slavic language
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2021 ◽  
Vol 56 ◽  
Наталия [Nataliia] Вячеславовна [Viacheslavovna] Пятаева [Piataeva]

The Etymological Nest *ber- in the Proto-Slavic Language: Reconstruction, Word-Formation, SemanticsThe article presents a multidimensional (phonetic, etymological, derivational, morphological and semantic) description of the etymological nest (EN) *ber- ‘take’, reconstructed for the Proto-Slavic period in the history of the Russian and other Slavic languages. The root *ber-, around which the EN was formed, belongs to ancient Slavic roots and has Indo-European origin, which led to the natural phonetic variants reflecting the Proto-Slavic and Indo-European alternations: *ber- // *bor- // *bьr- // *bir-.At the Proto-Slavic level, 137 units with the root *ber- are reconstructed, organized in the EN in accordance with the relations of word-formation pro­ductivity and semantic motivation of lexemes as part of word-formation pairs, chains and paradigms: (1) the nucleus of the nest is the etymon *bherəmņ // *bherəmen ‘carry, burden’, reconstructed for the Proto-Indo-European lan­guage, which served as the basis for three Proto-Slavic innovations *bermę ‘burden; armful, bundle; fetus; *berdja ‘pregnant; foal (about animals)’; *bьrati *berǫ ‘take, take away, grab, pluck; receive, borrow, accept; enter into a mar­riage union’; (2) in accordance with a general practice adopted in etymological dictionaries, reconstructed lexemes are marked with an asterisk (*) and are represented in the Roman alphabet for the Proto-Indo-European and Proto- Slavic preliterate periods, and in Cyrillic for the period between the eleventh and the seventeenth centuries; (3) at the first stage of derivation, derivatives are arranged in the following order: verbs, verbal names, participles, prefixed verbs, composites; within these groups, words are arranged alphabetically; (4) the phonetic variants of a lexeme are separated with a double slash (//); (5) meanings are given in single quotation marks. The reconstruction of the EN *ber- and the semantic development of its main lexemes are given in two diagrams at the end of the article.A review of the material indicates that (1) the old Indo-European mean­ing ‘carry, load’ moved to the periphery of the EN *ber-, continuing to exist exclusively in the formations associated with the stem *bermę, and partly with *berdja; (2) a new meaning ‘take’ (*bьrati) became the most relevant for the semantic development of the EN *ber- in Late Slavic; its connection with the original ‘carry’ is seen in the fact that they correlate with adjacent sequen­tial actions aimed at the attached object: ‘take’ what? – ‘object to be attached’ → ‘carry’ what? – ‘attached object’; (3) the new Proto-Slavic meaning ‘take’ (*bьrati), inherent in EN *ber-, determined