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В.В. Хутарев-Гарнишевский

Публикуемый источник является отрывком из дневника депутата Московской городской Думы Н.П. Вишнякова (1844-1927). Автор лично не принимал участия в боевых действиях, но находился в самом эпицентре боевых действий между «красными» и «белыми», так как проживал с семьей в центре города. Именно эти события часто называют началом полноценной Гражданской войны. Его дневник отражает психологическое состояние мирного горожанина, оказавшегося заложником гражданского противостояния на улицах Москвы.Особый интерес представляют описания особенностей быта москвичей, циркулирующие среди них слухи, домыслы, их надежды и страхи, а также поведенческие стратегии различных социальных слоев. Особую ценность представляет то, что автор делал свои записи два-три раза в день, подробно фиксируя происходящее. Подобного рода источники крайне немногочисленны.Мемуарное и эпистолярное наследие Н.П. Вишнякова давно признано уникальным источником по истории общественно-политической, культурной и экономической жизни Москвы, но никогда не было опубликовано полностью. Лишь дважды публиковались небольшие отрывки.Данная публикация является частью работы по подготовке полного издания эпистолярного наследия Н.П. Вишнякова, который был вовлечен почти во все политические и экономические процессы Москвы времен правления императора Николая II. Он был депутатом (гласным) Московской Думы с 1873 по 1917 гг. с пятилетним перерывом в 1892--1897 гг., мировым судьей, известным ученым-геологом и краеведом.Для публикации были раскрыты многочисленные сокращения топонимов, а также расшифрованы индивидуальные, характерные для автора сокращения.Особую трудность представляет почерк Н.П. Вишнякова, подчас очень сложный для понимания и в отдельных случаях не поддающийся расшифровке.Эпистолярное наследия Н.П. Вишнякова весьма обширно, а сам дневник охватывает события с 1872 по 1918 гг. Published is an excerpt from a diary of N.P. Vishnyakov (1844–1927), a Moscow Duma deputy. Nikolay Petrovich has never personally participated in the events, but was in the epicenter of the October battles between the Red and the White movements, as he and his family lived in the centre of Moscow. Those events in particular are often referred to as the beginning of the real Civil War. His diary shows us the mental state of a peaceful citizen caught as a hostage during the civil confrontation on Moscow streets. Depicted are certain peculiarities of everyday life, rumors and doubts, hopes and fears of Moscovites, as well as behavioral strategies of different social groups.Most valuable is that the author made 2–3 diary entries a day, registering the events in details. Such sources are very few in number.N.P. Vishnyakov's memoirs and epistolary heritage have never before were fully published and were marked as a unique source on the history of political, cultural and economic life in Moscow between 1873--1918.This is a part of an upcoming publication of the complete texts of N.P. Vishnyakov's epistolary heritage. Nukolay Petrovich was fully engaged into almost every political and economical process in Moscow during the times of Nicholas II. He was a deputy of the Moscow Duma from 1873 to 1917, with a short break in 1892--1897, a magistrate judge, a well-known geology scientist and ethnographer.For this publication shorten forms of toponymies and some personalized abbreviations have been deciphered. It is sometimes very difficult to follow and understand N.P. Veshnyakov’s handwriting.

Xiao Chen ◽  
Yong Zou ◽  
Mingkai Zhang ◽  
Wangyan Gou ◽  
Sai Zhang ◽  

Epoxides are versatile intermediates in the production of a diverse set of chemical products. Direct epoxidation of alkene using O2 represents an environmentally friendly and economical process to replace the...

