literate society
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2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (58) ◽  
pp. 22-32
Ricardo Gondim de Carvalho ◽  
Aurenia Pereira de França

Resumo: Este artigo trata-se de uma pesquisa de caráter bibliográfico com o objetivo de analisar a importância da leitura para o desenvolvimento pessoal e profissional do indivíduo, bem como, descrever o conceito de leitura, apresentar a participação das instituições no fomento à leitura, e compreender a importância da leitura na construção do indivíduo. Apresenta a seguinte problemática: Qual a importância da leitura na construção pessoal e profissional do indivíduo? Para embasar a discussão foram consultados sites, artigos, dissertações e autores que discorrem sobre a temática em foco, entre eles destacam-se: Burke (2003), Silva (1991), Martins (1994), Freire (1989), Chartier (1990), Solé (1998), Weiers (2011). Com esse estudo espera-se ter êxito na análise da importância da leitura para o desenvolvimento do indivíduo pessoal e profissional. Com o intuito de aprender a ler e de ler para aprender considerando a capacidade de compreender e interpretar textos escritos como um instrumento necessário para atingir um desenvolvimento pleno, no contexto de uma sociedade letrada. Palavras-Chave: Leitura. Educação. Ensino-Aprendizagem.  Abstract: This article is a bibliographic research with the objective of analyzing the importance of reading for the personal and professional development of the individual, as well as describing the concept of reading, presenting the participation of institutions in promoting reading, and understanding the importance of reading in the construction of the individual. It presents the following issue: What is the importance of reading in the individual's personal and professional construction? To support the discussion, websites, articles, dissertations and authors who discuss the topic in focus were consulted, including: Burke (2003), Silva (1991), Martins (1994), Freire (1989), Chartier (1990 ), Solé (1998), Weiers (2011). This study is expected to be successful in analyzing the importance of reading for the development of the personal and professional individual. In order to learn to read and to read to learn, consider the ability to understand and interpret written texts as a necessary instrument to achieve full development, in the context of a literate society. Keywords: Reading. Education. Teaching-Learning. 

Nixon JP Teis ◽  
Christo J Els

The advent of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) affirms that the transformation and advancement of all industries and society are progressively driven by emergent and rapidly changing technologies. In order to help establish a technologically literate society, it is crucial for lecturers in Technical Engineering to stay abreast of the latest trends and technological advancements in their area of specialisation. This article reports on the findings of a sub-section of a nationwide survey that collected data from lecturers in Technical Engineering at 52 TVET college campuses across South Africa (n = 577) that offer TVET Engineering Study programmes. The purpose of the survey was to profile TVET Engineering Study lecturers’ knowledge and pedagogical practices in engineering programmes across South Africa. The sub-section of the survey specifically probed the participants’ awareness and understanding of discipline-specific technological advancements and digital educational enterprises, and also the potential impact of these on teaching technical subjects. The findings show that 52,3% (n = 302) of the participating lecturers in Technical Engineering are unaware of any technological advancements in their area of specialisation and that they do not know what the potential impact of this might be on future technical training. When Engeström’s Cultural Historical Activity Theory (CHAT model) is applied to the activity systems that are involved, the underlying tension between these systems is revealed. This article examines the possible implications of these findings for the renewal of the Technical Engineering curriculum, considering that these lecturers demonstrate limited awareness of the technological advancements needed to participate effectively in the 4IR era.

2021 ◽  
Vol 55 (3) ◽  
Karen J. Floor

Historically, the work of Bible translation has involved multiple disciplines in a commitment to translate Scripture with integrity and faithfulness to the original Greek and Hebrew texts. Translating Scripture for primary oral societies has added another dimension to the need for accuracy, beauty and clarity in Scripture translation. It has been widely accepted in Western literate society that the Bible is accessed in written print in the form of a book. For oral-preference societies, such as the nomadic Himba and San peoples of southern Africa, a printed Bible has presented a challenge. Few people read or wish to read as their primary means of communication. In the case of the San family of languages, complex phonemic systems of up to 85 contrastive clicks have presented a challenge in developing ‘readable’ orthographies. This article has highlighted the rationale for oral-based Bible translation. The research aimed to address the translation needs of oral societies – some of whom are nomadic or semi-nomadic people groups. The recent missiological positioning of certain Bible translation practitioners has led to an oral-based approach to Bible translation which validates the cultural identity of modern oral communicators. Orally crafted translations of Scripture passages have been recorded and made available to oral societies through a range of media, including MP3 players, SD cards and mobile phone applications. The effectiveness of oral-based Bible translation among the Himba people has been seen in their response. What began as a three-year pilot project to explore the potential impact of oral-based Scripture among oral societies has led to a unanimous demand for a second three-year phase, and an expressed desire for a full oral-based Bible in the Himba language. The oral-based approach as described is currently used in nearly 20 other oral Bible translation, which reflects a felt need for oral-based Scripture among oral societies in southern Africa.Contribution: Insights from the emerging practice of oral-based Bible translation in southern Africa provide valuable data for missiological approaches to communicating the gospel in the context of modern oral societies.

