indicator value
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2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 18-33
Yurii Salnyk ◽  
Bohdan Volochiy

Context. Objects of critical infrastructure require adequate security. The security systems for such objects have a specific requirements. Fulfilment of part of these requirements can provide by an unattended ground sensor complex which uses seismic sensors. The second part of the requirements can be performed by an unmanned aircraft complex. Therefore, it is seen as practical feasibility to combine these two complexes in one security system with three control zones. The first (Further) and second (Hither) control zones are served by an unattended ground sensor complex. The third control zone (intruder escort zone) is assigned on the data from the unattended ground sensor complex: the type of intruder, his speed and direction of movement. The unmanned aircraft complex is used to perform a security system task in the intruder's tracking area on command from the unattended ground sensor complex. You need to know two question answers to implement such a security system. First, what is the efficiency indicator value of the security system will ensure the combination of the existing complexes with their functionality indicators. And the second, what should be the functionality indicators requirements of these complexes in order for the security system to provide the required performance indicator value. Objective. Therefore, the goal of the article is to show the potential value of the efficiency index of the security system formed from the existing complexes, as well as to assess the possibility of increasing its efficiency. Methods. This goal is achieved by the stochastic model of functional behavior, which should reproduce all variants of the security system components reaction to the crossing of three control zones by intruders. Results. The main result is a discrete-continuous stochastic model of the functional behavior of the critical infrastructure object security system in the form of 76 Kolmogorov-Chapman differential equations system. The grade of the stochastic model adequacy makes it possible, in addition to the analysis tasks of the security system effectiveness, to solve the synthesis tasks of functionality indicators of the complex components that are integrated into the security system. Conclusions. Research was conducted have shown that it is impractical to create a security system based on existing unattended ground sensor complexes and unmanned aircraft systems for critical infrastructure objects because of the unacceptably low system efficiency. Based on the synthesis task solution, the functionality indicators values of the each complex components, in particular those that will provide the required value of the security system efficiency indicator, are presented. The stochastic model of the functional behavior of the security system can be used in the information technology of its design to find compromise solutions between different variants of composition, structure and functional behavior of the security system.

Plants ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (4) ◽  
pp. 739
Ioana Vaida ◽  
Florin Păcurar ◽  
Ioan Rotar ◽  
Liviu Tomoș ◽  
Vlad Stoian

High nature value (HNV) grassland systems are increasingly important for the ecosystem services they provide and for their socio-economic impact in the current constant-changing context. The aim of our paper is to evaluate the long-term effect of organic fertilizers on HNV systems in the Apuseni Mountains, Romania. As an objective we want to identify the optimal intensity of conservation management and its recognition based on indicator value plant species. The experiments were established in 2001 on the boreal floor and analyze the effect of a gradient of four organic treatments with manure. Fertilization with 10 t ha−1 manure ensures an increase in yield and has a small influence on diversity, and could be a real possibility for the maintenance and sustainable use of HNV. Each fertilization treatment determined species with indicator value that are very useful in the identification and management of HNV. The indicator species are useful in forecasting the fluctuations and successions in grasslands, determined by the modification of the dominance-codominance ratio and the real coverage of each species.

2021 ◽  
Vol 244 ◽  
pp. 11011
Sergey Barkalov ◽  
Olga Bekirova ◽  
Olga Sokolova ◽  
Evgeniya Zenkova

This work is devoted to the development of mathematical models that make it possible to generalize the data obtained in the multicriteria assessment of alternatives when making decisions under certainty conditions. A typical problem in multi-criteria assessment is the integration of particular criteria-based assessments of alternatives into some integral indicator reflecting the degree of attractiveness of alternatives. Traditionally, for these purposes, an additive method was used, which consists in the fact that the final assessment of the alternative is the sum of the assessments by the criteria, possibly multiplied by the weights of the criteria. However, this approach has a number of significant disadvantages, which include the following. When evaluating alternatives, such an indicator of their validity as feasibility is not taken into account, which leads to a distortion of the result due to too simple or difficult criteria. Evaluations of alternatives by qualitative and attributive criteria are subjective, since they are obtained by expert methods, which introduces subjectivity into the integral assessment of the alternative. The integral assessment of an alternative depends on the composition and number of assessed alternatives and on the set of assessment criteria. To eliminate the second drawback, a model for evaluating qualitative alternatives is proposed, which implies the introduction of a certain numerical indicator for a qualitative criterion, which for each alternative have a different meaning, while the attractiveness of the alternative depends on the indicator value. The set of alternatives in relation to the indicator is considered fuzzy, with the belonging function depending on the indicator.

2021 ◽  
Vol 31 ◽  
pp. 00035
Andrei Zverev ◽  
Natalia Shchegoleva ◽  
Christina Levitskaya

The results of codependency analysis of 9 qualitative and 4 quantitative measures of plant communities homotoneity with statuses of their naturalness based on the application of the indicator value scale of hemeroby tolerance of South Siberian plants are presented. The highest correlation with level of naturalness was performed by qualitative multiplace measure of similarity by Jaccard.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 70-79
Yan Herdianzah

