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2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 361-367
Syaifuddin Lily ◽  
Hamka Witri Kamase

Learning System in Indonesia is carried out with a face-to-face system, teaching and learning activities are carried out in schools in one room. The widespread pandemic of the covid 19 virus made the Ministry of Education and Culture take a policy to conduct online school activities to prevent the transmission of the disease virus. Online learning does not all have to be done using Zoom or similar applications. It is also necessary that applications that schools can manage and uniformize their use so that teachers can quickly fill out materials and tasks. The learning system carried out in SMK Negeri 2 Gorontalo is considered less effective, affecting learning outcomes. The application created is an application that can help the learning and teaching process in SMK Negeri 2 Gorontalo. Learning media is expected to help facilitate the absorption of the material and the delivery of lesson content to increase students' motivation to learn and understand it anywhere and anytime. The method used is the Research and Development method. As a research method used to produce a particular product and test the effectiveness of the product where the object of research in the study is a Student at SmK Negeri 2 Gorontalo. The purpose of the study is to help increase students' learning motivation in times of pandemics.

Utafiti ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 163-183
Rose A. Upor ◽  
Maziku Mihayo

Abstract It is a widely shared hypothesis in Tanzania among educators and the general public that low academic achievement scores are typically due to pupils’ deficiencies in English comprehension. Although in most public primary schools kiSwahili is the language of instruction, while a select few use English, there is evidence showing that even where monolingual instruction is on offer in Tanzania, lessons are held most of the time in both languages concurrently. Much of the research into dual language instruction is driven by the question of whether using English as the language of instruction is superior to using another language, leaving open the question of whether learning in both kiSwahili and English concurrently delivers a better pedagogical result than classroom usage of either language in isolation from the other. In this study, experimenting with the use of Dual Language Instruction (DLI) in three public primary schools indicates that when students are taught in two languages they perform better on tests than those who receive the same lesson content through monolingual instruction.

Titik Suryani ◽  
Wardani Rahayu ◽  
Ari Saptono

Measurement of teacher competence through TPACK is very important to do. However, the majority of the instruments used to measure TPACK for elementary school teachers are not yet in line with the needs of the 21st Century. This study aims to develop a TPACK instrument for elementary school teachers in a valid and reliable Mathematic lesson. This study uses the quantitative research. The study sample involved 1490 teacher in elementary school,  grade IV, V, and VI teachers from state and private elementary schools with A level of accreditation, spread across fourteen sub-districts in the Kabupaten Bogor. Data analysis techniques use Winsteps 4.0.1. So that, overall, this instrument can be used to measure TPACK of elementary school teachers in the content of mathematics lessons. This instrument can be used to map teacher competencies based on TPACK values. Furthermore, if there are some weaknesses in the 7 aspects of the TPACK, policy makers can determine the follow-up that needs to be determined to further improve the competence of elementary school teachers. The dimensions that stand out in this research are lesson content, teaching approach, technology, pedagogy, content, and mathematics.

Triyati Triyati

<p><em>This study aims to improve the learning outcomes of fifth grade students of SD NEGERI 2 TLAHAB LOR in integrated thematic learning theme 9 using the Problem Based Learning (PBL) learning model. Integrated thematic learning is learning that uses theme in learning activities by combining several lesson content in each lesson. The hope of integrated thematic learning is that students can gain hands-on experience to be able to find their own various knowledge learned. So that learning is more meaningful. This research is a classroom action research conducted in two cycles. The research subjects were 26 students of class V. Data collection techniques used observation and learning outcomes tests. The results showed that the learning outcomes of the pre-action obtained the percentage of completeness 23.08% or 6 students who met the KKM with an average value of 47.16. In the first cycle of learning outcomes, the percentage of completeness was 34.62% or 9 students who met the KKM with an average score of 55.26. Cycle II learning outcomes obtained the percentage of completeness 57.69% or 15 students who meet the KKM with an average value of 66.88.</em></p>

2021 ◽  
pp. 1356336X2110258
Eli-Karin S Åsebø ◽  
Helga S Løvoll ◽  
Rune J Krumsvik

The purpose of this study is to explore students’ perceptions of visibility in physical education (PE) using a single cumulative case study approach. Data were generated from the descriptive field notes of seven participant observations ( n = 77), individual semi-structured interviews ( n = 13) and five focus group interviews ( n = 18) with ninth-grade students (ages 14–15 years) from three classes in a public lower secondary school in Norway. The findings show that students perceive visibility differently depending on the context; some students like being visible in PE, while others dread it. Perceptions change rapidly and are situation-specific, influenced by the lesson content, the way the teacher facilitates the lessons, self-perception shaped by past experiences, the presence, actions, and attitudes of fellow students, body pressure and societal body ideals. The findings actualise the relevance of the transaction model of stress and coping ( Lazarus and Folkman, 1984 ) in determining when visibility in PE is and is not perceived as stressful. Consequently, the organization of the PE environment benefits from these insights.

