congested area
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Aishwarya Dupaki

Abstract: This paper gives a review on self compacting concrete(SCC) to be made as partial replacing of cement by fly ash and metakaolin and partial replacing of fine aggregate with copper slag. Day by day production of concrete is increasing due to requirement of concrete is increasing with sufficient mechanical and durable properties in construction industry. Self compacting concrete is the special concrete which has ability of passing and filling of every corner of the congested area. So many researches are going on to increase mechanical and durable properties of SCC. Due to shortage of natural aggregates, researches are going on to use by-products or waste material as fine aggregate. Copper slag is a by-product produced during the process of production of copper. To achieve good mechanical and durable properties of self-compacting concrete cementitious material places an important role. Metakaolin and fly ash are used as the partial replacement of cement. In this paper an overview on the literature on mechanical behaviour of self-compacting concrete with partial replacement of cement by fly ash and metakaolin and partial replacement of fine aggregate with copper slag. Keywords: self compacting concrete, copper slag, fly ash, metakaolin, mechanical properties, durability

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 577-594
Dertawan Widagdo

Penanganan sistem jaringan jalan sangat diperlukan dalam rangka menunjang perkembangan perekonomian di suatu wilayah. Guna mendukung kelancaran lalu lintas, maka perlu dilakukan peningkatan jalan dan pembangunan di wilayah tersebut. Kawasan Perbatasan lambat laun akan berkembang sesuai dengan pertambahan penduduk dengan segala unsur-unsur yang berkembang di dalam sebuah kawasan permukiman. Dengan laju pertumbuhan penduduk di Kabupaten Cirebon yang semakin tinggi, maka ketersedian system jaringan jalan perlu ditingkatkan. Adapun tujuan dari Studi Kelayakan Jalan Baru Perbatasan Cirebon Kuningan adalah memberikan rekomendasi peningkatan kapasitas jalan di daerah terkait yang layak secara teknis, ekonomi serta social dan lingkungan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian kondisi lalu lintas pada ruas jalan Cirebon – Kuningan tidak stabil, mendekati maksimum dengan LHR pada hari kerja 1473,2 smp/jam dan pada hari libur 1483,7 smp/jam. Apabila terjadi lonjakan LHR pada situasi-situasi tertentu berada pada arus lalu lintas yang dipaksakan (Congested Area), maka diperlukan pembangunan jalan baru untuk memecah arus lalu lintas, yaitu ruas jalan yang menghubungkan Jalan Ciperna – Warungasem dengan ruas jalan Sumber – Mandirancan sepanjang 10 km dan dapat mengurangi nilai BOK kendaraan sebesar  Rp. 23.170,9 (HV) dan Rp. 13.722,04 (LV) dan sebagai alternatif kedua, pembangunan jalan yang menghubungkan Jalan Ciperna – Warungasem dengan ruas jalan Sumber – Mandirancan dengan panjang ruas 3,53 km dapat mengurangi nilai BOK kendaraan sebesar Rp.11.524,4 (HV) dan Rp. 6.860,8 (HV)

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 38
Tsutomu Tsuboi

The paper takes an analysis of traffic conditions in a developing country, namely, India. India is a country with a rapidly growing economy and a large market, and it has the second largest population in the world, which was 1.3 billion in 2018. India also suffers from environmental problems, such as air pollution and global warming that is contributed by traffic CO2 emissions from transportation. In order to analyze this problem, a particularly challenging issue in developing countries like India, is the collection of traffic data. In general, developing countries do not often have well established infrastructure such as installations of small traffic signals, they lack new road construction and public transportation, etc. This study is the first real traffic congestion analysis in India and introduces unique traffic flow analysis such as: (1) Collecting over a month of recent traffic data in a major city in India, (2) defining traffic congestion from occupancy parameter based on traffic flow theory and observation data, and (3) using geographical special analysis (GIS) for identifying traffic congestion location. These three combination analysis enables one to identify the most congested area in the city with quantitative congestion condition. This study becomes useful to other countries that have similar issues.

Pradeep Kumar Verpula

To detect attacks from IOT[1] and big data application using data mining techniques. Now-a-days internet can be access from anywhere using small devices such as smart phones, sensors [4] and other wearable devices etc. Always these devices will sense data such as human body[7] temperature or environment temperature or traffic data at road side etc and send this sense data to centralized server for aggregation (storage). Later this data will be used for analysis purpose such as to detect patient condition from sense patient data or to identify traffic[6] congested area. Humans will be benefitted by using above sensors and internet technologies but these will aggregate lots of data and will be called as big data and normal technique will not process such huge data and other problem is some malicious users will corrupt sensor data by attacking network or injecting extra data inside sensor sense data packet. To overcome from this problem[8], within document we are introduced a technique called CLAPP. In this technique big data attributes will be reduce by applying Dimensionality Reduction Technique. This technique will take entire data and check each column (attribute) similarity with other column and generate cluster based on similarity. If two column values are similar and related to given class then it will clustered and if not similar then that attribute will be remove out to reduce big dataset size.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 351-359
Arif Sadikin Purnama ◽  
Matfa Kresna Maarifarsyah ◽  
Putri Rahayu Nengsih ◽  
Dewi Desiana ◽  
Yusuf Guntur Hari Putra ◽  

