rise time
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J. V. Alamelu ◽  
A. Mythili

In the current scenario, usage of the smart medical pump is predominant in the medical field. The precise drug dosage, flow accuracy should be maintained to increase the performance of an infusion pump. In this work, an attempt has been made to predict and control the speed of the infusion pump for suitable infusion flowrate using machine learning technique and Linear Quadratic Gaussian (LQG) controller. The data for this study is considered from the publicly available online database, electronic Medicines Compendium (eMC). The speed of the infusion pump has been calculated using the drug dosage and flow rate for two different drugs. The prediction of infusion pump speed is achieved using Linear regression with Principal Component analysis (PCR) and Support Vector Machine Regression (SVR). The performance of the prediction schemes is evaluated using standard metrics. To validate the optimal control of the predicted speed, two different medical graded motors are considered. Further, the optimal control of the pump speed is investigated using Proportional–Integral–Derivative (PID), Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR), and LQG controllers for its stability criteria. The prediction of the pump speed using regression models PCR, SVR has been verified and then the transient response analysis with rise time, settling time for both the motors have been examined. Results demonstrate that the LQG optimal control strategy achieves fast rise time, settling time of motor1 with 0.653s, 1.15s, and 0.22, 0.392s for motor2 respectively.

2022 ◽  
Yue Peng ◽  
Yong Yang ◽  
Yuesong Jia ◽  
Bo Rao ◽  
Ming Zhang ◽  

Abstract Collisional-merging is a way to form high-performance field-reversed configuration (FRC) plasma. An experiment device named HUST-FRC (HFRC) is under construction in Huazhong University of Science and Technology, which will be used to investigate the FRC formation through collisional-merging. In this research, a magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) simulation software called USim is used to study the effect of the initial density of plasma, the amplitude of the bias magnetic field, the configuration of the bias field, the rise time of the main field and the magnetic field ripple on the plasma parameters to facilitate the designing and operations of HFRC. Preliminary simulation results show that cusp configuration, lower ripple, higher initial density, an initial bias field of -0.15 T or -0.2 T, and a rise time of 4 μs are conducive to the formation of high-performance FRC plasma in HFRC device.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-4
Hasan Obeid ◽  
Georges Leftheriotis ◽  

Screening for Peripheral Artery Occlusive Disease (PAOD) remains a challenge in the prevention and care of patients with arteriosclerosis. The Ankle Brachial Index (ABI) is currently the gold standard. However, ABI is time consuming and requires some expertise to perform which is a limiting factor for global screening. The measurement of the Systolic Rise Time (SRT) of the pulse wave of the lower limb may provide an easier alternative to detect PAOD. In a retrospective pilot study, we analyzed the possibility of detecting PAOD using the SRT of the toe waveform using the Photo-PlethysmoGraphic signal (PPG).

Plasma ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 12-29
Ting Liu ◽  
Igor Timoshkin ◽  
Mark P. Wilson ◽  
Martin J. Given ◽  
Scott J. MacGregor

The present paper investigates the breakdown characteristics—breakdown voltage, with breakdown occurring on the rising edge of the applied HV impulses, and time to breakdown—for gases of significance that are present in the atmosphere: air, N2 and CO2. These breakdown characteristics have been obtained in a 100 µm gap between an HV needle and plane ground electrode, when stressed with sub-µs impulses of both polarities, with a rise time up to ~50 ns. The scaling relationships between the reduced breakdown field Etip/N and the product of the gas number density and inter-electrode gap, Nd, were obtained for all tested gases over a wide range of Nd values, from ~1020 m−2 to ~1025 m−2. The breakdown field-time to breakdown characteristics obtained at different gas pressures are presented as scaling relationships of Etip/N, Nd, and Ntbr for each gas, and compared with data from the literature.

