modern industry
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Yu.N. Malyshev ◽  
A.V. Titova ◽  
E.V. Khotchenkov ◽  
G.I. Titov

Важнейшими в современном образовательном процессе являются инновационные интерактивные приемы, способные расширять кругозор учащегося, помогающие творчески подходить к изучаемому объекту. Фактическими материалами, которые могут представлять интерес как для учащихся, так и для преподавателей и методистов высших и средних образовательных учреждений в области естественнонаучных знаний, является значительный научный и методический материал, накопленный ГГМ РАН, а также академическим сообществом в целом. В свою очередь новые условия дистанционного взаимодействия и передачи информации требуют новых интерактивных форма с использованием цифровых технологий. Все это помогает усилить научную емкость и интеграцию в образовательную среду, способствует расширению коммуникационной площадки в системе непрерывного отраслевого просвещения и образования.

Athenea ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 2 (6) ◽  
pp. 5-10
Edison Wernher Ceballos Bejarano ◽  
Huaita Bedregal Asencio Alejandro

Education has undergone evolutionary changes necessary to be able to generate the necessary contributions for each era, thus creating spaces for discussion that produce new methodologies and new paradigms for teaching. The case of engineering is very particular in these times, and university education should make its best efforts to offer future engineers the necessary skills to face the challenges of modern industry. In this work a literature review is made to analyze the new educational proposals that will be necessary for the training of the engineer in times of industrial digitization. The results show that an adaptation to the teaching processes is necessary, such that an appropriate engineering training is feasible, which assists and meets the requirements of the industry of the future. Keywords: Educational methodologies, modern industry, teaching processes. References [1]La importancia de las letras, «La historia de la educación,» 2010. [Online]. Available: [Last access: 27 11 2021]. [2]V. Guichot, «HISTORIA DE LA EDUCACIÓN: REFLEXIONES SOBRE SU OBJETO, UBICACIÓN EPISTEMOLÓGICA, DEVENIR HISTÓRICO Y TENDENCIAS ACTUALES,» Revista Latinoamericana de Estudios Educativos, vol. 2, nº 1, pp. 11-51, 2006. [3]K. Zambrano, «Línea de tiempo de la historia de la educación,» 13 septiembre 2018. [Online]. Available: [Last access: 24 11 2021]. [4]M. Begoña Tellería, «Educación y nuevas tecnologías. Educación a Distancia y Educación Virtual,» Revista de Teoría y Didáctica de las Ciencias, nº 9, pp. 209-222, 2004. [5]R. Nieto, «EDUCACIÓN VIRTUAL O VIRTUALIDAD DE LA EDUCACIÓN,» Rev.hist.educ.latinoam, vol.14, nº 19, 2012. [6]R. Pallás-Areny, «LA INGENIERÍA ELECTRÓNICA Y LA MEDICINA,» [Online]. Available: [Last access: 27 12 2021]. [7]H. Medellín, G. González, R. Espinosa, E. Govea and T. Lim, «Desarrollo de Aplicaciones de Realidad Virtual y Sistemas Hápticos en Ingeniería, medicina y arte,» de Ciencias de la Ingeniería y Tecnología, San Luis Potosí- Mexico, Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí, 2014, pp. 77-93. [8]S. Chris, E. Ray, J. Andrew and L. Jason, «Designing cranial implants in a haptic augmented reality environment,»Communications of the ACM, vol. 47, nº 8, pp. 33-38, 2004. [9]G. Sabine, K. Erwin and G. Bernd, «Advances in interactive craniofacial surgery planning by 3D simulation and visualization.,» Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, vol. 24, pp. 120-125, 1995. [10]P. Philipp, G. B. Alexander, P. Andreas, V. S. Norman, P. Bernhard, P. Andreas, H. Karl-Heinz, T. Ulf, S. Ingo y H. Max, «Virtual Dental Surgery as a New Educational Tool in Dental School,» Journal of Cranio- Maxillo-Facial Surgery, vol. 38, pp. 560-564, 2010. [11]C. Castañeda and F. Vázquez, «Realidad Virtual, un apoyo en la Terapia de Acrofobia, Claustrofobia y Agorafobia, » de Memorias del VIII Congreso Internacional sobre Innovación y Desarrollo Tecnológico (CIINDET 2011), Cuernavaca Morelos, México., 2011. [12]F. Suárez, O. Flor and L. Rosales, «Sistema de interpretación de conductas para identificación de situaciones de riesgo,» Revista Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação, vol. E31, pp. 309-317, 2020.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (S1) ◽  
Warood Nori Hussein Al-Moussawi

