high literature
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2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (20) ◽  
pp. 2
V. A. Lyzohub

The article is devoted to a comprehensive analysis of the main sources, works that developed and supplemented the main elements of Confucian doctrine that appeared during the lifetime of Confucius. The main data on the life and work of thinkers who developed and supplemented the teachings of the Great Teacher of antiquity, the main options for translating and interpreting the names of treatises and basic terminology are outlined. It outlines the main provisions and ideas of the treatise "Zhong Yun" written by Confucius 'direct students, which is of fundamental importance for the process of historical evolution of Confucian doctrine, and clarifies, details and deepens the theses of Confucius' main book "Lun Yu". Against the background of the basic traditional Chinese picture, one of the key principles of Confucianism is pointed out – the principle of the "golden mean", the critical importance of personal virtue of rulers, and the main approaches to determining the formula of human nature. It is determined that the subject of interest "Zhong Yun", broader than the basic treatise "Lun Yu" and denotes cosmogonic and moral properties of the spirit, more richly interprets the inner content of the fundamental category of humanity ("Ren") constructs an integral system of categories, the sources of which are in the depths of ancient Chinese mythology. The main concepts and meanings of the work "Da Xue" ("great teaching") are established, one of the most fundamental traditional categories of which is the concept of "where" – personal "grace", "achievement, acquisition", and the uniqueness and special place of a person in the universe is the ability to follow "due justice". The quintessence of the DA Xue worldview system is the presumption of immanent virtue of human nature, which should radiate from those in power in the form of "humanity"; the basic thesis of the treatise is the attitude according to which the ruler who "does not show" virtue is deprived of his right to rule. It is stated that the work named after the outstanding thinker of traditional China, Meng Tzu, was of fundamental importance for the long evolution of Confucianism. (Meng Ke), who not only expanded the leading principles of Confucius, but also improved the teachings of the great teacher by actualizing and considering new issues. This approach transformed the teachings of Kun Tzu into a harmonious construction of judgments, which later turned into the official government ideology and worldview system of the Great Chinese society, which has existed for thousands of years. It is to Meng Tzu that the orientation to consider human nature moral goes back, one of his most original ideas is the concept of the heart-mind, which is provided on the one hand by an innate, intuitive ability, moral instinct, and on the other by benevolence. On the contrary, the approaches of another thinker, Sun Tzu, were completely antagonistic to Meng Tzu's ideas and proved the conclusion that human nature is evil. Sun Tzu's concept is located exactly on the border between Confucianism and legalism, but the Thinker (unlike the legists) believed that it was not punishments and rewards that should curb the evil nature of a person, but moral improvement and high literature, that is, culture. Sun Tzu was the first in Confucianism and proved the concept of an enlightened monarchy based on the principle of both traditional morality and the authority and power of the law. Against the background of the study of significant monographic literature, conclusions are drawn about the almost instantaneous beginning of the complex deepening, improvement and development of teaching, already by the first students of Confucius. Confucianism was formed as a method of interpreting the ancient Chinese system of symbols and concepts, categories laid down in mythological form in an active, active spirit. The development of Confucian doctrine was due to the incorporation of elements of other teachings. Confucianism essentially developed through finding common ground with other Chinese doctrines.  The key idea that emerged in the development of Confucianism is the statement that everything in a person, including his inner world, is just a reflection of the natural world, and the restoration of perfect social institutions will not mechanically restore perfect order in the Middle Kingdom. The core of the DA Xue ideological system is the assumption of the inner virtue (de) of human nature, which must be shown by those in power. In the course of its long evolution, Confucian traditional thought put certain fundamental problems and categories on the agenda much earlier than European thinkers did, of course, at the ancient, traditional level synchronous with that distant century  

Ilinska N.I.

