antiseptic solution
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Galina Iozepovna Pronina ◽  
Alexey Alexandrovich Panteleev ◽  
Elena E. Susova

African catfish is a valuable unpretentious object of breeding. It is successfully grown in re-circulating aquaculture systems in mild climate areas. However, artificial reproduction of the African catfish has problems with the collecting of high-quality sperm for fertilization of eggs. Abdominal massage does not give results even after appropriate hormonal stimulation: sperm is released in a small volume, often with an admixture of urine and blood. At the same time, most spermatozoa are motionless. This is due to the morphological features of the gonad structure: the seminal tubules are of the percoid type, in which there are seminal vesicles that prevent sperm release. When breeding catfish, the method of slaughtering males is mainly used, followed by the extraction of gonads, their grinding and straining through gauze or a sieve. Therefore, an urgent task is to develop methods for in vivo male African catfish high-quality sperm collecting. This report shows the technique of gonadectomy and surgery techniques for extracting one or both gonads. General anesthesia was performed by immersing the fish in a solution of clove oil. The optimal dose of clove oil for anesthesia was determined as 0.10–0.20 ml/l. The surgical area was treated with an antiseptic solution. The skin was dissected and separated from abdominal muscles. After acutorsion of testicular vessels, the gonad was excised entirely, since with partial resection, the remaining part of the parenchyma oozes, causing inflammation of the abdominal cavity and impaired healing of the surgical wound. Intermittent octal sutures were applied separately to the peritoneum with abdominal muscles and skin to create additional anastomoses and prevent complications.

Hüseyin GÜRBÜZ ◽  

Snakebite is one of the main causes of morbidity and mortality in Turkey, especially in rural areas. There are 41 snake species living in Turkey, 28 of which are non-poisonous and 13 are venomous. Of these 13 venomous snakes, 10 species are from the Viperidae family, 2 species from the Colubridae and 1 species from the Elapidae (Cobras) family and can be lethal with the venom they inject when they bite. The venom has mostly hematotoxic rarely neurotoxic effects. In addition to these effects, it also has cardiotoxic, myotoxic and nephrotoxic properties. A 50-year-old female patient was admitted to the emergency department 30-40 minutes after her left hand was bitten by a snake bite from the second finger. The patient, who was conscious, agitated and restless, had ecchymosis, widespread edema, pain and tenderness at the wound site. The wound area was cleaned with an antiseptic solution, 80 mg Prednisolone, 20 snake antiserum, 100 mg ulcer and tetanus prophylaxis were administered in the emergency room. The patient was absorbed 80-90 cc of fluid and blood absorption from three different areas on the left hand using the cupping vacuum method, then a splint was taken and elevation was performed. In the examination of the patient 20 hours after the application, edema in the hand decreased, swelling decreased, limitation of movement disappeared and the patient had minimal pain. The blood parameters of the patient were checked and evaluated as normal. The patient was discharged in a healthy way after 40 hours of admission to the hospital, following control and follow-up. As in our case, it should not be forgotten that besides all modern medical practices, cupping absorption therapy, which is a traditional medical treatment, is also very important in terms of supportive treatment and local tissue.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. e43-e43
Nikita Andreevich Chunikhin ◽  
Ernest Aramovich Bazikyan ◽  
Andrey Anatolievich Chunikhin ◽  
Anna Sergeevna Klinovskaya