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 172-176
István Greiner

Összefoglaló. A tavalyi évben kitört COVID–19 pandémia jelentős kihívások elé állította a világot. Nem pusztán a kormányok és az egészségügyi rendszerek szembesültek új, békeidőben eddig még nem gyakorolt feladatokkal, de a tudományos világnak is át kellett tekinteni mind a régi, mind a legmodernebb eszközöket ahhoz, hogy a vírus terjedésének, a betegek szenvedéseinek, a tömeges halálozásoknak végre véget lehessen vetni. Habár a járványnak még messze nincsen vége, és egyre újabb és újabb mutánsok ütik fel a fejüket a világ legkülönbözőbb részein, mégis azokat a tanulságokat, melyek már összegyűltek a gyógyszeripar területén, érdemes összefoglalni. Talán még ennél is fontosabb azonban, hogy azokat a hiányokat, amelyeket még be kell pótolni, szintén megemlítsük, hogy ezzel is segítsük az újabb hullámok vagy járványok leküzdését. Summary. During the last 12 months the most serious issue was the SARS-CoV-2 virus generated pandemia around the world. There is no country which could be more or less intact and a huge amount of resources was sacrificed to rescue people from the fatal outcome of this disease. When it started a year ago or more, there were doubts about its future but later it was realised that this is an epidemic occurring worldwide, crossing international boundaries, and affecting a large number of people. According to the WHO, today the number of confirmed cases is about 157.8 million, confirmed deaths are 3.3 million and 1.2 billion vaccine doses have been administered. These numbers clearly show how important it is to elaborate the reaction of the pharma industry and investigate how to ensure safe drug supply for patients in every country. The topics discussed below are the basic and unique features of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, the pandemia generated by it, and the role of the Hungarian pharma industry, especially Gedeon Richter plc, during this critical period. On one hand the author explains how the spread of virus can be decreased in general and at a production facility like Richter, and on the other hand R&D activity of the Company aiming to cure patients suffering from COVID-19 infection. Consortia including universities, academia and industrial entities made a substantial impact on handling this terrible epidemic. Gedeon Richter plc, the biggest and only independent Hungarian pharma company, in keeping with its roots started small molecule R&D to make favipiravir and remdesivir available to clinics. The latter production is a very difficult one but using its background in chemistry Richter was able to manage all R&D and industrial scale up activities in six months. Moreover, it has filed two patent applications about its new, more feasible and economical process steps justifying its innovative attitude. As a final conclusion it is stated that for the safe supply of necessary medication one critical step is missing from the capabilities of the Hungarian pharma industry, the vaccine R&D and production.

Synthesis ◽  
2021 ◽  
Virginie Ratovelomanana-Vidal ◽  
Pascal Matton ◽  
Steve Huvelle ◽  
Mansour Haddad ◽  
Phannarath Phansavath

AbstractMetal-catalyzed [2+2+2] cycloaddition is a powerful tool that allows rapid construction of functionalized 6-membered carbo- and heterocycles in a single step through an atom-economical process with high functional group tolerance. The reaction is usually regio- and chemoselective although selectivity issues can still be challenging for intermolecular reactions involving the cross-[2+2+2] cycloaddition of two or three different alkynes and various strategies have been developed to attain high selectivities. Furthermore, enantioselective [2+2+2] cycloaddition is an efficient means to create central, axial, and planar chirality and a variety of chiral organometallic complexes can be used for asymmetric transition-metal-catalyzed inter- and intramolecular reactions. This review summarizes the recent advances in the field of [2+2+2] cycloaddition.1 Introduction2 Formation of Carbocycles2.1 Intermolecular Reactions2.1.1 Cyclotrimerization of Alkynes2.1.2 [2+2+2] Cycloaddition of Two Different Alkynes2.1.3 [2+2+2] Cycloaddition of Alkynes/Alkenes with Alkenes/Enamides2.2 Partially Intramolecular [2+2+2] Cycloaddition Reactions2.2.1 Rhodium-Catalyzed [2+2+2] Cycloaddition2.2.2 Molybdenum-Catalyzed [2+2+2] Cycloaddition2.2.3 Cobalt-Catalyzed [2+2+2] Cycloaddition2.2.4 Ruthenium-Catalyzed [2+2+2] Cycloaddition2.2.5 Other Metal-Catalyzed [2+2+2] Cycloaddition2.3 Totally Intramolecular [2+2+2] Cycloaddition Reactions3 Formation of Heterocycles3.1 Cycloaddition of Alkynes with Nitriles3.2 Cycloaddition of 1,6-Diynes with Cyanamides3.3 Cycloaddition of 1,6-Diynes with Selenocyanates3.4 Cycloaddition of Imines with Allenes or Alkenes3.5 Cycloaddition of (Thio)Cyanates and Isocyanates3.6 Cycloaddition of 1,3,5-Triazines with Allenes3.7 Cycloaddition of Aldehydes with Enynes or Allenes/Alkenes3.8 Totally Intramolecular [2+2+2] Cycloaddition Reactions4 Conclusion