Khairunisa Khairunisa ◽  
Wenny Dastina ◽  
Buchari Katutu

ABSTRACT Introduction. The purpose of this study was to determine the Jambi Province DPAD Strategy in developing a Social Inclusion-Based Library to Create a Literate Society, constraining factors in developing a social inclusion-based library in an effort to create a literate community in the Jambi Province Regional Library and Archives Service, and the efforts made to overcome these obstacles. Data Collection Metod. This study used a descriptive qualitative method with a purposive sampling approach. Resilt and Discussions. The results of this study indicate that there are several strategies implemented by DPAD Jambi Province in developing social inclusion in libraries, namely: involving the active role of librarians, issuing policy regulations and forming a Synergy Team, holding stakeholder meetings, Launcing Ipustaka Jambi, and carrying out activities advocacy Peer Learning Meeting. The obstacles faced by the Jambi Province Regional Library and Archives Office in developing social inclusion- based libraries are limited budget funds and networks. As for the efforts made by the Regional Library and Archives Office of Jambi province in overcoming the constraints of developing social inclusion-based libraries, namely establishing cooperation with various parties, both from the province, district and private sector and utilizing the existing budget optimally. Conclusions. Based on the research that has been done on the DPAD strategy in developing a social inclusion-based library. With this strategy, it is hoped that this social inclusion program can run well and can be developed for program development in program recipient libraries, namely district libraries and village libraries. Keyword: Strategi, Inklusi Sosial, Perpustakaan Umum, Masyarakat Literate

2021 ◽  
pp. 175069802098203
Kathryn Wellen

This paper looks at the ways in which the Bugis of South Sulawesi, Indonesia remember their distant past. The example of Allangkanangngé ri Latanété, a palace site of the legendary polity of Cina, exemplifies how memories are mediated by cultural practices and socio-historical factors, as well as how they are included and excluded from histories, over a long period of time and through massive social changes. These social changes include the transition from a non-literate to a literate society, the demise of Cina and rise of agricultural kingdoms, colonialism, independence, and the advent of the digital age. The case of Allangkanangngé and Cina exemplifies how forgetting can serve new political situations; the way in which popular folk culture can maintain a memory despite historiographical oblivion; and the extent to which the Indonesian government is willing to appropriate history for nationalist purposes. It also exemplifies how history and memory can be synergistic or separate at different points in time.

Adhianty Nurjanah ◽  
Dyah Mutiarin

We currently live amid the rapid development of communication systems and the media's tightness, which makes everyone aware of any information conveyed. The coverage of lies or hoaxes is the focus of attention, especially in online media. Hoax is information that is engineered to cover up real information. Based on the Community Service Team's interviews and observations with partners, PCA members and administrators are acting as consumers of mass media, especially TV and internet media, namely WA, as daily information media. In its management activities, media literacy has never been carried out, even though media literacy needs an empowered and information literate society. Thus, Community Service will be carried out through this community service activity in the form of Empowerment of Aisyiyah Ngampilan Branches through Healthy Media Literacy. The method carried out by the community service team is workshops related to the importance of media literacy in dealing with hoaxes; media literacy assistance in dealing with hoaxes; digital-based "Tabayun on information to be smart as a media literate person"; making a guide book for Healthy Media Literacy; Smart As Media literate individuals face hoaxes"; providing facilities for the Aisyiyah Ngampilan Branch office that can be used to support management activities of the Aisyiyah Ngampilan Yogyakarta Branch. This Muhammadiyah-based community service is the increased ability of the board and members, especially related to healthy media literacy in dealing with hoaxes.

