Tetiana Hafu

The article presents a study that allowed us to construct a cognitive map of modern English gastronomic advertising aesthetic discourse. The main features in the understanding of gastronomic advertising discourse by the representatives of the English-speaking community – gourmet aesthetes are analyzed. The research material for the modern English gastronomic advertising aesthetic discourse was the gastronomic Internet texts of the social network Instagram, which contained a particularly expressive specific aesthetic component. It is established that the mental framework of the cognitive space of a modern English gourmet esthete is formed by 48 significant discourse-creating autochthons-concepts (sensations, emotions, recipe, ingredient, taste and others). The separation of the constants of the concept system of modern English gastronomic advertising aesthetic discourse – generative autochthonous concepts was carried out through the inventory of texts, fixation of objectifiers of concepts and their grouping into semantic areas. To verify the objectivity of the facts, a quantitative method of calculation is used, the criterion χ2. With the help of linguo quantitative methods, system connections (strong, medium and weak) between the main autochthonous concepts (RECIPE – INGREDIENT, TRADITIONAL MEAL – TEA, EXPERIENCE – SATISFACTION and others) were established and significant autochthonous concepts in modern English gastronomy were identified. The components of the conceptual system of modern English-language gastronomic aesthetic discourse and their combination builds a unique representation in the form of a cognitive map. The study allowed to construct a cognitive map of the studied type of discursive practice, which reproduces its conceptual system and, thus, explains the main mental cores of its participants – modern English gourmet aesthetes: characteristics of products, feelings and emotions they evoke, the principle of healthy eating, demonstration of their own gastronomic preferences in social networks in the form of blogs, because the modern English-speaking aesthetic and gourmet world of social network is impossible to imagine without a blog, where it is important to post on the social network Instagram, which describes the author's experience and feelings and emotions from food (first of all, pleasure and happiness), which provide the aesthetics of the advertising text. Key words: discourse; advertising discourse; gastronomic discourse; aesthetic discourse, cognitive mapping.

Evgeniya Volkova

Введение. Проведен дискурсивный и коммуникативно-прагматический анализ вербализации коммуникативных тактик, реализующих стратегию самопрезентации врача в социальной сети. Материал и методы. Материалом исследования послужили медиатексты социальной сети Instagram, созданные врачами в жанре сетевых медиа поста-представления или поста-знакомства. Выбор источника материала обусловлен популярностью использования соцсети для личного и институционального общения в Интернете. Методологической базой исследования являются дискурсивный и коммуникативно-прагматический подходы к анализу текста. Результаты и обсуждение. Создание поста в социальной сети рассматривается как коммуникативное событие и имеет три измерения анализа: текст, дискурсивная практика и социальная практика. Анализ уровня социальной практики позволяет отнести медицинскую коммуникацию в соцсети как к практике социального взаимодействия в Интернете, так и к институциональным отношениям врача и пациента. Коммуникативное взаимодействие врача и «массового пациента» оформляется под влиянием медиадискурса в самостоятельную дискурсивную практику – медицинский блогинг. Медицинская коммуникация в процессе публичного функционирования в Интернете обнаруживает черты массмедийного, маркетингового и личностно ориентированного дискурсов. Коммуникативно-прагматический анализ медиатекстов позволил выявить коммуникативные тактики этикетного общения, сообщения информации об образовании, апелляции к профессии через образы «Я – врач» и «Я – эксперт в области медицины», передачи субъективной информации, актуализации преданности профессии, акцентирования отрицательной информации, способности преодолевать трудности. Лингвистический анализ продемонстрировал использование для реализации коммуникативных тактик, репрезентирующих стратегию самопрезентации, типичных языковых средств, свойственных интернет-коммуникации: экспрессивных, образных лексических и стилистических единиц (метафора, ирония, языковая игра, сниженная лексика). Выявленные коммуникативные тактики получают языковое воплощение на всех уровнях языка: лексическом, морфологическом, синтаксическом. Заключение. Анализ коммуникативных тактик стратегии самопрезентации врача позволяет сделать вывод о высоком потенциале медиатекста социальной сети Instagram в аспекте создания привлекательного образа представителя медицинского сообщества. Статус медицинского блогера дает возможность врачу использовать коммуникативные тактики медиакоммуникации для формирования положительного профессионального имиджа в сознании массовой аудитории.Introduction. Social networks are currently a platform not only for interpersonal, but also for professional communication. Due to the importance of the communicative aspect for medical activity, doctors support this trend. Thus, the implementation of the doctor’s self-presentation strategy in the social network requires scientific justification. Aim and objectives. The purpose of the research is to identify and analyze the communicative tactics and verbal means of implementing the doctor’s self-presentation strategy in the social network. Material and methods. The research material was the doctor’s media texts of the social network Instagram, created in the genre of network media post-presentation. The reason for choosing the material is the popularity of using the social network for personal and institutional communication on the Internet. The methodological basis of the research is the discursive and communicative-pragmatic approaches to the analysis of the text. Results and discussion. A post on a social network is a communicative event and has three levels of analysis: text, discursive practice, and social practice. The communicative interaction of a doctor and a “mass patient” is formed under the influence of media discourse into an independent discursive practice – medical blogging. Medical communication in the process of public functioning on the Internet reveals the features of mass media, marketing and personalityoriented discourses. The communicative-pragmatic analysis of media texts allowed us to reveal communicative tactics of label communication, communication of information about education, appeals to the profession through images of “I am a doctor” and “I am an expert in the field of medicine”, transfer of subjective information, actualization of devotion to the profession, accentuation of negative information, and ability to overcome difficulties. The linguistic analysis demonstrated the use of typical language means, characteristic of Internet communication. Conclusion. Analysis of the communicative tactics of the doctor’s self-presentation strategy allows us to conclude that the media text of the Instagram social network has a high potential in creating an attractive image of a representative of the medical community. The status of a medical blogger allows a doctor to use communicative tactics of media communication to form a positive professional image in the knowledge of a mass audience.