Siska Aulia ◽  
Silvia Fitri ◽  
Aprinal Adila Asril

Pada tugas akhir ini dirancang suatu jaringan Fiber To The Home ( FTTH) di Kelurahan Surau Gadang yang mana daerah tersebut dilakukan perancangan dan pengukuran performasi jaringan dimana standar yang digunakan sesuai dengan PT. ICON+. Tata cara yang digunakan dalam perancangan ini ialah penen- tuan posisi, pengumpulan informasi, serta perancangan memakai aplikasi Google Earth serta OptiSystem. Hasil dari perbandingan antara pengukuran OptiSystem dan pengukuran di lapangan didapatkan hasil redaman yang berbeda, dimana hasil pengukuran pada OptiSystem pelanggan dengan jarak terjauh menghasilkan daya terima sebesar -18.277 dBm sedangkan untuk pengukuran di lapangan pelanggan dengan jarak terjauh menghasilkan daya terima sebesar -18.52 dBm. Parameter Rise Time Budget didapatkan dari perhitungan ialah 0. 029 ns yang sudah memenuhi stndar kelayakan ialah tidak lebih dari 0. 219 ns sedangkan nilai Bit Error Rate pada simulasi ialah 8.11464 x 10-33 yang sudah memenuhi standar kelayakan ialah tidak lebih dari 10-9. Nilai Signal To Noise Ratio (SNR) merupakan 50.044831 dB yang pula penuhi standar minimal SNR ialah 21.5 dB. Dari hasil perhi- tungan serta hasil simulasi didapatkan nilai-nilai yang masih memenuhi standar kelayakan jaringan Fiber To The Home sehingga rancangan layak buat diimplementasikan.

Energies ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (24) ◽  
pp. 8449
Dmitry Beloplotov ◽  
Dmitry Sorokin ◽  
Victor Tarasenko

The formation of a nanosecond discharge with the use of a Hamamatsu streak-camera and with simultaneously wideband (10 GHz) measurement of voltage and displacement current caused by a streamer in one pulse has been studied. Nanosecond voltage pulses of various amplitudes (16, 20, and 27 kV) were applied across a point-to-plane gap (8.5 mm) filled with air at various pressures (13, 25, 50, 100, and 200 kPa). It was found that the voltage across the gap drops as soon as a streamer appears in the vicinity of the pointed electrode. At the same time, a pre-breakdown current begins to flow. The magnitude of the pre-breakdown current, as well as the voltage drop, is determined by the rate of formation of dense plasma and, accordingly, by the rate of redistribution of the electric field in the gap. The streamer velocity determines the rise time and amplitude of the current. The higher the streamer velocity, the shorter the rise time and the higher the amplitude of the pre-breakdown current. The propagation of a backward and third ionization waves was observed both with the streak camera and by measuring the displacement current. As they propagate, the discharge current increases to its amplitude value.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (24) ◽  
pp. 11677
Vadim S. Ziborov ◽  
Tatyana O. Pleshakova ◽  
Ivan D. Shumov ◽  
Andrey F. Kozlov ◽  
Anastasia A. Valueva ◽  

Our present study concerns the influence of the picosecond rise-time-pulsed electromagnetic field, and the impact of nanosecond pulsed pressure on the aggregation state of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) as a model enzyme. The influence of a 640 kV/m pulsed electromagnetic field with a pulse rise-time of ~200 ps on the activity and aggregation state of an enzyme is studied by the single-molecule atomic force microscopy (AFM) method. The influence of such a field is shown to lead to aggregation of the protein and to a decrease in its enzymatic activity. Moreover, the effect of a shock wave with a pressure front rise-time of 80 ns on the increase in the HRP aggregation is demonstrated. The results obtained herein can be of use in modeling the impact of electromagnetic and pressure pulses on enzymes and on whole living organisms. Our results are also important for taking into account the effect of pulsed fields on the body in the development of drugs, therapeutic procedures, and novel highly sensitive medical diagnosticums.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (12) ◽  
pp. T12004
J.Q. Fu

Abstract The fission Time Projection Chamber (fissionTPC) has been designed and built to make precision cross-section measurements of neutron-induced fission by the NIFFTE Collaboration. The signal of the cathode is implemented as trigger for the fissionTPC that rejects alpha signal as background and selects only fission fragment signal to be recorded. This short note is devoted to a discussion of a promising way to improve the cathode signal performance by segmenting the planar cathode into two parts. It is shown through analytic calculations that the new cathode structure has better signal-to-noise ratio and faster rise time.

Icarus ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 114847
Wesołowski Marcin

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