continuous chain
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Medovarov M.V. Medovarov

This article has a historiographic and methodological nature and is devoted to the problematic interpretations of the esoteric content of Dante’s ideas and works by French and Italian scholars from the middle of the nineteenth century to the second half of the twentieth century. Various definitions of Western esotericism are discussed in the light of contemporary approaches. The current interest in the study of Dante’s esotericism and the relevance of this topic are substantiated. The tradition in the interpretation of Dante's esotericism in Italy and France can be traced back to the occultists of the 19th century, who referred to each other's works: G. Rossetti, E. Arou, F. Boissard, J. Péladant, G. Pascoli and others. It has been demonstrated that the studies of Dante's esotericism during 1920s reached a new level of quality, which was adequate to the contemporary scientific requirements for Dante studies: in Italy, this happened in the person of Luigi Valli and his students, Arturo Reghini and then Julius Evola; and in France, at the same time, in the person of René Guénon. The criticism of Valli in the works by Guénon is analyzed in detail. The context of Dante's interpretation by Guénon is revealed in connection with the issue of Templar, Rosicrucian and Islamic influences (Sufism, Arab Neoplatonism). In this respect, a significant difference of tones was observed in the perception of Dante's esotericism within the general paradigm of integral traditionalism between Guénon and his Italian colleagues Julius Evola and especially Guido de Giorgio, whose fundamental work is still unknown to Russian scholars. An intense politicization of the perception of Dante's heritage by Evola and de Giorgio is also remarked in this article. Special attention is then paid to the study of Dante's esotericism by one of the leading Roman Catholic theologian of the twentieth century, Romano Guardini, who engaged a polemic correspondence with the integral traditionalists. Based on the results of our study, it was concluded that the research of Dante's esotericism by French and Italian authors for more than a hundred years can be characterized as a continuous chain of dialogue and polemics of various authors who knew about each other's works and used the appropriate links.

Mathematics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (18) ◽  
pp. 2260
Alex Isakson ◽  
Simone Krummaker ◽  
María Dolores Martínez-Miranda ◽  
Ben Rickayzen

In this paper, we apply and further illustrate a recently developed extended continuous chain ladder model to forecast mesothelioma deaths. Making such a forecast has always been a challenge for insurance companies as exposure is difficult or impossible to measure, and the latency of the disease usually lasts several decades. While we compare three approaches to this problem, we show that the extended continuous chain ladder model is a promising benchmark candidate for asbestosis mortality forecasting due to its flexible and simple forecasting strategy. Furthermore, we demonstrate how the model can be used to provide an update for the forecast of the number of deaths due to mesothelioma in Great Britain using in recent Health and Safety Executive (HSE) data.

Mirda Yolanda ◽  
Fadhillah Yusri ◽  
Junaidi Junaidi

The purpose of this study is that researchers want to look at counselee acceptance skills in individual counseling by guidance and counseling teachers in MTsN 10 Agam. This type of research is descriptive qualitative field research. The key informants of this study were 1 guidance and counseling teacher plus a supporting informant of 7 students who had participated in individual counseling using the snowball method, which is a method for identifying, selecting and taking samples in a network or continuous chain of relationships. The information obtained will be developed to the point of saturation so that the longer the more information obtained. Based on the results of research and discussion it can be concluded that as a strategy for counselee acceptance skills by counseling teachers in individual counseling, counseling teachers assume counselee is the closest person, can accept counselees openly, guiding sincerely or voluntarily, sincerity, and loving, keep secrets counselee, not discriminating counselee, and love counseling.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (671) ◽  
pp. eabf0322
Yosef Fichman ◽  
Ronald J. Myers ◽  
DeAna G. Grant ◽  
Ron Mittler