Annamaria Savona ◽  

During training as generalists, some teachers find it complex and challenging to teach songs and lead class singing. The Song Leading research project longitudinally examines case studies of 16 trainees to explore how they acquire and develop the knowledge and skills to conduct a class singing lesson. The data corpus consists of video-recorded lessons, audio-recorded lesson-based interviews and personalised open-ended questionnaires. In this paper some phases of the interview analysis are presented. As each interview is conducted while watching the video-recorded lesson, its analysis should not be separated from the lesson content. The central question guiding this analysis is: How can the analysis of a lesson-based interview be combined with the video analysis of the lesson itself? We present a visual system to combine the analysis of interviews and videos. This system involves the use of the Lesson Activities Map (LAMap) – the transcript of the class singing lesson – based on the methodology developed in the Song Leading project. During the thematic analysis of the interviews, the LAMap is a visual tool that allows the researchers to systematically describe the lesson moments that were the starting points of the teachers' reflections. In addition, LAMap is a visual tool for collecting initial codes and identifying relationships between potential interview themes. The implications of the use of a visualisation system for lesson-based interview analysis are an added value for the coherence of case study interpretation. The paper contributes to research in education by providing concrete examples of how to make a qualitative analysis process explicit.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 134
Veronika Unun Pratiwi ◽  
Purwani Indri Astuti ◽  
Nurnaningsih Nurnaningsih ◽  
Arin Arianti ◽  
Mas Sulis Setiyono

During this pandemic, all sectors have collapsed, even the education sector, which is accustomed to face-to-face classes, has become mandatory for offline or online classes, so English teachers are also required to be more creative in developing learning media. Although English is a compulsory subject, the results attained from English subject are not very satisfying. Learning activities is one of the stages that determines the success of student learning. The quality of education and teaching can be enhanced by optimizing several elements such as students, teachers, learning indicators, lesson content, methods, media, and evaluation. Because of the importance of reading material for students, the Bangun Nusantara Sukoharjo Veteran University service team offers Kahoot application training for class X SMA Veteran 01 Sukoharjo. The method utilizsd in this method is a quiz that is taught to class X students according to the lesson plans and syllabus of class X students, as well as the reading material given. The target to be achieved from this service is to increase knowledge and instruction about reading training using Kahoot media for class X SMA Veteran 01 Sukoharjo. In addition, this dedication is expected to be able to achieve several things, nemely: (1) the teacher knows more about the ability of each student in reading comprehension; (2) teachers can think logically and systematically by utilizing existing media in answering quizzes through reading training; (3) students are assisted in learning to think from a point of view in thinking practice; (4) teachers can further develop students' motivation to learn; and (5) students are actively involved in class planning and management.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 107-121
Darryl Roy Montebon ◽  
Antriman Orleans ◽  

The present study describes the attempt to achieve the competencies of the Philippine K to 12 Science Program through thematic instruction. It seeks to address the challenges encountered by science teachers with the current curriculum design. The researchers used a thematic instructional model in giving classroom instruction. Two sets of pre-service teachers, taking part as facilitators and as observers, were purposely chosen in the study. The researchers used convergent mixed methods design in analysing the pre-service teachers' experience and observations in teaching through thematic instruction. Results revealed that the thematic instruction implemented in the study has the potential to address the challenges of the current K to 12 science curriculum in terms of design, lesson content, and implementation. Consequently, the results suggest that the thematic instruction design in the study can be used to help achieve the desired outcomes of the K to 12 Science Curriculum.

2021 ◽  
Vol 32 (2) ◽  
pp. 172-181
Devrim Akgunduz ◽  
Canan Mesutoglu ◽  

The goals of this study were to investigate technical and vocational education (TVET) teachers’ progress in their knowledge, perceptions, and competencies related to Industry 4.0 components and Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) within the context of a professional development program. A case study design was followed to reveal in-depth information on teacher improvement. Data sources included the Teacher Knowledge Survey, Teacher Perceptions Survey, and Industry 4.0 and STEM Competencies Survey. Results indicated significant improvement in teachers’ Industry 4.0 competencies and their content knowledge of Industry 4.0 components and STEM. Teachers reported a culture of collaboration in their school, increased teacher and student motivation, and positive attitudes toward TVET with implementation of the STEM PD program. The results point to the need to help teachers in designing certain aspects of STEM lesson plans including the integration of mobile programming, robotic programming and virtual reality meaningfully into the lesson content. Further implications for research and practice are presented in light of the findings.

2021 ◽  
Vol 54 (1) ◽  
pp. 150
W. Fitriani ◽  
Abdulah Abdulah ◽  
A. Mustadi

Natural science was a lesson content that equipped and prepared students to have various essential skills for life; one of them is science process skill. However, natural science learning used for investing this skill was not run maximally, proven from the process and learning outcome. This research aimed to offer a solution related to that problem by developing Problem Based Learning-based interactive multimedia and effectiveness testing of PBL-based interactive multimedia to improve the science process skill. The research approach was research and development in which the research subjects consisted of students and teachers from cluster 01, Depok Sub-district, Sleman. The first field test obtained a score of 3.2, which was included in a mediate category, while the operational field test obtained a score of 4.3, which was included in the very good category. The independent t-test obtained a significance of 0.001 <0.05, meaning that there was a significant difference between the experimental and control classes. This research was implied that the learning media and model could influence the achievement of the student. Therefore, the selection should be well considered according to the learning characteristics and students.

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