sports policy
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2022 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. e5111124491
Natasha Santos-Lise ◽  
Fernando Marinho Mezzadri ◽  
Marco Antonio Ribas Cavalieri ◽  
Sérgio Wynnek Junior

O presente artigo busca apresentar uma revisão da literature, referente à avaliação das políticas esportivas, especificamente ligadas ao alto rendimento. Esta se refere a uma pesquisa maior que busca identificar o modelo lógico do Programa Bolsa-Atleta, a fim de pensar as possibilidades de avaliação de tal política. Por este motivo, o recorte da busca foi o esporte de alto rendimento. A busca foi realizada na base de dados Scopus, Google Acadêmico e sites das revistas científicas brasileiras. Os termos utilizados foram “process evaluation sports policy” e “evidence based evaluation sports policy”. Respectivamente, foram encontrados 119 e 65 textos. Com base na leitura dos resumos, selecionou-se 25 artigos correspondentes a cada termo, totalizando um corpus de investigação de 50 artigos. Entre estes, permaneceram títulos que apontavam para a reflexão sobre a avaliação no esporte de inclusão e/ou participação, sem tratar especificamente o esporte de alto rendimento. Assim, foi realizada uma nova leitura dos resumos, o que reduziu ainda mais o referido corpus. Extraindo-se as repetições de textos que apareceram na busca de ambos os termos, foram seis artigos selecionados, para “evidence based evaluation sports policy”, e nove, para “process evaluation sports policy” – o que totalizou 15 artigos, os quais foram lidos integralmente. Nesse sentido, é possível inferir uma escassa produção acerca da avaliação das políticas esportivas, em um sentido geral, e mais ainda em se tratando do esporte de alto rendimento.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 76-90
Muhlisin Muhlisin ◽  
Sandey Tantra Paramitha ◽  
Yudhi Purnama ◽  
Rif'iy Qomarullah ◽  
Muhammad Gilang Ramadhan

The research is based on the lack of research and publications related to macro sports policy in Indonesia. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to analyze research articles related to sports policy in Indonesia. This study uses a systematic literature review (SLR). The research population uses research articles related to sports policy and the research sample uses the purposive sampling technique using inclusive and exclusive criteria. The results of this study indicate that the direction of sports policy in Indonesia is still leading to achievement sports that focus on the development of the sport itself. It can be concluded that sport has not been able to become an important aspect in wider development (development through sport) and the results of the Literature Review, it can be concluded that the Evaluation Analysis of sports policy is still very minimal.

2021 ◽  
pp. 215-236
N.S. Kruthika ◽  
Sarthak Sood

Although there have been efforts to have a uniform set of guidelines to govern sport across the country, no national sports policy has had long-lasting or consistent effect in sports governance. This disconnect between National and State sports policies has meant that differing standards have been imposed on sports organisations across the country. Any attempt at creating an effective sports policy in India, Kruthika N.S. and Sarthak Sood argue, must first scrutinise the development and implementation of various state and national sports policies that have been codified in the past. This chapter aims to suggest recommendations on the themes to be tackled in an effective sports policy. India must urgently facilitate an ecosystem conducive for sports development, from the grassroots level to elite sport. Such a plan, especially with our nation of great inequalities, will require collective action by both the Centre and the States and should envisage a governance system that can sustain and embrace Indian sport.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (5) ◽  
pp. 2902-2915
Xia Liu

Objectives: AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) is used to analyze the influencing factors of school physical education policy implementation. Methods: Based on the established hierarchical structure model of influencing factors of school physical education policy implementation, the importance of indicators in each level is compared in pairs, the judgment matrix is established step by step, the relative importance order weight of each level element is calculated, and the consistency test is carried out, and then the ranking of each level and the general ranking are obtained. Results: The results show that the principal, as the first responsible person for the implementation of school sports policy, plays a directional decisive role in the implementation of school sports policy. Organizational mechanism and funding guarantee factors are necessary conditions for the implementation of school sports policy, and school sports policy factors are a powerful driving force for the implementation of school sports policy. Conclusion: AHP provides theoretical reference for better understanding the influencing factors of school physical education policy implementation and putting forward corresponding intervention measures.

