Ilinska N.I.

The purpose of the article is to trace the creative dialogue between elite and mass literature in J.Fowles’ novel “The Collector” as a factor in creating genre modifications in the game field of postmodern literature.Methods. The complex methodology is used in the article. Structural-semantic, intertextual methods, mythopoetic approach, methods of close reading are used for the interpretation and analysis of works of art and essays by J.Fowles.Results. The article examines the strategies of the relationship between the mass and elite in J.Fowles’ novel “The Collector” (1963), which gained special development in the literature of the 20th century and was called “double coding”. Some aspects of J. Fowles’ creative self-identification are traced. The categories “double coding”, “genre polyphony”, and the socio-cultural concept of “success” are considered. It is revealed that the principle of “double coding” is genre-modeling at all levels of the structure of the work, its productivity in the plot-compositional organization of the novel, artistic embodiment of the external and internal themes is clarified. The interrelation of problems, plot and linguistic-stylistic components of the work is considered. It is proved that the author unfolds the model of human relations in an internal topic. In a complex set of problems, the author emphasizes the confrontation between “The Few and the Masses” (J.Fowles), which is manifested in a conflict between the “man of the masses” – Frederick Clegg and the intellectual and spiritual personality of the artist Miranda Gray. The confrontation takes place on a value-mental level, in a situation where two people choose between light and darkness, reason and intellectual limitations, beauty and utilitarianism, freedom and imprisonment, ugly pleasure from power and the injustice of the victim, nobility and meanness. The correlation between traditional genres of high literature and modern mass in the creation of new novel modifications is revealed.Conclusions. In J.Fowles’ postmodernist novel “The Collector”, the principle of “double coding” is one of those that models the genre, participates in text creation, and corresponds to the author’s communicative and receptive strategies. The study of the work in the paradigm of “double coding” proves that such a synthesis contributes to the intellectualization of mass literature, which loses its one-dimensionality, and adds readability to experimental literature by returning it to the plot, intrigue, methods of interest of the recipient. The author combines the objectivity of a traditional novel with the subjectivity of a new 20th century novel.Key words: elite and mass literature, external and internal theme, genre, parable, polygenre. Мета статті – простежити творчий діалог між елітарною й масовою літературами у романі Дж.Фаулза «Колекціонер» як фактор творення жанрових модифікацій у ігровому полі літератури постмодернізму. Методи. У роботі використано комплексну методологію. Для інтерпретації та аналізу художніх творів і есеїстики Дж.Фаулза застосовано структурно-семантичний, інтертекстуальний методи, міфопоетичний підхід, методики «пильного читання» (close reading). Результати. У статті досліджено стратегії співвідношення масового й елітарного в романі Дж.Фаулза «Колекціонер» (1963), що набули особливого розвитку в літературі ХХ століття й одержали назву «подвійне кодування». Простежено деякі аспекти творчої самоідентифікації Дж.Фаулза. Розглянуто категорії «подвійне кодування», «жанрова поліфонія», соціокуль-турне поняття «успіх». Виявлено, що принцип «подвійного кодування» є жанромоделюючим на усіх рівнях структури твору, з’ясовано його продуктивність у сюжетно-композиційній організації роману, художньому втіленні теми зовнішньої та теми внутрішньої. Розглянуто взаємозв'язок проблематики, сюжетних і мовно-стильових компонентів твору. Доведено, що у темі внутрішній автором розгортається модель людських взаємин. Ускладному комплексі проблем автор акцентує протистояння «Небагатьох та Маси» (Дж.Фаулз), що оприявнено у конфлікті «людини маси» – Фредеріка Клегга та інтелектуально-духовної особистості художниці Міранди Грей. Протистояння відбувається на ціннісно-ментальному рівні, уситуації вибору двох людей між світлом та пітьмою, розумом та інтелектуальною обмеженістю, красою й утилітаризмом, свободою та ув’язненням, потворним задоволенням від влади і безправ'ям жертви, шляхетністю та ницістю. Виявлена кореляція між традиційними жанрами високої літератури та сучасної масової у створенні нових романних модифікацій. Висновки. У постмодерністському романі Дж.Фаулза «Колекціонер» принцип «подвійного кодування» є одним із тих, що моделює жанр, бере участь у текстотворенні, відповідає комунікативно-рецептивним стратегіям автора. Дослідження твору в парадигмі «подвійного кодування» доводить, що саме такий синтез сприяє інтелектуалізації масової літератури, яка втрачає свою одно-вимірність, та додає читабельності літературі експериментальній завдяки поверненню їй сюжетності, інтриги, прийомів зацікавлення реципієнта. Автор поєднує властиву традиційному роману об’єктивність зі суб’єктивністю нового роману ХХ сторіччя. Ключові слова: елітарна і масова література, тема зовнішня і внутрішня, жанр, притча, поліжанровість.

