monthly period
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2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (8) ◽  
pp. 1473-1477
Miloud Benmedjahed ◽  
Abdeldjalil Dahbi ◽  
Abdelkader Hadidi ◽  
Samir Mouhadjer

The hottest transitions occur in the summer, as we notice during this period the peak of electricity consumption in Adrar, where the electricity network must use all kinds of energy, especially the wind energy produced by Cabertein wind farm. We evaluated the effect of temperature and wind distribution on the energy produced by one of Gamesa G52 wind turbines, and this was done by studying the wind distribution and determining the number of hours per year according to five cases. Finally, to estimate the monthly produced energy, we used a logical temperature equation, and then we determined the seasonal and annual energy. Low winds are the only reason why wind turbines are unable to produce electricity for a monthly period ranging from 152 An hour (May) to 274 hours (September), meaning that the seasonal production stop, for this reason, ranges between 590 hours (spring) and 779 hours (summer), with an average of 2736 hours per year, while temperatures did not constitute an obstacle to electricity production except. In three months for a short period of 2 hours (June and July) and 22 hours (August), affecting production in the summer season, with an estimated time of 26 hours.

PLoS ONE ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (12) ◽  
pp. e0261265
Paweł Pakosz ◽  
Anna Lukanova-Jakubowska ◽  
Edyta Łuszczki ◽  
Mariusz Gnoiński ◽  
Oscar García-García

Background The purpose of this study was to identify the biomedical signals of short-track athletes by evaluating the effects of monthly strength training on changes in their neuromuscular profile, strength, and power parameters of the lower limb muscles. Muscle asymmetry, which can cause a risk of injury, was also evaluated. Methods and results This study involved female athletes, age 18.8 ± 2.7 years, with a height of 162 ± 2.4 cm, and weight of 55.9 ± 3.9 kg. Before and after the monthly preparatory period prior to the season, strength measurements were assessed through the Swift SpeedMat platform, and reactivity of the lower limb muscles was assessed with tensiomyography (TMG). The athletes were also tested before and after the recovery training period. In the test after strength training, all average countermovement jump (CMJ) results improved. Flight time showed an increase with a moderate to large effect, using both legs (5.21%). Among the TMG parameters, time contraction (Tc) changed globally with a decrease (-5.20%). Changes in the results of the test after recovery training were most often not significant. Conclusion A monthly period of strength training changes the neuromuscular profile of short-track female athletes, with no significant differences between the right and left lower limbs.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-14
Rani Nooraeni ◽  
Jimmy Nickelson ◽  
Eko Rahmadian ◽  
Nugroho Puspito Yudho

Official statistics on monthly export values have a publicity lag between the current period and the published publication. None of the previous researchers estimated the value of exports for the monthly period. This circumstance is due to limitations in obtaining supporting data that can predict the criteria for the current export value of goods. AIS data is one type of big data that can provide solutions in producing the latest indicators to forecast export values. Statistical Methods and Conventional Machine Learning are implemented as forecasting methods. Seasonal ARIMA and Artificial Neural Network (ANN) methods are both used in research to forecast the value of Indonesia’s exports. However, ANN has a weakness that requires high computational costs to obtain optimal parameters. Genetic Algorithm (GA) is effective in increasing ANN accuracy. Based on these backgrounds, this paper aims to develop and select an AIS indicator to predict the monthly export value in Indonesia and optimize ANN performance by combining the ANN algorithm with the genetic algorithm (GA-ANN). The research successfully established five indicators that can be used as predictors in the forecasting model. According to the model evaluation results, the genetic algorithm has succeeded in improving the performance of the ANN model as indicated by the resulting RMSE GA-ANN value, which is smaller than the RMSE of the ANN model.

