young turks
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2021 ◽  
pp. 15-38
Gevorg Stepanyan

The aim of the article is to present the motives and implementation stages of ethnic cleansing and genocidal policy perpetrated towards the indigenous Armenian population during the 11th-20th centuries in the Eastern Cis-Caucasus – in the territory stretching from the Kur Valley to the Apsheron Peninsula, on the basis of various primary sources (archival documents, statistical materials, periodical press, theme related literature). The work is written by a combined examination of facts, applying the principles of historical investigation and historical-comparative analysis. The level of reliability and validity of the sources through their comprehensive study have been verified. Through the combination of facts the following phases of the history of the main issue are presented: the policy of ethnic cleansing and genocide of Armenians in the Eastern Cis-Caucasus were still implemented in the 11th-18th centuries when the region regularly appeared under the invasions and dominion of various conquering nomadic tribes (Turk-Seljuks, Mongol-Tatars, Tamerlane, nomadic Turkmen tribes of Kara-Koyunlu and Ak-Koyunlu, Kizilbash invasions followed by the Turkish-Persian wars, Sunni Lezgins, invasions of Nader Shah and Agha Mohammad Khan). As a result, some part of the Armenian population was deported and left native lands or forcedly accepted the Muslim religion of the conquerers. The next phase of ethnic cleansing and atrocities was the period of the Armenian-Tatar clashes (1905-1906). Later, the policy of ethnic cleansing and genocide was implemented at state level already during the Musavat regime of the artificial “Azerbaijan” formation (1918-1920), and finally during the Soviet regime (1920-1990). The article substantiates the fact that the indigenous Armenian population of the region was subjected to ethnic cleansing and genocide in its cradle, just as the Young Turks carried out the extermination of the Western Armenians in 1915-1916 in Western Armenia. Therefore, this policy should be described as a continuation and an integral part of the Genocide of Armenians, as the Armenian Genocide with its geographical coverage (from Cilicia to Baku), was a consequence of the implementation of a comprehensive pan-Turkic program. There are numerous references to the issue in the historical literature, though the comprehensive study of ethnic cleansing and genocidal policies of Armenians in the Eastern Cis-Caucasus – in the territory stretching from the Kur Valley to the Apsheron Peninsula, has not been the subject of a separate study.

2021 ◽  
pp. 9-34
Gevorg Stepanyan

THE STAGES OF IMPLEMENTATION OF THE POLICY OF ETHNIC CLEANSING AND GENOCIDE OF ARMENIANS IN THE EASTERN CIS-CAUCASUS (11TH-20TH CC.) (PART 1) The aim of the article is to present the motives and implementation stages of ethnic cleansing and genocidal policy perpetrated towards the indigenous Armenian population during the 11th-20th centuries in the Eastern Cis-Caucasus – in the territory stretching from the Kur Valley to the Apsheron Peninsula, on the basis of various primary sources (archival documents, statistical materials, periodical press, theme related literature). The work is written by a combined examination of facts, applying the principles of historical investigation and historical-comparative analysis. The level of reliability and validity of the sources through their comprehensive study have been verified. Through the combination of facts the following phases of the history of the main issue are presented: the policy of ethnic cleansing and genocide of Armenians in the Eastern Cis-Caucasus were still implemented in the 11th-18th centuries when the region regularly appeared under the invasions and dominion of various conquering nomadic tribes (Turk-Seljuks, Mongol-Tatars, Tamerlane, nomadic Turkmen tribes of Kara-Koyunlu and Ak-Koyunlu, Kizilbash invasions followed by the Turkish-Persian wars, Sunni Lezgins, invasions of Nader Shah and Agha Mohammad Khan). As a result, some part of the Armenian population was deported and left native lands or forcedly accepted the Muslim religion of the conquerers. The next phase of ethnic cleansing and atrocities was the period of the Armenian-Tatar clashes (1905-1906). Later, the policy of ethnic cleansing and genocide was implemented at state level already during the Musavat regime of the artificial “Azerbaijan” formation (1918-1920), and finally during the Soviet regime (1920-1990). The article substantiates the fact that the indigenous Armenian population of the region was subjected to ethnic cleansing and genocide in its cradle, just as the Young Turks carried out the extermination of the Western Armenians in 1915-1916 in Western Armenia. Therefore, this policy should be described as a continuation and an integral part of the Genocide of Armenians, as the Armenian Genocide with its geographical coverage (from Cilicia to Baku), was a consequence of the implementation of a comprehensive pan-Turkic program. There are numerous references to the issue in the historical literature, though the comprehensive study of ethnic cleansing and genocidal policies of Armenians in the Eastern CisCaucasus – in the territory stretching from the Kur Valley to the Apsheron Peninsula, has not been the subject of a separate study.

