qualitative synthesis
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Maria Larsson-Lund ◽  
Agneta Pettersson ◽  
Thomas Strandberg

Objective: To synthesize and explore experiences of the rehabilitation process for adults with traumatic brain injury receiving team-based rehabilitation. Data sources: A qualitative evidence synthesis was conducted according to the "Enhancing transparency in reporting the synthesis of qualitative research" (ENTREQ) Guidelines, of qualitative studies published in 5 databases in 2000–21. Study selection and data extraction: Screening, selection of relevant studies, assessment of methodological limitations, systematic qualitative content analysis and assessment of confidence with GRADE-CERQual [AQ5] were carried out by independent researchers. Data synthesis: The 10 included studies revealed how people with traumatic brain injury perceived that they struggled on their own for a long time to adapt their daily life. They experienced that access to team-based rehabilitation was scarce and that the interventions offered were neither individually tailored nor coordinated. A respectful attitude from professionals and individually adapted information facilitated their rehabilitation process. Conclusion: This qualitative evidence synthesis indicates areas for improvement and a need to develop person-centred team-based rehabilitation for adults with traumatic brain injury, in terms of accessibility, coordination, continuity, content and participation. Given the limited opportunities for team-based rehabilitation after hospital discharge, further research is needed to understand how rehabilitation can support the adaptation of daily activities.

2022 ◽  
Orazio De Lucia ◽  
Teresa Giani ◽  
Roberto Caporali ◽  
Rolando Cimaz

In this systematic review we analyzed the published articles related to the predictive value for flare of subclinical synovitis assessed by ultrasound (US) in juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA). Medline, Embase and Cochrane databases were searched from 1990 to 2020 by two authors, using PICO methodology. The study is built and reported according to PRISMA guidelines. Searches identified four articles comprising a total of 187 JIA patients in clinical remission from at least 3 months. Two of the articles found US subclinical signs of synovitis to be predictive for flare, with a five times higher risk (with Power Doppler signal as an important feature), while in the other two baseline US abnormalities did not predict a clinical flare. The articles differed for protocols, definitions, and length of follow-up. US has an expanding role in pediatric rheumatology, with interest-ing applications especially during the follow-up, potentially identifying subclinical inflammatory signs predictive of flare. However, the few studies available do not allow definite conclusions at this time.

2022 ◽  
Shehong Zhang ◽  
Hongyu Xie ◽  
Chuanjie Wang ◽  
Fengfeng Wu ◽  
Xin Wang

Abstract Introduction: Motor function is essential in our daily lives, one of the most common impairments caused by stroke is loss of functional movement. Over 70% of stroke survivors have motor or other neurological functional disabilities. However, rehabilitation of motor function suffered from a stroke can be rather difficult due to the complexity of organs and systems related to motor function, as well as the neural system that supported motor function. In particularly, previous evidence for the effectiveness of physiotherapy, a commonly prescribed intervention method for people with stroke, that recover motor function in people following a stroke is varied and limited in the chronic rehabilitation phase and therefore has never been reviewed systematically. With the progress of study in neurology and the development of novel tools for rehabilitation, results from more and more clinical trials are now available, thus here justifying conducting a systematic review. Methods and analysis: This systematic review protocol is developed in accordance with the methodology recommended by the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Protocols, as well as the Cochrane handbook for systematic reviews of interventions. Relevant studies will be identified by searching the databases. We will perform searches for relevant studies in databases, including PubMed, Embase, CINAHL, and Web of Science, Physiotherapy Evidence Database and Cochrane Library databases. The reference lists of included articles and reviews will be searched manually. The date range parameters used in searching all databases will be restricted between January 2001 and January 2021. Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) published will be included. The language used in the articles included was restricted to English. The GRADE (Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development and Evaluation system from the Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions) approach will be used to systematically appraise the quality of methodology. We will assess the risk of bias of the RCTs included using the Cochrane Collaboration’s tool and provide a qualitative synthesis. After that, we will consider conducting a meta-analysis if the final data across outcomes shows sufficient homogeneity. Ethics and dissemination: No ethical approval is needed as the proposed study does not involve the collection of primary data, and the results of this review will be disseminated via peer-reviewed publications and conference presentations. Trial registration number: CRD42021267069.