Tetiana Hafu ◽  
Iryna Osovska

The article presents the results of the study and comparison of the mental resource of two types of modern English gastronomic discourse – modern gastronomic advertising discourse and modern gastronomic advertising aesthetic discourse. The basic constituents of the conceptual systems of modern English gastronomic advertising and aesthetic discourses – discourse concepts-autochthons, as well as system connections between them, are statistically verified with the help of quantitative methods in linguistics. The reproduction of the established features of the concept systems in cognitive maps has allowed to reveal common and distinctive features in understanding gastronomic advertising discourse by various representatives of the English community – statistically average consumers and aesthete-gourmets. In particular, it was found that the frame of the conceptual systems is 49 autochthons for the MEGAD and 48 for the MEGAAD, which captures the main mental dominant for the cognitive-communicative activity of the modern English average consumer and aesthete-gourmet in the gastronomic segment of life. Thus, water and drinks, pastries, sweets and dairy products, fast food, preservation (freezing and preserving) of products, food for animals, healthy eating, taste and sensation, nutrition, brand and price of a product are significant for the average English-speaking consumer. Instead, MEGAAD has an actualized knowledge of the dish as an aesthetic creature with special ingredients, consumed in special time and temporal conditions, is prepared in a special way, creates special sensations, is useful, has a special nutritional value, dietary properties and is presented in the blog – a special section with a theme, describing the author's experiences, his feelings and emotions, first of all aesthetic pleasure.

