correlation method
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2022 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 142-150
Deviana Pratiwi Munthe

Abstrak Keputihan sering kali dianggap suatu hal yang biasa sehingga sering diabaikan pentingnya pencegahan dan penanganan yang benar dan tepat. Jika remaja putri dapat mengenali gejala keputihan dan penanganannya maka remaja putri dapat beraktivitas dengan nyaman, aman, dan sehat, sehingga dapat meningkatkan produktivitas belajar. Sebaliknya jika mengabaikan pencegahan dan penanganan keputihan maka akan aktivitas belajar remaja putri akan terganggu sehingga tidak bisa menerima pembelajran dengan baik bahkan harus absen dari sekolah. Jika keputihan tidak segera diatasi akan dapat menimbulkan risiko bahaya yang fatal bagi kesehatan. Aktivitas yang menjadi acuan dalam penelitian ini adalah pengetahuan dan sikap siswa putri di SMAN  2 Tondano dengan pencegahan keputihan. Pada observasi atau pengamatan awal yang dilakukan, didapati bahwa siswa putri SMAN 2 Tondano pernah mengalami keputihan. Keputihan yang dialami siswa putri SMAN 2 Tondano didapati ada yang terjadi tidak hanya sekali dan terjadi dalam waktu yang cukup lama. Kondisi seperti ini dapat mengakibatkan timbulnya risiko penyakit reproduksi. Penelitian in menggunakan metode deskriptif analitik korelasi dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Teknik sampel yang digunakan yaitu total sampling berjumlah 39 responden. Hasil analisa dan pengujian data yang sudah dilakukan di SMAN 2 Tondano, maka  terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara pengetahuan siswa putri SMAN 2 Tondano dengan pencegahan keputihan dengan nilai p = 0.042 dan terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara sikap siswa putri SMAN 2 Tondano di dengan pencegahan keputihan dengan nilai p = 0.022. Kata kunci: Pengetahuan, Sikap, Penanganan, Keputihan, Remaja Putri   Abstract Vaginal discharge is often considered a common thing so that is often overlooked the importance of prevention correct and appropriate treatment. Teenage girls can recognize the symptoms of vaginal discharge and their treatment, they can move in a comfortable, safe, and healthy way so that they can increase their learning productivity. On the other hand, if they ignore the prevention and treatment of vaginal discharge, the learning activities of a teenage girl will be disrupted so that they cannot receive learning properly and even have to be absent from school. If vaginal discharge is not immediately addressed, it can pose a risk of fatal danger to health. The activity that is used as a reference in this study is the knowledge and attitudes of female students at Senior High School Public 2 Tondano, with the prevention of vaginal discharge. In the initial observations, it was found that the female students of Senior High School Public 2 Tondano had experienced vaginal discharge. The discharge experienced by female students of Senior High School Public 2 Tondano was found to occur not only once and for a long time. Conditions like this can lead to the risk of reproductive disease. This research uses a descriptive-analytic correlation method with a cross-sectional approach. The sampling technique used is a total sampling of 39 respondents. The results of data analysis and testing that have been carried out at Senior High School Public 2 Tondano, there is a significant relationship between the knowledge of female students of Senior High School Public 2 Tondano and prevention of vaginal discharge with p = 0.042 and there is a significant relationship between the attitudes of female students of Senior High School Public 2 Tondano in the prevention of vaginal discharge with p-value = 0.022. Keywords: Knowledge, Attitude, Handling, Vaginal, Young Women

2022 ◽  
Vol 2022 ◽  
pp. 1-12
Daguo Wu ◽  
Jiahui Yan ◽  
Mingwu Wang ◽  
Guangyao Chen ◽  
Juliang Jin ◽  

The degree of eutrophication in the water environment is deepening. For the appropriate treatment of eutrophication, it is essential to evaluate it accurately. However, the evaluation of eutrophication has not been well solved because it is full of uncertainty. Herein, a multidimensional connection cloud model, combined with the improved CRITIC (Criteria Importance Through Inter-criteria Correlation) method, was put forward here to assess water eutrophication and depict the randomness, ambiguity, and interaction of evaluation factors. First, an improved CRITIC was adopted to determine indicator weight so that the correlation among different indicators and more information were depicted. Secondly, a multidimensional connection cloud was simulated to characterize fuzzy indicators and ambiguous classification boundary values according to classification criteria. Next, the connection degree was calculated relative to the evaluation standard. The eutrophication grade was specified under the “maximum connection degree” principle. At last, the effectiveness and practicality of the model proposed here were affirmed by two cases and comparisons with supplementary methods. The results suggest that the proposed model can avoid shortcomings of the original CRITIC method and cloud model, and make the assessment result more realistic.

2022 ◽  
Vol 2022 ◽  
pp. 1-12
Jun Sun ◽  
Xiaomin Mu ◽  
Dejin Kong

Channel measurement plays an important role in the emerging 5G-enabled Internet of Things (IoT) networks, which reflects the channel quality and link reliability. In this paper, we address the channel measurement for link reliability evaluation in filter-bank multicarrier with offset quadrature amplitude modulation- (FBMC/OQAM-) based IoT network, which is considered as a promising technique for future wireless communications. However, resulting from the imaginary interference and the noise correlation among subcarriers in FBMC/OQAM, the existing frequency correlation method cannot be directly applied in the FBMC/OQAM-based IoT network. In this study, the concept of the block repetition is applied in FBMC/OQAM. It is demonstrated that the noises among subcarriers are independent by the block repetition and linear combination, instead of correlated. On this basis, the classical frequency correlation method can be applied to achieve the channel measurement. Then, we also propose an advanced frequency correlation method to improve the accuracy of the channel measurement, by assuming channel frequency responses to be quasi-invariant for several successive subcarriers. Simulations are conducted to validate the proposed schemes.