the synonymy of this root group with the EN *em- (*jęti, *jьmati ‘take’). Gniazdo etymologiczne *ber- w języku prasłowiańskim. Rekonstrukcja, słowotwórstwo, semantyka W artykule przedstawiono wielowymiarowy opis gniazda etymologicz­nego *ber- ‘brać’ (w aspekcie fonetycznym, etymologicznym, derywacyjnym, morfologicznym i semantycznym), zrekonstruowanego dla okresu prasłowiań­skiego w historii języka rosyjskiego i innych języków słowiańskich. Rdzeń *ber-, wokół którego powstało gniazdo etymologiczne, należy do pierwotnych rdzeni słowiańskich i ma pochodzenie indoeuropejskie, co oznaczało rozwój naturalnych wariantów fonetycznych, odzwierciedlających oboczności pra­słowiańskie i indoeuropejskie: *ber- // *bor- // *bьr- // *bir-.Na poziomie prasłowiańskim zrekonstruowano 137 jednostek z rdzeniem *ber-, które zorganizowano w ramach gniazda zgodnie z relacjami produktywno­ści słowotwórczej i motywacji semantycznej leksemów w ramach par, łańcuchów i paradygmatów słowotwórczych: 1) jądrem gniazda jest zrekonstruowany dla języka praindoeuropejskiego etymon *bherəmņ // *bherəmen ‘nieść, brzemię’, który posłużył za podstawę dla trzech prasłowiańskich innowacji *bermę ‘brzemię; naręcze, tobołek; płód’; *berdja ‘brzemienna (o zwierzętach); źrebię’; *bьrati *berǫ ‘brać, zabrać, chwycić, wyrwać; otrzymać, pożyczyć, przyjąć; zawrzeć małżeństwo’; 2) zgodnie z powszechną praktyką przyjętą w słowni­kach etymologicznych zrekonstruowane leksemy są oznaczone gwiazdką (*) i zapisane w alfabecie łacińskim dla praindoeuropejskich i prasłowiańskich okresów przedpiśmiennych oraz cyrylicą dla okresu od XI do XVII wieku; 3) na pierwszym etapie derywacji derywaty są ułożone w następującej kolejności: czasowniki, rzeczowniki odczasownikowe, imiesłowy, czasowniki przedrost­kowe, złożenia; w tych grupach słowa są ułożone alfabetycznie; 4) warianty fonetyczne leksemu są oddzielone podwójnym ukośnikiem (//); 5) znaczenia podano w pojedynczych cudzysłowach. Rekonstrukcję gniazda etymologicz­nego *ber- i rozwój semantyczny jego głównych leksemów przedstawiono na dwóch wykresach na końcu artykułu.Przegląd materiału wskazuje, że 1) dawne indoeuropejskie znaczenie ‘nieść, brzemię’ przeszło na obrzeża gniazda etymologicznego *ber- i utrzymało się nadal wyłącznie w formacjach związanych z rdzeniem *bermę i częściowo *berdja; 2) nowe znaczenie: ‘brać’ (*bьrati) stało się najbardziej istotne dla semantycznego rozwoju gniazda *ber- w okresie późnosłowiańskim; związek tego znaczenia z pierwotnym ‘nieść’ przejawia się w fakcie korelacji pomiędzy nimi w sekwencji działań na umocowany obiekt: ‘brać’ co? – ‘obiekt do umo­cowania’ → ‘nieść’ co? – ‘umocowany obiekt’; 3) nowe prasłowiańskie znaczenie ‘brać’ (*bьrati), nieodłącznie związane z gniazdem *ber-, określiło synonimię tej grupy rdzeniowej z gniazdem *em- (*jęti, *jьmati ‘brać’).

