domestic breeding
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N. Kovalyuk ◽  
N. Altukhova ◽  
M. Glushchenko ◽  
A. Solovykh

Purpose: to determine the potential of the Russian subpopulation of the Holstein breed in relation to selection by loci of beta-and kappa-casein.Materials and methods. For loci CSN2 and CSN3, 1,539 Holstein cattle were genotyped, including 1,242 cows and heifers and 297 sires, and information on CSN2 and CSN3 genotypes of 297 US bulls was analyzed (World Wide Sires, Ltd).Results. It has been established that in the last two years there has been an increase in the percentage of sires in WWS with CSN2 genotypes A2A2 and CSN3 genotypes BB. Thus, sires allele frequency in the 2019 catalog was 0.51 and 0.29, respectively; and in the 2021 catalog was 0.68 and 0.31, respectively.Genotyped sires of domestic breeding organizations, which are mostly foreign origin, were characterized by predominance of the A2 allele CSN2; in this group the frequency of the allele was 0.63. However, the CSN3 B allele in the group of sires belonging to domestic organizations was found with a frequency of 0.34, which is 1.6 times lower than that of sires of American origin.In the genotyped group of Holstein cows and heifers (n = 1242) belonging to 3 large farms in the Krasnodar Krai, the gene frequency CSN2 allele A2 was minimal (0.57), and the CSN3 allele B (0.40) was higher than the allele frequency in the sires group of domestic breeding enterprises.Conclusion. At present, Russian breeding enterprises and farms are lagging behind in these indicators, however, by conducting targeted selection in accordance with the indicated trend, by selecting the appropriate breeding bulls, it is possible in the next generation to increase the proportion of animals carrying valuable genotypes.

M. V. Roik ◽  
N. O. Kononiuk

Purpose. Find out the features of biometric indicators formation in sugar beet hybrids of domestic breeding. Methods. Field, laboratory. Results. According to the results of the research, it was determined that in early August, the maximum weight of roots (840 g) was in hybrid ‘ITsB 0904’. Good indicators were observed in hybrids ‘Umanskyi Ch S97’, ‘Soniachnyi’ and ‘Anichka’, 770, 780, and 800 g at the average group indicator of 730 g. It was investigated that the hybrid ‘Maksym’ (15.1%) and ‘Etiud’ (14.9%) were the best in terms of sugar accumulation in roots. Sugar content at the level of 14.8 % was observed in hybrids ‘Umanskyi ChS 97’, ‘Ramzes’, ‘Konstanta’, ‘Soniachnyi’ and ‘Verkhnia’ at the average group value of 14.5%. Conclusions. It is important to continue the study of the dynamics of root and leaf mass formation together with the process of sugar accumulation in roots in terms of establishing individual efficiency of hybrids and developing recommendations for the fullest realization of their potential in production conditions.

2021 ◽  
pp. 3-7
Е.А. Симаков ◽  
Б.В. Анисимов ◽  
А.В. Митюшкин ◽  
А.А. Журавлев ◽  
А.С. Гайзатулин

