catfish ponds
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Cahaya Khaeroni ◽  
Muhammad Nur

AbstrakPengembangan kewirausahaan pesantren menjadi sesuatu yang perlu untuk dikembangkan dengan tujuan untuk menumbuhkan semangat kemandirian pada para pengelola pondok pesantren. Hanya saja, sejauh ini masih banyak faktor kendala mengenai minimnya pengetahuan dan wawasan dari pihak pengelola pesantren mengenai pengelolaan wirausaha yang tepat, khususnya dalam hal pembudidayaan lele. Budidaya lele ini dipilih, mengingat peluang pasarnya sebenarnya cukup besar, dan pembudidayaannya cenderung relatif mudah dan praktis. Hanya saja sangat disayangkan, pola pembudidayaan lele yang pernah dicoba sejauh ini masih menggunakan sistem yang cenderung konvensional, sehingga selalu mengalami kegagalan. Padahal jika mau dikelola dengan sistem yang baik dan benar, peluang usaha dari budidaya lele ini bagitu sangat menjanjikan.Beranjak dari persoalan itulah, kegiatan pengabdian ini mencoba menawarkan pola pembudidayaan ikan lele dengan sistem bioflok. Berbeda dengan pola pengelolaan konvensional, sistem ini memungkinkan pembudidayaan ikan dengan lahan yang tidak perlu luas, namun dapat dilakukan dengan sistem tebar bibit ikan yang tinggi, hemat pakan ikan dan sekaligus ramah dari polusi lingkungan. Program ini mengambil tempat di Pondok pesantren Imadul Bilad Putri ‘Aisyiyah Imadul Bilad Kota Metro. Model pendekatan yang dipilih dalam pelaksanaan pengabdian masyarakat ini menggunakan pendekatan Partisipatoris. Pendekatan ini digunakan sebagai sebuah elemen dasar proses pemberdayaan masyarakat berupa partispasi dan mobilisasi sosial (social mobilisation). Target luaran dari kegiatan ini diantaranya, Pertama, Pembuatan kolam lele dengan sistem bioflok, kedua, Pembentukan kelompok/tim pengelola budidaya lele., ketiga, Penerbitan artikel pada jurnal ilmiah ber-ISSN. Kata kunci: Kemandirian Pesantren, pola pembudidayaan lele melalui sistem bioflok AbstractEntrepreneurship development of pesantren is something that needs to be developed with the aim to foster a spirit of independence in the boarding school managers. It's just that, so far there are still many obstacles to the lack of knowledge and insights from the pesantren management regarding proper entrepreneurial management, especially in terms of catfish cultivation. This catfish cultivation was chosen, considering the market opportunity is actually quite large, and cultivation tends to be relatively easy and practical. It's just a pity, the pattern of catfish farming that has been tried so far still uses a system that tends to be conventional, so it always fails. Whereas if it is managed with a good and right system, the business opportunity of catfish cultivation is very promising. Up from that problem, this service activity tries to offer a pattern of catfish farming with a biofloc system. In contrast to conventional management patterns, this system allows fish cultivation with land that does not need to be extensive, but can be done with a high fish seed stocking system, saving fish feed and at the same time friendly from environmental pollution. This program is located at Imadul Bilad Putri Islamic Boarding School 'Aisyiyah Imadul Bilad Metro City. The approach model chosen in the implementation of community service uses a participatory approach. This approach is used as a basic element of the community empowerment process in the form of participation and social mobilization. The output targets of this activity include, first, the making of catfish ponds with biofloc systems, second, the formation of catfish culture management groups / teams. Third, the publication of articles in ISSN scientific journals. Keywords: Islamic Boarding School Independence, catfish cultivation pattern through biofloc system

