Giarratano ◽  

Abstract Background. Congenital syphilis is preventable through timely access to prenatal care, syphilis screening and treatment of pregnant women diagnosed as infected. In 2018, California had the second highest number of congenital syphilis cases in the United States (U.S.), a nearly 2-fold increase in cases since 2014. This study assessed gaps in preventing congenital syphilis in the high morbidity region of Kern County, California. Methods. Between May 2018 and January 2019, we conducted five focus group discussions with pregnant/postpartum women and ten semi-structured interviews with prenatal care providers in Kern County. Focus group and interview data were recorded, transcribed, and analyzed to identify emergent themes pertaining to facilitators and barriers at each step (prenatal care, syphilis screening and treatment) in the congenital syphilis prevention cascade.Results. Gaps in congenital syphilis prevention discussed in focus group discussions with pregnant/postpartum women were related to limited prenatal care access, social-, economic-, and cultural-barriers, and substance use and co-occurring intimate partner/domestic violence. The gaps identified from interviews with prenatal care providers included social economic vulnerabilities of pregnant women and stigma and shame around the vulnerabilities, distrust in medical system, prenatal substance use, limited prenatal substance use disorder treatment facilities, and inadequate provider training on context-specific congenital syphilis management strategies. Gaps in partner notification, screening and treatment for syphilis were brought up by pregnant/postpartum women and prenatal care providers. Conclusions. Congenital syphilis continues to increase in Kern County and throughout the U.S. In high syphilis morbidity areas, comprehensive and tailored public health approaches addressing setting-specific gaps in prenatal screening and treatment are needed.

Michael J. Stephens ◽  
David H. Shimabukuro ◽  
Will Chang ◽  
Janice M. Gillespie ◽  
Zack Levinson

AbstractGroundwater total dissolved solids (TDS) distribution was mapped with a three-dimensional (3D) model, and it was found that TDS variability is largely controlled by stratigraphy and geologic structure. General TDS patterns in the San Joaquin Valley of California (USA) are attributed to predominantly connate water composition and large-scale recharge from the adjacent Sierra Nevada. However, in smaller areas, stratigraphy and faulting play an important role in controlling TDS. Here, the relationship of stratigraphy and structure to TDS concentration was examined at Poso Creek Oil Field, Kern County, California. The TDS model was constructed using produced water TDS samples and borehole geophysics. The model was used to predict TDS concentration at discrete locations in 3D space and used a Gaussian process to interpolate TDS over a volume. In the overlying aquifer, TDS is typically <1,000 mg/L and increases with depth to ~1,200–3,500 mg/L in the hydrocarbon zone below the Macoma claystone—a regionally extensive, fine-grained unit—and reaches ~7,000 mg/L in isolated places. The Macoma claystone creates a vertical TDS gradient in the west where it is thickest, but control decreases to the east where it pinches out and allows freshwater recharge. Previously mapped normal faults were found to exhibit inconsistent control on TDS. In one case, high-density faulting appears to prevent recharge from flushing higher-TDS connate water. Elsewhere, the high-throw segments of a normal fault exhibit variable behavior, in places blocking lower-TDS recharge and in other cases allowing flushing. Importantly, faults apparently have differential control on oil and groundwater.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
Ashley E. Larsen ◽  
L. Claire Powers ◽  
Sofie McComb

AbstractNotwithstanding popular perception, the environmental impacts of organic agriculture, particularly with respect to pesticide use, are not well established. Fueling the impasse is the general lack of data on comparable organic and conventional agricultural fields. We identify the location of ~9,000 organic fields from 2013 to 2019 using field-level crop and pesticide use data, along with state certification data, for Kern County, CA, one of the US’ most valuable crop producing counties. We parse apart how being organic relative to conventional affects decisions to spray pesticides and, if spraying, how much to spray using both raw and yield gap-adjusted pesticide application rates, based on a global meta-analysis. We show the expected probability of spraying any pesticides is reduced by about 30 percentage points for organic relative to conventional fields, across different metrics of pesticide use including overall weight applied and coarse ecotoxicity metrics. We report little difference, on average, in pesticide use for organic and conventional fields that do spray, though observe substantial crop-specific heterogeneity.

