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Tourism being observed as a supply chain, this article describe its practices under a conceptual research framework with a special reference to education tourism. The author projects the education tourism as a continuum where both service supply chains of education and tourism are integrated. The research implication is directed towards the cross-sectoral objectives of communities involving the tourists, students and destination communities. The original thoughts and value propositions in this research are portrayed as a supply chain framework. Unlike goods supply chain management, the service supply chain of education tourism grows complex due to the coexistence of the overlapping service objectives for education and tourism. Education tourism deals with students and tourists frequently interchanging their roles; leveraging the services of the vendors and outsourced partners. The increasing complexity of education tourism demands smart technology applications to manage it as an integrated total supply chain.

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (11) ◽  
pp. 716-733
Avinash Reddy Nandikonda ◽  
Praveen Kumar Munari ◽  

This study is done to investigate whether the environmental attitudes and product attributes of eco-friendly products, perceived importance of a company’s environmental activities influence the consumer buying behavior of environmentally friendly fashion goods, which also includes the satisfaction of the consumers towards the eco-friendly fashion products. To conduct the study, the authors have prepared a questionnaire suitable for the study which was responded to by 400 people. In our study, the authors obtained the results that consumer’s environmental concern and their purchases of environmentally safe household items have a positive influence on the purchasing of environmentally safe fashion products by consumers. Second, the authors found that the importance of the buyer to the products eco-friendly attributes has a (+ve) influence on the buying behavior of environmentally safe fashion products. Third, the authors found that the corporate environmental activities value is not having a significant effect on the consumer’s purchase habits of environmentally safe fashion items. Finally, the authors found that consumers’ purchase behavior of environmentally safe fashion products has a huge positive influence on the satisfaction, trust of the consumers, and repurchase intention of the consumers. Where the authors have found that the trust and satisfaction of customers lead to the intention to repurchase environmentally safe fashion goods. Here the research implication was discussed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
pp. 619
Agus Tryanto ◽  
Moch Sukardjo ◽  
Eveline Siregar

The lack of variety of learning is carried out by Homeschooling, while Homeschooling is required to be more creative, independent, and innovative. Blended learning will be an innovative learning option and according to the character of Homeschooling. This study aims to develop blended learning in science subjects with the WISE approach in Homeschooling. The research is entitled development research (R&D). The development method uses a flipped learning model with a web-based design model with data collection using data triangulation. The instrument used to collect data is a questionnaire. The product will go through an evaluation process from experts and evaluate its feasibility and effectiveness. Expert reviews consist of reviews of media experts and learning design experts and reviews of material and language experts. The feasibility stage is carried out by one-to-one test, small group test, and field test. In comparison, the effectiveness test is carried out to summative evaluation by calculating the N-Gain score. The final result states that blended learning is feasible with an average of 3.5 on expert reviews, which is very good and effective with the calculation results of the average N-Gain 0.61 in the excellent category. So with Blended Learning, learning in Homeschooling becomes creative, innovative, and independent. The research implication is that the application of blended learning in Homeschooling will increase a pleasant learning atmosphere.

TEM Journal ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 1879-1883
Binar Kurnia Prahani ◽  
Budi Jatmiko ◽  
Bambang Hariadi ◽  
Maria Josephine Dewiyani Sunarto ◽  
Tri Sagirani ◽  

Education Design Research (EDR) focuses on producing a Blended Web Mobile Learning (BWML) to increase the students’ HOTs of senior high school. The BWML model in each phase is supported by using the MoLearn application (web and mobile version). The results indicate that the BWML model is proven to be valid, practical and effective in improving HOTs of senior high school students. Research implication such as: (1) The BWML model can be used as an alternative to digital-based learning, (2) The BWML model can be a reference for developing a hybrid learning model in COVID-19 pandemic, (3) The research result can be used as empirical data that web and mobile integration in learning has proven successful.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 167
Ni Putu Ari Mardanti ◽  
Ida Bagus Gede Surya Abadi

Lack of learning support materials and the need for media development to assist teachers in explaining learning materials. Learning is only based on the theme book. Therefore, it is necessary to develop animated videos with a contextual approach to the content of science material. This study aims to develop an animated video learning media with a contextual approach to the content of science material. This type of research is the development of the ADDIE model development research model. Data collection methods used are questionnaires or questionnaires, interview methods, and document recording methods. Data analysis techniques used are qualitative analysis techniques and quantitative analysis techniques. The subject of this research is the development of animated video media. The results of this study are a description of the design and development of animated video media with a contextual approach in the form of product development documentation and validation according to subject content experts' reviews which obtained a score of 100% very good qualification, a review of learning design experts obtained a score of 97% with very good qualifications. Learning media expert reviews obtained a score of 97% with very good qualifications, and media expert reviews were obtained by 97.3% with very good qualifications and group expert reviews with 98.67% gains with very good qualifications. So it can be said as the development of animated video media with a contextual approach is very well used in fourth-grade science material in elementary schools. The research implication is that contextual approach animation video media can help students in learning.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 149-170
Hatta Fakhrurrozi ◽  
Saepudin Mashuri