The purpose of the article is to trace the creative dialogue between elite and mass literature in J.Fowles’ novel “The Collector” as a factor in creating genre modifications in the game field of postmodern literature.Methods. The complex methodology is used in the article. Structural-semantic, intertextual methods, mythopoetic approach, methods of close reading are used for the interpretation and analysis of works of art and essays by J.Fowles.Results. The article examines the strategies of the relationship between the mass and elite in J.Fowles’ novel “The Collector” (1963), which gained special development in the literature of the 20th century and was called “double coding”. Some aspects of J. Fowles’ creative self-identification are traced. The categories “double coding”, “genre polyphony”, and the socio-cultural concept of “success” are considered. It is revealed that the principle of “double coding” is genre-modeling at all levels of the structure of the work, its productivity in the plot-compositional organization of the novel, artistic embodiment of the external and internal themes is clarified. The interrelation of problems, plot and linguistic-stylistic components of the work is considered. It is proved that the author unfolds the model of human relations in an internal topic. In a complex set of problems, the author emphasizes the confrontation between “The Few and the Masses” (J.Fowles), which is manifested in a conflict between the “man of the masses” – Frederick Clegg and the intellectual and spiritual personality of the artist Miranda Gray. The confrontation takes place on a value-mental level, in a situation where two people choose between light and darkness, reason and intellectual limitations, beauty and utilitarianism, freedom and imprisonment, ugly pleasure from power and the injustice of the victim, nobility and meanness. The correlation between traditional genres of high literature and modern mass in the creation of new novel modifications is revealed.Conclusions. In J.Fowles’ postmodernist novel “The Collector”, the principle of “double coding” is one of those that models the genre, participates in text creation, and corresponds to the author’s communicative and receptive strategies. The study of the work in the paradigm of “double coding” proves that such a synthesis contributes to the intellectualization of mass literature, which loses its one-dimensionality, and adds readability to experimental literature by returning it to the plot, intrigue, methods of interest of the recipient. The author combines the objectivity of a traditional novel with the subjectivity of a new 20th century novel.Key words: elite and mass literature, external and internal theme, genre, parable, polygenre. Мета статті – простежити творчий діалог між елітарною й масовою літературами у романі Дж.Фаулза «Колекціонер» як фактор творення жанрових модифікацій у ігровому полі літератури постмодернізму. Методи. У роботі використано комплексну методологію. Для інтерпретації та аналізу художніх творів і есеїстики Дж.Фаулза застосовано структурно-семантичний, інтертекстуальний методи, міфопоетичний підхід, методики «пильного читання» (close reading). Результати. У статті досліджено стратегії співвідношення масового й елітарного в романі Дж.Фаулза «Колекціонер» (1963), що набули особливого розвитку в літературі ХХ століття й одержали назву «подвійне кодування». Простежено деякі аспекти творчої самоідентифікації Дж.Фаулза. Розглянуто категорії «подвійне кодування», «жанрова поліфонія», соціокуль-турне поняття «успіх». Виявлено, що принцип «подвійного кодування» є жанромоделюючим на усіх рівнях структури твору, з’ясовано його продуктивність у сюжетно-композиційній організації роману, художньому втіленні теми зовнішньої та теми внутрішньої. Розглянуто взаємозв'язок проблематики, сюжетних і мовно-стильових компонентів твору. Доведено, що у темі внутрішній автором розгортається модель людських взаємин. Ускладному комплексі проблем автор акцентує протистояння «Небагатьох та Маси» (Дж.Фаулз), що оприявнено у конфлікті «людини маси» – Фредеріка Клегга та інтелектуально-духовної особистості художниці Міранди Грей. Протистояння відбувається на ціннісно-ментальному рівні, уситуації вибору двох людей між світлом та пітьмою, розумом та інтелектуальною обмеженістю, красою й утилітаризмом, свободою та ув’язненням, потворним задоволенням від влади і безправ'ям жертви, шляхетністю та ницістю. Виявлена кореляція між традиційними жанрами високої літератури та сучасної масової у створенні нових романних модифікацій. Висновки. У постмодерністському романі Дж.Фаулза «Колекціонер» принцип «подвійного кодування» є одним із тих, що моделює жанр, бере участь у текстотворенні, відповідає комунікативно-рецептивним стратегіям автора. Дослідження твору в парадигмі «подвійного кодування» доводить, що саме такий синтез сприяє інтелектуалізації масової літератури, яка втрачає свою одно-вимірність, та додає читабельності літературі експериментальній завдяки поверненню їй сюжетності, інтриги, прийомів зацікавлення реципієнта. Автор поєднує властиву традиційному роману об’єктивність зі суб’єктивністю нового роману ХХ сторіччя. Ключові слова: елітарна і масова література, тема зовнішня і внутрішня, жанр, притча, поліжанровість.

Lexicon ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 171
Nugraheni Bhakti Prajaningtyas ◽  
Ida Rochani Adi

This graduating paper aims to examine whether or not John Boyne’s novel entitled The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas should be categorized as children’s literature. The story tells about a nine-year-old German boy named Bruno with his Jewish friend, Shmuel, who lives inside the concentration camp during the Holocaust. This graduating paper applies the genre approach since it is the most suitable approach to analyze the elements of children’s literature genre, which are character and characterization, didactic elements, the happy ending, and element of pictures in children’s literature. In order to support the analysis, library research was conducted alongside the novel itself as well as supporting articles from reliable websites. The result of the analysis shows that John Boyne’s The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas cannot be categorized as children’s literature as the characteristics of children’s literature suggested by Nodelman are not found in the novel. However, The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas can be categorized as high literature since the characteristics of high literature are primarily found in the novel.

