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2022 ◽  
Rio Rovando Rindengan

Instagram social media has now become an alternative media in the field of marketing and promotion. Personally, you can do business through Instagram. Currently, Selebgram is becoming a trend among Instagram users in Indonesia. Being a celebgram must have its own uniqueness to be different from other competitor celebgrams. In building it, good personal branding is needed to be able to survive in the world of celebrity on Instagram. Ohim with the account @ibrhmrsyd without any background as a celebrity also received the celebgram title. Ohim's personal branding has attracted the attention of well-known products by only using Instagram as a means of delivering communication messages. He can be glimpsed and attract the attention of well-known brands in Indonesia and make him an endorser in the program. He became one of the celebgram in the city of Bandung that represents the famous product. This study discusses how the personal branding strategy of non-celebrity celebrities is. The method used is descriptive qualitative with indicators consisting of eleven characteristics of authentic personal branding by Rampersad. The results of the study state that Ohim's personal branding strategy is to have values, character, code of conduct and morals, focus on one area, be consistent, have relevance, have visibility, gain recognition, apply positive things, and be yourself while maintaining its existence and always maintaining relationships that exist both in the @ibrhmrsyd Instagram account and in their daily lives.

2022 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 187-195
Nurul Vidiyah

The problem in this research is the lack of alternative literature teaching materials used by teachers in the learning process. This study aims to analyze the semiotics of Roland Barthes in the animated film Entong which will be used as an alternative material for teaching literature in elementary schools. The research method applied in this research is content analysis method. Data collection techniques were carried out by observation and documentation. The results of the observation show that there are semiotic codes of Roland Barthes in the episodes of the animated film Entong. This happens because, data retrieval is taken from the YouTube application. The semiotic codes contained in the animated film Entong are hermeneutic codes that function to see the problems of a narrative and create a solution or an answer, semiotic codes function to a connecting relation code which is the connotation of a person, place, object whose sign is a character, code symbolic functions as symbols, preauretic codes function to see the basic narrative actions in various sequences that may be indicated, and cultural codes function to see the cultural side of a story. Based on Roland Barthes' semiotics contained in the animated film Entong, it can be used as an alternative to teaching literature in elementary schools so that students can apply it in their daily lives.

Puji Lestari ◽  
Prahastiwi Utari ◽  
Julius Slamet

The purpose of this research is to find out how the identity of the auditor's communication when carrying out an examination task. The research was conducted with qualitative method using a case study  and interviews for for collecting the data. The research samples were five auditors at BPK RI Representatives of DIY Province. The research concluded using four layers, which are the personal layer, enacted layer, relational layer, and communal layer cited from the in the Theory of Communication of Identity by Michael Hecht. The theory stated that participants' personal identity is formed by several factors i.e. self-character, code of ethics, and environmental factors. Participants demonstrate their code of ethics through the communication process between the auditor and the audite, which is then manifested in the form of behavior when carrying out the audit tasks. By understanding each other's identity, it can create a harmonious relationship between the auditor and the audite through mutual support between the auditor and the audite. The attitudes and behaviors shown by the auditors when conducting the audit tasks reflect the identity of the BPK institution in the community as a free and independent audit institution, so that the negative stereotypes of auditors are minimized. There is also an identity gap in: (1) the personal layer and the personal layer, the personal and enacted layers, and the relational and enacted layers.

Anastasia A. Hulak

Based on materials collected by Belarusian Soviet folklorists in the first and later post-war expeditions, the paper examines manifestations of folklorization as part of assimilation and reinterpretation of different texts by the oral tradition. It focuses primarily on non-canonical war folklore, the examples of which are clustered around the three elements of the character code of Soviet heroics. Common songs about Kolya the Tractor Driver belong to the semantic field of the myth of the so-called “fiery tractor driver” — Pyotr Dyakov. They demonstrate that official art that could meet popular ideas of the war as a social and personal trauma were mostly open to folklorization. Folk songs about Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya vividly embody the motifs of suffering and demonstrate an expressive shift of the genre and content boundary from Soviet heroics to late traditional ballad forms. They substantively reveal the tragedy of human collision with the world of war. Songs about Zaslonov, popular among Belarusian partisans are derived from a productive ballad story about the death of a soldier. They steadily retain the semantics of the hero — people's defender. The revitalization of plots with such heroes — nation`s protectors is characteristic of the oral tradition of the period of social cataclysms. Songs about Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya and Konstantin Zaslonov are among the few that retained elements of their characters’ personal features in spite of being a part of the popular repertoire of the post-war period.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 67-76
Rusdi Hendra