Materials ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (16) ◽  
pp. 4411
Grzegorz Łukaszewicz ◽  
Krzysztof Wasiak ◽  
Emilia K. Skołek ◽  
Ryszard Diduszko ◽  
Wiesław A. Świątnicki

Intermediate annealing treatment (IAT) is a new process that accelerates the bainitic transformation in steels. This stimulation is crucial, especially in the prolonged production of nanobainitic steels. Among other recognised methods, it seems to be an effective and economical process. However, there are very few research works in this area. The objective of this study was to collate microstructural changes caused by IAT with differences in the kinetics of the subsequent bainitic transformation in the X37CrMoV5-1 tool steel. Differential dilatometry, LM and SEM microscopic observations, EDS and XRD analysis, and computer simulations were used to investigate the effect of IAT on the kinetics of bainitic transformation. The study has revealed that introducing an additional isothermal heating stage immediately after austenitising significantly affects the kinetics of bainitic transformation—it can accelerate or suppress it. The type and strength of the effect depends on the concentration, distribution, and morphology of the precipitations that occurred during IAT.

L. O. Mudashiru ◽  
I. A. Babatunde ◽  
S. O. Adetola ◽  
O. I. Kolapo

Stir casting is an economical process for the production of aluminum matrix composites. There are many parameters in this process, which affect the final microstructure and mechanical properties of the composites. In this study, micron-sized SiC and Gr particles were used as reinforcement to fabricate Al-SiC/Gr composites at holding temperature of 700 ± 5 °C for 5 min at 350 rev/min stirring speed. The evaluation of the mechanical properties of the composites show improvement compared with pure aluminum-matrix. The Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) of the as-cast composites shows that the vortex formations within the melt eliminates the agglomeration of the particles and improve the wettability phenomenon.

2021 ◽  
Vol 37 (3) ◽  
pp. 524-530
Runjhun Tandon ◽  
Stanzin Lzaod ◽  
Mandeep Singh ◽  
Nitin Tandon ◽  
Agnibha Das Majumdar ◽  

Scarcity of water in this world can be solved by removal of salinity from sea-water but this salinity removal is usually a costly and tedious task. In this work an efficient process has been developed for desalination of water using food waste materials which is completely eco-friendly and economic. A large number of starch rich food materials have been employed for the purpose of desalination of water and it was observed that all of them are effective to remove the salt contained from water, however it was observed that all of those food materials were not equally effective to remove salt contained. Cornflour was seen to be most effective which can remove salinity from sea water up 75-80%. This technology has a great prospect to evolve as a novel and green method for the purpose of desalination of water in near future.

