code language
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Orthodoxia ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 92-110
O. A. Matveychev

This article studies the phenomenon of totalitarian sects entering politics. It concerns the participation of totalitarian sects in the political processes and election campaigns with the aim of getting into power, as well as the attempts of some political figures to rely on the infrastructure of totalitarian sects in order to promote themselves in the ruling structures. The author summarizes the works of Russian and international social thinkers and religious scholars, studying totalitarian sects as a relatively new social and religious phenomenon, supplementing and developing their findings. In particular, the following features are recognized as the key characteristics of totalitarian sects. A relatively recent foundation — usually with the founder still alive. A charismatic leader — the founder or successor, who has unquestionable authority. Closed information environment, filtering any external information signals. Careful regulation of the adherents' life, as well as their double code language, allowing them to recognize others in a “friend-or-foe” mode, which likens totalitarian sects to criminal communities. A rigid hierarchy that doses information about the organizations' goals to its members at different levels of initiation; adherents' compulsory financial participation and preaching activities. The author analyzes the promotion of totalitarian sects in politics using examples from Ukrainian and Russian political practices of the post-Soviet period. In particular, he studies the political activities of such structures as the Livets Ord (lit. “Word of Life”) Baptist Church, the Scientology Church, the Embassy of God sect (Sunday Adelaja), the Unification Church (Sun Myung Moon), the Living Word Baptist Church, the International Society for Krishna Consciousness, the Last Covenant Church, Slavic neopagan groups and radical Islamist sects. The network community formed around the Alexei Navalny's Anti-Corruption Foundation also possesses the attributes of a totalitarian sect. Particular attention is paid to specific examples of the political involvement of totalitarian sects and their influence at different levels of government in Ukraine and in the Russian Federation, as well as the resulting damage. Considering the scale of totalitarian sects' activities in Russia — hundreds of such organizations are involved, up to 1 million people in total — the author emphasizes their use by foreign intelligence services, which poses a threat to Russia's national security.

2021 ◽  
Vol 263 (5) ◽  
pp. 1594-1605
Michael Conaway ◽  
Benjamin Mueller ◽  
Joseph Keefe

Distribution and warehouse-type facilities are routinely constructed all over the country and the world. On-site noise sources for this type of facility include heavy trucks, delivery vehicles, and rooftop HVAC equipment. Stationary noise is often more clearly regulated than mobile noise sources. To protect the public, appropriate criteria need to be established for all sources. Some jurisdictions have quantitative regulatory limits in place that may be used as design criteria while others may have less helpful qualitative code language or no noise code at all. A review of common metrics found throughout the U.S. is presented to understand code language that appropriately protects the public for specific sources. In addition, it is useful to analyze and discuss common criteria applied in the absence of quantitative code limits.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (5) ◽  
pp. 2196
Andrea Tundis ◽  
Gaurav Mukherjee ◽  
Max Mühlhäuser

Internet-based communication systems have become an increasing tool for spreading misinformation and propaganda. Even though there exist mechanisms that are able to track unwarranted information and messages, users made up different ways to avoid their scrutiny and detection. An example is represented by the mixed-code language, that is text written in an unconventional form by combining different languages, symbols, scripts and shapes. It aims to make more difficult the detection of specific content, due to its custom and ever changing appearance, by using special characters to substitute for alphabet letters. Indeed, such substitute combinations of symbols, which tries to resemble the shape of the intended alphabet’s letter, makes it still intuitively readable to humans, however nonsensical to machines. In this context, the paper explores the possibility of identifying propaganda in such mixed-code texts over the Internet, centred on a machine learning based approach. In particular, an algorithm in combination with a deep learning models for character identification is proposed in order to detect and analyse whether an element contains propaganda related content. The overall approach is presented, the results gathered from its experimentation are discussed and the achieved performances are compared with the related works.

2021 ◽  
Vol 33 (3) ◽  
pp. 101-108
Ilia Alexandrovich Voronkov ◽  
Sergey Erikovich Saradgishvili

The paper provides an overview of the first impression of the language for implementation low code of approach. About a month has passed since the release date.