2021 ◽  
S. M. Fernanda Iragraha

Pembangunan olahraga di Indonesia harus didasari oleh kebijakan olahraga (sports policy)yang kuat. Kekuatan kebijakan olahraga muncul setelah lahirnya Undang-Undang No. 3 Tahun 2005tentang Sistem Keolahragaan Nasional (UUSKN) yang menyatakan bahwa olahraga adalah segalakegiatan yang sistematik untuk mendorong, membina, serta mengembangkan potensi jasmani, rohani, dansosial. Segala potensi yang ada di setiap daerah harus digali, dikerahkan, dan dikembangkan untukmenyokong prestasi olahraga di tingkat nasional hingga internasional. Oleh karena itu, tiap-tiapkabupaten/kota serta provinsi sangat diharapkan untuk melakukan pembinaan yang baik, tersistem, dankontinu sehingga dapat mewujudkan apa yang diamanatkan dalam UUSKN pasal 34 ayat (1 dan 2), yangberbunyi: setiap kabupaten/kota mempunyai kewajiban untuk mengelola olahraga unggulan yang dapat dikembangkan di masing-masing daerahnya.Diperlukan dukungan program pengembangan olahragaunggulan dan kebijakan strategis yang harus dilakukan kabupaten/kota/provinsisebagai pedoman bagisemua pihak, sehingga proses atau mekanisme pencapaian prestasi olahraga dapat berlangsung secaraefisien dan efektif.

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-7
Pedro Fernando Avalone Athayde ◽  
David Rodrigues Viegas

INTRODUÇÃO: Iniciada ainda na década de 1930, a interface entre Estado e setor esportivo no Brasil, historicamente, caracteriza-se por um predomínio das ações voltadas ao alto rendimento. Nesse sentido, este artigo versa sobre a política de esporte de alto rendimento brasileira em tempos recentes. OBJETIVO: Mais especificamente, o objeto de pesquisa é o Programa Bolsa-Atleta (PBA). O texto tem como objetivo identificar os impactos da definição do Brasil como sede das Olimpíadas de 2016 na política pública brasileira para o esporte de alto rendimento, a partir da análise da abrangência e financiamento do PBA nos anos de 2009 a 2016. MÉTODOS: Trata-se de uma pesquisa predominantemente qualitativa e de dimensão exploratória. Para coleta dos dados foi empregada a técnica de análise documental em fontes primárias e secundárias. RESULTADOS: Os resultados confirmam a concentração da distribuição do PBA na região Sudeste e Sul, demonstram um comportamento oscilante do financiamento para o Programa, bem como apontam para uma relação entre mudanças na política nacional de esporte influenciadas pelos Jogos Olímpicos RIO 2016, considerando a concentração dos benefícios em modalidades olímpicas e naqueles atletas com maiores chances de medalha na competição.CONCLUSÃO: De forma mais geral, a análise do financiamento e gestão do PBA confirma a mudança na política nacional de esporte, tendo os megaeventos esportivos como princípio organizador da agenda de esporte e lazer do país. Mais especificamente, observa-se que o PBA reproduz comportamento oscilante do financiamento público para o esporte no Brasil, bem como reproduz a concentração do benefício em locais específicos e nos atletas mais desenvolvidos, o que evidencia a necessidade de maior aporte na formação esportiva para o surgimento de novos esportistas.ABSTRACT. High performance sport in Brazil: an analysis of the bolsa atleta program from 2009 to 2016BACKGROUND: Since the 1930s, the interface between the State and the Brazilian sports sector, historically, has been characterized by a predominance of high yield performance. In this sense, this article deals with a Brazilian sports policy of high performance recently. OBJECTIVE: More specifically, either the research object is the “Bolsa-Atleta” Program (PBA). The text aims to identify the impacts of the definition of Brazil as host of the 2016 Olympics in Brazilian public policies to support high performance, based on the analysis of the PBA abbreviation and funding in the years 2009 to 2016. METHODS: This is a Research predominantly qualitative and exploratory. For data collection, it was performed using a document analysis technique in primary and secondary sources. RESULTS: The results confirm the concentration of PBA distribution in the Southeast and South regions, demonstrating an oscillating behavior in the financing of the Program, as support for a relationship between changes in national sports policy influenced by the RIO 2016 Olympic Games, considering the concentration two benefits. In the Olympic sports and athletes, athletes with greater chances of medals in the competition. CONCLUSION: More generally, the analysis of PBA financing and management confirms the change in national sports policy, with mega sporting events as the organizing principle of the country’s sports and leisure agenda. More specifically, it is observed that the PBA reproduces oscillating behavior of public funding for sport in Brazil, as well as reproducing the concentration of the benefit in specific locations and in the more developed athletes, which highlights the need for a greater contribution to sports training for the sport. emergence of new sportsmen.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
pp. 102-108
Yaroslav Leonov