Perkembangan teknologi informasi dan media jejaring sosial saat ini menyebabkan pembentukan personal brand melalui media sosial semakin penting. Masyarakat Indonesia dikenal sebagai pengguna aktif media sosial. Menjadi seorang perupa harus memiliki keunikan tersendiri untuk dapat berbeda dengan perupa lainnya. Dalam membangunnya, dibutuhkan personal branding yang baik untuk dapat maju dan berkembang di dalam dunia seni rupa. Piko dengan akun @iabadioupiko telah melakukannya lewat media Instagram. Personal branding yang dilakukan Piko menarik dengan mengunggah hasil karyanya untuk menarik perhatian galeri dan menggunakan Instagram sebagai alat penyampaian pesan komunikasinya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data yaitu wawancara dan melakukan observasi terhadap dokumentasi yang dimiliki dan melakukan tinjauan literatur. Data yang didapat kemudian dianalisis menggunakan teknik analisis yaitu mengorganisasikan data, mereduksi data, peringkasan, dan penyajian data. Hasil akhir dari analisis data dapat mengetahui tentang bagaimana strategi personal branding perupa melalui media sosial Instagram dengan indikator yang terdiri dari kesebelas karakteristik authentic personal branding oleh Rampersad. Hasil penelitian menyebutkan bahwa strategi personal branding Piko ialah memiliki nilai, karakter, kode perilaku, berfokus pada satu bidang, konsisten, memiliki relevansi, memiliki visibilitas, mendapatkan pengakuan, menerapkan hal positif, serta menjadi diri sendiri dengan tetap menjaga eksistensinya dan selalu memelihara hubungan yang terjalin baik dalam akun Instagram @iabadioupiko maupun dalam kesehariannya. The Artist's Personal Branding Strategy Through Social Media ABSTRACT The development of information technology and social networking media has made personal brands' formation through social media increasingly important. Indonesian people are known as active users of social media. Being an artist must be unique to be different from other artists. In building it, good personal branding is needed to advance and develop in the world of fine arts. Piko, with the @iabadioupiko account, has done this via Instagram. Piko's personal branding is impressive by uploading his work to attract the attention of galleries and using Instagram to convey his communication messages. This study used a qualitative descriptive method with data collection techniques, namely interviews and observing documentation, and conducting literature reviews. The data obtained were then analyzed using analytical techniques, namely organizing data, reducing data, summarizing, and presenting data. The final result of the data analysis can find out about the personal branding strategy of the artists through social media Instagram with indicators consisting of eleven characteristics of authentic personal branding by Rampersad. The results show that Piko's personal branding strategy is to have values, character, code of behavior, focus on one area, be consistent, have relevance, have visibility, gain recognition, apply positive things, and be yourself while maintaining its existence and always maintaining good relationships. They were established both in the Instagram account @iabadioupiko and in his daily life.

Krithika L. B. ◽  
Abhisek Mazumdar ◽  
Rajesh Kaluri ◽  
Jing Wang

Blockchain technology is very trending and promising. It can revolutionize the traditional way of manipulation of data in many industries. There are industries which blockchain can disrupt: banking, cyber security, smart contract, insurance, cloud storage, government, healthcare, media streaming. The decentralized approach of blockchain using peer-to-peer system to verify the correct record of the ledger, which builds a trust in the system. A system can be compiled and made to get adopted with the concept of smart contract. The aim of the work is to develop a system that is flexible enough to get implemented in the industries like finance, cyber security, data storage, buying and selling of properties, healthcare, etc. This will use a one-way encryption method known as SHA-256. A block with the 256-character code bind with the other metadata of the block will be termed as a smart contract for the item.

2019 ◽  
pp. 82-91
Olha Trebyk ◽  

2019 ◽  
Vol 168 ◽  
pp. 39-48
Olga Trebyk

The image of death in Ukrainian cumulative talesAnalyzing the texts of Ukrainian cumulative tales, we can conclude that there are cumulative structures in death tales. The author of this article analyzes these cumulative structures; numbers are given according to Andreev’s index. The theme of death in these tales is presented in different dimensions and at different levels. In the character code of the analyzed texts, there is an image of death that has an anthropomorphic appearance. The author of this article gives examples of tales in which lamentation is used as a cumulative method. Образ смерти в украинских кумулятивных сказкахАнализируя тексты украинских кумулятивных сказок, можно сделать вывод, что в украинском сказочном фонде присутствуют сказки о смерти. Эти сказки имеют кумулятивные структуры. В украинских кумулятивных сказках по-разному представлен образ смерти. В статье проанализированы кумулятивные структуры, приведены номера сюжетов в соответствии с сюжетным указателем Николая Андреева. Тема смерти в кумулятивных сказках представлена в разных измерениях и на разных уровнях. Так, в персонажном коде анализируемых текстов есть образ Смерти, имеющей антропоморфный вид. В статье рас­сматриваются сказки, в которых используется кумулятивный прием причитания.

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