Introduction: There is a morphological assessment of the damaged area and the inflammatory response of periodontal tissues after therapy. It seems relevant to evaluate the reaction of the periapical tissues of the teeth of experimental animals after the treatment of simulated apical periodontitis using laser photodynamic therapy (PDT) and non-pigment laser transcanal microablation using morphological research. Methods: The lower incisors of 15 rabbits were used to simulate acute apical periodontitis of pulpal origin. Subsequently, the traditional treatment of teeth canals using mechanical cleaning and irrigation with antiseptic solution started. Then, three groups underwent different therapies - using PDT (n = 5; photosensitizer chlorin e6, [l = 660 nm, 60 mW/cm2 ] for 2 minutes), using a new technology of transcanal laser ablation (n = 5; diode laser [l = 1265 nm, 180 mW/cm2 ] for 3 minutes), and without additional treatment (n = 5). Laser therapy in two groups was carried out for 10 days once in 2 days. The animals were euthanized 10 days after the treatment started, decapitation was performed, and morphological specimens were studied under a microscope. Descriptive analysis (study of inflammatory apical infiltrate, bone regeneration of the alveoli and periodontal ligament) and quantitative analysis were performed. The data were statistically processed using the Kruskal-Wallis test. Results: The group treated with the new laser technology showed the best results with moderate lymph-macrophage infiltration and congested vessels, moderate neoangiogenesis and fibrogenesis. The size of the lesion was 506.4 mm2 , compared with the PDT group - 872.0 mm2 (P≤0.05). Conclusion: A decrease in the focus of inflammation, moderate neoangiogenesis and fibrogenesis in the periapical region when using transcanal laser microablation indicate the prospects of using the new technology in clinical practice in the complex therapy of apical periodontitis.

2021 ◽  
Vol 05 (04) ◽  
pp. 99-109
Thi Thu Ha Nguyen ◽  
Bich Huong Bui ◽  
Bich Diep Pham

Objectives: To describe people's access to information and the practice of COVID-19 pandemic prevention during the first lockdown in the period from 7thto 30th April. Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted among 319 subjects through a convenient sampling procedure. Online self-administered questionnaires through social networks including Facebook, Zalo, etc were used. Descriptive statistics were used to present the data using mean, frequency and percentage. Results: The most popular information channels which people in urban and rural areas regularly accessed for COVID-19 related information were television and radio (55.6% and 72.7% respectively). The sources of information that the highest percentage of people accessed was the Government's /Ministry of Health’s SMS, followed by social media. People were most interested in searching for information about "Evolution of the epidemic COVID-19" and the least interested in the information about "Prevention according to folk beliefs and methods”. Proactive prevention practices were well implemented during the first lockdown such as "Wear a mask properly" with 99.1%, followed by "Minimize going to the street except in necessary cases" (98.8%) and "Stop non-urgent activities, work from home when needed" with 98.8%. The proportion of people who practiced "Clean the surface of objects with an antiseptic solution" was the lowest at 87.5%. Conclusion: Mass media and the Government information source are regular users to access information by respondents. Therefore, the information channel and source should be taken into account for health education in general and Covid -19 prevention in particular. Keywords: COVID-19, information, prevention.

O. P. Kostirenko ◽  
I. Yu. Popovych ◽  
A. V. Marchenko ◽  
I. Yu. Lytovchenko ◽  

he modern interpretation of the principles of therapy of periodontal pathology brings individualized treatment of patients to the first place. The basic principle of local therapy of periodontal diseases, in our opinion, is drug therapeutic treatment. The success of the treatment of periodontal diseases, the duration of remission and the prevention of complications largely depends on the quality of the impact on the oral cavity microflora. Recently, antiseptics of complex action have been successfully used. One of the representatives of the group of antiseptics is the drug «Citeal», which contains active substances: hexamidine, chorhexidine, chlorcresol. The purpose of the work is to increase the effectiveness of treatment of patients with periodontal pathology due to the use of three-component antiseptic agent of complex action — «Citeal». The results of a comprehensive examination of patients after the end of treatment show an improvement in oral hygiene, a decrease in the PMA index in comparison with the data before treatment. The Schiller-Pisarev test also became negative after the treatment. It is recommended to carry out professional hygiene with the use of antiseptic solution «Citeal» in a 1:10 dilution in the form of application to the marginal and alveolar part of the gums and irrigation of periodontal pockets, followed by mandatory rinsing of the mouth with water to remove residues. It was found that an individualized and differentiated approach to the treatment of patients with various forms of gingivitis and generalized periodontitis, who have orthopedic structures, prevents exacerbation of the disease during the year.