2022 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
Keqin Liu ◽  
Jiaxin Tao ◽  
Jixin Yang ◽  
Yufeng Li ◽  
Yanwei Su ◽  

Abstract Background Preterm infants have higher nutrition needs than term infants. The effectiveness of various feeding supplementation was assessed by the improvement of health outcomes in single specific systematic reviews (SRs). The aim of this review was to comprehensively describe the effectiveness of feeding supplementation in promoting health outcomes of preterm infants. Methods A literature search was conducted in the PUBMED, EMBASE, Science Direct, Cochrane library, Web of Science, and Wiley online library. SRs selection followed clear inclusion and exclusion criteria. Pairs of reviewers independently applied the criteria to both titles/abstracts and full texts. Screening and data extraction were performed by using the advanced tables. The methodological quality of SRs and the quality of the evidence were carried out according to the Assessing the Methodological Quality of Systematic Reviews (AMSTAR) tool and the Grades of Recommendation, Assessment, Development, and Evaluation guidelines (GRADE) respectively. A qualitative synthesis of evidence is presented. Results Seventeen SRs were included in the review. Fifteen kinds of feeding supplementation were reported in the SRs. In preterm infants, the effectiveness of feeding supplementation in addition to regular breast-feeding was mainly shown in six aspects: physical health, neurodevelopment, biochemical outcomes, other health outcomes, morbidity and all-cause mortality. And the effectiveness of the interventions on health outcomes in preterm infants was found by most systematic reviews. The methodological quality of all the included SRs was high, and most of the evidences was of low or very low quality. Conclusions Our results will allow a better understanding of the feeding supplementation in preterm infants. Although the feeling supplements may improve the health outcomes of in preterm infants, the existing evidence is uncertain. Therefore, the clinical use of these supplements should be considered cautiously and more well-designed RCTs are still needed to further address the unsolved problems of the included SRs.

Olufikayo O. Bamidele ◽  
Obrey Alexis ◽  
Motolani Ogunsanya ◽  
Sarah Greenley ◽  
Aaron Worsley ◽  

Abstract Purpose To synthesise findings from published studies on barriers and facilitators to Black men accessing and utilising post-treatment psychosocial support after prostate cancer (CaP) treatment. Methods Searches of Medline, Embase, PsycInfo, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews and Central, CINAHL plus and Scopus were undertaken from inception to May 2021. English language studies involving Black men aged ≥18 and reporting experiences of, or suggestions for, psychosocial support after CaP treatment were included. Low or moderate quality studies were excluded. Searches identified 4,453 articles and following deduplication, 2,325 were screened for eligibility. Two independent reviewers carried out screening, quality appraisal and data extraction. Data were analysed using thematic synthesis. Results Ten qualitative studies involving 139 Black men were included. Data analysis identified four analytical constructs: experience of psychosocial support for dealing with treatment side effects (including impact on self-esteem and fear of recurrence); barriers to use of psychosocial support (such as perceptions of masculinity and stigma around sexual dysfunction); facilitators to use of psychosocial support (including the influence of others and self-motivation); and practical solutions for designing and delivering post-treatment psychosocial support (the need for trusted healthcare and cultural channels). Conclusions Few intervention studies have focused on behaviours among Black CaP survivors, with existing research predominantly involving Caucasian men. There is a need for a collaborative approach to CaP care that recognises not only medical expertise but also the autonomy of Black men as experts of their illness experience, and the influence of cultural and social networks.