Synthesis ◽  
2021 ◽  
Anup Biswas ◽  
Samrat Kundu ◽  
Dhananjoy Pal ◽  
Amit Pal ◽  
Modhu Sudan Maji

Oxa-Diels-Alder reaction is a straightforward, atom-economical process for the construction of six membered oxa-cycle which is a privileged structure due to its omnipresence in several pharmaceuticals and natural products. Like many other asymmetric transformations, organocatalysis provides an elegant pathway to their synthesis via [4+2] annulation under mild reaction conditions. The oxa-Diels reactions either utilize α,β-unsaturated carbonyl as oxadiene with a suitable dienophile or simple carbonyl as dienophile with other dienes. A range of organocatalysts have been explored in the past decade to execute this strategy. The catalysts induce stereoselectivities via two basic reactivities: 1) Formation of chiral intermediates, 2) Selectively activating suitable reactants in transition state. The present review assembles organocatalyzed asymmetric oxa-Diels-Alder reactions published in last ten years’ time span with detailed discussion on mechanistic approaches.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 41-51
Annikmah Farida ◽  
Rita Rahmawati ◽  
Habib Shulton Asnawi ◽  
Andika Ari Saputra

ABSTRAKTujuan dari pendanpingan pemberdayaan  masyarakat ini adalah ntuk pemanfaatan dan  mengatasi masalah pencemaran lingkungan limbah air kelapa menjadi olahan yang bermnanfaat dan bernilai ekonomis dalam bentuk nata decoco untuk para anggota Fatayat  NU Kecamatan Metro Utara Kota Metro sehingga air kelapa yang selama ini tidak dimafatkan oleh para pedagang kelapa dipasar-pasar tradisisonal  yang ada di Kecamatan Metro Utara  dan sekitarnya bisa dirmanfaatkan. Metode yang digunakan dalam pemberdayaan masyarakat ini menggunakan pendekatan pendampingan Asset Based Community Development (ABCD). Adapun jumlah peserta yang hadir  20  orang terdiri dari  Pengurus Fatayat NU  Cabang Kota Metro , Pengurus  Fatayat NU  Anak Cabang Kecamatan Metro Utara dan Pengurus  Fatayat NU Ranting  Kecamatan Metro Utara. Hasil dari pemberdayaan ini adalah  memiliki ketrampilan dalam pengolahan limbah air kelapa menjadi suatu olahan yang bermnafaat  dan bernilai ekonomis sehingga penambah pendapatan bagi keluarga.Kata Kunci: Limbah Air Kelapa, Nata Decoco, PelatihanABSTRACTThe purpose of this community empowerment guidance in to utilize overcome the problem of environmental pollution of coconut water waste into useful economical processing in the form of nata decoco for members of Fatayat NU, Metro Utara District, Metro City so that coconut water has not been ignored by coconut traders. In the traditional markets in Metro Utara District and its surroundings, it can be utilized. The method used in community empowerment uses the Asset Based Community Development (ABCD) mentoring approach. The number of participants who attended was 20 people consisting of the Fatayat NU Management Branch of the Metro City, the Executive of the Fatayat NU Branch of the North Metro District and the Fatayat NU Management, the North Metro District. The result of this empowerment is having skills in processing coconut water waste into a useful and economical process so that it can increase family income.Keywords: Coconut Water Waste, Nata Decoco, Training

Molecules ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (6) ◽  
pp. 1578
Renata Kołodziejska ◽  
Renata Studzińska ◽  
Agnieszka Tafelska-Kaczmarek ◽  
Hanna Pawluk ◽  
Dominika Mlicka ◽  

In this study, we examined the Aureobasidium pullulans strains DSM 14940 and DSM 14941 included in the Blossom Protect™ agent to be used in the bioreduction reaction of a symmetrical dicarbonyl compound. Both chiral 2-hydroxy-1,2-diphenylethanone antipodes were obtained with a high enantiomeric purity. Mild conditions (phosphate buffer [pH 7.0, 7.2], 30 °C) were successfully employed in the synthesis of (S)-benzoin using two different methodologies: benzyl desymmetrization and rac-benzoin deracemization. Bioreduction carried out with higher reagent concentrations, lower pH values and prolonged reaction time, and in the presence of additives, enabled enrichment of the reaction mixture with (R)-benzoin. The described procedure is a potentially useful tool in the synthesis of chiral building blocks with a defined configuration in a simple and economical process with a lower environmental impact, enabling one-pot biotransformation.

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