Lexicon ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 171
Nugraheni Bhakti Prajaningtyas ◽  
Ida Rochani Adi

This graduating paper aims to examine whether or not John Boyne’s novel entitled The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas should be categorized as children’s literature. The story tells about a nine-year-old German boy named Bruno with his Jewish friend, Shmuel, who lives inside the concentration camp during the Holocaust. This graduating paper applies the genre approach since it is the most suitable approach to analyze the elements of children’s literature genre, which are character and characterization, didactic elements, the happy ending, and element of pictures in children’s literature. In order to support the analysis, library research was conducted alongside the novel itself as well as supporting articles from reliable websites. The result of the analysis shows that John Boyne’s The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas cannot be categorized as children’s literature as the characteristics of children’s literature suggested by Nodelman are not found in the novel. However, The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas can be categorized as high literature since the characteristics of high literature are primarily found in the novel.

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 ◽  
Raymond Detrez

Religion-Based Cultural Communities in the Pre-Modern BalkansIntellectual life in the pre-modern Balkans was fragmented along religious lines. In the multi-ethnic religious communities (the Orthodox Christian, the Muslim and the Catholic), one particular “high code” language was used by the intellectual elites of the various ethnic groups as a shared means of communication in the field of worship, scholarship and literature. In addition, on behalf of the unschooled, who were ignorant of the high code, there existed within each community vernacular literature that was intended to instruct common people about the doctrine of their faith and keep them on the straight path. The use of a shared literary language strengthened the solidarity with each community but also increased the cultural divisiveness of the Balkans as a whole. The lack or scarcity of a high literature in a particular language is no indication of the “culturelessness” of its speakers. In fact, with their coreligionists they shared a rich high culture in one of the literary languages. Wspólnoty kulturowe oparte na religii na Bałkanach w czasach przednowoczesnychŻycie intelektualne na Bałkanach w czasach przednowoczesnych uległo rozdrobnieniu ze względu na podziały religijne. W wieloetnicznych wspólnotach wyznaniowych – prawosławnej, muzułmańskiej i katolickiej – jeden szczególny „wysoki” język był używany przez elity intelektualne różnych grup etnicznych jako wspólny środek komunikacji w dziedzinie kultu, edukacji i literatury. Obok niego, dla warstw niewykształconych, nieświadomych takiego kodu, w każdej społeczności istniała literatura w językach narodowych, mająca na celu pouczyć zwykłych ludzi o doktrynie ich wiary i właściwej drodze postępowania. Posługiwanie się wspólnym językiem literackim nie tylko wzmocniło solidarność międzywspólnotową, ale także zwiększyło kulturową różnorodność Bałkanów jako całości. Brak lub niedobór wysokiej literatury w danym języku nie świadczy o „braku kultury” u jej użytkowników. W rzeczywistości dzielili oni bowiem bogatą kulturę wysoką ze swoimi współwyznawcami za pośrednictwem innego języka literackiego.

Monika Woźniak ◽  
Maria Wyke

The introduction to this edited collection on the historical novel Quo vadis: A Narrative of the Time of Nero explores the initial cultural context of the novel’s publication in 1896 and its reception in Poland as an astounding work of high literature. It also summarizes how the novel written by Henryk Sienkiewicz came to cross national boundaries, cultural categories, and media to gain a long and rich afterlife in the popular culture of Western Europe and the United States. The introduction considers the novel and its afterlife as an exceptional example of the reception of classical antiquity. The introduction explores how the historical novel provided a powerful discursive structure through which to explore Christian faith and resistance to tyranny. It also argues that analysis of Quo vadis and its multimedial transformations decentres the West and elite culture as sites of classical reception, reveals the particularities and the influence of the Polish classical tradition, and demonstrates how and why classics and popular culture converge.

2020 ◽  
Vol 27 (1) ◽  
pp. 11-22
Muhammad Luthfan Hanifi ◽  
Redyanto Noor

This paper analyzes the audience’s reception of Colonia, a 2016 film by Florian Gallenberger. As a popular work, Colonia is a docudrama film that presents historical events happened in Chile during the coup of General Augusto Pinochet in 1973. The problems analyzed in this article are the reception process of respondents and the quality of Colonia as popular films. The film is chosen for the study as it received five nominations from German Film Awards 2016 and won Bavarian Film Awards 2016 for Best Production category, but it only has a rating of 26% from 47 reviews by Rotten Tomatoes. The respondents involved in this study are members of Kronik Filmedia of Diponegoro University. Kronik Filmedia is the university film club that focuses on producing short films and appreciating films by conducting film discussions. The purpose of the study is to describe the reception processes of respondents who are affected by their horizon of expectations and to prove that not all of popular works are low literature. The theory used in this paper is the Aesthetic of Reception theory by Hans Robert Jauss. The main concept of this theory is horizon of expectations. Horizon of expectations is a reader’s preferences from the previous experiences or readings. For the methodology, this paper uses qualitative research and focus group discussion as the data collecting method. Focus group discussion is a gathering data method by means of interviewing respondents in a forum consisted of five to eight people. Focus group discussion is an effective method to observe a social phenomenon or a case study. The data obtained is then analyzed as texts to draw a conclusion. The research involves eight members of Kronik Filmedia as respondents. The results of the research show the reception of Kronik Filmedia as Colonia can satisfy and even surpass seven out of eight respondents’ horizon of expectations as the film goes to be more ‘interesting’ and ‘thrilling’. All respondents also view that Colonia is worth to be studied and discussed as those of high literature.