Systemic signaling and systemic acquired acclimation (SAA) are key to the survival of plants during episodes of abiotic stress. These processes depend on a continuous chain of cell-to-cell signaling events that extends from the initial tissue that senses the stress (the local tissue) to the entire plant (systemic tissues). Reactive oxygen species (ROS) and Ca2+ are key signaling molecules thought to be involved in this cell-to-cell mechanism. Here, we report that the systemic response of Arabidopsis thaliana to a local treatment of high light stress, which resulted in local ROS accumulation, required ROS generated by respiratory burst oxidase homolog D (RBOHD). ROS increased cell-to-cell transport and plasmodesmata (PD) pore size in a manner dependent on PD-localized protein 1 (PDLP1) and PDLP5, and this process was required for the propagation of the systemic ROS signals and SAA. Furthermore, aquaporins and several Ca2+-permeable channels in the glutamate receptor–like (GLR), mechanosensitive small conductance–like (MSL), and cyclic nucleotide–gated (CNGC) families were involved in this systemic signaling process. However, we determined that these channels were required primarily to amplify the systemic signal in each cell along the path of the systemic ROS wave, as well as to establish local and systemic acclimation. Thus, PD and RBOHD-generated ROS orchestrate light stress–induced rapid cell-to-cell spread of systemic signals in Arabidopsis.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 553-562
Sheikh Mohd Saleem ◽  
Sudip Bhattacharya ◽  

<abstract> <p>The burden of vaccine-preventable diseases is increasing day by day across all age groups. However as per the universal immunization programme, we vaccinate only under-fives and antenatal mothers, a large portion of the vulnerable population remain unvaccinated and the concept of “life course approach” regarding vaccination is missing. It increases the overall burden to the already constrained Indian health care system. As India, now has become the largest manufacturer of multiple vaccines, we have continuous chain healthcare points (primary-tertiary level), with dedicated manpower in the public health sector that is why in this paper we are proposing to expand the horizon of the vaccination process using a “life course approach”. It will not only directly benefit the vulnerable populations (individual level), but also it can benefit the nation, indirectly. Although we may face challenges at multiple phases (conception to implementation), they can be overcome by multisectoral and multipronged innovations.</p> </abstract>

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
pp. 304
Yupei Zhang

<p>During the continuous development of e-commerce, we analyze the fresh food e-commerce market and the reported data in recent years, and explore the selection of fresh agricultural products in the cold chain, transportation and distribution, storage and sales. Meanwhile, countermeasures have been made to solve the problem of cold chain disconnection of fresh agricultural products through supply services, infrastructure construction and information management. Ensuring the continuous chain of the cold chain process needs to rely on the collaboration of consumers, businesses, cold chain logistics and other parties, and the cold chain logistics of fresh agricultural products e-commerce requires more in-depth research to maintain no “broken chain”.</p>

V. D. Sulaberidze ◽  
E. Skorniakova

Metrological traceability is a key concept of measurement uniformity assurance, characterizing the property of a measurement result, according to which it can be correlated with a reference for comparison through a documented continuous chain of calibrations, each of which contributes to measurement uncertainty. A unit of measurement through its practical implementation, or a measurement technique that includes a unit of measurement for quantities other than ordinal, or a standard can serve as a basis for comparison. However, for many objects in biotechnology and medicine a system for confirming the correctness and required accuracy of the measurement result cannot be implemented. The paper discusses methods and schemes for the implementation of the principle of metrological traceability in the absence of a chain of metrological traceability of the measurement result to a measurement standard. A calibration hierarchy scheme is proposed that combines measurements based on reference measurement procedure and reference materials certified with their help, carried out in the chemical industry and medicine.

2020 ◽  
pp. 110-143
Sean Fleming

This chapter examines issues of identity, such as whether changes in a state's population, territory, government, or constitution alter its personality and hence negate its responsibilities. According to Thomas Hobbes, the corporate identity of the state is created and sustained by representation. The state has a corporate identity because it has an authorized representative who speaks and acts in its name. This identity persists as long as the state has a continuous 'chain of succession', or an unbroken series of representatives. The chapter shows that this Hobbesian account of corporate identity solves many of the identity problems that arise in cases of revolution, annexation, secession, absorption, unification, and dissolution.

2020 ◽  
pp. 72-76
Yael Tamir

This chapter illustrates nationalism's greatest moments in daily matters. It argues that nationalism molds our culinary preferences; shapes our architecture and decor; orchestrates the soundtrack of our lives; and fashions what we wear, how we talk, and what we dream about. The chapter uses gardening as an interesting example of the way nationalism shapes our everyday life. It emphasizes the connectedness of nationalism to nature by narrating nation-states' national flowers and plants. The chapter also introduces architecture as another means of shaping the public sphere in the nation's image. Ultimately, the chapter demonstrates how nationalism entered modernity through a democratic and economic corridor. It allows us to see that it answers not only the needs of the state but also of modern individuals wishing to become authors of their lives. Nationalism enriches their personal and public experience, endowing their deeds with special importance, making them part of a continuous chain of creation.

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