Jurnal Akrab ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 30-41
Nastiti Novitasari

Education is always related to reading activities. The ability to read is often referred to as literacy activities.  The reality in Indonesia so far is the low mastery of literacy, this is evidenced by the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) survey. The survey in 2018 showed that for the reading / literacy competency score, Indonesia was ranked 72 out of 77 countries. To deal with this problem, many things can be applied in the education process, both from formal non-formal and informal channels.Kampung Sinau is a thematic village located in the Cemorokandang Malang City. Various learning activities are carried out in unique ways that can attract citizens, the younger generation in particular, to enrich literacy and make citizens literate, one of which is community empowerment activities. Researchers are interested in knowing how to optimize community empowerment in making generations young people with literacy skills in Kampung Sinau. The approach and type of research used by the researcher is a qualitative approach to the type of case study.  This research was conducted at the end of 2019 in Kampung Sinau, Malang City. The results of this study 1) Community participation is needed in the success of the empowerment program, 2) It takes stages to carry out community empowerment., 3) It takes collaboration and innovation to create a literate society. Suggestions from this study are that the results of this study can be used as a reference for evaluating and developing similar programs. AbstrakPendidikan selalu berkaitan erat dengan kegiatan membaca. Kegiatan ini selalu menjadi salah satu point utama yang mendukung lancarnya proses pendidikan. Kemampuan membaca sering disebut dengan kegiatan Literasi. Kenyataan yang dihadapi oleh Indonesia selama ini adalah rendahnya penguasaan literasi, dibuktikan melalui survei Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA). Survei pada tahun 2018 menunjukkan bahwa nilai kompetensi Membaca/literasi, Indonesia berada dalam peringkat 72 dari 77 negara. Kenyataan ini sangat bertentangan dengan keadaan Ideal yang seharusnya. Untuk menghadapi permasalahan, banyak hal yang dapat diterapkan dalam proses pendidikan, baik itu dari jalur formal nonformal maupun informal. Kampung sinau merupakan salah satu kampung tematik yang berada di  kawasan Cemorokandang Kota Malang. Kegiatan belajar dilaksanakan dengan unik yang dapat menarik generasi muda khususnya, agar memperkaya khasanah literasi dan menjadikannya berdaya literasi, dikemas dengan kegiatan pemberdayaan masyarakat. Oleh karena itu peneliti tertarik untuk mengetahui bagaimana pemberdayaan masyarakat dalam menjadikan generasi muda berdaya literasi di kampung sinau. Pendekatan dan jenis penelitian yang digunakan oleh penelliti yakni pendekatan kualitatif  jenis studi kasus. Peneliti melaksanakan proses penelitan secara mendalam melalui  penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dengan jenis studi kasus. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada akhir tahun 2019 di Kampung Sinau Kota Malang. Hasil dari penelitian ini 1) Partisipasi masyarakat sangat dibutuhkan dalam keberhasilan program pemberdayaan, 2) Diperlukan tahapan-tahapan untuk melaksanakan pemberdayaan Masyarakat., 3) Diperlukan kerjasama dan inovasi untuk menciptakan masyarakat yang berdaya literasi. Saran dari Penelitian ini yakni Sebaiknya hasil penelitian ini dapat dijadikan bahan acuan untuk melakukan evaluasi dan pengembangan terhadap program serupa.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 29-51
Fariz Alnizar ◽  
Achmad Munjid

Some Islamic movements in Indonesia make the fatwas issued by the MUI as a reference for their actions. They recently found their momentum after the defence movements called 411 and 212. The proponents of the movements called themselves as Gerakan Nasional Pengawal Fatwa Majelis Ulama Indonesia (GNPF-MUI/The National Movement of Guardian of Fatwa of the Indonesian Ulema Council). Employing a qualitative approach coupled with historical-causal paradigm this article examines the main question: Do the proponents of these movements substantially understand the fatwas they defend? The results of the research show that the fatwas have a dilemmatic position. On the one hand, there have been movements which insist on making the fatwas as “sacred opinion” that must be protected and guarded. On the other hand, people do not substantially comprehend the fatwas they defend. This problem has been caused, among others, by the cultural basis of the Indonesian society which put more preference on orality than literality or, explicitly, written tradition.

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