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 ◽  
Raymond Detrez

Religion-Based Cultural Communities in the Pre-Modern BalkansIntellectual life in the pre-modern Balkans was fragmented along religious lines. In the multi-ethnic religious communities (the Orthodox Christian, the Muslim and the Catholic), one particular “high code” language was used by the intellectual elites of the various ethnic groups as a shared means of communication in the field of worship, scholarship and literature. In addition, on behalf of the unschooled, who were ignorant of the high code, there existed within each community vernacular literature that was intended to instruct common people about the doctrine of their faith and keep them on the straight path. The use of a shared literary language strengthened the solidarity with each community but also increased the cultural divisiveness of the Balkans as a whole. The lack or scarcity of a high literature in a particular language is no indication of the “culturelessness” of its speakers. In fact, with their coreligionists they shared a rich high culture in one of the literary languages. Wspólnoty kulturowe oparte na religii na Bałkanach w czasach przednowoczesnychŻycie intelektualne na Bałkanach w czasach przednowoczesnych uległo rozdrobnieniu ze względu na podziały religijne. W wieloetnicznych wspólnotach wyznaniowych – prawosławnej, muzułmańskiej i katolickiej – jeden szczególny „wysoki” język był używany przez elity intelektualne różnych grup etnicznych jako wspólny środek komunikacji w dziedzinie kultu, edukacji i literatury. Obok niego, dla warstw niewykształconych, nieświadomych takiego kodu, w każdej społeczności istniała literatura w językach narodowych, mająca na celu pouczyć zwykłych ludzi o doktrynie ich wiary i właściwej drodze postępowania. Posługiwanie się wspólnym językiem literackim nie tylko wzmocniło solidarność międzywspólnotową, ale także zwiększyło kulturową różnorodność Bałkanów jako całości. Brak lub niedobór wysokiej literatury w danym języku nie świadczy o „braku kultury” u jej użytkowników. W rzeczywistości dzielili oni bowiem bogatą kulturę wysoką ze swoimi współwyznawcami za pośrednictwem innego języka literackiego.

2020 ◽  
Vol 19 (3) ◽  
pp. 397-413
Suharyo Suharyo ◽  
Nurhayati Nurhayati

Pada masyarakat Jawa, pemilihan sebuah kode (bahasa/ragam) ditentukan oleh banyak faktor, misalnya: usia, jenis kelamin, derajat sosial, pangkat, tempat, diksi, dan ragam. Penelitian bertujuan menggali pemilihan dan pemertahanan bahasa Jawa oleh kaum perempuan pesisir di Rembang. Penelitian ini mengambil sampel Kecamatan Sulang, Desa Karangharjo Rembang untuk mewakili Rembang desa. Yang kedua Kecamatan Rembang  Desa Leteh untuk mewakili Rembang kota dengan 79 responden dan 7 informan.Pengambilan data dilakukan melalui angket dan wawancara terstruktur dan mendalam. Data dianalsis secara kuantitatif untuk data yang diambil melalui angket dan kualitatif untuk data yang diperoleh dari wawncara. Hasilnya, (1) pemertahanan bahasa Jawa untuk masyarakat, khususnya perempuan Rembang bahasa Jawa (ngoko) cukup kuat (antara 48%  sampai dengan 60%), (2) bahasa Indonesia sudah mulai masuk pada ranah rumah, (3) masyarakat Rembang tergolong masyarakat diglosik, (3) pada masyarakat Remang (khususnya kaum perempuannya) sedang terjadi pergeseran bahasa dari bahasa Jawa ke bahasa Indonesia, (4) jika bahasa Jawa ragam krama identik dengan kesantunan, maka masyarakat/kaum perempuan Rembang desa dinilai lebih santun daripada masayarakat Rembang kota. Adapun pola pemertahanan dilakukan melalui (a) pengguunaan bahasa sehari-hari di rumah meski sebagian besar menggunakan bahasa Jawa ragam ngoko, (b) melalui jalur pendidikan, (c) melalui jalur seni/budaya, (d) dan jalur keteladanan tokoh masyarakat, serta (e) dukungan pemerintah setempat melalui berbagai lomba tahunan.Kata kunci: pemilihan bahasa, pemertahanan bahasa, bahasa Jawa, pola pemertahanan bahasa Jawa. THE SELECTION AND RETENTION OF JAVANESEBY COASTAL WOMEN IN REMBANG Abstract               In Javanese society, the choice of a code (language / variety) is determined by many factors, for example: age, gender, social status, rank, place, diction, and variety. This research aims to explore the selection and retention of Javanese by coastal women in Rembang. This study took a sample of Sulang Subdistrict, Karangharjo Rembang Village to represent Rembang village. The second is Rembang Subdistrict Leteh Village to represent Rembang City with 79 respondents and 7 informants. Data collection was carried out through structured and in-depth questionnaires and interviews. Data are analyzed quantitatively for data taken through questionnaires and qualitatively for data obtained from interviews. As a result, (1) the retention of Javanese for the community, especially Javanese (Ngoko) women is quite strong (between 48% and 60%), (2) Indonesian has begun to enter the realm of houses, (3) the Rembang community belongs to the diglosik community, (3) in the Rembang community (especially women) there is a shift in language from Javanese to Indonesian, (4) if Javanese is diverse in etiquette with politeness, then the community / women of Rembang desa are considered to be more polite than the people of Rembang City . The pattern of detention is carried out through (a) the use of everyday language at home, although most use the Javanese variety of ngoko, (b) through education, (c) through art / culture, (d) and exemplary community leaders, and (e) local government support through various annual competitions.Keyword: language selection, language retention, Javanese language, Javanese language retention patterns.