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Nyakundi Momanyi Michieka ◽  
Donald John Lacombe ◽  
Yiannis Ampatzidis

Purpose The purpose of this study is to examine the net effect of golf courses’ proximity on home sale prices in Kern County, California. Design/methodology/approach A spatial Durbin error model is used with sales price data for 1,693 homes sold in Kern County in the third quarter of 2018. This paper compares 90 different spatial econometric models using Bayesian techniques to produce posterior model probabilities which guided model selection and the number of neighbors to use. Findings The results show that significant spatial dependence exists in home values in Kern County. Point estimates indicate that homes abutting golf courses are valued at less than those which are not. This study also finds that the farther away from golf courses the average home is, the higher its value. Originality/value This study contributes to the existing literature in three dimensions. First, this paper analyzes whether proximity to golf courses impacts home values in Kern County where a study of this nature has not been conducted. Second, the analysis uses transaction data for 2018 which was a period when the sport’s popularity was fading and golf courses closing. Third, Bayesian model comparison techniques are used to select the appropriate model.

2021 ◽  
Sofie HE McComb ◽  
Claire Powers ◽  
Forrest Melton ◽  
Ashley Larsen

Abstract Context. Climate change and agricultural intensification are modifying the configuration of natural lands within agricultural landscapes, further impacting species’ ability to move freely between remaining natural areas. These working landscapes have inherently high opportunity costs, making the establishment of additional permanent reserves for species movement unlikely. Objectives. Here we explore the potential for opportunistic and dynamic conservation reserves, in the form of temporary fallowed croplands, to increase connectivity in competing land use regions. Methods. We evaluate the potential for fallowed lands to facilitate habitat connectivity for at-risk species in the San Joaquin Valley (SJV), an intensive agricultural landscape in California. We perform landscape connectivity analyses to examine how historic drought-induced fallowing from 2011 to 2017 in the SJV region impacted connectivity within Kern County for the endangered, endemic San Joaquin kit fox (Vulpes macrotis mutica). Results. We found that an increase in temporary fallowing from 2011 to 2015/2017 in Kern County likely increased habitat connectivity for the kit fox. This finding was represented by reductions in average Cost-Weighted Distances (CWD), Effective Resistances, and CWD-to-Least Cost Path Ratios between core habitat areas, indicating that cumulative costs incurred by kit foxes travelling between primary habitats decreased. Conclusions. Our findings highlight that strategic and cooperative, yet temporary, conservation actions have the potential to reduce the conflict between biodiversity preservation and agricultural production in working landscapes while increasing landscape connectivity. Fallowing-based, agri-environmental schemes could help working areas meet statewide groundwater management policy targets while improving species’ mobility in the face of climate change.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 ◽  
Ariani C. Wartenberg ◽  
Diana Moanga ◽  
Matthew D. Potts ◽  
Van Butsic

Increasing global food production and livelihoods while maintaining ecosystem health will require significant changes in the way existing farming landscapes are managed. To this end, developing a systemic understanding of the economic and ecological impacts of different cropping systems, and identifying trade-offs and synergies between them, is crucial to inform decision-making for policy makers and landowners. Here, we investigate the impacts of agricultural land-use change for 15 distinct crops in Kern County, California, by looking at spatial and temporal changes in ecosystem indicators. We focus our analysis on three agricultural ecosystem pressures (water use, soil erosion, and pesticide use) and three agricultural ecosystem services (profits, calorie production, and C sequestration). Between 2002 and 2018, agriculture in Kern County underwent a shift from annual row crop to nut tree crop production. At the landscape-scale, we found high increases in ecosystem service provision (total profits, calorie production, and annual C sequestration increased by 105, 29, and 37%, respectively), coupled with smaller changes in ecosystem pressures (total soil erosion and evapotranspiration increased by 10 and 5%, respectively, and total pesticide use declined by 4%). We identified no salient trade-offs or synergies among crops. Our results illustrate that in the highly productive agricultural hotspot of Kern County, a combination of changes in land-cover allocation or land-use efficiency may have mitigated stronger negative environmental impacts following a broad shift from annual to perennial crops.

