gulf of naples
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2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
Gabriele Del Gaizo ◽  
Luca Russo ◽  
Maria Abagnale ◽  
Angela Buondonno ◽  
Marta Furia ◽  

Plankton communities include both unicellular and multicellular organisms. An important unicellular component is represented by those protists (i.e., unicellular eukaryotes) that are non-strictly autotrophic organisms and consume bacteria and other protists. These organisms are an important link between primary producers and metazoans and are usually known as microzooplankton, protozooplankton, or mixoplankton, as many of them couple phagotrophic and photoautotrophic behaviours. Herein we report on the diversity of these organisms sampled at two sampling sites (coastal and offshore stations), at two depths (0 and 10 m), in the Gulf of Naples during the early autumn of 2020. Despite efforts to list plankton biodiversity of primary producers and metazoan grazers made in this area so far, protistan grazers are still poorly investigated and previous information date back to decades ago. Our survey identified dinoflagellates and oligotrich ciliates as the most abundant groups, while tintinnids were less quantitatively relevant. The taxonomic composition in samples investigated herein remarked that reported by previous studies, with the sole exception of the tintinnid Ascampbeliella armilla, which was never reported before. A coastal-offshore gradient in the taxonomical composition of protistan grazers was also observed, with some species more abundant within coastal waters and other better thriving in offshore ones. Surface and sub-surface communities also differed in terms of species composition, with the deeper communities in the two sites being more similar reciprocally than with communities at the surface. These differences were associated with distinct environmental conditions, such as light availability, as well with the standing feeding environment, arising potential implications in the functioning of the planktonic food web at the local scale.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (12) ◽  
pp. 3809-3825
Gaia Mattei ◽  
Diana Di Luccio ◽  
Guido Benassai ◽  
Giorgio Anfuso ◽  
Giorgio Budillon ◽  

Abstract. Destructive marine storms bring large waves and unusually high surges of water to coastal areas, resulting in significant damages and economic loss. This study analyses the characteristics of a destructive marine storm on the strongly inhabited coastal area of Gulf of Naples, along the Italian coasts of the Tyrrhenian Sea. This is highly vulnerable to marine storms due to the accelerated relative sea level rise trend and the increased anthropogenic impact on the coastal area. The marine storm, which occurred on 28 December 2020, was analyzed through an unstructured wind–wave coupled model that takes into account the main marine weather components of the coastal setup. The model, validated with in situ data, allowed the establishment of threshold values for the most significant marine and atmospheric parameters (i.e., wind intensity and duration) beyond which an event can produce destructive effects. Finally, a first assessment of the return period of this event was evaluated using local press reports on damage to urban furniture and port infrastructures.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
Florian Kokoszka ◽  
Daniele Iudicone ◽  
Adriana Zingone ◽  
Vincenzo Saggiomo ◽  
Maurizio Ribera D'Alcalá ◽  

This is a short communication about the inter-annual recurring presence at the coastal site in the Gulf of Naples of density staircases visible below the mixed surface layer of the water-column, from the end of summer to the beginning of winter, each year during nearly two decades of survey (2001 to 2020). We repetitively observe sequences from 1 to 4 small vertical staircases structures (~ 3 m thick) in the density profiles (~ Δ0.2 kg.m-3), located between 10 m to 50 m deep below the seasonal mixed layer depth. We interpret these vertical structures as the result of double diffusive processes that could host salt-fingering regime (SF) due to warm salty water parcels overlying on relatively fresher and colder layers. This common feature of the Mediterranean basin (i.e., the thermohaline staircases of the Tyrrhenian sea) may sign here for the lateral intrusions of nearshore water masses. These stably stratified layers are characterized by density ratio Rρ 5.0 to 10.0, slightly higher than the critical range (1.0 - 3.0) generally expected for fully developed salt-fingers. SF mixing, such as parameterized (Zhang et al., 1998), appears to inhibit weakly the effective eddy diffusivity with negative averaged value (~ - 1e-8 m2.s-1). A quasi 5-year cycle is visible in the inter-annual variability of the eddy diffusivity associated to SF, suggesting a decadal modulation of the parameters regulating the SF regime. Even contributing weakly to the turbulent mixing of the area, we hypothesis that SF could influence the seasonal stratification by intensifying the density of deep layers. Downward transfer of salt could have an impact on the nutrient supply for the biological communities, that remains to be determined.

