special control
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2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 578
Bruno Jeanneret ◽  
Alice Guille Des Buttes ◽  
Alan Keromnes ◽  
Serge Pélissier ◽  
Luis Le Moyne

This work presents an application of the optimal control theory to find trade offs between fuel consumption and pollutant emissions (CO, HC, NOx) of sustaining hybrid vehicles. Both cold start and normal operations are considered. The problem formulation includes two state variables: battery state of energy and catalyst temperature; and three control variables: torque repartition between engine and motor, spark advance, and equivalence ratio. Optimal results were obtained by delaying the first engine crank after the urban part of the mission. The results show that a quick catalyst light off is performed. Once the catalyst is primed, special control parameters values are adopted to operate the engine.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (12) ◽  
pp. 113501-113516
Isabela de Oliveira Carvalho ◽  
Iran Oliveira Do Prado ◽  
Daniely Alves Almada ◽  
Sebastião Ribeiro Xavier Júnior ◽  
Tainá Soares Martins ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 2096 (1) ◽  
pp. 012196
V S Klimash ◽  
B D Tabarov

Abstract The article is devoted to issues related to increasing the energy efficiency of industrial electrothermal installations, both in starting and stationary operating modes due to the use of capacitors and thyristor starters with special control. The results of a significant reduction in the duration of the transient process, elimination of surges and asymmetry of starting currents and voltage drawdowns are presented. The results of full compensation of the reactive power of the network in the steady-state mode are also presented. It is shown that the starting currents do not exceed their steady-state values and that the shutdown of the electrothermal installation is performed without the occurrence of an arc and switching losses at the contacts of the switches. Researches of an electrothermal installation with a capacity of 750 kV⋅A and a voltage of 380 / 80 V are made on the model in the Matlab environment.

2021 ◽  
pp. 177-184
Yu. I. Astankevych

The forms and methods of international verification, their varieties and related categories are considered in the paper. It is determined that the key feature of verification forms is a body carrying out verification activities. Consequently, it is proposed to understand the verification form as a way of organization and particularities of this activity. It has been found that the category of subject is often also used for a simple division of verification into types, which does not fully reflect the specifics of verification activities. Two main forms of international verification are distinguished: simple (without the formation of a special body) and institutional (with the formation of a special control body). It is also suggested to distinguish between technologies, methods and procedures of international verification as well, defining verification technologies as tools, mechanisms, devices necessary for control activities, verification methods as ways of applying its means and verification procedures as modes for implementing a verification method or several methods in a combination. The mechanism of international verification is proposed to be seen as the most general term. It comprises not only methods and technologies, but also procedures of international verification, which determine the implementation mode of a verification method or its several methods in the context of a special verification form. Methods and tools of international verification are characterized by different level of efficiency, which is due to different factors, such as: the sphere of international relations, the form of international verification, the scope of powers of verification body, the international legal act, which is the source of international obligation. In this regard, a distinction must be made between the international obligations, the source of which is an international treaty, and other international obligations.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 120-130
Evgeny Y. Sundukov ◽  
Boris M. Shifrin ◽  
Veronika E. Sundukova

Background: It is proposed to set a traveling magnetic field in a special control channel (beam, pipe), coupled with several controlled channels - small-sized maglev systems in which levitation of transport modules is carried out. Aim: to interface the control channel with several controlled channels (up to four) small-sized maglev systems. In this case, the control channel will be located in the center, and the controlled channels at the top, right, bottom, left. Methods: 3D-modeling, layout, spatial composition, patent search. Results: The traveling magnetic field in the control channel is created by a moving sequence of interacting magnetic field sources the movers, which interact too with magnetic field sources of transport modules the fellow travelers, levitating in the controlled channels through sources of a constant magnetic field. The structure is installed on arched supports that uniformly distribute the load over the support surface. A model of a two-channel system with a lower location of a controlled channel has been developed. Conclusion: The small-sized maglev systems can form a multi-channel transport system.

Nataliia KOVAL

From the research conducted by scientists, we can conclude that today there is a lack of information related to the organic segment of production.Thisis due to the lack of a comprehensive methodology of accounting organic production, the development of which should begin with the documentation of cost accounting and yield of organic products. The publication is devoted to the study of the state of primary accounting of the costs in organic agricultural production and the development of scientifically sound recommendations to agricultural enterprisesregardingthe documentation of accounting for the costs oforganic crop productsproduction. As a result of the research, the directions of using the information of primary documents, which formalize the costs of organic production, are grouped. The functions of primary documents in the management of organic production are outlined. The necessity of creation of the specialized formsforprimary accounting of seeds expenses, planting material, protection plants means, fertilizers as those which need special control in the course of production of organic products is substantiated.The organizational and technological features and specifics of the control during the transition period, in terms of «pure» organic production and in terms of parallel production of organic and inorganic products, which should beconsideredwhen documenting costs, are highlighted.The general approaches to documentation of expenses are offered and the form of the Act on use of substances (ingredients, components) which is allowed to be usedduringorganic production and which are allowed to use in maximumadmissiblequantities is developed.The developed proposals will allow to providecontrol over observance of the legislation in the field of organic production, to realize control and information functionsforprimary documentsofaccounting costsinorganic crop production.