Abdul Halim ◽  
Suslam Pratamaningtyas

Tarbiyatul Iman Islamic Boarding School (PPTI) located on Jalan Perum Srigading Dalam Kav 11 Malang has a catfish breeding business under the name "Catfish PPTI". The catfish farmers group is a partner in the community partnership program (PKM). The partner group is hoping for good management of fish culture production. The appropriate technology is technology in cultivating fish with a "Bionic" system that combines organic fish farming with organic vegetable plants in limited lands, with the intention of feeding and place efficiency and operational costs. The implementation of PKM in Tarbiyatul Iman Islamic Boarding School (PPTI) begins with coordination with the management. PPTI already has 2 catfish ponds which have been managed as they are as learning media for students. With the existence of this PKM, the number of ponds owned by PPTI has become 7 ponds, plus the installation of aquaponics with a pot system and pipes. There are two aquaponic system models implemented in PPTI, namely the first model where vegetables are grown in pots filled with planting media consisting of gravel / zeolite and husks. Pond water is channeled into plant pots which are arranged on top of a pool and flows out into the pond. While the second model is pond water flowed into PVC pipes, where the pipes are perforated and filled with plants that have been planted in a net pot and the water will be re-inserted into the fish pond. AbstrakPondok Pesantren Tarbiyatul Iman (PPTI) yang berlokasi di Jalan Perum Srigading Dalam Kav 11 Malang mempunyai unit usaha budidya ikan lele dengan nama “Lele PPTI”. Kelompok pembudidaya ikan lele ini merupakan mitra program kemitraan masyarakat (PKM). Kelompok mitra mengharapkan manajemen produksi budidaya ikan yang baik. Teknologi tepat guna tersebut adalah teknologi membudidayakan ikan dengan sistem” Bionic” yaitu menggabungkan budidaya ikan secara organik dengan tanaman sayur organik di lahan terbatas, dengan maksud efisiensi pakan, tempat, serta biaya operasional. Pelaksanaan PKM di Pondok Pesantren Tarbiyatul Iman (PPTI) diawali koordinasi dengan para pengurus. PPTI sudah memiliki 2 buah kolam ikan lele yang selama ini dikelola apa adanya sebagai media pembelajaran bagi santri. Dengan adanya PKM ini, jumlah kolam yang dimiliki PPTI menjadi 7 buah kolam, ditambah dengan instalasi aquaponik sistem pot dan pipa. Ada dua model system aquaponik yang diterapkan, yaitu pertama dimana sayuran ditanam dalam pot yang diisi media tanam yang terdiri dari batu kerikil/zeolite dan sekam. Air kolam dialirkan ke pot-pot tanaman yang disusun di atas kolam ikan dan mengalir keluar kembali masuk ke kolam. Model kedua adalah air kolam dialirkan ke dalam pipa-pipa PVC, pipa-pipa tersebut dilubangi dan diisi tanaman yang telah disemaikan pada net pot dan air akan kembali dimasukkan ke dalam kolam ikan.

2020 ◽  
Vol 58 (3A) ◽  
pp. 59
Thinh Xuan Le ◽  
Hien Xuan Dang

Pangasius (Pangasianodon hypophthalmus) is a popular food in many countries around the world as well as Vietnam, at the same time, Pangasius (catfish) also brings great economic benefits from the exportation. However, unplanned catfish farming leads to environmental degradation. Fish farming is more susceptible to disease and consumes more water. Feed for fish is only partially used, the rest is released into the environment. The industrial feeds with high nutrient content, especially those rich in nitrogen (N) and phosphorous (P), are the strongest contributors to the water index. Thus, within high volume and high pollution levels of wastes from catfish pond which has had a great impact on the water environment, negatively affecting the catfish farming and the community. Modeling is a solution that helps to better control the biological processes in the pond, optimizes feed supply and water use. Modeling has many advantages compares to the real research because the cost is too expensive; requires too long time; does not affect to production or endangers to persons and equipment. In some cases, it is not possible to do experiments on real systems. Therefore, the application of the modelling is a suitable way to identify and control biological processes in catfish ponds. This research will study the plankton development processes taking place in catfish ponds by modeling using Matlab software to simulate the nutrition and development processes of fish in catfish ponds. These equations were solved by the fourth-order Runge-Kutta method and coded in the Matlab programming language.As a result, the plankton development processes of pangasius pond is simulated includes (green algae, cyanobacteria, diatoms), (the ratio of nitrogen content in green algae, cyanobacteria, diatoms), (the ratio of phosphorus content in green algae, cyanobacteria, diatoms) at different temperatures 28, 30oC.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (01) ◽  
pp. 14-21

The objectives of this study were to: 1) determine the integration business management between RMU services, duck livestock and catfish pond fisheries in Sidorahayu Village, Belitang District, Oku Timur Regency, 2) determine the amount of income received in the integration effort between RMU services, duck livestock and fisheries catfish ponds in Sidorahayu Village, Belitang District, Oku Timur Regency, 3) knowing how the community's perceptions and responses are regarding the integration effort between RMU services, ducks and catfish pond fisheries in Sidorahayu Village, Belitang District, East Oku Regency. The results showed that: 1) Management in the integration effort between RMU services, duck livestock and catfish pond fisheries in Sidorahayu Village, Belitang District, East OKU Regency in the procurement of inputs, namely by fulfilling the production facilities from local villages, then for cultivation it is carried out by the integration method or by how to combine more than one type of farming business in the same land, namely RMU services, ducks by generating two incomes, namely the production of eggs and broiler ducks, and catfish pond fisheries where the existence of the pond is used as a place for broiler duck ponds, 2) Efforts to integrate between RMU services, duck livestock and catfish pond fisheries in Sidorahayu Village earn an income of IDR 9,933,999,793.43 / year, 3) The perception of the Sidorahayu community towards integration efforts between RMU services, duck livestock and catfish pond fisheries is very agreeable (SS) with a percentage of 97 , 5% so that the business is feasible to be developed in Sidorahayu Village, Kecamata n Belitang, East OKU Regency.

