ship owner
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2021 ◽  
Vol 157 (A4) ◽  
J Carral ◽  
L Carral ◽  
J Fraguela ◽  
R Villa

Stricter guidelines, hand in hand with continuous technological advances, mean that vessels are safer and more efficient. At the same time, these changes make ships more complex and expensive. However, this is not the case with mooring equipment. Regulations vary in content, but have the same objective. They fail to improve the ships’ safety and prices are negatively affected. A vessel’s mooring system has to take into account various sets of regulations, including those of the country under whose flag it is sailing; the classification societies; ship owner associations and the terminal ports. This paper will analyse the contents of all these regulations in an attempt to find what they have in common. Its next purpose is to propose guidelines with unified contents. The proposal is to harmonise regulations that affect the mooring winch’s operation, design and construction. With standardised regulations, it would be possible to carry out a single design process and one calculation for components. These steps will be apt for every kind of project. By unifying this process, the final price of manufacturing equipment will be reduced.

E M Priyanto ◽  
A I Ölçer ◽  
D Dalaklis ◽  
F Ballini

This analysis aims to provide insight and to explore the future usage of methanol as an alternative marine fuel for domestic ships in Indonesia. An overview of potential application, analysis of resources availability, and stakeholder readiness on the topic are provided; related challenges are also identified and further examined. The potential performance of methanol as a fuel is discussed and evaluated via two different perspectives (the ship-owner perspective and the government one) through case studies of two passenger ships owned by the shipping company Pelayaran Indonesia (PELNI): MV. Labobar and MV. Gunung Dempo. As ship-owners tend to look very closely at the economic aspects, a feasibility study is performed by developing a combinatorial scenario approach based on the combination of economic measures of merit (NPV and payback period) along with a technical scenario (main-pilot fuel set-up); the variables included in the calculation are: ship age, ship productivity, and macro-economy conditions. Regarding the government perspective, the main issues are environmental protection and policy compliance. These issues are evaluated by examining six emission types (NOx, SOx, CO2, CH4, N2O, and PM). Additionally, since there is a trade-off situation in government subsidies between the government and ship-owner interests, an optimisation and sensitivity analysis is performed by utilizing a combinatorial scenario model to determine optimum methanol price and external variables influencing the decision to support further use of methanol in the Indonesian market. An important finding was that Indonesia has certain advantages/drives to introduce methanol as a marine fuel. However, methanol competitiveness is mainly dependent on ship productivity and the price difference between methanol and marine diesel oil (MDO). Additionally, policy analysis (through an optimisation approach) could be one of the government options in order to determine the optimum condition in establishing methanol as a marine fuel. Finally, short, medium, and long term recommendations are also provided as the basis for future consideration.

A K Dev ◽  
M Saha

The duration of stay of a ship in a drydock depends on the scope of routine underwater (submerged portion of the ship’s hull) repairing works (dry-docking works only) to be carried out. More specifically, the repairing works that are affected by outside water. These are, mainly, hull cleaning, coating (blasting and painting), rudder, propeller, stern tube aft seal, hull anodes, ICCP, sea valves, sea chests, tunnel thruster(s), bottom plugs, underwater structural steel (bottom and shipside) and so on. These dry-docking works dictate ships’ dry-docking time (days) and labour (man-days). Then what about the deadweight, age and type? Do these have any impact on dry-docking time and labour? An attempt has been made in this article to examine if there exist any possible relationship between a ships’ dry-docking time and its labour, and deadweight, age and type. Dry-docking time and related information for 586 cargo ships and dry-docking labour and related information for 50 cargo ships of various deadweights, ages and types were collected from a single shipyard. These were analyzed and presented in both tabular and graphical forms to demonstrate the possible relationship between dry-docking time and labour, and deadweight, age and type of ships. Ships’ dry-docking time and labour are very vital for both the ship owner and the shipyard because various charges in drydock are many folds higher than that at quay- side. As such, the reduction in ships’ dry-docking time and labour contributes in saving for the ship owner and increases the earning for the shipyard. A proper estimation of ships’ dry-docking time and labour can achieve this. In order to do so, the past information/data about ships’ dry-docking time and labour may serve a practical guide to prepare an achievable time and labour planning for dry-docking works. In this article, the authors have attempted to identify the independent variables that influence ships’ dry-docking time and labour (dependent variables) and suggested their possible inter-relationships. The inter-relationships between the independent variables (deadweight, age and type) and dependent variables (time and labour) appear to be linear.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (5) ◽  
pp. 615-630
Hee-Sung Yun ◽  
Seong-Soon Cho

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (5) ◽  
pp. 621-637
Hee-Sung Yun ◽  
Seong-Soon Cho