The purpose of the article is to deepen general theoretical concepts to ensure a healthy society and to form an actual sports policy. The article examines the role of the state in the formation of the modern stage of society’s development and the need to create a modern paradigm of sports policy, which should be aimed at a person, namely, to strengthen human capital, which is the basis of any social system. Results. Undoubtedly, the degree of development of human capital determines the competitiveness of the labour force and the development of the country’s economy, that is, it is the high level of the demographic resource that is the determining factor. This resource is formed from quantitative and qualitative characteristics: economic, social, and cultural capabilities of the country’s population. Any loss of human resources, regardless of the reason for it, is not only an indicator of internal political instability but also a problem of a geopolitical scale. This is what leads to the destabilization of the situation in society, weakening it, which in turn can pose a great threat to all mankind. The categories “social capital” and “human capital” are analyzed. It is determined that in the process of formation and development of human capital, it is necessary to take into account the role of social capital in it. It is noted that in the totality of the most common components of human capital, the main place should be occupied by the “capital of health”, since it is health, together with education, that determines a person’s ability to fulfill basic social and economic functions, his or her active participation in the process of achieving not only his or her own well-being but the competitiveness of the national economy as well. Thus, the problem of maintaining the health of the nation for any state is one of the most important. Health is a natural value in life, both individual and social. At the same time, the essence of the value of health lies in the fact that only with its existence a person can fully realize his or her potential and feel the fullness of life. Thus, it becomes clear that it is health that is the core of human capital because existence is impossible without it. Achieving these goals involves recognizing the inextricable link between health, community development and poverty reduction. Health promotion is fundamental in mobilizing society to achieve this goal through the necessary advocacy measures and appropriate strategies. It is necessary to note that the term “Physical activity” is defined as any bodily movement produced by skeletal muscles and which requires energy. The problem of insufficient physical activity indicates that an active lifestyle is critical for health but in our modern world this is an increasingly difficult task. Moreover, physical inactivity is not only a health problem; it also carries huge financial costs for health care and the costs of declining productivity. Note that at the present stage of development of society, insufficient physical activity is one of the main risk factors for death in the world, while its level is growing in many countries, which increases the costs of non-infectious diseases and affects the general health of the population. People who are not physically active enough have a 20% – 30% higher risk of mortality compared to those who lead an active lifestyle. One in four adult men in the world is not physically active enough, and more than 80% of adolescents lack physical activity. The primary responsibility for preventing physical inactivity-related illnesses rests with the national government, which has a central role to play in these activities, but engagement from all sectors of society, international cooperation and joint action are key elements of success. Accordingly, if at the global level there is an understanding that a person can be healthy only with regular physical activity, one should accept this as an indisputable fact and bring it to the consciousness of every person as a truth. Value/originality. Therefore, it is obvious that this task should be solved at the state level through the development and implementation of national sports policy and providing conditions for the development of the sports industry because a healthy person is the basis of a strong, competitive and prosperous country.

Olim Neymatovich Akhmedov ◽  

In order to determine the limits of state intervention in the field of physical culture and sports, it is necessary to study the model of the relationship between the state and sports. This article also examines interventionist, non-interventionist, and mixed models in the implementation of public sports policy. It also analyzes the problems of state and non-state sports, the fact that despite the parallel existence of state and non-state sports, regardless of the sources and nature of funding, they are the object of public policy.

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