2022 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Kameela Alibhai ◽  
Isabella Churchill ◽  
Tannys Vause ◽  
Heather Anne Lochnan

Abstract Background Individuals with obesity are at higher risk of experiencing complications during their pregnancy and may also experience infertility, requiring assisted reproductive technologies (ART) to conceive. The current body of literature demonstrates that bariatric surgery decreases an individual’s risk of developing a variety of obesity-related obstetrical conditions during and after pregnancy. However, the effects of bariatric surgery on ART outcomes are not well understood. Therefore, the paucity in the literature warrants a need to determine these effects. Methods We will search electronic databases, including MEDLINE, Embase, Scopus, and Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL), as well as the gray literature and the reference lists of included articles. We will screen all studies published between January 1978 and the present day that explore the impact of bariatric surgery on ART outcomes for women and men. We will include observational studies. Two independent reviewers will assess the studies for inclusion and extract data for each article. The main outcome that will be analyzed is live birth rate. Secondary outcomes such as time to conception, number of rounds of ART, type of bariatric surgery, and length of time between bariatric surgery and initiation of ART will also be recorded. Risk of bias will be conducted using the National Institutes of Health Study Quality Assessment Tools. A random effects model will be used to account for statistical analysis and results will be pooled with forest plots. In the event of statistical and reporting heterogeneity, we will provide a qualitative synthesis and narrative review of the results. Discussion This review will provide information on the outcomes of ART following bariatric surgery and may help healthcare professionals make informed decisions about the length of time between bariatric surgery and initiation of ART. The study findings may be of interest to various stakeholders including patients, bariatric surgeons, obstetricians, and gynecologists, and those who specialize in obesity medicine and reproductive endocrinology and infertility. We plan to disseminate our findings through presentations, publications, and social media releases to individuals who are navigating infertility and are interested in undergoing or have undergone bariatric surgery, healthcare professionals, policymakers, and researchers. Systematic review registration PROSPERO CRD42021252561

BMJ Open ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. e046363
Kate Thompson ◽  
Mark I Johnson ◽  
James Milligan ◽  
Michelle Briggs

BackgroundPain is a complex, global and multidimensional phenomena that impacts the lives of millions of people. Chronic pain (lasting more than 3 months) is particularly burdensome for individuals, health and social care systems. Physiotherapists have a fundamental role in supporting people who are experiencing pain. However, the appropriateness of pain education in pre-registration physiotherapy training programmes has been questioned.Recent research reports identify the need to integrate the voice of patients to inform the development of the pre-registration curriculum. The aim of this meta-ethnography was to develop new conceptual understanding of patients' needs when accessing physiotherapy for pain management. The concepts were viewed through an educational lens to create a patient needs-based model to inform physiotherapy training.MethodsNoblit and Hare’s seven-stage meta-ethnography was used to conduct this qualitative systematic review. Five databases (MEDLINE, CINAHL Complete, ERIC, PsycINFO and AMED) were searched with eligibility criteria: qualitative methodology, reports patient experience of physiotherapy, adult participants with musculoskeletal pain, reported in English. Databases were searched to January 2018. Emerge reporting guidelines guided the preparation of this manuscript.ResultsA total of 366 citations were screened, 43 full texts retrieved and 18 studies included in the final synthesis. Interpretive qualitative synthesis resulted in six distinct categories that represent patients’ needs when in pain. Analysing categories through an education lens resulted in three overall lines of argument to inform physiotherapy training. The categories and lines of argument are represented in a ‘needs-based’ model to inform pre-registration physiotherapy training.DiscussionThe findings provide new and novel interpretations of qualitative data in an area of research that lacks patient input. This is a valuable addition to pain education research. Findings support the work of others relative to patient centredness in physiotherapy.

