excessive risk
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Jurnal Anifa ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 16-29

Gadgets have become an important necessity in the digital age. This phenomenon not only occurs among adults but also in children. The youngest generation today is known as Gen A or Alpha generation. experts predict this generation is most familiar with technology, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic so it needs guidance from older people because children will not gain social-emotional abilities if only interact with the device. The purpose of this study is to explain the influence of devices used in the lives of the Alpha generation during the Covid-19 pandemic. Research methods use qualitative methods, with descriptive approaches and data collection methods of research libraries. Research shows that the challenges of educating children are becoming increasingly complicated, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic. 29% AUD in 2020 in Indonesia using gadgets. This is due to changes in learning methods that occur during pandemics, as well as parents who let children play with gadgets without proper control, then they experience addiction, thus affecting motor, cognitive, and psychological development, as well as creativity. Screen time excessive risk experiencing speech delay, disturbance, weakness social skill and even brain damage. On the other hand, gadgets have a positive impact such as adding science and entertainment. Parents play an important role in controlling children in the use of gadgets so that they avoid addiction to give birth to the golden generation in the future.

Colleen M. Boland ◽  
Corinna Ewelt-Knauer ◽  
Julia Schneider

AbstractCorporations have recently started incorporating employees’ prosocial preferences into their incentive schemes, including charitable donations (corporate giving). These donations are mainly discussed in conjunction with the external effects of a firm’s CSR strategy. However, this experiment examines the effect of donations on internal firm operations. Specifically, we investigate whether the presence and structure of corporate giving influences employees’ excessive risk-taking. Such prosocial activities may remediate misaligned incentives often cited as drivers for employees to take excessive risks. Contrary to widespread practice, our experimental evidence suggests that firms could constrain employees' excessive risk-taking by linking existing contributions to project rather than corporate performance, thus providing boundaries around an employee’s involvement in CSR initiatives. We identify project-level giving as an unexplored CSR benefit and infer that personal responsibility effectively changes an employee’s incentive package. Our findings suggest an inverted U-shape curve of effectiveness.

Ludovica De Panfilis ◽  
Carlo Peruselli ◽  
Giovanna Artioli ◽  
Marta Perin ◽  
Eduardo Bruera ◽  

The debate about the ethical decision-making process in the healthcare context has been enriched with a theory called “nudging”, which has been defined as the framing of information that can significantly influence behaviour without restricting choice. The literature shows very limited data on the opinion and experience of palliative care healthcare professionals on the use of nudging techniques in their care setting. The aim of this study is to explore the beliefs of experienced palliative care professionals towards nudging. We performed a qualitative study using textual data collected through a focus group. It was audio-recorded, and the transcripts were subjected to a thematic analysis. It was performed within an oncological research hospital with a small and multidisciplinary group of healthcare professionals specialised in PC. Participants reported two overarching positions grounded in two main themes: (1) translating nudging in the PC setting and (2) towards a neutral space. The participants found few justifications for the use of nudging in the PC field, even if it can be very attractive and reassuring. Participants also expressed concerns about the excessive risk of developing pure paternalism.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-14
Mahmoud Mofid Abdul Karim

Abstract This study assessed the failure of the Lehman brothers. The aim was to evaluate the causes of Lehman's bankruptcy and determine the strategies that could prevent bankruptcy in the banking sector going forward. Findings indicated a close relationship between regulations and the actions of management. In particular, the failure of Lehman showed that regulation and supervision are critical to the success and continuity of the banking sector. The analysis also showed that the demise of Lehman was a result of complex factors. These included unethical management practices, deregulation, excessive risk-taking, poor corporate governance structure, fraud, and lack of a robust ethics code. Keywords: Derivatives, Hedging, Subprime Mortgage, Bankruptcy.