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 577
Wenqing Wei ◽  
Yongfeng Zhang ◽  
Zongzheng Du ◽  
Minwei Song ◽  
Yuanyuan Zhang ◽  

The coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) is an important property of ultra-low expansion (ULE) glass, and the ultrasonic velocity method has shown excellent performance for the nondestructive measurement of CTE in large ULE glass. In this method, the accurate acquisition of the ultrasonic velocity in ULE glass is necessary. Herein, we present a correlation method to determine the ultrasonic TOF in ULE glass and to further obtain the ultrasonic longitudinal wave velocity (cL) indirectly. The performance of this method was verified by simulations. Considering the dependence of cL on temperature (T), we carried out the derivation of the analytical model between cL and T. Based on reasonable constant assumptions in the physical sense, a cL–T exponential model was produced, and some experimental results support this model. Additional experiments were carried out to validate the accuracy of the cL–T exponential model. The studies we conducted indicate that the cL–T exponential model can reliably predict the ultrasonic velocity in ULE glass at different temperatures, providing a means for the nondestructive CTE measurement of large ULE glass at a specified temperature.

2022 ◽  
Vol 2022 ◽  
pp. 1-10
Haibin Zhang ◽  
Lei Wang

The service quality evaluation of agricultural business-to-customer (B2C) e-commerce is viewed as a multiattribute group decision-making (MAGDM) activity. Thus, a useful MAGDM process is required. Based on the grey relational analysis (GRA) process and the interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy set (IVIFS), this study defines an interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy (IVIF) GRA process to depict the service quality of agricultural B2C e-commerce. This is important to agricultural B2C e-commerce because this industry increases rapidly and many new services are innovated. In this article, some necessary definitions related to IVIFSs are reviewed. Additionally, criteria weights are derived using the Criteria Importance Through Intercriteria Correlation method (CRITIC). Subsequently, the GRA method is extended to incorporate IVIFs to obtain a final service alternative. All alternatives can then be ranked, and the best service quality option can be identified and promulgated. Finally, a numerical example and some useful comparative studies are obtained. The analysis results show that the defined algorithm is effective for identifying the service qualities of agricultural B2C e-commerce, which provide a new assessment method for MAGDM.

Fahima ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 109-118
Dyah Widhiarsi ◽  

The purpose of this study was to determine 1) the effect of linguistic intelligence on news listening skills; 2) the effect of interest in learning on news listening skills; 3) the influence of linguistic intelligence and interest in learning on news listening skills. A research method is the expostfacto correlation method. The research population was all SMP IT Al-Anis Sukoharjo academic year 2020/2021. The research sample is some students of SMP IT Al-Anis Sukoharjo taken by random sampling. Techniques Data collection using documentation and questionnaires. The results are 1) the influence of linguistic intelligence on news listening skills is positive and significant. It means that if students have a high level of linguistic intelligence, they can improve their listening skills well; 2) the effect of interest in learning on news listening skills is positive and significant. It means that if students have a high interest in learning, the students' news listening skills are also good; 3) there is an influence of linguistic intelligence and students' interest in learning on news listening skills, which means that there has been a correlation between linguistic, intelligence, and interest in learning (independent variable) with news listening skills (dependent variable).

T Moradi Tamadon ◽  
B Heydari ◽  
A Mortezapour soufiani ◽  
M Babamiri

Introduction: Nowadays, counterproductive behaviors have become a common and costly position for many organizations, and Managers of organizations are always looking for a suitable and practical solution to reduce this type of behavior in their organization. Due to the importance of the subject, the present study aims to investigate the imbalance of effort and reward as a predictor of counterproductive behaviors. Materials and Methods: The present study is a cross-sectional study. The target population was all nurses working in hospitals in Hamadan, and according to the simple random sampling method, 320 people were selected as the research sample. The tools used in this study were the Imbalance of Effort-Reward questionnaire and the counterproductive questionnaire. Data analysis was performed using the Pearson correlation method using SPSS18. Results: The results showed that the effort-reward imbalance model at a significance level of 0.05 is able to predict individual counterproductive behaviors in nurses (P = 0.036). Among the studied variables, the reward variable is able to predict individual counterproductive behaviors (β = -0.179 and P = 0.006) and organizational (β=-0.171 and P = 0.009) and the over-commitment variable is able to predict individual counterproductive behaviors. (β= 0.145 and P = 0.05). According to the results, the effort-reward imbalance model could not predict organizational counterproductive behaviors. Conclusion: Based on the results, it can be concluded that job stress is an important factor in creating Counterproductive behaviors in personnel and the components of the model used in this study can be used to reduce the incidence of these behaviors among nurses.

2022 ◽  
pp. 94-113
Betül Inam ◽  
Dilek Murat

Today, despite the increase in global wealth, the income gap between the rich and the poor gradually widens. This gap is significant in both developed and developing nations. Thus, increasing income inequality adversely affects several socio-economic indicators. Previous studies demonstrated that one of the socio-economic indicators that were negatively affected by income inequality is population health. The income inequality experienced by the individuals or throughout life adversely affects several populations' health outputs, especially life expectancy at birth. The present study aimed to test the correlation between income inequality and population health output indicators with canonical correlation method and based on the most current data available for several nations. To determine the correlation between the two datasets, the 2017 data for 29 European countries and Turkey were analyzed. Canonical correlation analysis revealed a significant correlation between the income inequality and population health indicator datasets.

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