ethnic organizations
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2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (4) ◽  
pp. 317-335
Meghna Sabharwal ◽  
Roli Varma ◽  
Zeeshan Noor

Abstract The United States has witnessed waves of immigration throughout its history, with the current immigration policies regulated by the reforms enacted under President Lyndon Johnson in 1965. Immigrants now come from all over the world, with China and India supplying the largest numbers in science and engineering (S&E) fields. Although the US is seen as coping rather successfully with immigration from Europe, that is not the case with Asian immigration. Assimilation theorists have long argued that Asian immigrants face problems in adapting to the American culture and lifestyles; in contrast, multicultural theorists have hailed cultural diversity brought by Asian immigrants. Ethnic organizations can play an integral role in Asian immigrants’ adaptation and integration in the United States. Utilizing 40 in-depth interviews of Indian immigrant engineers working in the US technology companies, the present study examines if they belong to ethnic associations. If yes, why do they feel a need to belong to these associations? If no, why not? It further sheds light on their need to belong to such associations. The findings show that the need to belong to Indian associations varied with the stage of their lives, which can be depicted as a U-shaped curve.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (5) ◽  
pp. 99-105
Chistanov Marat N. ◽  
Eremin Leonid V. ◽  

In the summer and autumn of 2021, the Department of Philosophy and Cultural Studies of Khakass State University conducted a pilot sociological study of the Tuvan diaspora in the city of Abakan. One of the main tasks of the study was to build a general integrated theoretical model of the identity of ethnic communities, which would be applicable to the analysis of ethnocultural processes in modern urban conditions. Diasporas are seen as complex multilevel systems that can be visualized through a set of specific behavioral scenarios. These scenarios were supposed to be investigated using the methodology of the frames of Ervin Goffman and the concept of iconic turn in the culture of Ilya Inishev. The preliminary results of the study are presented in this article. It is argued that modern ethnic diasporas have a second or third-order ethnic identity (arising after the traditional and industrial stages of social development). This identity is characteristic of adults who have passed through people who have created a family, have children, an education and a profession, but for various reasons they have not realized themselves in their historical homeland. Ethnic identity of such people does not involve participation in ethnic organizations and associations, but involves the use of visual markers that signal their own ethnic identification and self-identification. In the first approach, the model seems justified, the materials of the in-depth interviews and the expert interviews as a whole correspond to its basic provisions. Further development and adjustment of the model will be possible after processing of all empirical data and analysis of the study results.

2021 ◽  
pp. 47-55
Slutskiy Ya.S.