Neohelicon ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 47 (2) ◽  
pp. 751-766
Yi Zheng

AbstractOn the one hand, because of the double historical prejudices from literary criticism against ghost stories and women’s writing, little attention has been paid to investigate the ideals of femininity in women’s ghost stories in nineteenth-century America. This article examines “Luella Miller,” a short story by Mary E. Wilkins Freeman, who indirectly but sharply criticized the ideal of femininity in her time by creating an exaggerated example of the cult of feminine fragility. On the other hand, although extensive research has been done on Chinese ghost stories, especially on the ghost heroines in Pu Songling’s Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio, there are few studies comparing the Chinese and the American ones. By comparing “Luella Miller” and Pu’s “Nie Xiaoqian,” this article does not primarily aim to list the similarities and differences between the Chinese and the American ideals of femininity, but to provide fresh insights into how both Freeman and Pu capitalized on the literary possibilities of the supernatural, because only in ghost stories they could write about women in ways impossible in “high literature.”

Jurnal Pari ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Herwini Minisa

ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahuiseberapa besar tingkat pengethuan pustakawanmengenai kepustakaan terhadap kualitas layanan diperpustakaan Penelitian ini adalah penelitianlapangan dan jenisnya adalah penelitian kuantitatifdengan teknik pengumpulan data yakni observasi,angket, dokumentasi, selanjutnya data yangterkumpul di analisis deskriptif dan analisisinfrensial.Hasil penelitia ini menunjukkan bahwaberdasarkan gambaran tingkat pengetahuanpustakawan mengenai kepustakaan tinggi terbuktibahwa sebanyak 50 responden atau 96,15 % yangmenyatakan bahwa tingkat pengetahuan pustakawanberada di kategori tinggi, dalam penelitian ini jugaterdapat pengaruh yang signifikan tingkatpengetahuan dengan kualitas layanan dengan nilai17.042 dengan harga koefisien regresi 0.979 dengankata lain setiap peningkatan variable 1% makakualitas layanan menigkat. ABSTRACTThis study aims to determine the level ofknowledge of librarians regarding the quality ofservice in the library ... This research is a fieldresearch and the type is quantitative research withdata collection techniques namely observation,questionnaire, documentation, then the data collectedin descriptive analysis and analysis infrential. Theresults of this research show that based on thedescription of the level of knowledge of librariansregarding high literature it is evident that as many as50 respondents or 96.15% stated that the level ofknowledge of librarians was in the high category, inthis study there was also a significant effect the valueof 17,042 with the price of the regression coefficient0.979 in other words each variable increase 1%thenthe quality of service increases. 

Вадим Василенко

The paper considers the trilogy of novels by Ulas Samchuk “Ost” as a genre variety of a family chronicle. The main issues are its genre nature, correlation of the work with traditions of the classic Ukrainian novel and the modern novel forms, its relation to the concept of “high literature”, the ideological and aesthetic views of the author. The main point of the paper is the interpretation of Ulas Samchuk’s novel as an attempt to implement the idea of high literature substantiated by him. The concept of high literature in Ulas Samchuk’s sense is related to the concept of classical literature, and the very idea of literary work in exile is connected with the idea of the lost statehood. The realistic basis of Ulas Samchuk’s novels originates in his understanding of realism as an artistic style and principle of depicting reality, the “universal key to the door of reality”. At the same time, the researcher testifies to the blurring of style shapes in Ulas Samchuk’s postwar prose and points to the combination of realistic traditions and modernist tendencies in it. Focusing on the concept of generation and family in the novel, the author emphasizes the relations between the generations, because each one plays its significant role in the complex drama of the family and national histories. The family, as the subject of action and one of the main actors in the theater of history, becomes a symbolic embodiment of the trauma generated by history. The notion of idyllic chronotope is connected with the sacred space of family, the motive of searching harmony. The basic element of such chronotope is the topos of hamlet as a form of ideal national existence. The idea of destroying the hamlet during the revolution is related to the process of destroying the family idyll. In general, the history of Moroz’s family in Ulas Samchuk’s novel is a reflection of the national history, and the destroyed space of the family is a field in which the Soviet totalitarianism repressive mechanisms were tested.

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