cross river
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2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 77-85
Felicia Ebeyin Odere ◽  
Felix Ojong ◽  

The study investigates the socio-economic importance of the Calabar Carnival on the economic development of Cross River State, Nigeria. To establish the relationship between the festival and the development of Cross Rivers State, hypotheses were formulated based on the identified major independent variables namely: employment creation, income generation, and infrastructural development while the dependent variable is the Calabar Carnival Festival. Literatures related to the major variables of the study were reviewed. To generate data for hypotheses testing, questionnaire was used; survey research design was adopted for study while utilizing the convenience sampling technique to select the respondents (300) for study. The generated data were statistically tested at a 0.05 level of significance using Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient analysis. The analysis showed that the Calabar carnival has significant relationship with job creation, income generation, and infrastructural development in Cross River State. Based on the result of the findings, the study recommended the need for tourism industry be fortified with security and as well be privatized. Also, the study recommends that youth development should be a cardinal point in the carnival as a promotional strategy in other to accelerate the state's socio-economic development.

2021 ◽  
pp. 111-122
Romuald Valentin Nkouda

On the basis of the colonial narrative of Alfred Mansfeld, the present article shows how the narrator manages to convey his knowledge about Cameroon’s Cross-river region. German colonial literature played a very active part in the media campaign for the dissemination of information about the colonies. Therefore, the colonial space became an object of interest (as a source of knowledge) for colonial writers. The presented intercultural reading makes it possible to outline the different visions of cultural contact that existed between the colonizer and the natives.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 171-187
Ajoma Simon Okwoche ◽  
Emeka Emmanuel Okonkwo ◽  
Tawo Alfred Oyong

Monoliths in the Cross River State of Nigerian are found in a circular form, they are commonly known as Bakor or Ikom monoliths, because of the universality in conceptualisation and the configuration of the stones, they are sometimes referred to in this research as stone circles. Bakor speaking communities hold a large number of magnificent stone carvings called Bakor monoliths which exhibit a high level of artistic, qualities, and creative awareness by the ancient civilisation that creates them. The study is aimed at examining monoliths in Bakor LGA, to ascertain the socio-cultural and religious beliefs associated with these monoliths and their contributions to tourism development in Cross River State. A mixed-method of qualitative and quantitative research was employed. The result reveals that Cross River State monoliths have the potentials of attracting tourists, and are valued by host communities. However, the monoliths are under human and natural threats. The paper advocates that if Bakor monoliths are developed for cultural tourism, it will create job opportunities, improve the living standard of the host community, generate revenue, and guaranty their preservation, among others.

Webology ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 212-224
Okoi, Innocent Obeten ◽  
Okoi, Comfort Innocent ◽  
Takon, Samuel Manyo ◽  
Orok, Akaninyene Billy ◽  
Emori, Enya Gabriel ◽  

The study empirically examined entrepreneurship orientation, entrepreneurship culture and performance of small and medium-scale enterprises in Calabar Metropolis. The major objective of the paper was to explore how strategic entrepreneurship practices affect the accomplishment of SMEs goals in Cross River State. The study was anchored on Resource-based theory (RBT). The study used survey research design. Survey research design was employed, and a population of one thousand, two hundred and ninety-four (1294) employees were involved. The study utilized Taro Yamane formula to determine the sample size of 400 employees. The sampling technique used in this study was purposive sampling method. The paper used multiple linear regression technique in testing the two hypotheses. The study revealed a positive relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and growth of SMEs. Furthermore, it was found that entrepreneurial culture has a negative effect on profitability of SMEs. Also, it was found that strategic resource management has significant effect on the quality of products of SMEs. The researcher supported various findings with suggestions among other things that the managers should continuously incorporate new decision-making strategies, procedures and behaviour that will put the organization into an advantageous position into entering new or established markets with new or existing goods or services. It was also recommended among others that entrepreneurial culture should be strengthened by managers of SMEs in Cross River State in pursuit of firm’s performance as well as yielding to the economic growth of Nigeria.

P. O. Odey ◽  
F. C. Anacletus ◽  
M. O. Wegwu

This study assessed health risk assessment of heavy metals in cocoyam from three quarry sites in Akamkpa LGA, Cross River State, Nigeria. Cocoyam tubers were obtained from three quarry sites in Oban Okoroba, each 4.5 kilometers apart and 20 kilometers from the control site. Cocoyam tubers were obtained from 0km, 0.2km, 0.4km, and 0.6km. Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry (AAS) was used to determine the content of Lead (Pb), Cadmium (Cd), Copper (Cu), Arsenic (As) and Manganese (Mn), showing relative abundance across all sites and samples in the sequence Mn > Cu > Pb > As > Cd. Quarry site D had highest levels of Mn, As and Cu (50.003 ± 5.478 mgkg-1, 0.207 ± 0.184 and 4.522 ± 1.204mgkg-1). Quarry site C and B respectively had the highest levels of Pb and Cd (1.136 ± 0.267 mgkg-1 and 0.041 ± 0.028 mgkg-1). Results of Estimated Daily Intake (EDI), Target Hazard Quotient (THQ) and Life Carcinogenic Risk (LCR) showed ingestion of cocoyam tubers from Old Netim is safe and devoid of non-carcinogenic and carcinogenic risks. THI on the other hand revealed non-carcinogenic threat may result from prolonged ingestion of cocoyam tubers cultivated within quarry sites in Old Netim.