2021 ◽  
Vol 65 (1) ◽  
pp. 39-49

Данная статья посвящена проблематике сложных межславянских языковых контактов в XVII в. и продолжает цикл публикаций автора на эту тему. Исследование опирается на историко-филологи-ческие методы, которые помогают установить направление языкового влияния при контактирова-нии генетически родственных языков. Успешному применению указанных методов способствует использование данных исторических словарей восточнославянских и западнославянских языков с большой глубиной диахронии и широким кругом памятников письменности разных жанров и различного происхождения. Эта информация помогает выявлять межславянские заимствования и верифицировать результаты предшествующих исследований.В публикации на материале дипломатической корреспонденции Московского государства рас-сматривается происхождение и история четырех лексем: навезенье ‘пребывание в неволе, в плену, в заключении’, надарити / надарыти ‘одарить, наделить чем-л.; подарить что-л.’, новокрещенецъ / но-вокщенецъ ‘тот, кто недавно крестился, принял христианство; лицо, перешедшее в христианство из другого вероисповедания’, новообранный ‘вновь избранный, новоизбранный’ во всех контактиро-вавших языках: русском, польском, письменности Великого княжества Литовского, а также белорус-ском и украинском языках. Цель автора – доказать, что эти слова являются лексическими заимство-ваниями из польского языка. Исследование основано на тщательном сопоставлении данных разного типа словарей русского, белорусского, украинского и польского языков, что позволило доказать неисконность рассматриваемых лексем в русском языке и установить источник заимствования, а также выявить посредническую роль письменности ВКЛ в польско-русских языковых контактах.В результате анализа материала было установлено, что все четыре лексемы, вероятнее всего, яв-ляются полонизмами, при этом слова надарити / надарыти, новокрещенецъ / новокщенецъ и ново-обранный проникли в русский письменный язык XVII в., по-видимому, благодаря посредничеству письменности ВКЛ. Кроме того, для лексемы надарити / надарыти была конкретизирована хро-нологическая характеристика, а для слова новообранный удревнено время появления его в русском письменном языке.Материалы данной публикации могут быть использованы для дополнения и уточнения информа-ции этимологических и исторических словарей славянских языков.This paper is devoted to the problems of complex inter-Slavic language contacts in the 17th century and continues the author’s cycle of publications on this topic. The study is based on historical and philological methods that help to establish the direction of language influence when genetically related languages contact. The successful application of these methods is facilitated by the use of historical dictionaries of the West Slavic and East Slavic languages with a great depth of diachrony and a wide range of written monuments of different genres and various origins. This information helps to identify inter-Slavic language borrowings and verify the results of previous studies.The paper examines the origin and history of four words found in the Muscovite diplomatic correspondence: navezenie ‘captivity, imprisonment’, nadariti / nadaryti ‘to give, to bestow’, novokreščeniec ‘neophyte; Anabaptist’, novoobrannyj ‘newly elected’ in all contacting languages: Russian, Polish, the written language of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania as well as Belarusian and Ukrainian. The author aims at proving that these words are lexical borrowings from the Polish language. The study is based on a careful comparison of data of various types of dictionaries of the Russian, Belarusian, Ukrainian, and Polish languages, which made it possible to prove the foreign origin of these tokens in the Russian language and to establish the source of borrowings as well as to identify the intermediary role of the written language of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in Polish–Russian language contacts.As a result of the study, it was found that all four lexemes are Polonisms. It was also established that the words nadariti / nadaryti, novokreščeniec, and novoobrannyj were introduced to the Russian written language of the 17th century, most likely due to the mediation of the written language of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. In addition, the time of appearance of the word nadariti / nadaryti in the Russian written language was specified, and an earlier chronology was established for the word novoobrannyj.The materials in this publication can be used to supplement and clarify the information of the etymological and historical dictionaries of the Slavic languages.

2021 ◽  
pp. 272-287
Олег Корытко

В статье рассматриваются особенности восприятия категорий «вины» и «греха» в контексте мировоззрения славян дохристианской эпохи. Лингвистическая реконструкция, привлечение диалектных данных, религиоведческий анализ близких понятий позволяют сделать вывод о том, что первоначальное использование лексемы «вина», скорее всего, осмыслялось в правовом ключе и было связано с восстановлением порядка и возмещением причинённого ущерба. В статье установлена архаическая связь категории греха как нравственной ошибки с идеей кривизны и промаха, которая обнаруживает себя при сопоставлении данных славянских и балтийских языков, а также в типологическом анализе схожих моделей переноса значений в ряде древних языков. Автор указывает на наличие архаического восприятия этих двух важнейших для религиозного миросозерцания категорий, в том числе, и в современной народной жизни. Кроме того, в статье утверждается, что, благодаря переводческой и - шире - созидательной, «инженерной» лингвистической деятельности святых равноапостольных братьев Кирилла и Мефодия, традиционные для славянского языка понятия «грех» и «вина» получили более глубокое осмысление и были обогащены религиозным содержанием. Данное обстоятельство служит одним из примеров, демонстрирующих специфику русской православной религиозности. The article covers the perception peculiarities of the categories of «guilt» and «sin» in the context of the Slavs’ worldview in the pre-Christian era. Linguistic reconstruction, the use of dialectal data, and religious studies analysis of similar concepts allow to conclude that the initial use of the lexeme «guilt» most likely had a legal interpretation and was associated with the restoring of order and compensation for the damage caused. The article identifies an archaic connection between the category of «sin» as a moral mistake and the idea of «curvature» and «blunder», which reveals itself when comparing data from the Slavic and Baltic languages, as well as in the typological analysis of similar models of meaning transfer in several ancient languages. The author points out the presence of an archaic perception of these two, most important for the religious outlook, categories, including in modern folklife. In addition, the article claims that thanks to the translator’s and, more broadly, creative «engineer’s» linguistic activity of the holy Equal-to-the-Apostles brothers Cyril and Methodius, the concepts of «sin» and «guilt», traditional for the Slavic language, received a deeper understanding and were saturated with religious content. This fact serves as one of the examples that demonstrates the specifics of Russian Orthodox religiosity.

