surfaces and interfaces
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Daniel Wolf ◽  
Sebastian Schneider ◽  
Ulrich K. Rößler ◽  
András Kovács ◽  
Marcus Schmidt ◽  

AbstractMagnetic skyrmions are stable topological solitons with complex non-coplanar spin structures. Their nanoscopic size and the low electric currents required to control their motion has opened a new field of research, skyrmionics, that aims for the usage of skyrmions as information carriers. Further advances in skyrmionics call for a thorough understanding of their three-dimensional (3D) spin texture, skyrmion–skyrmion interactions and the coupling to surfaces and interfaces, which crucially affect skyrmion stability and mobility. Here, we quantitatively reconstruct the 3D magnetic texture of Bloch skyrmions with sub-10-nanometre resolution using holographic vector-field electron tomography. The reconstructed textures reveal local deviations from a homogeneous Bloch character within the skyrmion tubes, details of the collapse of the skyrmion texture at surfaces and a correlated modulation of the skyrmion tubes in FeGe along their tube axes. Additionally, we confirm the fundamental principles of skyrmion formation through an evaluation of the 3D magnetic energy density across these magnetic solitons.

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (24) ◽  
pp. 13289
Magdalena Laskowska ◽  
Anna Nowak ◽  
Mateusz Dulski ◽  
Peter Weigl ◽  
Thomas Blochowicz ◽  

Photoluminescence is known to have huge potential for applications in studying biological systems. In that respect, phosphorescent dye molecules open the possibility to study the local slow solvent dynamics close to hard and soft surfaces and interfaces using the triplet state (TSD: triplet state solvation dynamics). However, for that purpose, probe molecules with efficient phosphorescence features are required with a fixed location on the surface. In this article, a potential TSD probe is presented in the form of a nanocomposite: we synthesize spherical silica particles with 2-naphthalene methanol molecules attached to the surface with a predefined surface density. The synthesis procedure is described in detail, and the obtained materials are characterized employing transmission electron microscopy imaging, Raman, and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Finally, TSD experiments are carried out in order to confirm the phosphorescence properties of the obtained materials and the route to develop phosphorescent sensors at silica surfaces based on the presented results is discussed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Kohei Fujiwara ◽  
Yasuyuki Kato ◽  
Takeshi Seki ◽  
Kentaro Nomura ◽  
Koki Takanashi ◽  

AbstractNon-coplanar spin textures with finite scalar spin chirality can be artificially induced at surfaces and interfaces through the interfacial Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction. However, stabilizing a proper magnetic skyrmion crystal via this route remains elusive. Here, using an epitaxial bilayer of platinum and geometrically frustrated kagome-lattice ferromagnet Fe3Sn, we show the possible formation of a two-dimensional skyrmion crystal under well-regulated Fe3Sn thickness conditions. Magnetization measurements reveal that the magnetic anisotropy is systematically varied from an inherent in-plane type to a perpendicular type with the thickness reduction. Below approximately 0.5 nm, we clearly detect a topological Hall effect that provides evidence for finite scalar spin chirality. Our topological Hall effect analysis, combined with theoretical simulations, not only establishes its interfacial Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction origin, but also indicates the emergence of a stable skyrmion crystal phase, demonstrating the potential of kagome-lattice ferromagnets in spin chirality engineering using thin-film nanostructures.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Hygor P. M. Melo ◽  
F. Raquel Maia ◽  
André S. Nunes ◽  
Rui L. Reis ◽  
Joaquim M. Oliveira ◽  

AbstractThe collective dynamics of cells on surfaces and interfaces poses technological and theoretical challenges in the study of morphogenesis, tissue engineering, and cancer. Different mechanisms are at play, including, cell–cell adhesion, cell motility, and proliferation. However, the relative importance of each one is elusive. Here, experiments with a culture of glioblastoma multiforme cells on a substrate are combined with in silico modeling to infer the rate of each mechanism. By parametrizing these rates, the time-dependence of the spatial correlation observed experimentally is reproduced. The obtained results suggest a reduction in cell–cell adhesion with the density of cells. The reason for such reduction and possible implications for the collective dynamics of cancer cells are discussed.

2021 ◽  
pp. 557-591
Thomas Berger ◽  
Oliver Diwald

2021 ◽  
Vol 119 (15-16) ◽  
Abdul Rauf ◽  
José D. Cojal González ◽  
Alper Balkan ◽  
Nikolai Severin ◽  
Igor M. Sokolov ◽  

Friction ◽  
2021 ◽  
Zhongying Ji ◽  
Shiyu Qin ◽  
Shuanhong Ma ◽  
Xin Jia ◽  
Xiaolong Wang ◽  