PLoS ONE ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (4) ◽  
pp. e0249419
Elaine Y. L. Chan ◽  
Carolyn Smullin ◽  
Stephanie Clavijo ◽  
Melissa Papp-Green ◽  
Eunhee Park ◽  

Congenital syphilis is the result of placental transmission from mother to fetus of Treponema pallidum. Although congenital syphilis is preventable through timely treatment, the rate of new infections in the United States (US) has increased each year since 2013, and is increasing at a noticeably greater pace in California (CA). Most research into congenital syphilis has focused on individual psychosocial and behavioral factors that contribute to maternal vulnerability for syphilis. The aim of this study was to evaluate structural barriers to prenatal care access and utilization and congenital syphilis prevention in Kern County, CA. Transcripts from 8 in-depth interviews with prenatal care providers and 5 focus group discussions with 42 pregnant and postpartum persons were examined using thematic analysis. Structural barriers experienced by pregnant and postpartum persons to prenatal care access and utilization included (1) burdens of poverty; (2) stigma around substance use in pregnancy; (3) citizenship status; (4) lack of healthcare coverage; (5) low sexual health literacy; and (6) gender inequality Structural barriers experienced by prenatal care providers in congenital syphilis prevention included (1) limited guidance on clinical management of syphilis in pregnancy; (2) decay in public health infrastructure; and (3) inadequate support for managing patients’ social comorbidities. The response to congenital syphilis prevention will require an examination of the complex context of social determinants of health in which persons diagnosed with syphilis live in.

Zootaxa ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 4926 (2) ◽  
pp. 224-244

Species of North American Cybaeus L. Koch (Araneae: RTA clade: Cybaeidae) are common moist-forest spiders classified in Holarctic and Californian clades. Here, in the second paper in a planned series reviewing the six Californian clade species groups, we review the species of the aspenicolens group. We recognize five species in two subgroups: the aspenicolens subgroup (Cybaeus aspenicolens Chamberlin & Ivie, C. blasbes Chamberlin & Ivie, and C. coylei Bennett spec. nov.) and the fraxineus subgroup (C. fraxineus Bennett spec. nov. and C. thermydrinos Bennett). The species of the aspenicolens group have very restricted distributions on the western slopes of the central and southern Sierra Nevada mountain range from Tuolumne County south to northern Kern County in east central California, U.S.A. Descriptions, illustrations, distribution maps, and an identification key are provided for the five species as well as a discussion of conservation issues of relevance to the group. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
Michael Kiparsky ◽  
Kathleen Miller ◽  
Phoebe Goulden ◽  
Anita Milman ◽  
Dave Owen

The Kern Water Bank is a semi-private groundwater bank operated by the Kern Water Bank Authority in Kern County, CA. The bank stores water from the State Water Project (SWP), Central Valley Project (CVP), and the Kern River. It is massive in scale, covering over 20,000 acres, with approximately 2.5 million acre feet diverted to the bank since 1995. The bank stores water on behalf of its member water agencies, which include both public and private water entities mainly focusing on agricultural use, along with a small number of municipal and residential customers. Water is withdrawn by the member agencies during droughts when surface water supplies from the SWP, CVP, and Kern River are insufficient to meet local demand or when member agencies elect to sell their stored water to outside third parties. In addition, the overlying land and infiltration ponds serve as habitat for some endangered and threatened species. Legal and political controversy surrounded the bank’s creation, but its unique suite of physical assets, creative enabling agreements, and clear operational rules and incentives have enabled it to use managed aquifer recharge to make significant contributions to the flexibility of regional and statewide water systems over decades of operations.

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