Лариса Ивановна Ермоленкина

Введение. Современные медийные дискурсы, формируемые на пересечении разных (конкурирующих и взаимодействующих) практик интернета, рекламы, PR-коммуникации и источников СМИ, реализуют семиотическую среду, которая с точки зрения выполняемых функций может быть охарактеризована как монологическая, ориентированная на развлечение аудитории. Эксплозия способов привлечения внимания явно диссонирует с имплозией содержательных доминант дискурса, подвергающихся существенному воздействию развлекательной функции, которую можно охарактеризовать как ценностно-ориентирующую идеологию современных СМИ. Цель статьи – описать специфику развлекательной функции СМИ в дискурсивном пространстве конвергентного радио. Объект исследования – дискурсивная практика конвергентного радио. Материал и методы. Рассматриваются новые формы медийной коммуникации, значимые в аспекте тех технологических и социокультурных изменений, которые обусловили появление конвергентного радио. На материале веб-страниц и социально-сетевых версий радиоканалов анализируются дискурсивные механизмы реализации развлекательной функции. На основе теоретических положений дискурс-анализа и социальной семиотики делается предположение о гедонистическом характере развлекательной функции конвергентного радио. Результаты и обсуждение. Прежде всего гедонистические характеристики распространяются на коммуникационную среду радио, адресаты которого стали полноправными субъектами дискурса и его акторами. Информационный контент конвергентного радио формируется в среде активной коммуникации, в жанрах, которые унаследовали прототипические черты интернет-общения (чат-коммуникации). Если коммуникативный гедонизм как базовый компонент развлекательной функции и основная стратегия взаимодействия с адресатом достаточно хорошо представлен в научной литературе, то акциональный гедонизм рассматривается в этом качестве впервые. Заключение. Проанализированы те способы междискурсивного взаимодействия, которые являются основополагающими для формирования развлекательно-гедонистической функции, моделирующей особый тип отношений субъектов дискурса на основе потребительской идеологии. Сделаны выводы о значимости этого функционального компонента для дискурсивной среды конвергентного радио, в которой границы между развлекательным, информационным и аналитическим становятся очевидно нечеткими. Introduction. This work explores the recreational function of Media also recognized as the recreational function, hedonistic function, function of mental regulation, function of emotional release, etc. by various sources. We suppose that modern media mostly pursue hedonistic aspects of broadcasting as the changed structure and new conditions of functioning increased consumer’s component of address activity. Aim and objectives. The aim of this article is to describe the specifics of the entertainment function of the media in the discursive space of convergent radio. The object of research is the discursive practice of convergent radio. Material and methods. The article considers new forms of media communication that are significant in the aspect of those technological and socio-cultural changes that led to the emergence of convergent radio. Based on the material of web pages and social network versions of radio channels, the discursive mechanisms for the implementation of the entertainment function are analyzed. On the basis of the theoretical provisions of discourse analysis and social semiotics, an assumption is made about the hedonistic nature of the entertainment function of convergent radio. Results and discussion. The work investigates the specialty of the hedonistic function of modern radio discourse. Texts from radio websites and social network versions of entertaining radio channels served as material. From the position of modern semiotics and discourse analysis, the main communicative models between the subjects of discourse, which are formed on the borders of hedonistic strategy of radio, are allotted. A big role was played by advertising discourse and PR both integrated into communication practice by strategies of radio which pursue consumer’s ideology of modern media. Conclusion. Thus the interaction of radio discourse, advertising discourse, and PR provides hedonistic effects of (targeted attention) and participation: based on action and semiotic codes the addressee forms a convenient psychoemotional area of their identity – the consumer of high-quality media products, the user of various services that replace social institutions such as libraries, cinemas, hobby clubs, etc.. In this case the interactive user shows the necessary activeness (for discourse practice) in choosing recreational products and engagement in consumption of such.

2009 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 162-186
Niall Bond

Ferdinand Tönnies's oeuvre Gemeinschaft und Gesellschaft, published in 1887, has been seminal for the social and human sciences in general, and is no less interesting for intellectual historians and theoreticians of concept formation in particular. Tönnies subscribed to the belief that terms could be rendered less ambiguous, defining the words Gemeinschaft and Gesellschaft more narrowly than their contemporary usage. In so doing, he sought to reconcile a heterogeneous agenda initially consisting in offering a diagnosis of vast historical developments and later consisting in providing heuristic tools to analyze individual relationships. This article examines the origins of the concepts and their politicized transformation prior to and subsequent to the publication of his work. As such, it takes on the transformation of Gemeinschaft during the romantic era and its revival by Germany's nationalist right wing and contrasts it with its appropriation by left-leaning communitarian movements in the English-speaking world. The polysemy of the terms in the German language accounts for their semantic evolution, for amalgamations of meanings within Tönnies's conceptual system, and for conundrums in translating the work into English or French. Although the terms were erroneously supposed to have been immediately applicable as ideal types, their adaptation, inter alia by Max Weber or by Talcott Parsons in the form of pattern variables, has been important in the reception of Tönnies's work in the social sciences.

2020 ◽  
pp. 21-25
Galina Ivanenko

Social networks are a relatively new type of communication that has its own specificity. The article raises the problem of communication in the social network in terms of potentialconflicts. The analysis of modern judicial practice has shown that the number of proceedings in which communication in the social network has played a significant role is increasing. The factors of network interaction that influence the emergence and development of conflict are considered. The factors of conflict communication in social networks include the following: 1) lack of differentiation between the features publicity/ privacy, resulting from the hybridization of language models and means of public and private communication; 2) lack of non-verbal means of communication, which is partly, but not fully enough, compensated through specific ideographic sign system ofthe Internet communication; 3) round-the-clock network availability and, in this regard,extended communication time, which generatesunlimited communication,provoking decrease of self-control and diversity in time; 4) the weakening of traditional ethical prohibitions for communicationat distance as a result of an attempt to use various images and cultural codes that reflect them in face-to-face communication, including those that differ from those inherent to face-to-face communication; 5) stylistic degradation of the speech culture of communication, manifested  in two types: the use of lower-range vocabulary to imitate colloquial discursive practice and the use of colloquial, slang, taboo language units for the purpose of speech aggression,verbal insult. Awareness of the causes of speech conflicts in social networks, often leading to the violation of  legal rules and to legal proceedings, minimizes the risk of its occurrence and makes it possible to get the maximum benefit from the new communication means provided by the technological progress.