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 73-82
Sri Intan Anggraini ◽  
Diana Arfiati ◽  
Happy Nursyam ◽  
Audina I. Pratiwi ◽  
Ekki Windi ◽  

To reduce organic waste in catfish maintenance media (Clarias gariepinus) and waste management wastes a cultivation management technology is needed, one of these technologies is bioremediation using Bacillus subtilis as a bioremediator. This study aims to analyze the parameters of organic matter content including TOM (Total Organic Matter), Protein, Carbohydrates and Fat. The study was conducted in January-February 2019. This study used a factorial completely randomized design (Factorial RAL) with the addition of Bacillus subtilis 4 treatments including controls (K = Control, D1 = 100 ml / L, D2 = 10 ml / L and D3 = 1 ml / L) at 24th, 48th, 72nd, 96th and 120th hours, consisting of three replications. The results obtained from this study indicate that the concentrations of each parameters in treatments D1, D2 and D3 were lower than those of controls, indicating that Bacillus subtilis can reduce organic waste from catfish ponds. The best treatment was W5D2 as bioremediation of catfish organic waste with the remaining TOM 16.23% with an efficiency value of 84%, remaining protein 86.66% with an efficiency value of 13%, remaining carbohydrate 63.91% with an efficiency value of 36% and remaining Fat 52.69% with an efficiency value of 47%.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 20
Muhammad Irfan Nasution ◽  
Muhammad Andi Prayogi ◽  
Jufrizen Jufrizen

<p>The Community Partnership Program has the theme of making community groups become entrepreneurs of catfish farming with biofloc ponds in Desa Marindal II Kec. Patumbak, Kabupaten Deli Serdang North Sumatra Province, encourages the empowerment of community groups towards productive entrepreneurs. This PKM has a short-term program that is to increase the ability to think and improve skills. The Community Partnership Implementation Program was held for 12 months with 2 PKM Partners namely 1) Marindal II Village Community Group and Joint Farmer Group. This PKM stage includes preparation, survey and location collection, analysis of potential and problems, focus group discussions (FGD), implementation of activities, monitoring and evaluation. The method used is using participatory participation methods, community empowerment, evaluation discussions, and monitoring. The output generated by the Community Partnership Program consists of 2 units of Bioflok catfish ponds, Catfish Seeds for enhancement, increasing competitiveness, the creation of new entrepreneurs in the community, producing catfish products, increasing science and technology in society and improving community governance that produces security.<br />Kata kunci: Community, Empowerment, Entrepreneurship, Catfish, Cultivation</p><p>Abstrak</p><p>Program Kemitraan Masyarakat (PKM) bertemakan menciptakan kelompok masyarakat menjadi wirausaha budidaya ikan lele dengan kolam bioflok di Desa Desa Marindal II Kec. Patumbak Kabupaten Deli Serdang Provinsi Sumatera Utara, bertujuan untuk pemberdayaan kelompok masyarakat menjadi wirausaha yang produktif. PKM ini memiliki program jangka pendek yaitu untuk meningkatkan kemampun berfikir dan keterampilan berusaha. Pelaksanaan Program Kemitraan Masyaraka (PKM) dilaksanakan selama 12 bulan dengan 2 Mitra PKM yaitu 1) Kelompok Masarakat Desa Marindal II dan Kelompok Tani Bersama. Tahapan PKM ini meliputi tahap persiapan, survei dan identifikasi lokasi, analisis potensi dan masalah, focuss group discussion (FGD), pelaksanaan kegiatan, monitoring dan evaluasi. Metode yang digunakan adalah dengan menggunakan metode pendekatan melalui pendekatan participatory , community empowerment, tahap evaluasi dan monitoring. Luaran yang dihasilkan PKM ini adalah 2 unit kolam ikan lele Bioflok, Benih Ikan Lele untuk Pembesaran, peningkatan daya saing, terciptanya wirausaha baru di masyarakat, menghasilkan produk ikan lele, peningkatan ipteks di masyarakat dan perbaikan tata nilai masyarakat berupa ketentaraman.<br />Kata kunci: Pemberdayaan, masyarakat, wirausaha, Budidaya, Ikan Lele</p><p> </p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 51 (3) ◽  
pp. 750-762 ◽  
Fred L. Cunningham ◽  
Katie C. Hanson‐Dorr ◽  
Lorelei Ford ◽  
David R. Middleton ◽  
Alex Crain ◽  

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