2021 ◽  
Vol 893 (1) ◽  
pp. 012045
Agita Vivi ◽  
Rahmat Hidayat ◽  
Akhmad Faqih ◽  
Furqon Alfahmi

Abstract Preliminary assessment of sub-seasonal to seasonal reforecast precipitation model (S2S) was conducted to analyze the model's performance over western Indonesia on four conditions. The ECMWF S2S model was compared to quality controlled daily precipitation data from 645 observation points over the region. The control and perturbed model for the first three time steps and the last three were utilized to obtain the best performance comparison. The analysis was conducted in monthly period, MJO events, NCS events, and when both of them were active during period of November-December-January-February (NDJF) from 1998 to 2017. The results show that the first three time steps perform much better than the last one with a slightly higher correlation coefficient from the control model with relatively similar RMSE in Natuna Islands. Spatial analysis indicates that both of the control and perturbed models can catch the variation brought by the wet season in the NDJF period, by the MJO, show a hint of NCS effect, and the combination when MJO and NCS were active at the same time. The models can depict the precipitation pattern pretty well with the tendency to overestimate low rainfall intensity and underestimate the high one. The models relatively overestimate the intensity in Sumatra for the whole period. Meanwhile, consistently good spatial performance is shown by the models over Java, both in NDJF periods or MJO events.

2021 ◽  
Vol 108 (Supplement_6) ◽  
D Dhillon ◽  
Y Ibrahim ◽  
K Vijaysurej ◽  
Z Li ◽  
M Malik ◽  

Abstract Introduction When assessing paediatric patients presenting with burns, non-accidental injury always has to be considered. In our department, local policy dictates that all patients aged 18 or below should have a child safeguarding tool completed on initial clerking. Method A retrospective audit of all paediatric burns seen over one month was performed. Primary outcome measures included completion of a safeguarding tool and documentation of referral outcome. These results were presented locally and implementing changes were carried out. This was then re-audited over a further monthly period. Results Initial data collection showed a safeguarding tool completion rate of 69% and referral outcome documentation rate of 50% (n = 16). Implement changes included dissemination of initial audit results to the department, changing the layout of our clerking proformas and introducing posters in the unit which provided more information on risk assessing paediatric patients. The re-audit results showed a safeguarding tool completion rate of 100% and a referral outcome documentation rate of 100% (n = 14). Conclusions There was a significant improvement in both the safeguarding tool completion and referral outcome documentation rates following our interventions. Simple measures just such education and strategic adjustments of clerking proformas have been shown to be effective measures for increasing documental compliance of child safeguarding tools.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-14
Hilman Suryadi

This study aims to look at the description and influence of contributions, claims, investment returns, inflation, JCI, and BANK INDONESIA SHARIA CERTIFICATE yields on the growth of Sharia insurance industry assets in Indonesia for the 2016-2020 period, both simultaneously and partially. The data used are secondary data for the monthly period in 2016-2020. This study uses multiple linear regression analysis with the help of Eviews 10 software to see the effect of the independent variable on the dependent variable. Based on the research results, simultaneously all variables have a significant effect on asset growth. Partially, the claims variable and the JCI have a significant negative effect on asset growth, while the contribution and investment return variables have a significant positive effect on asset growth, then the inflation variable and BANK INDONESIA SHARIA CERTIFICATE yield have no significant effect on the growth of Islamic insurance industry assets in Indonesia

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 13-20
Meiske Shabrina Pesik ◽  
Didi Suhaedi ◽  
M. Yusuf Fajar