2013 ◽  
Vol 44 (2) ◽  
pp. 22

Methodology ◽  
2006 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 42-47 ◽  
Bonne J. H. Zijlstra ◽  
Marijtje A. J. van Duijn ◽  
Tom A. B. Snijders

The p 2 model is a random effects model with covariates for the analysis of binary directed social network data coming from a single observation of a social network. Here, a multilevel variant of the p 2 model is proposed for the case of multiple observations of social networks, for example, in a sample of schools. The multilevel p 2 model defines an identical p 2 model for each independent observation of the social network, where parameters are allowed to vary across the multiple networks. The multilevel p 2 model is estimated with a Bayesian Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithm that was implemented in free software for the statistical analysis of complete social network data, called StOCNET. The new model is illustrated with a study on the received practical support by Dutch high school pupils of different ethnic backgrounds.

V. Kovpak ◽  
N. Trotsenko

<div><p><em>The article analyzes the peculiarities of the format of native advertising in the media space, its pragmatic potential (in particular, on the example of native content in the social network Facebook by the brand of the journalism department of ZNU), highlights the types and trends of native advertising. The following research methods were used to achieve the purpose of intelligence: descriptive (content content, including various examples), comparative (content presentation options) and typological (types, trends of native advertising, in particular, cross-media as an opportunity to submit content in different formats (video, audio, photos, text, infographics, etc.)), content analysis method using Internet services (using Popsters service). And the native code for analytics was the page of the journalism department of Zaporizhzhya National University on the social network Facebook. After all, the brand of the journalism department of Zaporozhye National University in 2019 celebrates its 15th anniversary. The brand vector is its value component and professional training with balanced distribution of theoretical and practical blocks (seven practices), student-centered (democratic interaction and high-level teacher-student dialogue) and integration into Ukrainian and world educational process (participation in grant programs).</em></p></div><p><em>And advertising on social networks is also a kind of native content, which does not appear in special blocks, and is organically inscribed on one page or another and unobtrusively offers, just remembering the product as if «to the word». Popsters service functionality, which evaluates an account (or linked accounts of one person) for 35 parameters, but the main three areas: reach or influence, or how many users evaluate, comment on the recording; true reach – the number of people affected; network score – an assessment of the audience’s response to the impact, or how far the network information diverges (how many share information on this page).</em></p><p><strong><em>Key words:</em></strong><em> nativeness, native advertising, branded content, special project, communication strategy.</em></p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 119-143 ◽  
Anna Filipi

This paper examines how and by whom tellings with two young children are triggered at ages 23, 36 and 42 months. The data for the investigation is derived from a larger Australian English corpus of over 50 hours of interactions in the home, although one of the children is a bilingual Italian/ English-speaking child. The data is derived from two parent/child dyads, and in the case of the child aged 42 months, a triadic interaction between a mother, her own child and a second child. Using the micro-analytic methods of conversation analysis, the study analyses five samples of tellings. The first two describe how a child, Cassandra, aged 23 months, is invited to recount events of her day by her parents. The trigger for these tellings is the social activity of sharing everyday routine events. The next two samples focus on Rosie at 36 months who is also invited to share a telling by her parent about a birthday party celebration and one about a neighbourhood cat, Claude. The first telling is triggered by an object, a balloon from a birthday party from the day before, while the second is triggered by play involving the character of a cat, initially derived from a favourite story, Hairy Maclary. In the final sample, Cassandra, aged 42 months, initiates a telling about an experience at her grandmother’s which is trigged by a picture in a book. The analyses in each case reveal the interactional issues that arise in the action of telling and how these are dealt with by all participants. By focusing on the three ages, key features in the children’s participation in storytelling are uncovered.

Sanjay Chhataru Gupta

Popularity of the social media and the amount of importance given by an individual to social media has significantly increased in last few years. As more and more people become part of the social networks like Twitter, Facebook, information which flows through the social network, can potentially give us good understanding about what is happening around in our locality, state, nation or even in the world. The conceptual motive behind the project is to develop a system which analyses about a topic searched on Twitter. It is designed to assist Information Analysts in understanding and exploring complex events as they unfold in the world. The system tracks changes in emotions over events, signalling possible flashpoints or abatement. For each trending topic, the system also shows a sentiment graph showing how positive and negative sentiments are trending as the topic is getting trended.

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