Municipal Waterworks Corporation (PERUMDA AIR MINUM) of Makassar city currently finds many common risks in water distribution process. The risks cause a lot of damage to the piping network system, so that the quantity of distributed water to customers is not optimal. Consequently, it is necessary to handle the risks. This study aims to determine the risks that occur in water distribution process by using Delphi method to identify potential risks. Then, House of Risk (HOR) is used at the risk analysis and evaluation stage to determine mitigation strategies and Key Risk Indicators (KRI) is designed to determine the Early Warning System (EWS). Based on the results known that there are 16 identified risk events and 24 risk agents. Furthermore, a mitigation strategy is carried out on the risk agent by using 18 preventive actions. Based on the selected risk, coded as A24 with the indicator value is Information (Field Team) has lower threshold of 5 hours and upper threshold of 8.19 hours. Water loss has lower threshold of 3,118,047 m3 and upper threshold of 3,283,688 m3. A1 as Expired indicator value has lower threshold of 20 years and upper threshold of 26 years and leaking pipes replacement has lower threshold of 15 years and upper threshold of 16 years 3 months 2 weeks. Further research is expected to be able to design KRI for the risks that do not have EWS yet.

el–Hayah ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
pp. 144-151
Dwi Suheriyanto ◽  
Arifatul Lutfiyah ◽  
Dika Dara W. ◽  
Mohammad Farhan ◽  
Ainiy Izzah

Insects have great potential to be used as soil bioindicators. The research aims to analyze abundance and diversity of soil insects genus and determine the soil insects genus that have potential as soil quality bioindicators in citrus plantations. The study was conducted in conventional and semiorganic citrus plantations in Poncokusumo District, Malang Regency. The research used pitfall trap and hand sorted methods. Data were analyzed to find out diversity index, Canonical Correspondence Analysis and Indicator Value Index. The data analysis used PAST program version 3.15 and software R. The research results were obtained 20 genus of soil insects. The highest abundance of soil insects is occupied by the genus Aphaenogaster. The diversity of soil insects in semiorganic citrus plantations is higher than conventional citrus plantations. The soils insects that have potential as bioindicators of soil quality in conventional citrus plantations is the genus Formica, while in the semiorganic citrus plantations are the genus Cyrtepistomus, Pangeus, Tenebrio, Euborellia, Allonemobius, Stelidota, Gryllus and Chlaenius.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 99-108
Erniwati Erniwati ◽  
Istijarah Istijarah ◽  
La Tahang ◽  
Hunaidah Hunaidah ◽  
Vivi Hastuti Rufa Mongkito ◽  

ABSTRAK Tujuan dari kajian ini adalah memberikan gambaran kemampuan literasi sains siswa SMA khusunya di kota Kendari. Subjek penelitian terpusat di SMA 1 Kendari dengan total subjek sebanyak 350 orang. Topik pelajaran yang digunakan adalah energi. Jenis penelitian ini menggunakan deskriptif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Teknik pengumpalan data menggunaka tes yang didalamnya meliputi aspek kontek, konten, dan proses. Sedangkan teknik analisis data menggunakan statustuf deskriptif . Hasil investigasi diperoleh bahwa Kemampuan literasi sains peserta didik kelas X di SMAN 1 Kendari pada indicator aspek konten dimana indicator pertama yaitu perubahan energy memperoleh nilai presentase 70,83% dengan kategori cukup. Kemudian untuk indicator bahan bakar alternative memperoleh nilai presentase 79,72% dengan kategori baik. Sedangkan untuk indicator molekul penyedia energi memperoleh nilai presentase 33,75% dengan kategori sangat rendah. Kemampuan literasi sains peserta didik kelas X di SMAN 1 Kendari pada indicator aspek proses  dimana pada indicator pertama mengidentifikasi isu ilmiah memperoleh nilai presentase 50,13% dengan rendah. Kemudian untuk indicator menjelaskan fenomena ilmiah memperoleh nilai presentase 34,62% dengan kategori sangat rendah. Sedangkan untuk indicator menggunakan bukti ilmiah memperoleh nilai presentase 52,69% dengan kategori rendah. Sedangkan kemampuan literasi sains peserta didik kelas X di SMAN 1 Kendari pada indicator aspek konteks dimana pada indicator pertama aplikasi energi bidang teknologi memperoleh nilai presentase 89,72% dengan kategori sangat baik. Kemudian untuk indicator energi dalam meningkatkan mutu lingkungan memperoleh nilai presentase 29,16% dengan kategori sangat rendah. Untuk indicator dampak energi memperoleh nilai presentase 17,08% dengan kategori sangat rendah. Kata kunci—Literasi sains, Pembelajaran fisika ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to provide an overview of the ability of  student senior high school of scientific literacy  especially in the city of Kendari.The research subjects were concentrated in senior high school 1 Kendari with a total of 350 subjects. The topic of the lesson used was energy. This type of research used descriptive quantitative approach.Data collection techniques use tests which included aspects of context, content, and process. While the data analysis technique used descriptive statistics. The results of the investigation found that the scientific literacy ability of class X students in Senior High School 1 Kendari on the indicator aspect of content where the first indicator was the change in energy obtains a percentage of 70.83% with a sufficient category. Then for alternative fuel indicators got a percentage value of 79.72% with a good category. As for the energy supply molecular indicator, it s a percentage of 33.75% with a very low category. The ability of scientific literacy in class X students in Senior High School 1 Kendari in the process aspect indicator where the first indicator identifies scientific issues obtains a percentage value of 50.13% with low. Then, to explain scientific phenomena acquire indicator value percentage of 34.62% with a very low category. As for the indicator using scientific evidence obtained percentage value of 52.69% with a lower category. While the scientific literacy ability of class X students in Senior High School 1 Kendari on the indicator of context aspects where the first indicator of energy application in the technology field obtained a percentage value of 89.72% with a very good category. Then for the energy indicator in improving environmental quality, the percentage value is 29.16% with a very low category. To obtain the energy impact indicator value percentage of 17.08% with a very low category. Keywords—Science literacy, Physics learning

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