Ling-Tim Wong ◽  
Kwok-Wai Mui ◽  
Cheng-Li Cheng ◽  
Polly Hang-Mei Leung

Time-variant positive air pressure in a drainage stack poses a risk of pathogenic virus transmission into a habitable space, however, the excessive risk and its significance have not yet been sufficiently addressed for drainage system designs. This study proposes a novel measure for the probable pathogenic virus transmission risk of a high-rise drainage stack with the occurrence of positive air pressure. The proposed approach is based on time-variant positive air pressures measured in a 38 m high drainage stack of a full-scale experimental tower under steady flow conditions of flow rate 1–4 Ls−1 discharging at a height between 15 m to 33 m above the stack base. The maximum pressure and probabilistic positive air pressures in the discharging stack ventilation section with no water (Zone A of the discharging drainage stack) were determined. It was demonstrated that the positive air pressures were lower in frequency as compared with those in other stack zones and could propagate along the upper 1/3 portion of the ventilation pipe (H’ ≥ 0.63) towards the ventilation opening at the rooftop. As the probabilistic positive pressures at a stack height were found to be related to the water discharging height and flow rate, a risk model of positive air pressure is proposed. Taking the 119th, 124th, 140th and 11,547th COVID-19 cases of an epidemiological investigation in Hong Kong as a baseline of concern, excessive risk of system overuse was evaluated. The results showed that for a 20–80% increase in the frequency of discharge flow rate, the number of floors identified at risk increased from 1 to 9 and 1 to 6 in the 34- and 25-storey residential buildings, respectively. The outcome can apply to facilities planning for self-quarantine arrangements in high-rise buildings where pathogenic virus transmission associated with drainage system overuse is a concern.

ILR Review ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 001979392110073
Douglas Kruse ◽  
Joseph Blasi ◽  
Dan Weltmann ◽  
Saehee Kang ◽  
Jung Ook Kim ◽  

A major theoretical objection against employee share ownership is that workers are exposed to excessive financial risk. Theory posits that 10 to 15% of a typical worker’s wealth portfolio can be prudently invested in employer stock. The authors analyze employee share ownership in US family portfolios using the 2004 to 2016 Survey of Consumer Finances. Overall, 15.3% of families with private-sector employees held employer stock in 2016, and one in six of these families exceeded the 15% threshold. Employee share ownership appears to generally add to, rather than substitute for, both pension and overall wealth. Employee share owners express higher risk tolerance and financial knowledge and greater understanding of the value of diversification. While financial risk does not appear to be a substantial problem for most employee share owners, a small minority may face excessive risk, and the authors suggest approaches to reduce such risk.

Snehal R. Sambhe ◽  
Dr. Kamlesh A. Waghmare

As insufficient testing kits are available, the development of new testing kits for detecting COVID remains an open vicinity of research. It’s impossible to test each and every patient suffering from coronavirus symptoms using the traditional method i.e. RT-PCR. This test requires more time to produce results and have less sensitivity. Detecting feasible coronavirus infection using chest X-Ray may also assist quarantine excessive risk sufferers while testing results are disclosed. A learning model can be built based on CT scan images or Chest X-rays of individuals with higher accuracy. This paper represents a computer-aided diagnosis of COVID 19 infection bases on a feature extractor by using CNN models.

2021 ◽  
pp. 175-188
Alex Leveringhaus

This chapter considers how autonomous weapons systems (AWS) impact the armed conflicts of the future. Conceptually, the chapter argues that AWS should not be seen as on a par with precision weaponry, which makes them normatively problematic. Against this background, the chapter considers the relationship between AWS and two narratives, The Humane Warfare Narrative and the Excessive Risk Narrative, which have been used to theorize contemporary armed conflict. AWS, the chapter contends, are unlikely to usher in an era of humane warfare. Rather, they are likely to reinforce existing trends with regard to the imposition of excessive risk on noncombatants in armed conflict. Future conflicts in which AWS are deployed are thus likely to share many characteristics of the risk-transfer wars of the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries. The chapter concludes by putting these abstract considerations to the test in the practical context of military intervention.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 44-49
Naomi Pandiangan

Indonesia is a developing country that implements a deposit insurance system. Deposit Insurance Agency or LPS is an Indonesian deposit insurance established in 2004, which is Indonesian still unfamiliar with LPS, both among researchers, and the general public. Almost all deposit insurance in every country including Indonesia has the same problem, the problem is how to calculate premiums and how to avoid moral hazard by banks, therefore in this study will discuss how to determine premiums from the development of Black-Scholes option theory (1973) conducted by Merton (1977). To prevent banks from engaging in moral hazard, co-insurance is considered in this study, which is banks take the risk to anticipate 'excessive risk-taking' behavior. that occurs if the value of the asset is smaller than value of the deposit after joining the insurance program. So it is expected to encourage banks to beware.

Masayasu Ohmori ◽  
Ryu Ishihara ◽  
Toshitaka Morishima ◽  
Takahiro Tabuchi ◽  
Hiroyuki Okada ◽  

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