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 119
Ulfi Febrianti ◽  
Irma Suryani

This paper aims to explain the fiqh muamalah review of the contract agreement and the pattern of the profit sharing agreement system for gold mining vessels in Nagari Koto Tuo, Sijunjung Regency. This research is a qualitative research. Data collection techniques through interviews and observation. Primary data sources consist of land owners, ship owners and workers, as well as supporting data consisting of library data related to profit sharing. The data analysis technique used is descriptive qualitative analysis. This study found that the contract made in the gold mining ship business is a cooperation agreement. The contract takes place orally and in writing. First, the form of the contract in the gold mining ship business, the land owner and the ship owner are called syirkah and the ship owner with other investors is called syirkah mufawadah. Second, the form or method of managing the gold mining ship business, ship owners and workers, is called syirkah. Third, profit sharing in the gold mining ship business of land owners, ship owners, and workers is called syirkah mudharabah. However, their profit sharing system is a new profit sharing system, namely a profit sharing system based on their knowledge alone. Therefore, there is an element of ambiguity or gharar in the profit-sharing system that they do. However, this can still be done as long as there is an agreement.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 272-277
Khairuman Khairuman ◽  
Taruna Taruna ◽  
Racmad Ozy Hutauruk

Abstrak. PT. Snepac Shipping Batam mempunyai peranan yang sangat penting dalam Proses pengurusan kegiatan kapal yang membawa muatan yang angkut lanjut dan diangkut terus ke kantor Bea Cukai. Peranan PT. Snepac Shipping Batam di mulai dalam memproses kegiatan angkut lanjut dan angkut terus dari sebelum kedatangan kapal sampai kapal akan berangkat ke pelabuhan selanjutnya, biasanya agen menerima manifest report, sertifikat registry atau surat laut, Bill of Loading, packing list dan dokumen lainya dari Kapten kapal, Ship Owner atau pencharter, Sebelum kedatangan kapal agen harus melakukan pemberitahuan Rencana Kedatangan Sarana Pengangkut (RKSP) ke kantor Bea dan Cukai paling lambat 24 jam sebelum kedatangan Sarana Pengangkut / kapal, selanjutnya akan keluar surat dengan nomor pendaftaran berupa BC 1.0 dari Bea Cukai. Setelah kapal tiba di pelabuhan maka selanjutnya harus mensubmit inward manifest dari sistem modul manifes Batam dan keluar surat dengan nomor pendaftaran berupa BC 1.1 in dan selanjutnya membuat permohonan online pada sistem Ionbeta Bea Cukai Batam dan melampirkan surat permohonan, surat pernyataan, surat kuasa dan dokumen Bill of Loading serta memasukan nomor pendaftaran berupa BC 1.1 in setelah surat persetujuan pengeluaran barang yang akan di angkut lanjut keluar maka selanjutnya melaporkan pemberitahuan inward manifest in ke kantor pelayanan penyidikan dan penindakan Bea Cukai dan turun bersama petugas ke kapal / dermaga untuk melakukan penyegelan terhadap muatan yang akan diangkut lanjut dan sebelum keberangkatan kapal harus mensubmit outward manifest terlebihdahulu maka akan keluar nomor pendaftaran berupa BC 1.1 out setelah itu ke kantor pelayanan penyidikan dan penindakan Bea Cukai untuk melaporkan outward manifest dan turun bersama petugas Bea Cukai ke dermaga untuk melakukan pembukaan segel terhadap barang yang akan diangkut lanjut, dalam melakukan pengurusan dokumen kapal di kantor Bea Cukai terdapat beberapa instansi - instansi terkait seperti Kantor Pelabuhan (KANPEL), Syahbandar, Karantina dan Imigrasi, PT. Snepac Shipping Batam selalu menjaga hubungan yang baik tersebut dapat menjaga proses pelancaran pengurusan dokumen kapal angkut lanjut dan angkut terus tersebut. Untuk pengambilan data Penulis menggunakan 2 (dua) jenis penelitian, yaitu metode penngumpulan data lapangan (field research) dan metode pengumpulan data pustaka (Library research).