AbstractAnisotropic friction generated by microstructured surfaces is crucial for performing functions such as directional locomotion and adhesion in biological systems. Hence, an epoxy-based shape memory polymer (SMP) incorporating Fe3O4 nanoparticles is used in this study to create a smart surface with oriented structures to mimic anisotropic friction and exploit human-developed controllable locomotion systems. Applying the specific properties of the epoxy-based SMP, fast switching friction can be achieved by adjusting the topography and stiffness of the microstructures on the surface. In addition, the photothermogenesis effect of Fe3O4 nanoparticles induces changes in the asymmetric topography and stiffness on the SMP surface under the irradiation of near-infrared (NIR) light, thereby inducing a rapid switching of the friction force. Furthermore, a microbot is created to demonstrate remotely controlled locomotion, such as unidirectional and round-trip movements, and braking by switching the friction force under NIR light. These results are promising for the design of new intelligent surfaces and interfaces; additionally, they may facilitate the investigation of biological structures and processes.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
Vanessa Lautenbach ◽  
Saman Hosseinpour ◽  
Wolfgang Peukert

Structural and colloidal stability of proteins at different surfaces and interfaces is of great importance in many fields including medical, pharmaceutical, or material science. Due to their flexibility, proteins tend to respond to their environmental conditions and can undergo structural and conformational changes. For instance, alterations in physiological factors such as temperature, ions concentration, or pH as well as the adsorption to an interface can initiate protein aggregation. Therefore, at different surfaces and interfaces the characterization of the structural and colloidal stability of proteins, which is mainly influenced by their electrostatic and hydrophobic interactions, is of fundamental importance. In this study, we utilized sum frequency generation (SFG) spectroscopy to assess the role of solution pH on the polarity and magnitude of the electric field within the hydration shell of selected model proteins adsorbed to a hydrophobic surface. We used polystyrene (PS) as a model hydrophobic surface and determined the isoelectric point (IEP) of four structurally different model proteins. Comparing the measured IEP of proteins at the PS/solution or air/solution interface with that determined in the bulk solution via zeta potential measurement, we found significant similarities between the IEP of surface adsorbed proteins and those in the bulk aqueous phase. The pH dependence behavior of proteins was correlated to their amino acid composition and degree of hydrophobicity.

Рустам Адыгамович Сингатулин

Статья посвящена исследованиям кирпичного строительного материала из Увекского городища (г. Саратов) по данным полевых и камеральных исследований 1994–2020 гг. Целью исследований являлось дефиниция физико-химических характеристик кирпича из строений Увекского городища для историко-архитектурного, технико-экономического обоснования строительных технологий Золотой Орды, проведения реконструкционных и реставрационных работ, компьютерного моделирования в системах виртуальной и дополненной реальности. В работе приводятся данные по разнообразию форм и размеров кирпича, отпечаткам на его поверхности. Рассматриваются результаты исследований поопределению элементного состава керамического материала методами Оже и вторичной-ионной масс-спектроскопии (ВИМС) с целью идентификации мест добычи сырья. Приводятся данные по: средней плотности кирпича, его группе по теплотехническим характеристикам, коэффициенту излучения, водопоглощению по массе, пределам прочности при сжатии и изгибе, определению марки кирпича в соответствии с регламентируемыми параметрами действующего государственного стандарта. Библиографические ссылки Баллод Ф.В. Приволжские «Помпеи». М.; Пг.: Мосполиграф, 1923. Брагов А.М., Ломунов А.К. Использование метода Кольского для динамических испытаний конструкционных материалов // Прикладные проблемы прочности и пластичности. 1995. № 51. С. 127−137. Браташова С.А. Увешенская станица и Саратау: к вопросу о сохранении урбосистемы Укек – Яйлак // Историко-археологические памятники Золотой Орды на территории Саратовского Поволжья. Укек: прошлое, настоящее, будущее. Мат. межд. нау ч.-практ. конф. / Ред. Аблязов К. А., Кульпин-Губайдуллин Э. С., Рашитов Ф. А. Саратов: Научная кинга, 2016. С. 211−218. Васильев Д.В. 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Л.: Машиностроение, 1981. 431 c. Краснопевцев Б.В. Фотограмметрия. М.: УПП "Репрография" МИИГАиК, 2008. 160 c. Кротков А.А. Раскопки на Увеке в 1913 году // ТСУАК. Саратов, 1915. Вып. 32. С. 111−133. Кульпин Э.С. Цивилизационный феномен Золотой Орды // Общественные науки и современность. 2001. № 3. С. 74−88. Отчет Императорской Архивной Комиссии за 1891 г. / Архив ИИМК РАН, 1891. Ф. 1. Д. 30. Сингатулин Р.А. Археологические исследования на Увекском городище в 2004 г. // Археологическое наследие Саратовского края. Вып. 7 / Отв. ред. А.И. Юдин. Саратов, Научная книга, 2006. С. 76−90. Сингатулин Р. А. Охранно-спасательные работы на территории Увекского городища в 2005 г. // Археологическое наследие Саратовского края. Вып. 8 / Отв. ред. А. И. Юдин. Саратов, Научная книга, 2008. С. 139−155. Сингатулин Р. А. История первых фотограмметрических исследований на Увекском городище в 1913 г. // Исторические, философские, политические и юридические науки, культурология и искусствоведение. 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