humor styles
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2022 ◽  
Vol 185 ◽  
pp. 111281
Jorge Torres-Marín ◽  
Ginés Navarro-Carrillo ◽  
Hugo Carretero-Dios

2022 ◽  
Mitch Brown

Men’s formidability is inferred multimodally through various facial and bodily features. Such inferences frequently provide downstream perceptions of various traits and motivational states that inform subsequent affiliative decisions. Within these inferences could be an implicit understanding of men’s preferred humor styles. Across four studies, this research considered perceptions of men’s proclivity to employ each of the four humor styles through different formidability cues: upper body strength (Study 1), body muscularity (Study 2), facial width-to-height ratio (Study 3), and neck musculature (Study 4). Results indicated a relatively consistent perception of formidable features being diagnostic of men’s interest in aggressive humor. Additional findings indicate certain formidability cues connote a disinterest in self-defeating and self-enhancing humor. Facial and bodily cues finally connoted affiliative humor in different capacities. We frame findings from an evolutionary perspective based on perceptions of the various benefits and costs of different formidability features.

Educatia 21 ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 70-76
Horia Mihai Raboca ◽  
Daniela Cotoranu ◽  

The use of humor by teachers can have a positive effect on improving the level of academic self concept and implicitly on motivation and academic results. The present research aimed to investigate to what extent the humor styles practiced by teachers influence the level of academic self-concept (ASC) of students. A number of 117 students who were enrolled in the master's programs in the field of public administration within the Faculty of Political, Administrative and Communication Sciences (FSPAC), Babeș-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca answered a questionnaire. Our research shows that there is a link between the humor styles practiced by teachers and the level of ASC of students. Also, the findings indicate that the use of humor in the educational process can play a greate role, namely it can increase or decrease the level of ASC among students. In this sense, although the influence of students' humor styles on the ASC level of students is relatively weak, the connection is still significant.

2021 ◽  
Siddoju Aishwarya

The present study explored the correlations between the four humor styles and the Dark Triad traits of personality. Participants were 202 undergraduates from India who finished the humor Styles Questionnaire, the Narcissistic Personality Inventory, the Self-Report Psychopathy Scale, and the MACHIV. Results intimated that member who scored higher on sub-clinical psychopathy and Machiavellianism exhibited a more inclination to utilise negative humor styles (self-defeating and aggressive). whereas, individuals who got higher scores on narcissism were progressively inclined to have a preference toward affiliative humor or style and self-enhancing humor style and they negatively correlated with negative humor styles. The study was conducted to help understand the personality traits of individuals with various genre of humor and help to explain the nature of the Dark Triad traits of personality. It said to shed light on the interpersonal styles employed by people who exhibit these attributes.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 292-297
Novera Obaid Qazi ◽  
Umbreen Khizar ◽  
Umber Baloch

The present study is a “cross-sectional survey research”; aimed toward monitoring the impact of Social Anxiety and Humor Styles on Mental Health. For the study, 500 subjects (205 males, 295 females) were approached. The sample was obtained through the use of random sampling. “The age range” of the applicants was as of 18 to 31 years. The Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale by Michael Liebowitz was used to measure the Social Anxiety among the participants, the “four Humor Styles (Affiliative, Self-enhancing, Aggressive and Self-defeating)” be measured by means of Humor Style Questionnaire by Dr. Rod A. Martin, and the Mental Health Inventory (MHI-5) by Veit and Ware was used to measure the Mental Health of the research participants. Results of the study revealed that Social Anxiety and Humor Styles have a significant impact on Mental Health. The study further monitored how men and women differ in terms of Social Anxiety, Humor Styles and Mental Health. The findings suggested that no gender differences exist in Social Anxiety and Mental Health. As far as the four Humor Styles are concerned, no gender difference was found in “Aggressive and Self-enhancing Humor Styles”; while Affiliative and “Self-defeating Humor Styles” varied in terms of gender. The findings of the study suggested that make use of the “Adaptive Humor Styles Affiliative and Self-enhancing” lessens the Social Anxiety and causes amelioration in the Mental Health; while the use of “Mal-adaptive Humor Styles (Aggressive and Self-defeating)” exacerbates the Social Anxiety and causes deterioration in the Mental Health.

2021 ◽  
pp. 026540752110435
Heidi L. Fritz

Prior research links adaptive humor styles (affiliative and self-enhancing) with enhanced psychological well-being and maladaptive humor styles (aggressive and self-defeating) with worse psychological well-being, primarily through humor styles’ influence on individuals’ social interactions and efforts to positively reframe stressors. The present study examined the unique relation of each humor style with psychological well-being with a focus on understanding mechanisms of adjustment under highly stressful conditions. Ninety-nine parents of children with disabilities were surveyed at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States in March 2020, and 79 parents completed follow-up surveys in July 2020. As predicted, at T1, self-enhancing humor was associated with less psychological distress and greater family satisfaction, self-defeating humor was associated with greater distress, and aggressive humor was associated with lower family satisfaction. Moreover, affiliative humor predicted decreased psychological distress over time, whereas self-defeating humor predicted increased psychological distress and decreased family satisfaction over time. Relations were largely mediated by caregiver positive reappraisal, family efforts to reframe daily disability-related challenges, and negative social interactions. Future research should further examine the influence of caregiver humor styles on family dynamics, family reframing norms, and caregiving efficacy.

2021 ◽  
Vol 182 ◽  
pp. 111073
Marisa L. Kfrerer ◽  
Edward Bell ◽  
Julie Aitken Schermer

Oksana Schotka ◽  
Yaroslava Andreeva ◽  

Introduction.Humor as an element of the organizational system is relatively little studied in psychology, although humor is an important organizational resource, the skillful use of which can be helpful for organization managers in coping with work stress and promoting staff's psychological well-being.Aim: to find out the productivity of educational organization staff's humor styles and to determine the conditions for optimizing humor management in educational organizations. Methods.The author's questionnaire «Stress in Educators' Work and Communication», assessement questionnaires: «Methods of Assessment of Levels and Types of Sense of Humor»(I.S. Dombrovska,), «Self-assessment of Stress Resistance», «Coping Behavior in Stressful Situations»(E. Heim), «Test of Viability»(Muddy), content analysis of visual humorous content of educational sites and Facebook groups. Spearman's correlation analysis was used for statistical data processing.Results.The author has found a moderate relationship between the educational organization staff's humor style and stress copying, which allows defining a humor style focused on others as productive. The educational organization staff's self-humor with a hint of self-deprecation and staffʼs ability to passively perceive humor, did not associate with staffʼs stress coping. It has been found that educational organization staff uses mostly unproductive humor styles to overcome stress.Conclusion. The obtained findings offer a good possibility of training managers for conscious use of humorous interactions to reduce staff's work stress, given different effectiveness of different humor styles.

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