Modern industry has great importance in the literature of hadith sciences, hadith scholars paid special attention to the hadith of the Prophet because of its sanctity linked to human belief, as well as the slander of lying against the Messenger of God (may God bless him and grant him peace). And they were interested in the methods of his narration, because among the basics of accepting the hadith is the methods of its transmission, and one of the scholars who have a long history in this field is Abu Abdullah Al-Bushinji, who died in the year 290 AH / 902 AD. The focus of attention and attention of scholars and narrators of hadith.

Sadiq Korshed

This research article focuses on Kadei Ayiad Al-Muhadith and what he has added to the field of modern industry in terms of form and content through his book AL-Shifa. Moreover it sheds light on his singular contributions regarding handling of diversity of knowledge resources, and informed reading and correct transmission.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (9) ◽  
pp. 91-96
Ke Wei ◽  
Yanjun Li

Higher vocational education is the main place for cultivating high skilled talents. Only teachers with rich skills can cultivate excellent skilled talents. In order to promote the reform of vocational education, the focus should be on building a team of high-quality professional teachers. In the Opinions on Comprehensively Improving the Teaching Quality of Higher Vocational Education that was issued by the Ministry of Education, it has been proposed that professional teachers should be encouraged to practice in enterprises, accumulate practical work experience, and improve practical teaching ability. The purpose of the vocational education community is to establish an enterprise practice base to meet the needs of the modern industry as well as effectively cultivate technical and skilled talents in line with enterprises. The industrial park industry is used as an example in this article to explore the operation mode of enterprise practice base in adapting to the development of the modern industry as well as to better serve the development of vocational teachers and the improvement of students’ professional ability.

V. M. Popov ◽  
A. V. Barakov ◽  
S. N. Kuznetsov

Statement of the problem. In modern industry, clean room technology is commonly used to monitor the state of the air. The use of toxic gases in clean rooms might result in emergencies that call for emergency ventilation. In order to calculate the emergency air exchange, it is necessary to design a model of emergency air exchange considering a significant number of influencing factors. Results. The model of emergency air exchange for a clean room is developed based on the equation of material balance on the harmful gas allocated from the equipment in case of an emergency. The solution of the model of the emergency air exchange for a clean room is obtained allowing the concentrations of harmful gas to be calculated depending on a specific emergency. The properties of the resulting solution are investigated. The concept of accumulating capacity of the ventilated room is introduced and the influence of accumulating capacity on change of concentrations of harmful gas is evaluated.Conclusions. The performed calculations allow one to understand the processes of development of an emergency situation in a clean room more profoundly and to allow for these risks while designing emergency ventilation of clean rooms.

Metals ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (7) ◽  
pp. 1000
Ricardo Branco ◽  
Filippo Berto

Modern industry, driven by the recent environmental policies, faces an urgent need for the production of lighter and more environmentally friendly components [...]

В. М. Попов ◽  
А. В. Бараков ◽  
С. Н. Кузнецов

Постановка задачи. В современной промышленности для обеспечения контроля за состоянием воздушной среды часто используют технологии чистых помещений. Использование токсичных газов в чистых помещениях может приводить к аварийным ситуациям, для ликвидации которых необходима аварийная вентиляция. Для расчета аварийного воздухообмена необходимо создание модели аварийного воздухообмена, учитывающей значительное количество влияющих факторов. Результаты. Модель аварийного воздухообмена для чистого помещения разработана на основе уравнения материального баланса по вредному газу, выделяющемуся из оборудования при возникновении аварийной ситуации. Получено решение модели аварийного воздухообмена для чистого помещения, позволяющее рассчитать концентрации вредного газа в зависимости от расчетной аварийной ситуации. Исследованы свойства полученного решения. Введено понятие аккумулирующей способности вентилируемого помещения и оценено влияние аккумулирующей способности на изменение концентраций вредного газа. Выводы. Выполненные расчеты позволяет глубже понять процессы развития аварийной ситуации в чистом помещении и учесть эти риски при проектировании аварийной вентиляции чистых помещений. Statement of the problem. In modern industry, clean room technology is commonly used to monitor the state of the air. The use of toxic gases in clean rooms might result in emergencies that call for emergency ventilation. In order to calculate the emergency air exchange, it is necessary to design a model of emergency air exchange considering a significant number of influencing factors. Results. The model of emergency air exchange for a clean room is developed based on the equation of material balance on the harmful gas allocated from the equipment in case of an emergency. The solution of the model of the emergency air exchange for a clean room is obtained allowing the concentrations of harmful gas to be calculated depending on a specific emergency. The properties of the resulting solution are investigated. The concept of accumulating capacity of the ventilated room is introduced and the influence of accumulating capacity on change of concentrations of harmful gas is evaluated. Conclusions. The performed calculations allow one to understand the processes of development of an emergency situation in a clean room more profoundly and to allow for these risks while designing emergency ventilation of clean rooms.