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 245-249
Dafid Ginting ◽  
Dicky Geofany Ginting

Abstrak. PT. Gesuri Lloyd Cabang Kuala Tanjung adalah perusahaan yang bergerak di dalam bidang jasa yang bergerak melayani pelayaran internasional maupun pelayaran lokal. Dalam arti perwakilan dari ship owner / principal untuk pengurusan dokumen – dokumen dan kebutuhan –kebutuhan kapal di dalam pelabuhan. Adapun instansi dalam menangani kebutuhan kapal yang terlibat antara lain, yaitu Syahbandar, Bea Cukai, Imigrasi, Karantina, Kepanduan dan BP Laut Kuala Tanjung. Dalam menangani kebutuhan kapal harus di lakukan dengan cepat dan tepat agar terhindar dari keterlambatan perjanjian yang telah dibuat, Maka untuk mengatasi masalah itu dibutuhkan hubungan yang baik dengan intansi – instansi yang terkait di pelabuhan. Dalam mencapai tujuan operasional harus aktif dalam bekerja, mengurus dan menangani kebutuhan kapal sehingga pengguna jasa dapat puas dalam pelayanan kapal. Untuk menunjang pelayanan keagenan terhadap kapal agar memuaskan pelanggan atau pengguna jasa seperti yang di harapkan, maka perlu di buat langkah – langkah yang tepat untuk melaksanakan tugas pokok perusahaan. Dalam hal ini PT.Gesuri Lloyd harus bisa mengatasi dan berusaha meningkatkan pelayanannya. Selain itu manajemen juga harus bisa mengambil kebijakan – kebijakan yang tepat untuk meningkatkan kinerja di pelabuhan PT.inalum sehingga kegiatan pelabuhan dapat bekerja secara efektif dan efisien. Adapun metode yang di gunakan dalam penulisan ini yaitu metode penelitian lapangan (field research) dan studi pustaka (Library Research).

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (02) ◽  
pp. 183
Aldila Anggun Kinanti ◽  
Moh. Agung Surianto ◽  
Abdurrahman Faris Indriya Himawan

Background - Companies need good employees as one of the company's assets who have an important role in carrying out organizational activities. Employees who are needed are not only capable, competent and skilled, but most importantly they also have a high sense of loyalty. Loyalty is necessary so that these employees can work not only for themselves but also for the advancement of the company. Purpose – The purpose of this research is to analyze the loyalty of the ship crew (ABK) Pinisi Ship Fleet PT. Aswil Lautan Sejati. Design/ Methodology/ Approach - Using qualitative methods with a phenomenological study model. The informants in this study were ship crew (ABK) who had worked for at least 10 years (3 people), then the ship's captain and ship owner. Data collection techniques using interviews, with data analysis techniques using data reduction, data presentation, conclusions and verification. Conclusion - The crew members are capable and responsible for carrying out work based on their position and the relationship between the ship owner and the crew is like there is no distance. Supporting loyalty in profit-sharing compensation is the best way for ABK to feel. Result and discussion - Based on the results of the study, the researchers concluded that the crew members are loyal to the company which is shown by their attitudes and behavior at work and towards colleagues and superiors even though there is no guarantee / insurance in doing their job. Research Implication- be a reference in strategies to improve employee welfare, not financial aspects, but also non-financial aspects such as health and safety insurance.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 221
Hongjun Fan ◽  
Huan Tu ◽  
Hossein Enshaei ◽  
Xiangyang Xu ◽  
Ying Wei

Ship-source air pollutants, especially sulphur oxides (SOx), have a major impact on human health, the marine environment and the natural resources. Therefore, control of SOx emissions has become a main concern in the maritime industry. The International Maritime Organization (IMO) has set a global limit on sulphur content of 0.50% m/m (mass by mass) in marine fuels which has entered into effect on 1 January 2020.To comply with the sulphur limits, ship owners are facing the need to select suitable abatement solutions. The choice of a suitable solution is a compromise among many issues, but the economic performance offers the basis for which ones are attractive to ship owners. Currently, there are three technologically feasible SOx abatement solutions that could be used by ships, namely, liquified natural gas (LNG) as a fuel (Solution A), scrubbers (Solution B) and low-sulphur fuel oil (LSFO) (Solution C). To compare the economic performances of the mentioned three solutions for a newbuilding very large crude carrier (VLCC), this paper proposes a voyage expenses-based method (VEM). It was found that, within the initial target payback period of 6 years, Solution A and C are more expensive than Solution B, while Solution C is more competitive than Solution A. Five scenarios of target payback years were assumed to compare the trends of the three proposed solutions. The results show that Solution B maintains its comparative advantage. As the assumed target payback years becomes longer, the economy of Solution A gradually improves and the economics of Solution B and C gradually decline. A comparison between Solution A and C shows 6.5 years is a turning point. The advantage of Solution A is prominent after this payback period. In addition, the performance of a certain solution in terms of adaptability to the IMO greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions regulations is also a factor that ship owner need to consider when making decisions. In conclusion, when the IMO air pollutant regulations and GHG regulations are considered simultaneously, the advantages of using LNG are obvious.

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