2021 ◽  
Vol 62 (4) ◽  
Vu Thai Son ◽  
Nguyen Thi Huong

Knowledge and practice of mothers and caregivers are decisive factors in the prevention of Hand,Foot and Mouth disease for children under 5 years old. A cross-sectional descriptive study was usedto assess the current status of knowledge and practice on prevention of Hand, Foot and Mouth diseaseamong mothers/carers of children under 5 years old in Tu Nang commune, Yen Chau district, SonLa province. Out of a total of 944 study subjects, 73% had correct knowledge about subjects at riskof disease, 84% knew about the danger of the disease and 81.4% knew about measures to preventthe spread. However, only 30.7% subjects had correct knowledge about taking care of children withHand, Foot and Mouth disease. The rate of using antiseptic solution for cleaning utensils of childrenis low, accounting for only 13.1%. Correct practice of handling measures when children are sickand preventing infection ranges from 30.9 to 59.4%. And most of the study subjects practiced goodenvironmental hygiene (92.8%).

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 129
Ana Hidayati Mukaromah ◽  
Sarifa H. J. Daud ◽  
M. Taroma Arloy ◽  
Erick Erianto Arif ◽  
Fandhi Adi Wardoyo

The Covid-19 pandemic (Corona virus) is a pandemic transmitted by the corona virus that attacks humans, especially children and the elderly. The transmission of Covid-19 can be through droplets; therefore, it is necessary to prevent it through health protocol, namely clean and healthy living habits, including using masks, washing hands, maintaining distance, and increase body immunity, The purpose of community service is to provide education about the function of vitamins, and how to use an alcoholic-based antiseptic solution for children Ar-Rodiyah Tembalang Orphanage, Semarang. This activity was carried out by lecturers, D4 Health Analyst students and S2 Clinical Laboratory Science students at Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang on January 31, 2021. The target of this activity was 51 children aged 8-20 years. The results of the implementation of community service at the Ar-Rodiyah orphanage Semarang were distributing 2 posters about the function of vitamins, and how to use an alcoholic-based antiseptic solution, then during the meeting an explanation of the material and the function of vitamins, and how to use an alcoholic-based antiseptic solution and questions and answers was delivered during the meeting. The conclusion from this community service increase knowledge of orphans about function of vitamin from 30 to 80 and knowledge to use alcohol-based antiseptic fluids correctly can increase from 45 to 90. The orphaned children also really hoped for sustainability of this community service activity with other counseling material.

2021 ◽  
Vol 38 (3) ◽  
pp. 389-392
Özgenur KEKUL ◽  
Burcu ÜSTÜN ◽  
Özgür KÖMÜRCÜ ◽  
Sezgin BİLGİN ◽  

Nowadays, 10% povidone-iodine is a topical antiseptic solution that is commonly used in surgical areas’ sterilization, wound cleaning and daily wound dressing. Severe complications may arise from povidone-iodine when it is not used carefully and in adequate proportion. Povidone-iodine-induced chemical skin reactions is one of the severe complications. Given the widespread use of povidone-iodine, clinicians need to be aware of this possible adverse drug reaction and of preventive cautions. This report presents two cases about povidone-iodine related skin reaction (these reactions are also called as chemical burns or chemical skin reactions) which are encountered in our hospital (Ondokuz Mayıs University, Samsun, Turkey) to point this important issue.

2021 ◽  
Vol 88 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 50-56
R. M. Chornopyshchuk ◽  
V. I. Nagaichuk ◽  
O. A. Nazarchuk ◽  
M. D. Zheliba ◽  
O. G. Urvan

Objective. To study the effectiveness of platelet-enriched plasma application in patients with deep burns at the stage of wounds preparation for autodermoplasty. Materials and methods. The study was performed on 23 patients with burns IIA, IIB and III degrees taking 25 - 40% of the body surface. Comprehensive local treatment of patients of the main group included injection of platelet-enriched plasma at the stage of preparation of postoperative wounds for autodermoplasty. In patients of the control group, local treatment was limited by dressings with antiseptic solution. Examination of patients included visual inspection of the damaged area, microbiological examination of wound contents and histological examination of damaged tissues. Results. Applying the suggested method of burn wounds local treatment resulted in reducing time of wounds preparation for closure by autologous skin grafts, reducing of their healing period, decreasing of tissues inflammatory activity, blood flow improvement, and stimulating processes of tissue granulation, proliferation, epithelialization. Conclusions. The application of the autologous platelet-enriched plasma can be considered as an effective biotechnology that can increase the effectiveness of the skin integrity restoring in patients with burns.

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