David Beard

Propaganda is the term for a variety of communication phenomena developed in the 20th century. As such, its meaning has changed over time from a largely neutral description of public relations and political communication towards an account of systematically distorted communication. The earliest major American proponent of the term, Edward Bernays (1891–1995), claimed that the ‘conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society’ (Bernays, 1928: 1). Bernays believed that ‘propaganda’, for him, a political variation on public relations work, was a tool used by political organizations and eventually businesses to organize and manipulate the desires, actions and will of the masses.

2019 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 81-96 ◽  
Daniel LaChance ◽  
Paul Kaplan

Popular documentary representations of crime and punishment have traditionally tended to fall into two camps: programs that are critical of law enforcement agencies and those that are sympathetic to them. In this article, we show how programs that present themselves as critical of legal authorities can nonetheless reinforce the “law and order punitivism” that underlay the ratcheting up of harsh punishment in the late 20th century. In a case study of the popular documentary miniseries Making a Murderer, we show how this can happen when texts fetishize the question of a criminal defendant’s innocence, adopt a “good versus evil” approach to players in the criminal justice system, and perpetuate a procedural rather than substantive vision of justice. Arguments are supported by a close reading of Making a Murderer and illustrated by a line of discussion it inspired in an internet forum.

2020 ◽  
pp. 1-35
Samy Ayoub

AbstractThis article explores an important debate on divorce law in early 20th-century Egypt between the sharīʿa judge Aḥmad Muḥammad Shākir (d. 1958) and the adjunct to the last Shaykh al-Islām of the Ottoman Empire, Muḥammad Zāhid al-Kawtharī (d. 1952). The debate is centred on Shākir’s argument that triple divorce (three pronouncements of the divorce oath in one utterance, deemed irrevocable according to the Ḥanafī school) should be treated as a single revocable divorce, a position that the Ḥanafī school rejects. The Egyptian divorce law was changed on 10 March 1929 to embrace the revised position, supported by the government, that a triple divorce counts as a single divorce, thereby making it revocable. Shākir argued that the official adherence of the sharīʿa courts to the preponderant opinions (al-rājiḥ) of the Ḥanafī school was one of the key obstacles to meaningful legal reform in this case. Despite his declared following of the Ḥanafī school, Shākir dismissed Ḥanafī legal norms and authorities, and advocated an urgent break with the control of the Ḥanafī legal school on the process of judicial reasoning in the Egyptian sharīʿa courts. To further demonstrate this dynamic, I take up a close reading of a court decision on whether custody payments (ujrat al-ḥaḍāna) include housing support (sakan), or if the latter is a separate calculated expense. Shākir not only ruled in opposition to the Ḥanafī preponderant position but also rejected the late Ḥanafī authority Muḥammad Amīn ʿĀbidīn’s (Ibn ʿĀbidīn, d. 1836) effort to harmonize the school’s position on this matter. I propose that Shākir was an iconoclastic Ḥanafī.