В последние годы, по данным ФГБУ «Россельхозцентр», доля сертифицированного семенного картофеля сортов зарубежной селекции продолжает возрастать с 77,4% в 2017 году до 86,7% в 2021 году, в то время как доля отечественных сортов снижается с 22,6% в 2017 году до 13,3% в 2021 году. При этом зарубежные селекционно-семеноводческие компании стремятся не только удовлетворить потребности современного рынка, но и способствуют его активному развитию за счет постоянного сортообновления и сортосмены. В отличие от зарубежных, отечественные сорта медленно продвигаются на поля товаропроизводителей и не составляют им конкуренцию. Для повышения конкурентоспособности российских сортов требуется максимальное соответствие отечественных селекционных достижений лучшим зарубежным сортам-аналогам, востребованным на рынке семенного и товарного картофеля. В сложившихся обстоятельствах повышение эффективности селекции с переводом ее на качественно новый уровень возможно реализовать только на основе государственного-частного партнерства. Основа развития отечественной селекции картофеля – организация двух-трех федеральных селекционно-генетических центров с обеспечением их необходимым бюджетным финансированием для выполнения этапа пребридинга или предселекции, включающей скрининг и постоянное обновление генофонда, поиск эффективных доноров хозяйственно полезных признаков, гибридизацию по различным направлениям селекции, освоение биоинженерных технологий и маркер-вспомогательной селекции. Региональных научных учреждений и агропредприятий, позиционируемых в качестве базовых селекционно-семеноводческих центров в количестве 7-8 в России достаточно для создания современных отечественных разработок, соответствующих требованиям рынка и конкурентоспособных с лучшими зарубежными селекционными достижениями. Кооперация федеральных и региональных научно-производственных структур по селекции и семеноводству картофеля представляется таким образом, что основным звеном создания и продвижения новых перспективных сортов становится региональный селекционно-семеноводческий центр, заинтересованный в успешной реализации сорта на рынке семенного и товарного картофеля и способный собирать роялти за его использование. При этом появляется возможность финансовой поддержки науки в лице селекционно-генетических центров на договорных условиях с селекционно-семеноводческими центрами. In recent years, according to the FSBI Rosselkhoznadzor, the share of certified seed potatoes of varieties of foreign selection continues to increase from 77.4% in 2017 to 86.7% in 2021, while the share of domestic varieties decreases from 22.6% in 2017 to 13.3% in 2021. At the same time, foreign seed breeding companies strive not only to meet the needs of the modern market, but also contribute to its active development through constant variety renewal and variety exchange. Unlike foreign varieties, domestic varieties are slowly moving into the fields of commodity producers and do not compete with them. To increase the competitiveness of Russian varieties, maximum compliance of domestic breeding achievements with the best foreign varieties-analogues in demand on the market of seed and commodity potatoes is required. Under the circumstances, it is possible to increase the efficiency of breeding with its transfer to a qualitatively new level only on the basis of public and private partnership. The basis for the development of domestic potato breeding is the organization of two or three federal breeding and genetic centers, providing them with the necessary budget funding to complete the stage of prebreeding or preselection, including screening and constant updating of the gene pool, the search for effective donors of economically useful traits, hybridization in various areas of breeding, the development of bioengineering technologies and marker-assisted selection.Regional scientific institutions and agro-enterprises positioned as basic seed breeding centers in the number of 7-8 in Russia are enough to create modern domestic developments that meet the requirements of the market and are competitive with the best foreign breeding achievements. The cooperation of federal and regional scientific and production structures for potato breeding and seed production is presented in such a way that the main link in the creation and promotion of new promising varieties becomes a regional seed breeding center interested in the successful sale of varieties on the market of seed and commodity potatoes and able to collect royalties for its use. At the same time, there is an opportunity for financial support of science in the face of breeding and genetic centers on contractual terms with breeding and seed centers. Key words: potatoes, breeding, varieties, competitiveness, public-private partnership.

2021 ◽  
Vol 66 (1) ◽  
pp. 57-65
K. V. Klemeshova ◽  
T. Yu. Gabueva

Chrysanthemum is one of the leading crops of commercial floriculture. Within garden groups and classes, chrysanthemums are divided according to cultivation methods, shape and size of the inflorescences. For varieties grown on a cut, a group of large-flowered (with a diameter of inflorescences of 12-25 cm), small-flowered (4-10 cm) chrysanthemums and santini (from 2 to 4 cm) is distinguished. Having a limited assortment of chrysanthemum garden, in a humid subtropical climate, it is possible to form a largeflowered (single-headed, disbud) and small-flowered (spray) cut. The purpose of the research was to study the peculiarities of formation of large-flowered chrysanthemums (Chrysanthemum×hortorum Bailey) to obtain cut in the humid subtropics of Russia. The objects of research were large-flowered and small-flowered varieties of chrysanthemums of foreign and domestic breeding. The studies were carried out in the open ground of the Department of Agricultural Engineering and Nursery of the Federal Research Center the Subtropical Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Scientific research was carried out according to the methodology of State variety testing of agricultural crops and the methodology of testing for distinctness, uniformity and stability of chrysanthemum (perennial) Chrysanthemum spec. ‘Sevan’, ‘Baltica White’, ‘Granada’ and ‘Zembla Brasil’ are large-flowered varieties, which have bush peduncles of good commercial quality with large inflorescences of saturated shades. In turn, from small-flowered garden forms ‘Zembla White’, ‘Annecy White’ and ‘Westland Regal’ with regular pinching, you can grow a large-flowered cut of chrysanthemums. It was revealed the relationship between biometric characteristics in order to determine additional diagnostic features of the possibility of the formation of large-flowered inflorescences. So, the diameter of the inflorescence is the most significant parameter for research which has significant positive relationships with the diameter of the peduncle and the length of the extreme ray flower. It will allow determining the possibility of growing the variety in one form or another, depending on the needs of production, at the initial stages of introduction and variety study.

