viable systems
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2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (4) ◽  
pp. 6-7
Nick Rushby ◽  

A long time ago and in a galaxy far away, my first degree was in electrical engineering. This was over fifty years ago, at a time when many people believe that technology-based learning had not been invented. This of course, is not true and is a consequence of amnesia in the education technology community (Rushby, 1983; Romiszowski & Rushby, 2015). However, it was not until the 1970s that viable systems to manage the learning process became available. By the late 1970s, Plato (developed by the University of Illinois) was supporting several thousand graphics terminals distributed worldwide, running on nearly a dozen different networked mainframe computers (Smith & Sherwood, 1976). So, my undergraduate course was wholly class-room (and laboratory) based.


The article forms the problem of low efficiency of the current system of environmental safety in road transport and identifies the need for the formation of a system of adaptive management of environmental and innovative activities of road transport enterprises. A model of the system of ecological and innovative management of MTE is proposed, which is based on the system approach and methodical apparatus of cybernetic modeling of viable systems. The transition from the functional approach to management used in the concept of viable systems to a more progressive process approach is justified, which will increase the versatility of the developed model. The enterprise management system is presented in the form of a metasystem (management entity) and an operational element (management object). The object of management is presented in the form of a system of management of MTE ecological innovations portfolios (subsystem of operational management). These projects are implemented in five basic business processes of the motor-transport enterprise: the main production processes; related processes; auxiliary processes; security processes; business processes management and development. The model of a viable system of ecological and innovative management of MTE provides development of a complex of models which ensure efficiency of introduction of ecological innovations in business processes of the enterprise. The use of the proposed model allows to increase the consistency, efficiency, accuracy, adequacy of management decisions; stability of functioning and adaptation to changing conditions of external and internal environment; increase the predictability and transparency of environmental innovation activities of the MTE, which improves the efficiency and effectiveness of the enterprise. The result of applying a viable management model is to improve the manageability of the system and increase the level of environmental monitoring of the process of providing road transport services. The results of the study contribute to the formation of a systematic view of the adaptive management of environmental and innovative activities of the MTE in the scientific concept of modeling viable systems.

2021 ◽  
Sara Harrison

<p>Although recurring sports events are held more frequently and by a larger number of cities than one-off events, little research has examined the branding process within large international recurring sports events, nor specifically within the New Zealand context. The research is based off Parent et al.’s (2012) model of brand creation in the context of the Sevens Wellington rugby tournament, which is held at Waitangi weekend in February each year in New Zealand.  The research seeks to understand the broader issue of brand creation and brand identity for the tournament and aims to provide qualitative and empirical insights that will influence the continued evolution and strategic management of the brand. This research was conducted within a framework of qualitative exploratory methodology and employed an inductive method, incorporating case study research in the form of face-to-face interviews. Key implications and findings from the case data were then interpreted utilising Stafford Beer’s Viable Systems Model (VSM) as a framework to understand systemic functions, analyse and make sense of the data (Brocklesby & Cummings, 1996). A revised conceptual model of brand creation for the Sevens Wellington is then presented.  The research findings have shown the relative importance of each factor in the creation of the Sevens Wellington brand and inform recommendations for the continued evolution of the brand. As a consequence, the NZRU and WRFU will be able to determine how best to create additional value through an enhanced understanding of Parent et al.’s (2012) model and systemic functions.  The study has contributed to the literature of brand creation and has also revised Parent et al.’s (2012) model, specifically within the New Zealand and Rugby Sevens contexts. In addition, the study has also contributed to the sport specific event management knowledge and understanding within the New Zealand sport event management context in general.</p>

2021 ◽  
Sara Harrison

<p>Although recurring sports events are held more frequently and by a larger number of cities than one-off events, little research has examined the branding process within large international recurring sports events, nor specifically within the New Zealand context. The research is based off Parent et al.’s (2012) model of brand creation in the context of the Sevens Wellington rugby tournament, which is held at Waitangi weekend in February each year in New Zealand.  The research seeks to understand the broader issue of brand creation and brand identity for the tournament and aims to provide qualitative and empirical insights that will influence the continued evolution and strategic management of the brand. This research was conducted within a framework of qualitative exploratory methodology and employed an inductive method, incorporating case study research in the form of face-to-face interviews. Key implications and findings from the case data were then interpreted utilising Stafford Beer’s Viable Systems Model (VSM) as a framework to understand systemic functions, analyse and make sense of the data (Brocklesby & Cummings, 1996). A revised conceptual model of brand creation for the Sevens Wellington is then presented.  The research findings have shown the relative importance of each factor in the creation of the Sevens Wellington brand and inform recommendations for the continued evolution of the brand. As a consequence, the NZRU and WRFU will be able to determine how best to create additional value through an enhanced understanding of Parent et al.’s (2012) model and systemic functions.  The study has contributed to the literature of brand creation and has also revised Parent et al.’s (2012) model, specifically within the New Zealand and Rugby Sevens contexts. In addition, the study has also contributed to the sport specific event management knowledge and understanding within the New Zealand sport event management context in general.</p>