The article is devoted to the theoretical study of the scientific conclusions of domestic and foreign scientists concerning the process of foreign students’ social and pedagogical support and problematic aspects associated with staying in unfamiliar socio-cultural environment, which is highlighted as aim of our work. For achieving this aim, we used the general theoretical methods, including: classification (allowed to systematize a scientific works and conclusions of researches to outline the chosen direction of own research – the problem-oriented), analysis (contributed to the study of scientific conclusions), synthesis (was directed on the analyzed elements’ association for identifying our own conclusions).Results. In the article the results of scientific searches of scientists, which are united by a common subject, which is formulated as a problem-oriented direction was analyzed. The key meaning of cultural shock as the main negative element of the adaptation process, which affects the academic and social activities of a foreign student through psychological problems was highlighted. The directions that are the most susceptible to the negative influence of adaptation problems, namely behavioral, cognitive and social, are indicated. It is emphasized the role of linguistic training in the framework of the process of socio-pedagogical support, which should be carried out simultaneously with familiarization with the sociocultural norms of the host country, which will allow to form and learn how to practically apply a linguistic and cultural templates when building a contact with a representative of other society. The role of foreign student motivating during adaptation activities has been updated. It was considered the role of ethnic organizations and groups in which a foreign student can take part, provided that this interaction is short-term; otherwise, such kind of activity may have negative consequences for the process of socialization of the individual.Conclusions. The result of the analytical work is the theoretical results, which should subsequently be applied in practically directed activities when creating a promising, individual training programs for a foreign student; developing complexes of exercises, auxiliary materials and so on.The author considers the prospect of further researches in the study of the works of scientists in other areas of foreign students’ social and pedagogical support and questions of problematic nature (psychological, social) that accompany the adaptation process.Key words: analytical and corrective measures, structuring, adaptation, consultant, academic and social activities, interpersonal interaction, motivation. Стаття присвячена теоретичному дослідженню наукових висновків вітчизняних і зарубіжних учених щодо процесу соціально-педагогічного супроводу іноземних студентів і проблемних аспектів, пов’яза-них із перебуванням у незнайомому соціокультурному середовищі, що виділено як мета нашої роботи. Для досягнення поставленої мети нами були використані загальнотеоретичні методи, серед яких слід назвати класифікацію (дає змогу провести систематизацію наукових праць та висновків учених задля окреслення вибраного напряму власного дослідження – проблемно-орієнтованого), аналіз (сприяв вивченню наукових висновків), синтез (був спрямований на об’єднання проаналізованих елементів для окреслення власних висновків).Результати. У статті проаналізовано результати наукових пошуків учених, що об’єднані єдиною тематикою, сформульованою як проблемно-орієнтований напрям. Виділено ключове значення культурного шоку як основного негативного елементу адаптаційного процесу, що впливає на академічну й соціальну діяльність іноземного студента через проблеми психологічного характеру. Позначено напрями, які є найбільш схильними до негативного впливу адаптаційних проблем, а саме поведінковий, когнітивний і соціальний. Підкреслено роль лінгвістичної підготовки в рамках процесу соціально-педагогічного супроводу, який повинен проводитися одночасно з ознайомленням із соціокультурними нормами країни перебування, що дасть змогу сформувати і навчитися практично застосовувати лінгвокультурні шаблони під час вибудовування контакту з представником іншого соціуму. Актуалізовано роль мотивування іноземного студента під час вжиття адаптаційних заходів. Розглянуто роль етнічних організацій та груп, у яких може брати участь іноземний студент за умови короткочасності цієї взаємодії; інакше така діяльність може мати негативні наслідки для процесу соціалізації особистості.Висновки. Підсумком проведеної аналітичної роботи є теоретичні результати, що повинні застосовуватися в практично спрямованій діяльності, а саме під час створення перспективних індивідуальних програм підготовки іноземного студента; розроблення комплексів вправ і допоміжних матеріалів.Автор розглядає перспективу подальших досліджень у вивченні робіт учених в інших напрямах соціально-педагогічного супроводу іноземних студентів і питань проблемного характеру (психологіч-них, соціальних), що супроводжують адаптаційний процес.Ключові слова: аналітичні та корекційні заходи, структурованість, адаптація, консультант, академічна й соціальна діяльність, міжособистісна взаємодія, мотивація.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 58-83
Bing Wang (王斌) ◽  
Min Zhou (周敏)

Abstract This paper fills a scholarly gap in the understanding of intraethnic diversity by way of a case study of the formation of a Taiwanese American identity. Drawing on a review of the existing scholarly literature and data from systematic field observations, as well as secondary data including ethnic organizations’ mission statements and activity reports, we explore how internal and external processes intersect to drive the construction of a distinct Taiwanese American identity. The study focuses on addressing three interrelated questions: (1) How does Taiwanese immigration to the United States affect diasporic development? (2) What contributes to the formation of a Taiwanese American identity? (3) In what specific ways is the Taiwanese American identity sustained and promoted? We conceive of ethnic formation as an ethnopolitical process. We argue that this ethnopolitical process involves constant negotiation and action in multiple spaces beyond nation-state boundaries. We show that immigration dynamics and homeland politics interact to create diversified rather than homogenized patterns of diasporic development and ethnic identification. The lifting of martial law in 1987 and democratization in Taiwan since then have led to increased public support for Taiwanization and Taiwanese nationalism in Taiwan. Rising nationalism in the homeland has in turn invigorated efforts at constructing an ethnonational – Taiwanese American – identity in the diaspora through proactive disidentification from the Chinese American community and civic transnationalism. This ethnopolitical identity is re-affirmed through cultural reinvention, outreach and networking, and appropriation of Taiwan indigenous cultures and symbols. We conclude by discussing the complexity of diasporic development and identity formation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 66 (2) ◽  
pp. 267-280
Raluca Rogoveanu