2021 ◽  
Vol 51 (3) ◽  
pp. 65-74
L. A. Marchenko

The information on the productivity trait of garden strawberry Fragaria × ananassa (Duchesne ex Weston) Duchesne ex Rozier has been summarized on the basis of literary sources. The productivity trait has a complex polygenic character. Independent inheritance of individual productivity components allows modeling their optimal combination in a new variety. The creation of highly productive varieties of strawberries is based on intraspecific hybridization. The established positive correlation between the size of berries and the yield indicates the possibility of increasing the productivity of varieties by using large-fruited forms in breeding. At present, in various zones of horticulture, researchers distinguish large-fruited varieties of domestic breeding: ‘Atlas', ‘Bereginya', ‘Vityaz', ‘Grenada', ‘Zabelinskaya', ‘Kemiya', ‘Nashe Podmoscovie', ‘Nelly', ‘Pervoklassnitsa', ‘Rusich', ‘Solnechnaya Polyanka', ‘Solovushka', ‘Festivalnaya Romashka', ‘Fruktovaya', ‘Tsaritsa', ‘Yaponka', and foreign breeding: ‘Alba', ‘Asia', ‘Elsanta', ‘Finesse', ‘Florense', ‘Vivaldi', ‘Galia', ‘Jive', ‘Joly', ‘M. Champion', ‘Merced', ‘Murano', ‘Onda', ‘Roxana', ‘Rumba', ‘Tarda Vicoda', ‘Vima Kimberly', ‘Vima Tarda', ‘Vima Rina', ‘Vima Xima'. It was noted that when using the inbreeding method, it is possible to achieve a heterotic effect on the basis of the productivity trait. The method of genetic modifications of plants is of great importance for breeding of complex quantitative traits of productivity, including yield. Expansion of the genetic base of garden strawberry by means of octoploid and polyploid forms of wild species will ensure an increase in the productivity of new varieties due to the inclusion of traits of adaptability to biotic and abiotic factors in the genotype. The use of modern research methods (screening of the metabolomic and biochemical profile, DNA certification, molecular labeling) increases the objectivity of research and the efficiency of the breeding process.

В.Ф. САЦУК ◽  

Настоящее исследование завершает цикл работ, связанных с генотипированием российских субпопуляций крупного рогатого скота по локусам CSN2 и CSN3. Проведено генотипирование  коров и телок айрширской породы из трех хозяйств Краснодарского края (n=1107). Установлена частота встречаемости носителей CSN2- и CSN3-генотипов, оценена степень их влияния на молочную продуктивность. В различных группах животных частота встречаемости «предпочтительных» в хозяйственном отношении CSN2-генотипа А2А2 составляет от 0,23 до 0,37 и CSN3-генотипа ВВ — от 0,03 до 0,06. Генотипы А2А2 и ВВ не оказывают негативного влияния на молочную продуктивность их носителей. Целесообразно для отечественных племенных предприятий, реализующих спермопродукцию айрширских быков, увеличить долю производителей с генотипами А2А2 (локус CSN2), АВ и ВВ (локус CSN3 This study completes a series of studies related to the genotyping of Russian bovine subpopulations at the CSN2 and CSN3 loci. Genotyping of cows and heifers Ayrshire breed from three farms in the Krasnodar region (n=1107) and the incidence of carriers CSN2 and CSN3 genotypes, assess their degree of influence on milk production in animals Ayrshire breed .It was found that in different groups of animals, the frequency of occurrence of the "preferred" in economic terms CSN2 genotype A2A2 ranges from 0.23 to 0.37 and CSN3 genotype BB - from 0.03 to 0.06.Genotypes A2A2 and BB (loci CSN2 and CSN3) do not have a negative impact on the milk productivity of their carriers. We consider it expedient for domestic breeding enterprises that sell sperm products of Ayrshire bulls to increase the share of producers with genotypes A2A2 (CSN2 locus), AB and BB (CSN3 locus).

2021 ◽  
pp. 57-61

An analysis of the results of the work of selection and genetic centers (SGC) of the Russian Federation is presented. The highest status of a tribal organization, which has high requirements, is possessed by the SGC. In Russia, 12 SGC operate, which is 68% of the number of all breeding plants. In the SGC, breeds such as Large White, Landrace, Duroc, Yorkshire, from 2020 and Pietren are breed mainly. At the beginning of 2021, 1364 main and inspected cartilage manufacturers and 67,122 thousand main and inspected sows were tested in the SGC. The reproducing abilities of the main sows in the SGC are characterized by the following multiplicity indicators: Large White breed – 15.1 heads, Landrace – 14.4 heads, Duroc – 9.8 heads, Yorkshire – 14.8 heads. An assessment of the repair young by their own productivity was analyzed. The sale of tribal young in the SGC in 2020 amounted to 121.3 thousand heads. All this may lead to a shortage of breeding animals in the near future. At the stage of the formation of competitive domestic pig-breeding, special attention should be paid to the strategy for the development of domestic breeding and genetic centers, which will become the basis for the implementation of hybridization programs and the organization of pig-breeding on a qualitatively new genetic basis.

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