Włodzimierz Gruszczyński ◽  
Dorota Adamiec ◽  
Renata Bronikowska ◽  
Witold Kieraś ◽  
Emanuel Modrzejewski ◽  

AbstractThe paper describes the process of building the electronic corpus of 17th- and 18th-century Polish texts, a relatively large, balanced, structurally and morphologically annotated resource of the Middle Polish language, available for searching at The corpus consists of samples extracted from over seven hundred texts written and published between 1601 and 1772, summing up to a total size of 13.5 million tokens which makes it one of the largest historical corpora for a Slavic language.

Дмитрий Владимирович Смирнов

Публикация посвящена проповеди Нестория, архиепископа Константинопольского, «Против еретиков, о божественной Троице» (CPG 5691), которая сохранилась под именем Василия, архиепископа Селевкийского, и была недавно идентифицирована и издана в древнегреческом оригинале В. Кинцигом. В предисловии даётся общая характеристика корпуса греческих проповедей Нестория, рассматривается текстология публикуемой проповеди и её перевода на славянский язык, анализируются богословское содержание проповеди и её критическая рецепция святителем Кириллом Александрийским. По заключению автора, проповедь имеет скорее риторическую, чем богословскую ценность; вместе с тем она служит важным источником, позволяющим понять внутреннюю связь между триадологическими и христологическими убеждениями Нестория. Предлагается полный русский перевод проповеди; в комментариях к переводу представлен ряд исправлений и уточнений текстологических решений и интерпретаций Кинцига. По рукописям Hilandar. slav. 404, Hilandar. slav. 389 и РГБ. Ф. 98. № 462 издаётся древний славянский перевод проповеди, сделанный в конце XIV в. в кругу святителя Евфимия Тырновского, патриарха Болгарского. The publication focuses on the sermon «Against Heretics, on the Divine Trinity» (CPG 5691) of Nestorius, Archbishop of Constantinople, which survived under the name of Basil, Archbishop of Seleucia, and was recently identified and published in an ancient Greek by W. Kinzig. The preface gives a general description of the corpus of Greek sermons by Nestorius, examines the textology of the sermon and of its translation into the Slavic language, analyzes the theological content of the sermon and its critical reception by St. Cyril of Alexandria. According to the author’s conclusion, the sermon has a rhetorical rather than theological value; at the same time, it serves as an important source for understanding the inner connection between the triadological and christological beliefs of Nestorius. Full Russian translation of the sermon is offered; in the comments to the translation, a number of corrections and clarifications of textual solutions and interpretations of Kinzig are presented. Based on the manuscripts Hilandar. slav. 404, Hilandar. slav. 389 and RSB. F. 98. № 462 the ancient Slavic translation of the sermon, made at the end of the XIV century in the circle of Euthymius of Tarnovo, Patriarch of Bulgaria, is published.

Tatiana Galochkina

Old Russian texts provide an opportunity to study the early state of the Russian vocabulary. The vocabulary structure of the Old Russian texts included the words of the Proto-Slavic language, a large number of calques and artificially created words. The absence of written records of the Proto-Slavic language, in which its vocabulary would be recorded, deprives us of the primary source of the meanings of such words. The Proto-Slavic root *lěp- had an undivided meaning. Undivided meaning of the root *lěp- is a potential problem in the interpretation of the words with this root used in ancient Russian texts. Another problem in the lexical-semantic study of words in the Old Russian texts is that words being semantic calques received additional meanings under the influence of Greek. In this regard the paper shows the formation of the concept of beauty in words with the root *lěp- used in ancient Russian texts. The purpose of this article is to study the evolution of the concept of beauty in the words with the Proto-Slavic root *lěp-. The article provides a comparative analysis of lexical meanings of the words with the root *lěp- containing the concept of beauty (used in ancient Russian texts) with their Greek equivalents. Such words are contained in ancient Russian written records: “The Life of St. Andrew the Fool”, “The Chronicle” by John Malalas, “The Chronicle” by George Amartol, “History of the Jewish War” by Josephus Flavius, Christianopolis (Acts and Epistles of the Apostles), Uspensky Сollection of XII–XIII centuries, etc.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (193) ◽  
pp. 418-422
Tetiana Nesterenko ◽  