The disparity in the equality of education in Indonesia, especially in backwoods areas, is one of the problems of education in Indonesia. One of the Government's action in overcoming this gap is by distributing teachers to remote areas of the country. In addition, the government also stipulates several laws and regulations as the formal legality of education in backwoods communities. This study aims to explore the possibility of implementing the homeschool education model (homeschooling) for backwoods communities, as an effort to applied Islamic subject matter and prevail education in Indonesia. This study uses a naturalistic phenomenological approach, using triangulation as one of the data analyzes. The research location is in Hansibong, a backwoods hamlet in the Sojol mountains of ParigiMoutong district, Central Sulawesi. The results of this study found that education in Hansibong is carried out informally within the family. Learning process is held in a traditional way, using very minimal of media, methods and subject matter. The material taught is limited to morality values, reading and writing, arithmetic and the ability to survive in nature. Islamic education in its function as a strengthening of cognitive intelegence, morals, spirituality and nationality has not been provided in learning at home. As a research implication, a homeschooling socialization effort is needed so that the student community can continue to a higher level. The implementation of homeschooling that is not in accordance with the technical guidelines issued by the government will only disserve students because learning outcomes cannot be equalized with existing education levels.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (03) ◽  
pp. 264
Siti Rokhayah ◽  
Ahadiati Rohmatiah ◽  
Mutmainah Mutmainah

Background – Supervision of employees needs to be done optimally in order to achieve company goals. Supervision of employee attendance due to frequent absenteeism requires company action to be able to discipline employees. For example, the use of a fingerprint attendance machine in the Madiun City Regional Secretariat. Purpose – To know about the effect of effectiveness of fingerprint attendance application on employee discipline as measured using practical dimensions, accurate dimensions, and security dimensions. Design/ Methodology/ Approach – This research is quantitative research. The samples in this research are all of Madiun City Regional Secretariat employee. Their fingerprints have been recorded by the company. They numbered 159 people. Sampling technique use saturated sample. Data analysis in this research use multiple linier regression analysis. Result and discussion – This research result show that practical dimension, accurate dimension, and security dimension effect to discipline of work employee, partially and simultaneously in the Madiun City Regional Secretariat. Accurate dimension is dominant variable. Research Implication - The results of this study can be used as a reference in conducting performance appraisals and employee supervision. Limitations - This research was conducted at the Madiun City Regional Secretariat and is devoted to employees whose fingerprints have been registered on the fingerprint attendance machine.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 63-69
Hasriyanti Hasriyanti ◽  
Hendra Hendra

This study aims to: 1) find out the opportunities for Bontolebang fishermen's households to survive, 2) find out the strategies of fishermen households to survive through job diversification. This type of research is ethnographic qualitative. Data was collected by observation, interviews, and documentation. The data analysis used is qualitative data analysis through the reduction stage, data presentation and conclusion drawing. The results showed that the strategy adopted was an adaptation strategy, and a job diversification strategy by empowering fisherwomen and women-headed households (WKRT) of fishermen, both related to fishing and outside activities. Job diversification opportunities have a dependence on nature that provides resources, so that resource potential is optimized in job diversification alternatives. The diversity of characteristics of the natural environment that each fisherman has. Fishing for fishermen's households is a speculative activity, therefore, fishermen always have an uncertain income. Women become an important part in fulfilling the needs of household life because of the system based on the division of labor. The research implication is that the government, stakeholders and other communities can work together with each other to build policies, or go directly to build fishing villages that are low-income

Media Wisata ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
Yudi Setiaji

Satisfaction and rebuying become the key factor influencing the advantage and growth of tourism companies in a long term. This research test the model of the relation of quality perception, satisfaction, and rebuying tourist market which a mediated by trust.The questioner was used to collect the data from 300 respondents, test the validity and reliability confirmation with the coefficient of Cronbach alpha. Analyse the data to test the hypothesis this research used a structural equation model healthily to collect the data. The result of the empirical study indicates that a whole found a causality relation at four accurate a company, satisfaction directly influenced by the perception of quality and rebuying mediated by trust of a customer to the company.This research implication indicates that the company owning higher level tourist satisfaction storey; level will be easier to customer becomes the devoted to doing the rebuying, therefore strengthen the ability and improve its speciality go together with the customer service, will make the company do not only limited to able to hold out attacked from serangan competitor but also able to grow healthily industrial market service which hyper-competition.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 336
Albert Zeksen ◽  
Sugeng P. Harianto ◽  
Yulia Rahma Fitriana ◽  
Gunardi Djoko Winarno

A monkey forest tourism park is a tourist attraction whose function is to preserve the long tailed monkey’s (Macaca fascicularis) population and to benefit it as a tourist attraction. The research was taking place at the Monkey Forest Tourism Park/Taman Wisata Hutan Kera (TWHK) Bandar Lampung in Bandar Lampung City, Lampung Province, in November 2018. This study objective was to understand he interaction between monkeys and tourists influence the daily activities of long-tailed monkeys, by etermining the behavior of eating, resting, and moving. The dialy tourist presence was observed in order to analyse this impact to anaimal behavior. Observations in this research were carried out using the scan sampling method by observing and recording continuously the daily behavior over a certain period of time. The research was conducted in the period of time at 6:00 AM to 18:00 PM WIB with intervals observation time for 30 minutes for 14 consecutive days. The results showed 50% switching behavior, 31% resting, and 19% eating of all daily behavior. Factors that influence the most dominant behavior are the presence of natural food in TWHKis very small and the dependence of long-tailed monkeys to receive food from tourists. A long-tailed monkey’s natural food source at TWHK is the main factor influencing behavior change.The research implication is the enrichment of feed sources both type and amount of feed is important in TWHK

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