2021 ◽  
pp. 55-76
Narcisse Santores Tchandeu ◽  
Hassimi Sambo

D. O. Etim ◽  
N. I. Okon

Momordica charantia Linn, commonly called bitter-melon or ampalaya, is a vigorous, tendril-bearing, frost tender, annual vine of the cucurbitacae family reported to play significant role in health and nutrition. Chlorotic spot symptoms were observed on this plant during a visit to some Gardens in Baccocco Cross River State, Nigeria in 2021. The aim of this study was to identify the virus infecting this plant and investigate the ability of Trichoderma viride to control the virus. Infected leaf samples of M. charantia were collected and maintained on young seedlings of cucumber through mechanical inoculation which was further used to test the ability of Trichoderma viride as biocontrol agent, the sample was further tested against RT-PCR. Result obtained from Gene sequence analysis revealed 87 % nucleotide sequence identity with Morroccan watermelon mosaic virus. This is the first report of MWMV infecting M. charantia in Nigeria. The result further showed that Trichoderma viride was very effective in the control of virus the pathogen.

Edwin-Wosu Nsirim Lucky ◽  
Omara-Achong Theresa Ebia ◽  
Idogun Ejiro Praise

Background: Knowledge of the anatomy of Anthocleista species is crucial for understanding how these plants adapt to the environment. Aim: This study was aimed at investigating the adaptive relationship of moisture gradient influence on the anatomy of four species in the genus Anthocleista (A djalonesis A Chev; A.  liebrechtsiana De Wild & Th.Dur; A. nobilis G.Don; and A. vogelii Planch) in light of ecological niche adaptation. Place of Study: parts of Akwa-Ibom, Bayelsa, Cross River and Rivers States in the Niger Delta. Methods: Conventional classical anatomical techniques for structural sectioning were used. Results: Though there are similarities and differences in vascular structure among the species, the study has revealed variance in anatomical responses to moisture gradient (ranging from dry mesophytic to mesophytic and wetland conditions) of adaptation. The most important and distinct features observed are the presence of sclerenchymatous idioblast, air sacs and sclereidal idioblast. Sclerenchymatous idioblasts are numerous in A liebrechtsiana, few in A.  nobilis and A. vogelii but lacking in A. djalonesis. The sclerenchymatous idioblast in A. liebrechtsiana, A. nobilis, and A. vogelii confirmed these species to be mesophytic to semi-aquatic in their habitat adaptation; while A. djalonesis is dry-mesophytic in adaptation with thicker epidermal layer, multiple hypodermal layers, thicker mesophyll tissues with increased number of palisade layers and thick leaves. The stem and root modification had abundance sclereidal idioblast distribution in A. liebrechtsiana, and A. nobilis, moderate in A. vogelii and very low in A. djalonesis. Conclusion: The variation observed in the leaf, petiole, stem and root anatomical characters are due to moisture gradient influence with the resultant effect of plant species evolving structures such as idioblast and modification to adapt to the niche and environment where they find themselves.

Dormcklaims Enamhe ◽  
Egbe E. Tangban ◽  
Thomas A. Omang ◽  
Mary U. Ojong-Ejoh

Communal crisis and rural community are juxtaposed given the background that Nigeria is anchored upon a conglomeration of cultures with the assumption that cultural heritage should be enjoyable under a benign condition. Unfortunately, societal dynamics emerged with different value systems and new orientations, paving the way for a "jet age" characterized by deviance, conflict and immediate gratification. Nigerian contemporary society is characterized by an identified crisis with common features of destructive, confrontational and violent dimensions, which has led to the loss of lives and property worth millions of naira. Most rural communities have been characterized by unhealthy conflictual situations, which has eventually turned the settlements into theatres of blood and fire emanating from various communal conflicts. The energy of communal violence has assumed a centre stage in our day-to-day interactions. Despite numerous attempts at stemming the tide of such violence, all concerted efforts have proved abortive. The issue is on the ascendency and has also defied remedial measures to curb such negativing phenomenon.  This has a lasting and deleterious effect on the social development of rural communities. Social development means investing in people, which requires the removal of barriers so that all citizens can journey toward their dreams with confidence and dignity. The study adopted a cross-sectional research survey method using a structured questionnaire as an instrument for data collection to examine the impact of the communal crisis on people’s livelihood sources. Data was collected from 800 samples selected from 4 political wards in Akamkpa Local Government Area of Cross River State, Nigeria Descriptive statistics were used to analyze the data. The result from the descriptive analysis was subjected to parametric statistics at 0.05 confidence level. The findings revealed a significant effect of the communal crisis on people’s sources of livelihood in Akamkpa local government area of cross river state, Nigeria. Based on this finding, the study calls for government intervention in the way of policy change and social intervention in the affected area and other parts of Nigeria Affected by communal conflict.

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