2022 ◽  
Vol 40 ◽  
Camila Fernanda Jedwab ◽  
Bruna Cardoso de Mattos Boccalini Roston ◽  
Ana Beatriz Ferreira de Souza Toge ◽  
Isadora Fagundes Echeverria ◽  
Guilherme Ojea Gomes Tavares ◽  

ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate changes in peripheral immunological response (decrease in blood proinflammatory cytokines) and fecal microbiota (especially Bacteroidetes and Firmicutes) after administration of probiotics in children with celiac disease on a gluten-free diet. Data source: The databases MEDLINE, LILACS, Springer and SciELO were used for this review, with the descriptors “celiac disease AND probiotics”. At the end of the search, 168 articles were retrieved, four of which were included in the final qualitative synthesis, having as inclusion criteria randomized clinical trials and pediatric population (1–19 years) and, as exclusion criteria, interventions other than probiotics, studies with patients with other diseases associated with celiac disease, or patients who did not meet the diagnostic criteria. All elected studies were published until September 2020, without language restriction, with patients receiving strains of Bifidobacterium breve or B. longum and on a gluten-free diet. Data synthesis: The studies show that the administration of probiotics along with a gluten-free diet, can approximate the fecal microbiota of celiac patients to typical conditions of healthy individuals, by restoring the abundance of some microbial communities that characterize the typical physiological condition. In addition, the administration of probiotics can reduce serum proinflammatory cytokines (mainly TNF-alpha). Conclusions: Despite the positive correlation between probiotics and fecal microbiota/serological markers in pediatric patients with celiac disease, we emphasize the need for future multicentric studies that should include a larger number of patients and a longer follow up period.%

2022 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. e002573
Rishi Raj ◽  
Rahul Mishra ◽  
Nivedita Jha ◽  
Vivek Joshi ◽  
Ricardo Correa ◽  

Continuous glucose monitoring (CGM)-derived time in range (TIR) correlates with hemoglobin A1c (A1c) among patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM); however, there is a paucity of data evaluating its association with microvascular complications. We conducted this systematic review to examine the association between TIR and microvascular complications of diabetic retinopathy (DR), diabetic nephropathy (DN), and diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN). We conducted a comprehensive literature search on PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science online databases following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses guidelines. Full-text original articles that evaluated the association between CGM-derived TIR and risk of microvascular complications and were published between 2010 and June 2021 were included in our systematic review. The quality of the included studies was evaluated using the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Quality Assessment Tool for Observational Cohort and Cross-Sectional Studies. Data were analyzed using qualitative synthesis. Eleven studies on a total of 13 987 patients were included in the systematic review. The median sample size, baseline A1c, and diabetes duration were 466 patients (range: 105–5901), 8.2% (SD 0.5%), and 11.3 years (1.0), respectively. Majority of the studies were conducted in Asia (10 out of 11). Four studies evaluated the relationship between CGM-derived TIR and DR and CGM-derived TIR and DN, while seven studies evaluated the relationship between CGM-derived TIR and DPN. A 10% increase in TIR was associated with a reduction in albuminuria, severity of DR, and prevalence of DPN and cardiac autonomic neuropathy. In addition, an association was observed between urinary albumin to creatinine ratio but not with estimated glomerular filtration rate. This review summarizes recent evidence supporting an association between CGM-derived TIR and microvascular complications among patients with T2DM. A larger-scale multicenter investigation that includes more diverse participants is warranted to further validate the utility of TIR as a predictor of diabetic microvascular complications.

2022 ◽  
Vol 75 (1) ◽  
Dalila de Alcântara Martins ◽  
Prisca Dara Lunieres Pêgas Coêlho ◽  
Sandra Greice Becker ◽  
Alaidistania Aparecida Ferreira ◽  
Maria Luiza Carvalho de Oliveira ◽  

ABSTRACT Objective: to understand how religiosity can influence the health of individuals diagnosed with mental disorders, based on comprehensive care. Methods: this is an integrative literature review, with the inclusion of articles in Portuguese, English and Spanish, between 2010 and 2018. Results: the critical analysis and qualitative synthesis of the 24 selected studies were categorized into two subtopics: The influence of religiosity in promoting comprehensive mental health care; Mental health versus religiosity: influencing conditions for effective access to comprehensive care. Final considerations: a positive influence of religiosity was identified in the lives of individuals diagnosed with mental disorders; however, evidence shows that health teams do not feel comfortable and prepared to work with religiosity as an expression of spirituality. This being one of the dimensional aspects of health, it can be inferred, on the results, the existence of this gap in the comprehensive care approach.

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