Sang-ok Park ◽  
Jongmin Yoon ◽  
Hochan An ◽  
Jeonggyu Park ◽  
Gyung-Jin Park

As the demands of customers in the modern industry increased, the number of products, and the variety of components has increased. These issues have led to difficulties in product development and production. Modularization of products has advantages such as cost reduction, product development time reduction, and production time reduction. Modular design of products has been studied in the design activities of the modern industry. In this study, a modular design method is proposed to design a modular product based on axiomatic design (AD) and design structure matrix (DSM). AD and DSM are efficiently integrated into the proposed method. Functional requirements and design parameters are defined based on the Independence Axiom of AD, and the zigzagging process of AD is employed for the decomposition of the functional requirements (FRs) and design parameters (DPs). The design sequence is established based on the design matrix. Coupled or functionally close DPs are grouped into a module (Module 1). These modules are efficiently used in the design sequence. DSM is used to modularize the design parameters of the lowest level of axiomatic design. DSM is constructed based on physical interfaces and numerical clustering algorithms are used to identify strongly related components. They are grouped into a module (Module 2). Module 2 is exploited for production and management. Therefore, these two modules for different purposes can be used to increase efficiency in the design and production process. The proposed method is applied to two automobile parts such as the suspension system and cooling system. The results are discussed from the viewpoint of usefulness.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 905
Danial Akta Futaki

AbstractCOVID-19 pandemic brought many impacts to every sector around the world, football is one of them. As a modern industry, the relation between professional football players and professional football clubs is a working relation that produces rights and responsibility for both parties that already agree on the contract. Problems occur when COVID-19 pandemic forces Indonesian football competition to be postponed. The government and federation already made several regulations to solve the problems around postponement. As a space for professional football players and as an organization that is equivalent to worker/labor union, APPI actively advocates on matters such as the club's responsibility towards players. Legal protection for professional football players is differentiated into two sectors, preventive and repressive. Preventive protection is a protection to prevent the dispute that could occur in the later day. Meanwhile, repressive protection in the football world is solved by non-litigation processes such as arbitration under NDRC Indonesia as an arbitrase committee under PSSI. Keywords: Legal Protection; COVID-19 Pandemic; Football Players and Football Clubs Protection; Working Relation; Lex Sportiva.AbstrakPandemi COVID-19 membawa dampak kepada banyak sektor di berbagai belahan dunia, tak terkecuali cabang olahraga sepak bola. Sebagai industri modern, hubungan antara pemain profesional dan klub profesional berupa hubungan kerja yang menghasilkan hak dan kewajiban antara kedua belah pihak yang disepakati dalam kontrak kerja. Masalah timbul tatkala pandemi COVID-19 memaksa kompetisi sepak bola Indonesia untuk dihentikan. Pemerintah dan federasi sepak bola mengeluarkan berbagai regulasi untuk mengatasi hal ini. APPI sebagai wadah pemain sepak bola profesional yang serupa dengan SP/SB secara aktif mengadvokasi kewajiban klub kepada pemain. Perlindungan hukum bagi pemain sepak bola profesional dapat dibedakan menjadi dua, yaitu preventif dan represif. Perlindungan preventif adalah perlindungan guna menanggulangi sengketa yang dapat terjadi di kemudian hari. Sementara perlindungan represif dalam olahraga diselesaikan dengan jalur non-litigasi berupa arbitrase yang diwadahi oleh NDRC Indonesia sebagai badan arbitrase di bawah PSSI.Kata Kunci: Perlindungan Hukum; Pandemi COVID-19; Perlindungan Pemain Sepak Bola dan Klub; Hubungan Kerja; Lex Sportiva.

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