"Expressive Enactments of Ethnic Membership in the Romanian-American Organizations from California. Centered on the missions and repertoires of the Romanian ethnic organizations in California, this study analyzes how Romanian-Americans negotiate their Romanian ethnicity as individuals and as members of organized groups. While describing ethnic organizations as loci of ethnic awareness, founded on the expressive identification of Romanian-ness in the American space, my focus is on the heterogeneous discourses of the most visible Romanian ethnic associations in California. This study identifies ways of ""encapsulating"" Romanian ethnicity in ensembles of cultural practices which showcase ethnic culture through artifacts and cultural events as signifiers of ethnicity. Keywords: Romanian-Americans, California, ethnic organization/association, cultural practices, identity, representation "

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 283-304
Victor Dyatlov ◽  
Iraida Nam ◽  

The article explores one of the major points of contradiction in the interests and roles of Siberian urban actors with regard to so-called ‘national-cultural’ organizations (natsional'no-kul'turnye organizatsii, NKO, also known as natsional'no-kul'turnye avtonomii, NKA), ‘national-cultural’ associations, centers, foundations, etc., all of which are ethnic organizations. Specifically, it looks into why and how these organizations have become the centre of intersecting ethnic and migration discourses, what is their role and place in the urban infrastructure being created and used by migrants coming to Siberian cities, and how the relations between the state and national-cultural organizations formed at the regional level. Carried out in the Siberian urban centres of Tomsk and Irkutsk, our 30-year research into these questions (including thorough research methods such as observation, engagement in public events and public and advisory council meetings, interview and survey, analysis of documents and other materials released by national-cultural organizations as well as by the mass media) has enabled us to determine what place national-cultural organizations occupy in the migrant infrastructure of the two cities and to establish what kind of relations there is between these organizations and migrants from countries of the same ethnic origin – paternalistic or the one that allows leaders and activists from these organizations build their own social capital. The study of 2018 and 2019 – in-depth interviews and surveys held in Tomsk and Irkutsk – resulted in a substantial correction of the research results we had obtained in a few years prior to it. It revealed that the role migrants play in the local national-cultural organizations is not that of full members, rather, they act as an object of patronage on the part of the local ethnic elite deeply integrated into the host society (or ethnic activist groups that position themselves as such). In fact, the (social, economic and legal) support of these organizations provided to migrants is insignificant, and only a small number of migrants participate in cultural events organized by the local NKOs. Thus, these NKOs can hardly be seen as an element of the migrant infrastructure or an asset facilitating adaptation of migrants in these cities. It also became clear that migrants’ ties with their ‘historical homeland’/home countries, which the local national-cultural organizations take advantage of in sustaining their activities as well as the status of their leaders, often result in the issue of ‘conflicting loyalties’, especially when home countries actively conduct diasporic politics toward this category of their citizens abroad.

Vasilisa Nikolaevna Markova

Sociocultural processes that have taken place over the past three decades in the former Soviet republics are in the limelight of political, economic, and historical research. The Korean diaspora of the Republic of Kazakhstan is the object of particular interest, as it reflects the essence of the national political course and the level of development of democratic institutions in the country. Special attention is given to ethnocultural and business diasporic organizations and institutions of the Kazakh Koreans. The period from 1991 to 2020 demonstrates fruitful activity of the diaspora in the area of ethnic policy, establishment of domestic and international business relations. The last 30 years mark the renaissance of national culture of the Koreans in Kazakhstan due to the work of the Korean theater, performance groups, and educational centers across the country. This article discusses the following questions: institutionalization of the Korean diaspora in Kazakhstan; special role of the institutions in preservation of the centers of ethnic culture; impact of the activity of diasporic structures upon the relations with the state and historical homeland; functional role of ethnic organizations in socialization of the members of the diaspora and their advancement in the economic and political spheres. The answers to these questions define the relevance and novelty of this research in studying the problems of historical and national development of the new independent states of the post-Soviet region.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (3) ◽  
pp. 288-310
Yuri Shabaev ◽  