2021 ◽  
pp. 9-34
Gevorg Stepanyan

THE STAGES OF IMPLEMENTATION OF THE POLICY OF ETHNIC CLEANSING AND GENOCIDE OF ARMENIANS IN THE EASTERN CIS-CAUCASUS (11TH-20TH CC.) (PART 1) The aim of the article is to present the motives and implementation stages of ethnic cleansing and genocidal policy perpetrated towards the indigenous Armenian population during the 11th-20th centuries in the Eastern Cis-Caucasus – in the territory stretching from the Kur Valley to the Apsheron Peninsula, on the basis of various primary sources (archival documents, statistical materials, periodical press, theme related literature). The work is written by a combined examination of facts, applying the principles of historical investigation and historical-comparative analysis. The level of reliability and validity of the sources through their comprehensive study have been verified. Through the combination of facts the following phases of the history of the main issue are presented: the policy of ethnic cleansing and genocide of Armenians in the Eastern Cis-Caucasus were still implemented in the 11th-18th centuries when the region regularly appeared under the invasions and dominion of various conquering nomadic tribes (Turk-Seljuks, Mongol-Tatars, Tamerlane, nomadic Turkmen tribes of Kara-Koyunlu and Ak-Koyunlu, Kizilbash invasions followed by the Turkish-Persian wars, Sunni Lezgins, invasions of Nader Shah and Agha Mohammad Khan). As a result, some part of the Armenian population was deported and left native lands or forcedly accepted the Muslim religion of the conquerers. The next phase of ethnic cleansing and atrocities was the period of the Armenian-Tatar clashes (1905-1906). Later, the policy of ethnic cleansing and genocide was implemented at state level already during the Musavat regime of the artificial “Azerbaijan” formation (1918-1920), and finally during the Soviet regime (1920-1990). The article substantiates the fact that the indigenous Armenian population of the region was subjected to ethnic cleansing and genocide in its cradle, just as the Young Turks carried out the extermination of the Western Armenians in 1915-1916 in Western Armenia. Therefore, this policy should be described as a continuation and an integral part of the Genocide of Armenians, as the Armenian Genocide with its geographical coverage (from Cilicia to Baku), was a consequence of the implementation of a comprehensive pan-Turkic program. There are numerous references to the issue in the historical literature, though the comprehensive study of ethnic cleansing and genocidal policies of Armenians in the Eastern CisCaucasus – in the territory stretching from the Kur Valley to the Apsheron Peninsula, has not been the subject of a separate study.

Naif Bezwan

With a focus on the key developments and critical junctures that shaped and reshaped the relationship between the Ottomans and its non-Muslim subject communities, this paper seeks to understand the dynamics and the rationale behind the Ottoman policies and practices vis-a-vis non-Muslim communities. It will do so by offering a periodisation of Ottoman rule along four major pathways, each of which also provides the title of the respective section. The first period is referred to as structural exclusion by toleration over centuries, from the conquest of the respective territories to their incorporation into the imperial domain. The second phase is entitled integration via politics of recognition which basically covers the Tanzimat era (1838-1876). The third period is put under the heading of coercive domination and control, roughly corresponding to the Hamidian Period (1876-1908). And finally, the last period is concerned with the Young Turks regime (1908-1918), discussing its politics and policies towards non-Muslims communities framed under the title of nation-building by nation-destruction. The chapter titles act both as hypothesis and structuring elements of the periodisation presented. As such they shall help identify the dominant paradigm of each period pertinent to the status and situation of the communities under consideration, while connecting them in a plausible manner. This paper is motivated by a non-Orientalised decolonial approach to the study of the Ottoman empire as well as the nation-states established in the post-Ottoman political geographies.

Milena B. Methodieva

The chapter traces the origins of the reform movement in Bulgaria to three interrelated developments: the emergence of an independent Muslim press which served as the means for the spread and coordination of reform initiatives, the rise to prominence of a younger generation of Muslims, most of them teachers and journalists, who were the primary driving force of these endeavors, and the spread of the Young Turk opposition organization to Bulgaria. The reformist Muslims saw a common cause with the Young Turks, many turning into sympathizers of the opposition organization. Young Turk anti-establishment rhetoric and their emphasis on the importance of modern science resonated with many reformist Muslims. This chapter presents the biographies of some of the most important figures involved in the events under discussion.