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (24) ◽  
pp. 13199
Federica Di Costanzo ◽  
Valeria Di Dato ◽  
Leonardo Joaquim van Zyl ◽  
Adele Cutignano ◽  
Francesco Esposito ◽  

Diatoms are a successful group of microalgae at the base of the marine food web. For hundreds of millions of years, they have shared common habitats with bacteria, which favored the onset of interactions at different levels, potentially driving the synthesis of biologically active molecules. To unveil their presence, we sequenced the genomes of bacteria associated with the centric diatom Thalassiosira rotula from the Gulf of Naples. Annotation of the metagenome and its analysis allowed the reconstruction of three bacterial genomes that belong to currently undescribed species. Their investigation showed the existence of novel gene clusters coding for new polyketide molecules, antibiotics, antibiotic-resistance genes and an ectoine production pathway. Real-time PCR was used to investigate the association of these bacteria with three different diatom clones and revealed their preference for T. rotula FE80 and Skeletonema marinoi FE7, but not S. marinoi FE60 from the North Adriatic Sea. Additionally, we demonstrate that although all three bacteria could be detected in the culture supernatant (free-living), their number is up to 45 times higher in the cell associated fraction, suggesting a close association between these bacteria and their host. We demonstrate that axenic cultures of T. rotula are unable to grow in medium with low salinity (<28 ppt NaCl) whereas xenic cultures can tolerate up to 40 ppt NaCl with concomitant ectoine production, likely by the associated bacteria.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (23) ◽  
pp. 11460
Alberto Fortelli ◽  
Alessandro Fedele ◽  
Giuseppe De Natale ◽  
Fabio Matano ◽  
Marco Sacchi ◽  

The coastline of the Gulf of Naples, Italy, is characterized by a series of infrastructures of strategic importance, including touristic and commercial ports between Pozzuoli to Sorrento, main roads, railways, and urban areas. Furthermore, the Gulf of Naples hosts an intense traffic of touristic and commercial maritime routes. The risk associated with extreme marine events is hence very significant over this marine and coastal area. On 28 December 2020, the Gulf of Naples was hit by an extreme sea storm, with severe consequences. This study focuses on the waterfront area of Via Partenope, where the waves overrun the roadway, causing massive damage on coastal seawall, road edges, and touristic structures (primarily restaurants). Based on the analysis of the meteorological evolution of the sea storm and its effects on the waterfront, we suggest that reflective processes induced on the sea waves by the tuff cliffs at the base of Castel dell’Ovo had an impact in enhancing the local-scale waves magnitude. This caused in turn severe flooding of the roadway and produced widespread damage along the coast. The analysis of the event of 28 December 2020, also suggests the need of an effective mitigation policy in the management of coastal issues induced by extreme sea storm events. Wind-based analysis and prediction of the sea wave conditions are currently discussed in the literature; however, critical information on wave height is often missing or not sufficient for reliable forecasting. In order to improve our ability to forecast the effects of sea storm events on the coastline, it is necessary to analyze all the components of the coastal wave system, including wave diffraction and reflection phenomena and the tidal change. Our results suggest in fact that only an integrated approach to the analysis of all the physical and anthropic components of coastal system may provide a correct base of information for the stakeholders to address coastal zone planning and protection.

Quaternary ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 44
Gemma Aiello ◽  
Mauro Caccavale