I. N. Zimin ◽  
V. M. Kartvelishvili

The study continues the study of the fundamental characteristics of models of viable systems conducted by the authors. The current issues of construction, reorganization and preservation of the life-incapable structure of a higher educational institution - university U, representing a recursive active subsystem of the educational environment, which is part of the universe-society, are considered. The formalized definitions of an absolutely viable, viable, conditionally viable and non-viable system are given, allowing from a mathematical point of view to assess the optimality of the structure and the efficiency of the system functioning. The analysis of the structure and functioning of a viable university is implemented in the conceptual framework of foresight design based on logframe technologies, which makes it possible to create a system that meets the strategic goals of the universe and the tactical settings of the educational environment. In the process of describing logframe methods based on the foresight approach, real risk situations arising in the modern education system, the university environment and higher educational institutions due to economic, social, managerial and psychological factors of the impact of external and internal environments of recursive active systems are significantly taken into account. The presented conceptual schemes allow us to take into account not only the structural features of the educational organization, but also the psychosocial situation in the team, which determines the stimulating and motivational aspects of personnel management. Examples of higher educational institutions are given, whose structures and training procedures have effectively met and continue to meet the needs and goals of the universe for several successive technological structures, remaining advanced educational and scientific-educational systems of the world level. A brief overview of research and practices in the presented field of knowledge is given, based on the approaches and methods of teaching, scientific and teaching experience of the authors. The presented material is useful for the process of formalization of conceptual aspects of the theory of viable systems, classification of risk situations in the educational process, adaptation of foresight and logframe technologies to the practice of diagnosing and designing effective educational structures that meet the modern socio-economic requirements of technological structures of developed societies.

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Sergio Barile ◽  
Clara Bassano ◽  
Paolo Piciocchi ◽  
Marialuisa Saviano ◽  
James Clinton Spohrer

Purpose Technology is revolutionizing the management logic of service systems. The increasing use of artificial intelligence (AI), in particular, is challenging interaction between humans and machines changing the service systems’ value co-creation configurations and logic. To envision possible future scenarios, this paper aims to reflect upon how the humans’ use of AI technology can impact value co-creation. Design/methodology/approach The study is developed, at a conceptual level, using selected elements from managerial and marketing theoretical frameworks interested in value co-creation – Service-Dominant Logic, Service Science and Viable Systems Approach (VSA) – used as interpretative tools to reframe value co-creation in the digital age. Findings The interpretative approach adopted and, in particular, the new VSA notion of Intelligence Augmentation (IA), in the perspective of the information variety model, shed new light on value co-creation in the digital age framing a possible “IA effect” that can empower value co-creation in complex decision-making contexts. Practical implications The study provides insights useful in the design and management of service systems suggesting a rethinking of the view of AI as a means for mainly increasing the smartness of service systems and a new focus on the enhancement of the human resources contribution to make the service systems wiser. Originality/value The paper provides a refocused interpretative view of the interaction between humans and AI that looks at a possible positive impact of the use of AI on humans in terms of augmented decision-making capabilities in conditions of complexity.

2021 ◽  
Vol 28 (2) ◽  
pp. 308-322
Citlalli Macías-Barreto ◽  
Mario Aguilar-Fernández

Given the tendency of design to intervene in marginalized artisan communities as a strategy to face the demand for their products, this research was focused on the difficulties that artisan enterprises face when moving from the family economic unit to a productive network structure with territorial span. For this reason, it was proposed to answer, how design processes should be integrated into indigenous contexts, in order to improve the systemic viability of these artisan enterprises. Together with the Viable Systems Model, the Soft Systems Methodology was chosen to intervene in a náhuatl artisan enterprise in Mexico. The results provide an environment-oriented design methodological model, to be implemented in small and medium- sized enterprises that wish to improve their ability to work as an integrated whole, and to adapt to the opportunities or threats of the environment. It is concluded that the systematization of the design practice contributes, not only to improving the artisan product, but also, to the strengthening of enterprises in indigenous contexts.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (17) ◽  
pp. 9696
Sergio Barile ◽  
Clara Bassano ◽  
Raffaele D’Amore ◽  
Paolo Piciocchi ◽  
Marialuisa Saviano ◽  

The main purpose of this contribution is twofold: from a scientific point of view, to interpret the symbiotic logic through the framework of the Viable Systems approach (vSa), and from a managerial viewpoint, to provide the actors of industrial symbiosis initiatives, at any stage of their life cycle, with a guide to the most promising web-based solutions in terms of defining the best configuration for the symbiotic network. The article, therefore, aims to provide an in-depth study of the existing literature, which is still not exhaustive, and to consider synoptically and comparatively the modern platforms capable of supporting industrial symbiosis initiatives. The objective was pursued by examining 10 existing and functioning Web-based platforms, of which only a few were previously explored in the previous literature, while the recognition of the latter was carried out on a bibliometric basis to articulate in more detail the existing gap based on a panel of contributions as large as possible. The joint consideration of the literature review and the examination of the existing and functioning platforms shows an articulated framework of approaches, proposed models, and classification schemes of their functions, which allows us to conclude that given the sectoral, territorial, and specific characteristics of the materials addressed by each platform and considering the different cycles existing in eco-industrial parks (water, energy, by-products, etc.), the most promising way for their implementation is to consider multiple platforms to fully exploit the contribution of each of them. As for the management implications, the suggestion is to integrate the results obtained from the different platforms and to evaluate the configurational alternatives with multi-criteria procedures.

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