crystal surface
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Crystals ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 111
Sergey P. Zimin ◽  
Nikolai N. Kolesnikov ◽  
Ildar I. Amirov ◽  
Viktor V. Naumov ◽  
Egor S. Gorlachev ◽  

The nanostructuring of the (100) PbS single crystal surface was studied under varying argon plasma treatment conditions. The initial PbS single crystals were grown by high-pressure vertical zone melting, cut into wafer samples, and polished. Subsequently, the PbS single crystals were treated with inductively coupled argon plasma under varying treatment parameters such as ion energy and sputtering time. Plasma treatment with ions at a minimum energy of 25 eV resulted in the formation of nanotips with heights of 30–50 nm. When the ion energy was increased to 75–200 eV, two types of structures formed on the surface: high submicron cones and arrays of nanostructures with various shapes. In particular, the 120 s plasma treatment formed specific cruciform nanostructures with lateral orthogonal elements oriented in four <100> directions. In contrast, plasma treatment with an ion energy of 75 eV for 180 s led to the formation of submicron quasi-spherical lead structures with diameters of 250–600 nm. The nanostructuring mechanisms included a surface micromasking mechanism with lead formation and the vapor–liquid–solid mechanism, with liquid lead droplets acting as self-forming micromasks and growth catalysts depending on the plasma treatment conditions (sputtering time and rate).

2022 ◽  
Yutaro Yamashita ◽  
Shohei Tashiro ◽  
Yoshiki Ishii ◽  
Takayuki Uchihashi ◽  
Nobuyuki Matsushita ◽  

The synthesis of branched gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) with shape- and size-specific optical properties requires effective control of the particle formation mechanism using appropriate reducing agents and protective agents that prevent...

2021 ◽  
Jianbo Pan ◽  
Jianfeng Chen ◽  
Lihong Hong ◽  
Li Long ◽  
Zhi-Yuan Li

Abstract Birefringence production of light by natural birefringent crystal has long been studied and well understood. Here, we develop a simple and comprehensive rigorous electromagnetic theory that allows one to build up the complete picture about the optics of crystals in a friendly way. This theory not only yields the well-known refraction angle and index of ellipse for birefringence crystal, but also discloses many relevant physical and optical quantities that are rarely studied and less understood. We obtain the reflection and transmission coefficient for amplitude and intensity of light at the crystal surface under a given incident angle and show the electromagnetic field distribution within the crystal. We derive the wavefront and energy flux refraction angle of light and the corresponding phase and ray refractive index. We find big difference between them, where the phase refractive index satisfies the classical index of ellipse and Snell’s law, while the ray refractive index does not. Moreover, we disclose the explicit expressions for the zero-reflection Brewster angle and the critical angle for total internal reflection. For better concept demonstration, we take a weak birefringent crystal of lithium niobate and a strong birefringent crystal tellurium as examples and perform simple theoretical calculations. In addition, we perform experimental measurement upon z-cut lithium niobate plate and find excellent agreement between theory and experiment in regard to the Brewster angle. Our theoretical and experimental results can help to construct a clear and complete picture about light transport characteristics in birefringent crystals, and may greatly facilitate people to find rigorous solution to many light-matter interaction processes happening within birefringent crystals, e.g., nonlinear optical interactions, with electromagnetic theory.

Polymers ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 152
Svetlana Sizova ◽  
Ruslan Shakurov ◽  
Tatiana Mitko ◽  
Fedor Shirshikov ◽  
Daria Solovyeva ◽  

Here, we propose and study several types of quartz surface coatings designed for the high-performance sorption of biomolecules and their subsequent detection by a photonic crystal surface mode (PC SM) biosensor. The deposition and sorption of biomolecules are revealed by analyzing changes in the propagation parameters of optical modes on the surface of a photonic crystal (PC). The method makes it possible to measure molecular and cellular affinity interactions in real time by independently recording the values of the angle of total internal reflection and the angle of excitation of the surface wave on the surface of the PC. A series of dextrans with various anchor groups (aldehyde, carboxy, epoxy) suitable for binding with bioligands have been studied. We have carried out comparative experiments with dextrans with other molecular weights. The results confirmed that dextran with a Mw of 500 kDa and anchor epoxy groups have a promising potential as a matrix for the detection of proteins in optical biosensors. The proposed approach would make it possible to enhance the sensitivity of the PC SM biosensor and also permit studying the binding process of low molecular weight molecules in real time.