Abstract. The Cikeruh River is a source of water for the people who live in the watershed area. The shift in land management has resulted in problems in the availability of water resources. As a policy to overcome this problem, an estimation of the flow rate of the Cikeruh river was carried out. Cikeruh river flow discharge data is observational data with a monthly period included in time series data or time series data. This data has a seasonal pattern so that the method that can be used to predict the discharge data is the Thomas-Fiering Method. To estimate the discharge data for 2018, the Cikeruh river flow discharge data were used every month from 2011 to 2017 as many as 84 historical data. Then after getting the results of the 2018 debit data estimation, the mean error value calculated using Thomas-Fiering was 0.0291. Abstrak. Sungai Cikeruh merupakan sumber air bagi masyarakat yang bermukim di wilayah daerah aliran sungai. Terjadinya pergeseran tata kelola lahan mengakibatkan permasalahan ketersediaan sumber daya air. Sebagai suatu kebijakan untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut maka dilakukan pendugaan debit aliran sungai Cikeruh. Data debit aliran sungai Cikeruh merupakan data pengamatan dengan periode bulanan yang termasuk dalam data time series atau data runtun waktu. Data ini memiliki pola  musiman sehingga metode yang dapat digunakan untuk membuat pendugaan data debit adalah Metode Thomas-Fiering. Untuk menduga data debit tahun 2018 digunakan data debit aliran sungai Cikeruh setiap bulannya dari tahun 2011 sampai 2017 sebanyak 84 data historis. Kemudian setelah mendapatkan hasil pendugaan data debit tahun 2018 didapatkan nilai Mean Error perhitungan menggunakan Thomas-Fiering adalah 0.0291.

Rintis Mardika Sunarto ◽  
Abba Suganda Girsang ◽  
Melva Hermayanty Saragih

Employee performance is very important at the company, because employees are the main assets of the company, many companies pay less attention to this, even though this is closely related to customer satisfaction in service and company policy to determine the employee's future. PT. XYZ is a company that provides organized professional services and strict recruitment principles, even before starting work for drivers it must do training for 3 days. However, the facts in the field are different, there are still customers who complain because of poor driver's obligations, such as arriving late or not being good. Because there is no application yet to assess performance, this causes companies to collect complaints data and conduct performance evaluations based on facts in the field in real time. With this problem, the whatsapp chat application is chosen as media reporting, because according to the statistics of active media users, whatsapp will make it easier for drivers and customers to connect with the company's customer service (ChatBOT) in real time. The purpose of this study is to create and manage Key Performance Indicators by getting data feedback from the driver or customer per day that will be obtained at the end of the monthly period. Data obtained from feedback will be given to customers who provide material for companies to make decisions to determine work contracts and awards for drivers who work well

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 47-56
Fifi Afiyanti Tripuspitorini

Islamic investment is experiencing an upward trend from year to year. Many investors are starting to look at Islamic stocks. One of the Islamic stocks in Indonesia is the Indonesian Sharia Stock Index (ISSI). Investors must have many careful considerations to invest. One of the factors that may influence stock prices is macroeconomic factors. This study aims to determine how macroeconomic variables in the form of inflation, the rupiah exchange rate against the dollar, and Bank Indonesia interest rates can affect the ISSI stock price. This study uses a quantitative data approach. The data is obtained from the Sharia Stock Index (ISSI) in the monthly period January 2016 to December 2018.Meanwhile, data analysis used Partial Least Square (PLS) with the help of WarpPLS. The results showed that inflation and the rupiah exchange rate had no effect on the ISSI stock price. while the BI rate has a significant negative effect on the ISSI stock price.

2020 ◽  
Kizito Omona

Fibroid, also called leiomyomas, is common tumor of the uterus. Usually, women of reproductive age are at risk of getting it. However, majority of these women develop fibroid (s) by the age of 50 years. This condition usually causes painful and unpleasant symptoms such as; heavy bleeding, prolonged periods, inter-menstrual bleeding, abdominal pain and cramps, anemia, pelvic pain and pain during sexual intercourse, among others. Abnormal bleeding, such as bleeding that occurs with fibroids and heavy periods, often lasts more than 10 days per month. This fibroid symptom involves persistent bleeding between cycles, which can severely impact one’s quality of life. Abnormal bleeding, especially in fibroids, can be taken as missing three or more periods in a woman who had been having regular monthly period, or periods that last less than 21 days or more than 35 days apart from each other. Another indication of an abnormal period is bleeding through multiple pads and tampons in a short amount of time.

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