The article analyzes the views developed and positions taken by young people from the so-called "Finno-Ugric republics" of the Russian Federation. This analysis is based on a series of surveys conducted in the five republics in 2020, as well as on official statistics and other materials. It is shown that the multilateral crisis that takes place in these republics has a serious impact on the positions and orientations of the young people and it results in an increase of their protest sentiments, a decrease of their trust in regional and federal political institutions as well as other negative phenomena. The mass migration of young people away from their republics represents the main form of their protest. At the same time, a rather high degree of the young people’s readiness for active protest actions has been recorded. The significance of ethnicity for the social and cultural positioning of the young people is minimal. Ethnic conflicts do occur, but they are mostly of a routine and latent nature. Generally, young people support the idea of equality of representatives of all ethnic groups in the political and social life of the republics. The few ethnic prejudices present among the youth are more likely to be a consequence of the lack of an active integration policy in the regions rather than a result of an ethnic nationalist ideology or propaganda spread by ideologists and activists of ethnic movements. The majority of young people are not interested in ethnic organizations, and the influence of the older generation and its values (including the values of traditional culture) is limited, because the cultural environment of young people is formed primarily under the influence of information communication networks and Internet resources. Ethnic ideals and values do not fit into this space, which explains why the ethnic movements of the Finno-Ugric peoples lack a youth audience.

M. V. Isobchuk ◽  

Ethnic organizations are definitely the main actors in ethnopolitical processes in the modern world. It is they who act as the main agents of mobilization on ethnic grounds and as a result as the direct initiators and par-ticipants of ethnopolitical conflicts too. Of course, in this context, it becomes necessary to structure the eth-nic organizations' typology. However, the typologies existing at the moment reflect only the formal aspects of the status of ethnic organizations (parties, NGOs, etc.), ignoring the organizational aspects of their func-tioning. In the article, based on the author's database of ethnic organizations in Eastern Europe, a new typol-ogy of ethnic organizations is proposed. Based on empirical data on organizational characteristics of 203 ethnic organizations in Eastern Europe (strategies, representative ability, availability of resources, etc.), and using hierarchical clustering, three functional types of ethnic organizations are identified, depending on their manifestation in ethnopolitical conflict. Moreover, the study identifies an aggregate parameter of the signifi-cance of the organizational characteristics of the ethnic organizations in an ethnopolitical conflict. It is also found that the organizational characteristics of ethnic organizations may describe up to a quarter of the varia-tion in ethnic conflict.

2020 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 103-121
Tomasz Kosiek

The author addresses the issue of ethno-business, which has been largely unresearched to date. In the approach proposed by the author, ethnobusiness is understood as a wide range of practices and behaviours related to the deliberate use of existing regulations going beyond the intentions of legislators that guarantee cultural and political privileges for national and ethnic minorities. Various activists and leaders gathered around ethnic organizations and co-creators of the discussed phenomenon most often pursue their private material or political interests. However, ethno-business is closely linked to the established Romanian legislation on national minorities. Thus, the author investigates the roots of this phenomenon, introducing readers to the regulations on minorities in Romania, and points to the social consequences of ethno-business. The analysis of the discussed problem is supplemented and illustrated by examples of specific behaviours observed by the author during his long-term and extensive ethnographic field research carried out on the Romanian-Ukrainian borderland between 2009 and 2010. Although this research project focused on aspects of ethnic and national identity among the Slavic-speaking community of the Maramures region, it also gave an opportunity to spot a number of behaviours that can be interpreted in the context of ethno-business. The ethnographic examples given in the article show how the policies related to the protection of national minorities in Romania can be exploited in various circumstances by different individuals who have relevant knowledge of the rights of national minorities.

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