Александра Ивановна Иванова ◽  
Кристина Александровна Мариничева ◽  
Сергей Андреевич Третьяков ◽  
Алексей Михайлович Иванов ◽  
Сергей Вячеславович Молчанов ◽  

Проведены исследования оптического пропускания в диапазоне длин волн 2 - 14 мкм монокристаллов германия, легированных донорными и акцепторными примесями (удельное сопротивление германия 1 - 3 Ом⋅см), в интервале температур от 86 К до 523 К. Рассчитаны значения коэффициентов ослабления α для исследуемых кристаллов; минимальные значения коэффициентов ослабления (0,0015 - 0,0231 см) в интервале температур от 86 К до 323 К характерны для монокристаллов германия, легированных сурьмой, в диапазоне 2 - 11 мкм. Исследования показали, что низкие значения α и коэффициента пропускания на длине волны 3,39 мкм для кристаллов Ge: Sb и Ge: Bi позволяют применять эти низкоомные кристаллы германия для газовых гелий-неоновых лазеров при температурах от 86 К до 323 К. Исследованы температурные изменения геометрии поверхности кристалла на наноразмерном уровне. Показано, что нагрев кристаллического германия приводит к увеличению диффузного отражения излучения от поверхности. Сделан вывод о возможности использования низкоомных кристаллов германия, легированных сурьмой, в качестве элементов инфракрасной оптики в интервале температур 86 - 373 К. In this work, we investigated optical transmission in the wavelength range of 2-14 μm of low-resistance germanium crystals (1 - 3 Ω⋅cm) doped with donor and acceptor impurities in the temperature range from 86 K to 523 K. The values of the attenuation coefficients for investigated crystals are obtained. Minimum attenuation coefficients α of 0,0015 - 00231 cm in the temperature range from 86 K to 323 K are characteristic for germanium single crystals doped with antimony in the range 2,1-11 μm. Studies have shown that the low values of α and the transmittance at a wavelength of 3,39 pm for Ge: Bi and Ge: Sb crystals make it possible to use these low-resistance germanium crystals for gas helium-neon lasers at temperatures from 86 K to 323 K. The temperature changes in the geometry of the crystal surface are investigated at the nanoscale level. It is shown that heating crystalline germanium leads to an increase in the diffuse reflection of radiation from the surface. The possibility of using the low-resistance germanium crystals doped with antimony as elements of infrared optics in the temperature range 86 - 373 K has been demonstrated.

2021 ◽  
pp. 105164
Qifa Liu ◽  
Jingtong Bin ◽  
Kerui Feng ◽  
Lu Cheng ◽  
Lianjie Zhao ◽  

Tao Yuan ◽  
Stefan Schymura ◽  
Till Bollermann ◽  
Konrad Molodtsov ◽  
Paul Chekhonin ◽  

2021 ◽  
Leila Rajabibonab

<p>The simulation of adsorption processes on a heterogeneous crystal surface is the main interest of this thesis. Two applications of this event have been developed with Kinetic Monte Carlo simulation. One is how to control the crystal growth by macromolecules and the other is how to measure the effective rate of interactions near a crystal surface. The first part of this thesis, considers the effective rate of catalytic conversion on a heterogeneous catalytic surface. We assume the crystal surface has two types of active site, one is neutral and the other one is highly active. We compared our result from simulation with the analytical method that is given by the homogenization theory. Our result revealed the importance of patterns of surface energies and the size of them on reaction rate.  In the second project we consider the adsorption of a homopolymer chain on a crystal surface with two types of surface energies in order to limit the growth of one site and let the other sites grow more. We developed a new Kinetic Monte Carlo simulation method in this part, which was also applied to block copolymer chains that are more complex than a homo-polymer chain. Using this method four important phases of the polymer chains at high temperatures and also the free energies of the system across different patterns of active sites have been found. We tested different types of co-polymers to find the most differentiative block copolymer for controlling the crystal growth.</p>

2021 ◽  
Leila Rajabibonab

<p>The simulation of adsorption processes on a heterogeneous crystal surface is the main interest of this thesis. Two applications of this event have been developed with Kinetic Monte Carlo simulation. One is how to control the crystal growth by macromolecules and the other is how to measure the effective rate of interactions near a crystal surface. The first part of this thesis, considers the effective rate of catalytic conversion on a heterogeneous catalytic surface. We assume the crystal surface has two types of active site, one is neutral and the other one is highly active. We compared our result from simulation with the analytical method that is given by the homogenization theory. Our result revealed the importance of patterns of surface energies and the size of them on reaction rate.  In the second project we consider the adsorption of a homopolymer chain on a crystal surface with two types of surface energies in order to limit the growth of one site and let the other sites grow more. We developed a new Kinetic Monte Carlo simulation method in this part, which was also applied to block copolymer chains that are more complex than a homo-polymer chain. Using this method four important phases of the polymer chains at high temperatures and also the free energies of the system across different patterns of active sites have been found. We tested different types of co-polymers to find the most differentiative block copolymer for controlling the crystal growth.</p>

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