This study discusses the siliciclastic to bioclastic deposits (in particular, the rhodolith deposits) in the Gulf of Naples based on sedimentological and seismo-stratigraphic data. The selected areas are offshore Ischia Island (offshore Casamicciola, Ischia Channel), where a dense network of sea-bottom samples has been collected, coupled with Sparker Multi-tip seismic lines, and offshore Procida–Pozzuoli (Procida Channel), where sea-bottom samples are available, in addition to Sparker seismic profiles. The basic methods applied in this research include sedimentological analysis, processing sedimentological data, and assessing seismo-stratigraphic criteria and techniques. In the Gulf of Naples, and particularly offshore Ischia, bioclastic sedimentation has been controlled by seafloor topography coupled with the oceanographic setting. Wide seismo-stratigraphic units include the bioclastic deposits in their uppermost part. Offshore Procida–Pozzuoli, siliciclastic deposits appear to prevail, coupled with pyroclastic units, and no significant bioclastic or rhodolith deposits have been outlined based on sedimentological and seismo-stratigraphic data. The occurrence of mixed siliciclastic–carbonate depositional systems is highlighted in this section of the Gulf of Naples based on the obtained results, which can be compared with similar systems recognized in the central Tyrrhenian Sea (Pontine Islands).

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Nadia Ruocco ◽  
Roberta Esposito ◽  
Giacomo Zagami ◽  
Marco Bertolino ◽  
Sergio De Matteo ◽  

AbstractAlthough the Mediterranean Sea covers approximately a 0.7% of the world’s ocean area, it represents a major reservoir of marine and coastal biodiversity. Among marine organisms, sponges (Porifera) are a key component of the deep-sea benthos, widely recognized as the dominant taxon in terms of species richness, spatial coverage, and biomass. Sponges are evolutionarily ancient, sessile filter-feeders that harbor a largely diverse microbial community within their internal mesohyl matrix. In the present work, we firstly aimed at exploring the biodiversity of marine sponges from four different areas of the Mediterranean: Faro Lake in Sicily and “Porto Paone”, “Secca delle fumose”, “Punta San Pancrazio” in the Gulf of Naples. Eight sponge species were collected from these sites and identified by morphological analysis and amplification of several conserved molecular markers (18S and 28S RNA ribosomal genes, mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit 1 and internal transcribed spacer). In order to analyze the bacterial diversity of symbiotic communities among these different sampling sites, we also performed a metataxonomic analysis through an Illumina MiSeq platform, identifying more than 1500 bacterial taxa. Amplicon Sequence Variants (ASVs) analysis revealed a great variability of the host-specific microbial communities. Our data highlight the occurrence of dominant and locally enriched microbes in the Mediterranean, together with the biotechnological potential of these sponges and their associated bacteria as sources of bioactive natural compounds.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (9) ◽  
pp. e0009698
Beniamino Caputo ◽  
Giuliano Langella ◽  
Valeria Petrella ◽  
Chiara Virgillito ◽  
Mattia Manica ◽  

In the last decades, the colonization of Mediterranean Europe and of other temperate regions by Aedes albopictus created an unprecedented nuisance problem in highly infested areas and new public health threats due to the vector competence of the species. The Sterile Insect Technique (SIT) and the Incompatible Insect Technique (IIT) are insecticide-free mosquito-control methods, relying on mass release of irradiated/manipulated males, able to complement existing and only partially effective control tools. The validation of these approaches in the field requires appropriate experimental settings, possibly isolated to avoid mosquito immigration from other infested areas, and preliminary ecological and entomological data. We carried out a 4-year study in the island of Procida (Gulf of Naples, Italy) in strict collaboration with local administrators and citizens to estimate the temporal dynamics, spatial distribution, and population size of Ae. albopictus and the dispersal and survival of irradiated males. We applied ovitrap monitoring, geo-spatial analyses, mark-release-recapture technique, and a citizen-science approach. Results allow to predict the seasonal (from April to October, with peaks of 928–9,757 males/ha) and spatial distribution of the species, highlighting the capacity of Ae. albopictus population of Procida to colonize and maintain high frequencies in urban as well as in sylvatic inhabited environments. Irradiated males shown limited ability to disperse (mean daily distance travelled <60m) and daily survival estimates ranging between 0.80 and 0.95. Overall, the ecological characteristics of the island, the acquired knowledge on Ae. albopictus spatial and temporal distribution, the high human and Ae. albopictus densities and the positive attitude of the resident population in being active parts in innovative mosquito control projects provide the ground for evidence-based planning of the interventions and for the assessment of their effectiveness. In addition, the results highlight the value of creating synergies between research groups, local administrators, and citizens for affordable monitoring (and, in the future, control) of mosquito populations.

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