Daniela Spenser

Vicente Lombardo Toledano was born into a prosperous family in 1894 in Teziutlán, Puebla, and died in Mexico City in 1968. His life is a window into the history of the 20th century: the rise and fall of the old regime; the Mexican Revolution and the transformations that the revolution made in society; the intellectual and social reconstruction of the country under new parameters that included the rise of the labor movement to political prominence as well as the intervention of the trade unions in the construction and consolidation of the state; the dispute over the course of the nation in the tumultuous 1930s; and the configuration of the political and ideological left in Mexico. Lombardo Toledano’s life and work illustrate Mexico’s connections with the world during the Second World War and the Cold War. Lombardo Toledano belonged to the intellectual elite of men and women who considered themselves progressives, Marxists, and socialists; they believed in a bright future for humanity. He viewed himself as the conscious reflection of the unconscious movement of the masses. With unbridled energy and ideological fervor, he founded unions, parties, and newspapers. During the course of his life, he adhered to various beliefs, from Christianity to Marxism, raising dialectical materialism to the level of a theory of knowledge of absolute proportions in the same fashion that he previously did with idealism. In life, he aroused feelings of love and hate; he was the object of royal welcomes and the target of several attacks; national and international espionage agencies did not let him out of their sight. He was detained in and expelled from several countries and prevented from visiting others. Those who knew him still evoke his incendiary oratorical style, which others remember as soporific. His admirers praise him as the helmsman of Mexican and Latin American workers; others scorn the means he used to achieve his goals as opportunist. Lombardo Toledano believed that the Soviet Union had achieved a future that Mexico could not aspire to imitate. Mexico was a semifeudal and semicolonial country, hindered by imperialism in its economic development and the creation of a national bourgeoisie, without which it could not pass on to the next stage in the evolution of mankind and without which the working class and peasantry were doomed to underdevelopment. In his interpretation of history, the autonomy of the subordinate classes did not enter into the picture; rather it was the intellectual elites allied with the state who had the task of instilling class consciousness in them. No matter how prominent a personality he was in his time, today few remember the maestro Vicente Lombardo Toledano, despite the many streets and schools named after him. However, the story of his life reveals the vivid and contradictory history of the 20th century, with traces that remain in contemporary Mexico.

Daedalus ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 143 (3) ◽  
pp. 73-82 ◽  
Deborah R. Hensler

Traditionally, disputes over injury compensation that were brought to court involved one or a few plaintiffs and defendants and were processed individually. The risk and expense of such litigation meant that most victims of legally cognizable injuries never came through the courthouse doors. The modern global economy, however, has vastly increased the potential for mass harms and losses, and modern mass media have created felicitous circumstances for mass claiming. Aggregated mass litigation blasts open the courthouse doors for individuals who might otherwise find them closed. Aggregation benefits some but disadvantages others. Class action rules attempt to mitigate these conflicts, but such procedures do not apply to aggregate non-class litigation. It is time for courts to adopt rules and practices that recognize the realities of such litigation.

2021 ◽  
pp. 56-63

The article deals with the features of the implementation of atheistic work in one of the republics of the North Caucasus - the Kabardian ASSR in the 40s-50s of the 20th century. The main directions of implementation of this work are analyzed: 1) indirect-atheistic work using the mass media available at that time; 2) direct-work carried out by direct communication of propagandists-agitators with the audience on the ground. A general description of the features of the implementation of atheistic work in this period, the techniques and methods used for this purpose, is given. The emphasis is placed on the widespread dissemination of natural science views to the masses, together with the foundations of Marxism-Leninism, as opposed to religious ideas. The paper points out a number of key problematic issues that reduced the quality and effectiveness of the field atheist work carried out - the lack of specialists, excessive focus on mass participation, lack of targeting...