Zhimin Zhou ◽  
Zhongwen Chen

There is a growing interest in leveraging Deep Learning (DL) for automating Software Engineering tasks such as program completion. In this paper, we leverage Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) for Abstract Syntax Tree (AST)-based code completion. Our approach converts source code into AST nodes and a language model predicts the type and value attributes of next tokens. Our work demonstrates that the attention augmented RNN-based language models are able to understand local context and copy from recent past tokens which have never appeared in the training data set. We observed a drop of performances of both type and value predictions when using a traditional pointer network architecture for out-of-vocabulary (OoV) copying and context understanding, which we call multi-task conflict. To address this challenge, we have devised a new structure of self-attention called Split Attention, where two separate dot-product layers are applied to different parts of the history cache. Based on this structure, we propose a new network called Split Attention Pointer Network (SAPN), which is efficient and flexible in both learning local context and copying OoV tokens from history. The empirical results suggest that our model is superior in syntax-aware generation and OoV token prediction by demonstrating attention behavior similar to human programmers. The results also indicate that our model out performs previous state-of-the-art approaches by more than 6% on widely recognized program completion benchmarks.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (02) ◽  
pp. 173-186
Hasbullah Hasbullah ◽  
Hendra Santosa ◽  
I Wayan Swandi

Abstrak Pilkada NTB tahun 2018, media yang digunakan maskot yang bernama “Si Meton”. “Si Meton” sangat penting diteliti, karena diduga ada makna yang termuat melalui kode visualnya. Akan tetapi, makna dan kode tersebut belum tentu dipahami masyarakat NTB. Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah tentang apa makna di balik kode-kode desain karakter “Si Meton”. Tujuan penelitian ini, untuk menganalisis makna melalui bahasa kode dalam “Si Meton”. Metode yang digunakan penelitian ini adalah kualitatif interpretatif dengan landasan teori kode Rolands Barthes. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Sumber data dikumpulkan melalui wawancara kepada R. Fany Printi Ardi sebagai desainer “Si Meton”, Ahmad Badrul Ula, suku Sasak sekaligus akademisi dalam  bidang seni budaya  dan Supandri, suku Mbojo sekaligus pengamat media. Teknik analisis dilakukan melalui reduksi data, penyajian dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil yang dicapai berupa makna-makna pada desain karakter “Si Meton” dilihat melalui bahasa kode proairetik dan kode budaya. Kesimpulannya, makna dilihat berdasarkan kode proairetik, terlihat tinta biru pada jari kelingking tangan kanan serta tangan kiri karakter “Si Meton”yang memasukkan kertas kedalam kotak suara sebagai makna promosi. Sedangkan dalam kode budaya terdapat pada ikon menjangan dan simbol pakaian adat pria Suku Sasak yang sebagai makna pengendali. Kata Kunci: Desain Karakter, Kode, Makna, Maskot, Pilkada NTB, Si Meton AbstractNTB elections in 2018, the media used by the mascot named Si Meton. Si Meton is very important to research because it suspected that there was a meaning that comes through the visual code. However, the interpretation and code are not necessarily intelligible by the people of NTB. The problem in this research is about what is the meaning behind the "Si Meton" character design codes. The purpose of this study, to analyze the meaning through code language in Si Meton. The method used in this research is interpretative qualitative based on Rolands Barthes code theory. Data collection techniques performed through observation, interviews, and documentation. Data sources collected through interviews with R. Fany Printi Ardi as Si Meton designer, Ahmad Badrul Ula, Sasak tribe as well as academics in the field of arts and culture and Supandri, Mbojo tribe as well as media observers. The analysis technique performed through data reduction, presentation, and conclusion drawing. The results achieved in the form of meanings on the Si Meton character design seen through the language of Proairetic codes and cultural codes. In conclusion, the mean is seen based on the Proairetic code, visible blue ink on the little finger of the right hand and left hand of Meton character who put the paper into the ballot box as a promotional meaning. Whereas in the cultural code contained in the icon and the symbol of traditional clothing on Sasak tribe men as the controller meaning.  Keywords: Character Design, Code, Mascot, Meaning, NTB Election, Si Meton

Jussi Solin ◽  
Tommi Seppänen ◽  
Rami Vanninen ◽  
Erkki Pulkkinen ◽  
Petri Lemettinen ◽  

Abstract All international codes used for design, operation and inspection of NPP primary circuit pressure boundaries are rooted to the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section III, Nuclear Vessels, 1963. Article 4, N-415 “Analysis for cyclic operation” instructed calculation of stress intensities for fatigue transients and provided two design curves for basic material types. Different codes such as ASME, RCC-M, KTA, PNAE and JSME have much in common, but partial deviations exist. In 2007 the US NRC Regulatory Guide 1.207 endorsed a methodology for accounting the environmental effects. It was mainly based on extensive work in Japan and the Argonne National Laboratory. The final report of ANL, NUREG/CR-6909 became a major reference and subject of criticism. However, the first approach for environment assisted fatigue (EAF) written in ‘code language’ was published in Japan and a regulatory requirement for consideration of EAF both for operating reactors and new designs appeared first in Finland. This paper discusses challenges in management of fatigue and the evolving state-of-the-art in different codes, standards, rules and assumptions. The roots and current status of fatigue curves and design criteria applied in Finnish NPP’s are explained.

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