The article deals with the ways offorming of linguistic competencies in the course of «Introduction to Slavic philology». The author formulates the goal of the course: to enhance the special training of future Ukrainian language and literature teachers; prepare them for the linguistic disciplines of historical cycle «Historical grammar» and «History of Ukrainian literary language». Determines the main questions, answers to which promote forming of linguistic competencies, which are important for comprehensive education of a future philologist. What is the origin of Slavs and what territory can be considered their ancestral home? What does Proto- Slavic language represent, when did it exist, did modern Slavic languages retain their most ancient features? When and how did Old Slavic language emerge, what effect did it cause on other Slavic languages and why did it stop its development? Did Slavs have script in pre-Cyrillic age and when and how did Ukrainian script form? What is the relation between two Slavic alphabets - Cyrillic and Glagolitic, and how did Cyrillic script influence the formation of Ukrainian language’s graphic system? What traits must be at the basis of modern classification of Slavic languages? The main goals of the course are: to gain knowledge about ancient history of Slavs and Proto-Slavic language, its general laws and partial processes that left a mark in modern Slavic languages, Ukrainian among them; to determine the origin of Slavic script; gain knowledge about the first written literary language of Slavs - Old Slavic; master Cyrillic graphic, learn to read and interpret ancient Slavic texts; gain knowledge about the modern Slavic nations, as well as traits and classification of modern Slavic languages. The goals of the course determine the structure of its content modules: Module 1. Slavs in ancient times. Module 2. Proto-Slavic language. Module 3. Old Slavic language. Module 4. Origin of Slavic script.Graphic of the ancient Slavic monuments. Module 5. Slavic nations and languages. The course develops the students’ linguistic thinking, teaches them to understand and illustrate the use of language laws, analyze, synthesize and see the cause and effect connections that exist in language.

2021 ◽  
pp. 72-82
Larisa I. Marsheva ◽  
Egor Yu. Korotkov ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Roslyn Burns

Abstract This paper presents an analysis of two interacting sound changes in the extinct West Slavic language Polabian. Polabian is known to have two types of vowel innovations: (i) the incorporation of acoustic properties from consonant secondary co-articulations (either palatalization or velarization) and (ii) a systematic rotation of vowels (Timberlake 1995). This paper argues that the innovation in (ii) is a vowel chain shift similar to those analyzed in Labov (1994). Unlike the other languages surveyed in Labov (1994), Polabian has phonologically predictable exceptions to the general direction of vowel movement through the acoustic space. Unlike previous work on Polabian, this paper proposes that the vowel chain shift operated simultaneously with the innovation in (i) resulting in phonologically predictable exceptions. This paper tests Timberlake’s (1995) proposal and the current proposal in a Harmonic Grammar (Flemming 2001) which uses Purcell’s (1979) acoustic data from Russian as a proxy. The model only captures the correct distribution of vowel reflexes under the assumption that co-articulatory based innovations and vowel chain shifting were active at the same time.

Oksana Chaika (Čajka) ◽  

The present paper is work in progress and closely relates to the earlier introduced idea of monomials and polynomials as substitutes of the term in linguistics when applicable to terminologies, or languages for specific purposes (LSPs). It looks deeper into the investigation of monomials as mono-term (one component), bi-term (two component) and multi-term (three and more components) terms in Ukrainian for Audit and Accounting selected as a sample language from the Slavic language family. The paper will start with the aim and objectives of the work to be followed by a brief overview of the term “monomial”. Section I will move to the material of the study, methods of investigation and literature review. Then it will also explain the differences among simple monomials, simplified monomials, and those compound and complex in the specified terminology in the Ukrainian language. Section II – Results and Discussion, will follow a number of classifications employable for simplified monomials in Ukrainian for Audit and Accounting and present the main findings according to the relevant classifications. Conclusion and References will end up the paper and request for constructive feedback and reasonable critique.

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