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 78-100
Ahmad Fajar

HOS Cocroaminoto is a politician as well  as the leader of Sarekat Islam movement at the beginning of the 20th century. He was an active figure in the early world of the movement in the Hindia Belanda. In its political activity in 1918, he politicized the polemic of blasphemy in the newspapers of Djawi Hisworo to strengthen his political standing and attack his enemies. Through this politicization, Cokrominoto managed to attract many followers and mobilize the masses consisting of muslim. In this study, the author uses historical research methods wich include soirce criticism, interpretation, and historical writing.This writing is written with analitycal descriptive type. Research resource, among others: (1) Cokroaminoto politicized by attracting modernist Muslims to revive the branches of Sarekat Islam wich at the time were neglecte. (2) He also succeeded in estabilishing the Tentara Kandjeng Nabi Muhammad for the media movement. (3) He also managed to raise funds from Muslim merchants so many. Cokroaminoto then expelled enemies in the Communist-leaning Sarekat Islam which at the time became an obstacle for him to carry out his political activities.

2018 ◽  
Vol 26 (2) ◽  
pp. 345
Muhammad Jauhari Sofi

<p>Identity is political rather than natural. It is always influenced by the politics of race, class, gender, religion, education, disability, and so on. This paper examines the complexity of political forces that shape female identity at the beginning of the 20th century Java and the reaction the women show in response to the circumstances where they find themselves, with reference to Pramoedya Ananta Toer’s <em>Gadis Pantai</em>. The novel, which is based on the true story of his own grandmother, portrays the life of a practice wife of <em>priyayi</em>, the hereditary governing class of Java. Using interpretive analysis and close reading of the text, the study argues that feudal and patriarchal circumstances help shape female identity in the 20th century Java. Women are doubly discriminated; they find themselves subject to higher powers, i.e. the powers of the feudal lord and the male. However, throughout the novel, the author displays a brand-new female image different from the socially dominant discourses, an image that has qualities of rebellious fervor to trouble the discriminating social category of identity.</p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
Diana Bogoyavlenskaya

The article refers the formation and development of the Russian methodology in the frame of which the theory of thinking has been built. The exposition of the theory developed in the Twenties-Nineties of the 20th century becomes topical because of two factors. The first factor of the demand from the intensively developing neuroscience. Various directions in this field aiming to studying thinking disorders, particularly in schizophrenia, are lacking theoretical concordance. That is why the specialists come to the conclusion on necessity of a common scientifically justified platform: the development of the theory of thinking. We would like to mention that the attention for an impaired function is typical for a physician, whereas for a psychologist the problem of revealing unusual strength of thinking is schizophrenia is significant. Solving this problem is important for the theory of thinking itself. The second factor of the demand for designing the theory of thinking is the change of paradigm in the science and education during the Nineties of the 20th century, which has stimulated the variety of theoretically unjustified approaches to interpretation of nature of thinking. That is why when reviewing the theory of thinking we consider the significant events which defined the vector of its development beginning with Rubinstein’s article of 1922 “The Principle of Creative Self-Activity (To the Philosophical Foundations of Modern Pedagogy),” where methodological justification of the conception of subject is given. In 1930 he formulates the principle of thinking as the “unity of consciousness and activity.” At the same period Luria explains the positions which are in tune with the future cultural-historical methodology of Vygotsky. The research of thinking as a process is given in the Soviet psychology by the school of Rubinstein in the Fifties-Sixties and after his death in 1969. The works with description of meaning, sense and nature of the word became Luria’s contribution in the analysis of the structure of thinking process when solving problems. We consider the common idea of solving problematic situations as the result of creative thinking to be its lowest stage, immature form, as in the frame of solving the given tasks, i.e. stimulus-projective model in which the whole psyche had been studied, it is impossible to come to analysis of the phenomenon of creativity. That succeeds only in designing a new method. In the course of the experiment, the Creative Field method allows revealing the ability of a person to develop the accepted ability by his initiative. The levels of cognition to be reached by the testee are described. They correspond to the level of displays of creativity or to its absence. This approach finds its theoretical basis in the cultural-historical psychology (Vygotsky). We have revealed the highest mature form of creativity as development of the activity by one’s initiative which is the unit of analysis where, according to Vygotsky, “the meeting of affect and intellect occurs” (Vygotsky, 2016, p. 8). The examples of children who have shown the highest level of creativity are described. Among them there is a nine-year boy with the diagnosis of schizophrenia, who spontaneously formulated very precise and capacious definition of creativity.

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