V. V. Mikhailov

The article examines the little-studied question of the relationship between the young Turk and young Kurd movements in the crucial years for the Ottoman Empire preceding the revolution of 1908. The formation of the Kurdish identity and the beginning of the cultural and political movement in the late XIX century. it was received ambiguously in the Ottoman Empire. Thus, unlike the Armenian political movement, the leaders of Turkey’s Kurds expressed the full commitment of the Central government and the Empire reforms, whose purpose in part was to involve the Kurdish population in a more active participation in economic life. It is significant that after the victory of the young Turk revolution of 1908, there was a split in Kurdish society and among its leaders in relation to the new government and its slogans. The Kurdish movement showed great conservatism and adherence to traditional Islamic values, while the pan-Turkist Pro-European ideology of the young Turk political elite was not accepted by the main Kurdish mass. Nevertheless, during the First world war, the Kurds of the Ottoman Empire remained loyal to the government, actively waging an armed struggle against the enemies of the Empire.

2020 ◽  
pp. 375-399
Дарко Бакић

Малисорски устанак, који је избио у марту 1911. године услијед незадовољства становника Малесије младотурском владавином, црногорски краљ желио је да искорисити за остварење својих територијалних претензија према сјеверној Албанији, па је Малисорима пружао помоћ сваке врсте. Концентрисање јаких османских снага на црногорско-турској граници ради сламања устанка, изазивало је бојазан код црногорске стране да би могло да дође до напада Турака на Црну Гору, због чега је црногорска војска стављена у стање приправности. Криза је ријешена енергичном интервенцијом Русије, која је присилила Цетиње да предузме мјере, које су омогућиле стабилизацију прилика у Малесији. The Montenegrin King aimed to use the Malissori Uprising, which broke out in March 1911 over the dissatisfaction of the population of Malësia with the rule of the Young Turks, to achieve his territorial pretentions to northern Albania, and therefore provided all kinds of help to the Malissori. As the concentration of strong Ottoman forces on the Montenegrin-Turkish border to suppress the uprising caused concerns among the Montenegrins that the Turks could attack Montenegro, the Montenegrin army was put on alert state. The crisis was resolved with the energetic intervention of Russia, which forced Cetinje to undertake measures, which led to the stabilisation of circumstances in Malësia.

2020 ◽  
Vol 27 (3) ◽  
pp. 336
Mirian Jorge Warde

Este artigo aborda redes intelectuais e políticas de relações efetivas e simbólicas que cruzaram em muitas direções e diferentes espaços e tempos. O alvo principal é a crítica a conceitos tais como o de “influência” que remetem a categorias tais como “modelo e cópias” e as relações “do centro com as periferias”. Países são visitados – Brasil, Estados Unidos, França, Alemanha e Turquia – em busca de nexos e entrecruzamentos de pessoas, obras e projetos educacionais. Nesse trajeto, emergem nomes como os de Anísio Teixeira, John Dewey, Omer Buyse, Gustave Le Bon, só para citar alguns que ganham certa proeminência, na narrativa, como se fossem os entroncamentos das redes aqui focalizadas.Palavras-chave: Anísio Teixeira. Gustave Le Bon. Omer Buyse; John Dewey; Jovens turcos. THE LAPS THE WORLD TAKES: Brazil, United States, Turkey, France, Germany ... in the first decades of the 20th centuryAbstractThis article addresses intellectual and political networks of effective and symbolic relationships that have crossed different spaces and times in various directions. The main target is criticism of concepts such as "influence" that refer to categories such as "model and copies" and "relations between the center and the peripheries". Countries are visited - Brazil, United States, France, Germany and Turkey - in search of connections and intersections of people, works and educational projects. Along this path, names such as Anísio Teixeira, John Dewey, Omer Buyse, Gustave Le Bon emerge, just to name a few who gain a certain prominence in the narrative, as if they were the junctions of the networks focused on here.Key words: Anísio Teixeira. Gustave Le Bon. Omer Buyse; John Dewey; Young Turks. LAS VUELTAS QUE EL MUNDO DÁ: Brasil, Estados Unidos, Turquía, Francia, Alemania... en las primeras décadas del siglo XXResumenEste artículo aborda redes intelectuales y políticas de relaciones efectivas y simbólicas que cruzaron en muchas direcciones y diferentes espacios y tiempos. El alvo principal es la crítica a conceptos tales como el de “influencia” que remiten a categorias tales como “modelo y cópias” y las relaciones “del centro con las periferías”. Países son visitados – Brasil, Estados Unidos, Francia, Alemania y Turquía – en busca de nexos y entrecruzamientos de personas, obras y proyectos educacionales. En ese trayecto, emerjen nombres como los de Anísio Teixeira, John Dewey, Omer Buyse, Gustave Le Bon, solo para citar algunos que ganan cierta proeminencia, en la narrativa, como se fuesen los entroncamientos de las redes aqui focalizadas.Palabras-clave: Anísio Teixeira. Gustave Le Bon. Omer Buyse; John Dewey; Jovens turcos.

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