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (8) ◽  
pp. 395-403
V. S. Khoroshavin ◽  
V. S. Grudinin

A method is proposed for the synthesis of a closed-loop system with controls that ensure the movement of an object with minimal deviations from a given trajectory of the output coordinate and its higher derivatives and a transition to this set. To solve the problem, the Pontryagin maximum principle is used to study special situations without analysis of auxiliary variables, supplemented by the apparatus of general position conditions for nonlinear systems in an extended coordinate space, taking into account the object, a functional that is nonlinear regarding deviations of the output coordinate and the explicit occurrence of time. The combined use of these methods allows us, firstly, to find special trajectories of coordinates that are higher derivatives of the output coordinate, and after excluding time, a special phase trajectory is found, which is a switching line for reaching the final state, a given programmed motion along which in a closed system is carried out by special control. Secondly, access to a special phase trajectory from the initial state is carried out for linear objects by relay control, and for nonlinear objects, under certain boundary conditions, relay control is supplemented by a special control of the speed problem. Examples of control of programmed motion with oscillatory and aperiodic processes of a given duration for linear and nonlinear objects are given. Taking into account the nature of equilibrium states, determined by the methods of the qualitative theory of differential equations, and restrictions on control and coordinates, topologies of trajectories are obtained for the implementation of a continuous special control or sliding mode. New algorithms and structures of control systems are obtained. The results are accompanied by modeling, illustrating the effectiveness of algorithms and structures of control systems according to the proposed synthesis method and confirming analytical materials. The results of the work can be used to control linear and nonlinear objects in mechatronics, robotics, thermal processes and other industries.

А.А. Иванченкο ◽  
В.В. Шарик ◽  
С.В. Митрашов

Отмечается, что вступление в силу в 2015году норм на содержание серы в морских топливах 0,1 % для особых районов контроля и в 2020 г. 0,5% за их пределами привело к росту интереса судовладельцев к системам абсорбционной очистке отработавших газов с использованием скруббера. Соответственно в короткий период времени различными производителями были предложены судовладельцам различные модели систем с рассматриваемой технологией в основе. Это требует анализа существующего опыта проектирования и выполнения дополнительных исследований как по устранению влияния систем очистки на экономичность судовой дизельной установкой, так и по повышению их эффективности. Рассмотрение этих задач является целью настоящего исследования. В его основу положен анализ как собственных исследований авторов, так и результаты расчетных и экспериментальных исследований, выполненных с их участием. В отличии от ранее выполненных работ в настоящей статье рассматриваются практические вопросы проектирования и согласования элементов систем очистки с характеристиками дизельных установок. Рассмотрены взаимосвязи элементов абсорбционных систем очистки с системами судна и их двигателей. It is observed that the entry into force in 2015. Marine fuels new sulfur standards of 0.1% for special control areas and in 2020, 0.5% outside of them have increased interests of ship owners in the systems of absorption cleaning of exhaust gases by running the scrubber. Accordingly, in a short period, various manufacturers offered to the ship-owners wide range of systems configurations based on the technology under consideration. This requires an analysis of the existing design experience and the implementation of technical studies, both to eliminate the effect of cleaning systems on the efficiency of a ship diesel installation and to increase their efficiency. Consideration of these tasks is the purpose of this research. Its fundamentals on the authors' own research analysis and on the results of computational and experimental studies carried out with their participation. In contrast to the previously performed work, this article discusses the practical issues of the design and coordination of scrubber system components with the characteristics of diesel installations. The interaction of absorption systems elements with the ship's systems and internal combustion engines is considered.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (6) ◽  
pp. 519-532
Wenderson Henrique Rocha ◽  
Juliana Álvares Teodoro ◽  
Francisco de Assis Acurcio ◽  
Augusto Afonso Guerra ◽  
Isabel Cristina Gomes Moura ◽  

Objective: To evaluate the influence of organizational structure and technical-management activities on the availability of essential medicines in the primary healthcare. Materials & methods: Cross-sectional, exploratory and evaluative study. The availability was evaluated according to parameters established by the WHO. Results: The average availability of standardized essential medicines was 83.3 and 73.3% for medicines purchased centrally by the Brazilian government. Among the therapeutic groups evaluated, the lowest average availability were for the tuberculostatics (24.1%) and psychotropic/special control medicines (30.3%). Conclusion: The availability of essential medicines was positively influenced by the presence of the pharmacist and by the computerized system deployed, and negatively associated with essential medicines purchased centrally by the federal government, especially in the smaller municipalities.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
Yong Ge ◽  
Wen-Bin Zhang ◽  
Jianghao Wang ◽  
Mengxiao Liu ◽  
Zhoupeng Ren ◽  

Abstract Background The effect of the COVID-19 outbreak has led policymakers around the world to attempt transmission control. However, lockdown and shutdown interventions have caused new social problems and designating policy resumption for infection control when reopening society remains a crucial issue. We investigated the effects of different resumption strategies on COVID-19 transmission using a modeling study setting. Methods We employed a susceptible-exposed-infectious-removed model to simulate COVID-19 outbreaks under five reopening strategies based on China’s business resumption progress. The effect of each strategy was evaluated using the peak values of the epidemic curves vis-à-vis confirmed active cases and cumulative cases. Two-sample t-test was performed in order to affirm that the pick values in different scenarios are different. Results We found that a hierarchy-based reopen strategy performed best when current epidemic prevention measures were maintained save for lockdown, reducing the peak number of active cases and cumulative cases by 50 and 44%, respectively. However, the modeled effect of each strategy decreased when the current intervention was lifted somewhat. Additional attention should be given to regions with significant numbers of migrants, as the potential risk of COVID-19 outbreaks amid society reopening is intrinsically high. Conclusions Business resumption strategies have the potential to eliminate COVID-19 outbreaks amid society reopening without special control measures. The proposed resumption strategies focused mainly on decreasing the number of imported exposure cases, guaranteeing medical support for epidemic control, or decreasing active cases.

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