Keramat is the name of one of the markets in Sampit City which is mostly inhabited by the middle to lower economic population. Located in a congested area and market dumping waste directly into the river that flows under people's houses along with garbage that seems scattered in the river flow makes the settlement look very shabby. The children's daily activities here have to mingle with market waste and unhealthy rivers for bathing and playing. Often littering, fighting, and not caring about the environment are the daily sights of the children here. This community service is an activity of the Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa (PKM) in 2020. The focus of this activity is to instil character education for children of sacred villages by using theatre arts. Theatre is also intended to accommodate the children of the Keramat Market in developing their potential. Due to the existence of Covid-19, activities that were originally planned to be offline have turned online. The media used in carrying out activities are the WhatsApp Group, Instagram, and Youtube. Through this activity, implementation manuals have been produced, a compilation of instructional videos, cinematic audios of folk tales, and scientific articles. The children of the sacred market were enthusiastic about participating in the activity and gave positive feedback.

Pomorstvo ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 34 (1) ◽  
pp. 129-145
Ivica Lovrić ◽  
Dajana Bartulović ◽  
Maša Viduka ◽  
Sanja Steiner

Seaport Rijeka is the largest seaport in Croatia. It specializes in transport of cargo, with the primary activities of loading, unloading, storage and transport of general cargo, timber, bulk cargo, livestock, containers, and other cargo at five specialized terminals. It is focused on increasing the quality of services and the competitiveness of the transport routes in Croatia. Due to its favourable position on the TEN-T network, Seaport Rijeka provides the shortest maritime connection between the countries of Central and Eastern Europe as well as the overseas countries. In the past 20 years Seaport Rijeka keeps record of continuous growth in container traffic. Due to increasing demand in container traffic, it seeks for the solutions to expand. One of the possible solutions that would satisfy the increasing demand in container traffic is establishing a dry port. Dry port is an inland intermodal terminal which has direct connection to the seaport by road or rail and its main purpose is to provide logistic activities and transport to inland destinations. Dry ports have many advantages, faster transport of cargo from seaports, use of more efficient modes of transport, providing facilities for the storage and consolidation of goods, the maintenance of road or rail freight carriers, customs services, etc. In the case of container transport, dry ports can be used to outsource the logistic activities of transport process, away from congested area of seaports. Due to the fact that Seaport Rijeka is reaching the limits of its capacity, one of possible solutions of its expansion is establishing a dry port. The focus of this paper is to prove that establishing a dry port would speed up the transport process of containers between Seaport Rijeka and its destinations. Due to this hypothesis, four simulations were made. First simulation shows the transport process in the existing set-up of the Seaport Rijeka. Second, third and fourth simulation shows the transport process in the future possible set-up of the Seaport Rijeka with established dry port in Miklavlje, Zagreb or Vinkovci.

2020 ◽  
Vol 36 (2s) ◽  
pp. 90-97
Broox G. V. Boze ◽  
Daniel M. Markowski ◽  
Deborah Bennett ◽  
Malcom G. Williams

ABSTRACT Vector Disease Control International (VDCI) has a long history of aiding mosquito control efforts necessary for recovery after natural disasters like hurricanes and major floods. As waters associated with these events begin to recede, both nuisance and vector mosquito species surge in abundance and consequently play an increased role in public health. When these situations arise, state and county agencies implement emergency response plans and many rely on Federal Emergency Management Agency or private contractors for assistance in reducing mosquito populations that can alter arbovirus transmission cycles, cause intolerable stress, hamper reconstruction efforts, and disrupt normal community functions. Vector Disease Control International owns the largest fleet of fixed-wing aircraft dedicated specifically to mosquito control and has worked every major storm event since Hurricane Bonnie in 1998. This article describes the logistics and operations required for implementing VDCI's emergency management plan, including the relocation of equipment, adult mosquito surveillance, delivery of pesticides, assessment of efficacy, and filing of low-level waivers and congested-area plans with the Federal Aviation Administration.

2020 ◽  
Vol 26 (1) ◽  
pp. 18-26

Historic tombs are important buildings in our architectural legacy both in terms of their tangible and intangible values. Hence, they are among the monuments preserved by Turkish government’s related bodies, providing substantial grants for the preservation of these buildings. This study examines a 16th century historic tomb, Karyağdı Sultan Tomb, located in a congested area in Ankara, Turkey.  Although the tomb is at the hearth of the city and can be reached easily, it is not much known and visited by the community because of the unplanned constructions mostly used for commercial purposes surrounding and hiding the building.  The objective of this study is to investigate sustainability potentials and develop revitalization suggestions of the tomb and its neighbourhood appropriate to the environmental, cultural, and social values of the region by means of need analysis, field works, and interviews with the local community.  Overall, the study findings suggest that thanks to the appropriate sustainable solutions for the development of the neighbourhood and existing built heritage with regard to community, neighbourhood, and building context, visiting capacity and recognition of the tomb and the area can be increased substantially. Hence the research formulated several holistic sustainable preservation suggestions, and recommended further studies in order to realize the potentials of sustainability evident.

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