conceptual integration
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Craig Hamilton

In this paper, I discuss La Prose du Transsibérien et de la petite Jeanne de France by Blaise Cendrars, a narrative poem first published in French in Paris in 1913. The poem has raised seemingly intractable questions for many years, given its status as one of the most important modernist poems, and one of the most important poems in 20th century French poetry. As I argue, considering some of the issues from the perspective of cognitive stylistics, especially the theory of conceptual integration, may help explain how readers make sense of this complicated poem.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 227-244
Kulamangalam Thiagarajan Tamilmani ◽  
Rathinasamy Nagalakshmi

Postmodern literary texts have been exploring characters that are whimsically strange. The tacit plots in the postmodern textual space enable the writers to construct and manifest the mental space of the characters in the textual world. The Rise of Life on Earth written by Joyce Carol Oates concocts the emotional estrangement of the protagonist, Kathleen Hennessy. Decrypting the text amplifies the unabating efforts of Kathleen to survive in a world that has been portrayed as a larger, repressive and pernicious family. Her masquerade to be a shy, passive and well-behaved girl hides the menacing vengeance that has culminated as a result of abuses and afflictions. Her mental spaces are constructed during the course of narration. This paper purports to scrutinize the fragmented psyche of Kathleen and the conceptual integration of mental space and textual space that replicates both social and individualistic reality and expands the understanding of Oates’ text.

2021 ◽  
pp. 7-15
Юрій Ковалюк

The present paper is a study of creativity of idiomatic space in the national varieties of English. The defi nition of the term ‘idiomatic space of social interaction’ has been suggested, formulated as “the property of the idiomatic space of social interaction to, either individually or collectively, form new idiomatic units or to adjust them according to the pragmatic and communicative goals of discourse”, and is further investigated in the News on the Web (NOW) corpus evidenced from canonical and non-canonical forms of the idiom have your cake and eat it (too). In total, 1158 instances of the use of the above idiom were investigated in fi ve national varieties of English (British English, American English, Canadian English, Australian English, and New Zealand English). Based on the data obtained, it was discovered that canonical forms of the idiom under analysis prevail over non-canonical forms (79.8% to 20.2%). Further, this was verifi ed with the help of concordance analysis using AntConc freeware corpus analysis toolkit, which showed minor deviations of the idiom from its base form. However, despite being in the minority, the non-canonical forms of have your cake and eat it (too) lend themselves to a rigorous analysis from the standpoint of the conceptual integration theory. One such instance of conceptual blending – to have their cake and eat it and then expect to still have it to eat later on when they’re hungry. And a bag to put it in – was considered in the present paper. The overall analysis has proved the applicability of the conceptual integration theory to idiomatic creativity in terms of idiomatic inputs and blends. Since no direct blends inv olving the above idiom were identifi ed in the NOW corpus, a wider context of the idiom (at least two or three sentences along with the title of the relevant publication) was considered. This provides certain evidence to hypothesize that the conceptual integration theory is not a universal one when it comes to interpreting idiomatic creativity. With this in mind, further quantitative and qualitative analyses are needed to rigorously determine the place of the conceptual integration theory in examining idiomatic creativity. Key words: study of idioms, idiomatic space, corpus analysis, conceptual integration theory, creativity of idiomatic space.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 272-291
Eduardo Alves Da Silva ◽  
Braulio Batista Soares

Neste artigo, temos como objetivo um paralelismo epistemológico entre a integração de conceitos (FAUCONNIER; TURNER, 2002) e a eficiência de uma máquina termodinâmica (CARNOT, 1824). Nossa hipótese é a de que o comportamento linguístico equivalha a um sistema adaptativo complexo (DUQUE, 2016),com eficiência máxima em seus processos comunicativos,tal qual uma máquina termodinâmica. Com base em nosso objeto,a saber, as redes de integração conceptual (SILVA, 2019), percebemos que o ser humano mistura conceitos a partir de muitas frentes de informação (frames) e compõe uma estrutura conceptual nova, fruto da amálgama de informações desses frames. Assim, baseando-nos emum método qualitativo, apoiado na visão de Silverman (2000), concluímos que a rede de integração conceptual funciona de forma semelhante a uma máquina térmica de Carnot, na qual elementos são processados de forma a garantir a máxima eficiência.Palavras-chave: Integração conceptual. Máquina de Carnot. Sistemas adaptativos complexos. Comunicação. AbstractIn this article, we aim at an epistemological parallelism between the conceptual blending (FAUCONNIER; TURNER, 2002) and the efficiency of a thermodynamic machine (CARNOT, 1824). Our hypothesis is that linguistic behavior amounts to a complex adaptive system (DUQUE, 2016) with maximum efficiency in its communicative processes in the same way as a thermodynamic machine. Supported by our object, namely the conceptual integration networks (SILVA, 2019), we perceive that the human being mixes concepts from many information fronts (frames) and composes a new conceptual structure, resulting from the amalgamation of information from these frames. Thus, based on the qualitative method supported by Silverman's (2000) vision, we conclude that the conceptual integration network works similarly to a Carnot thermal machine, in which elements are processed in order to ensure maximum efficiency.Keywords: Conceptual blending. Carnot machine.Complex adaptative systems. Communication. ORCID 

2021 ◽  
Vol 33 ◽  
pp. 131
Agnieszka Bożena Mierzwińska-Hajnos

The paper offers a cognitive analysis of selected common English names of mullein (Verbascum thapsus L.) motivated by the appearance of the plant. While analyzing such names as flannel and beggar’s blanket, the author strives to portray the way they are conceptualized by recalling Conceptual Metaphor Theory and Conceptual Integration Theory, in particular the Brandt and Brandt six-space model of conceptual integration, also known as a cognitive-semiotic approach to metaphor. In the course of the analysis, the author also makes reference to those aspects which seem indispensable from the standpoint of cognitive linguistics, viz. (i) the role of human experience and embodied thought in the conceptualization process, (ii) the dynamic and context-dependent meaning construction and (iii) the role of linguistic worldview in decoding meaning.

Iryna Shevchenko ◽  
Vira Shastalo

The Conceptual Metaphor of Modesty in English and UkrainianThe article focuses on the cultural regulatory concept of MODESTY in English and Ukrainian linguistic construals of the world. The article examines this concept as it is lexicalized in English and Ukrainian in terms of cross-domain mapping and conceptual integration theory. In the corresponding national corpora of fiction, MODESTY serves both as target and source domains, thus forming the range and scope of conceptual metaphors. The article claims that in genetically unrelated languages, conceptual metaphors of MODESTY demonstrate common mental models and mainly vary in their verbal form and in their frequency in discourse. From a cross-cultural perspective, the variation of conceptual metaphors of MODESTY is motivated not only linguistically but also culturally. In English conceptual metaphors, the source domains cross-mapped onto the target MODESTY are semantically more varied than in Ukrainian. The target domains onto which modesty is mapped form semantically similar conceptual metaphors, which differ in their frequency in English and Ukrainian discourses. Metafora konceptualna skromności w języku angielskim i ukraińskim Autorki przedstawiają kulturowo-regulacyjny koncept SKROMNOŚCI w angielskich i ukraińskich językowych konstruktach świata. Analizują leksykalizację tego konceptu w języku angielskim i ukraińskim pod kątem mapowania międzydomenowego i teorii integracji konceptualnej. W utworach literackich zawartych w korpusach narodowych SKROMNOŚĆ służy zarówno jako domena docelowa, jak i źródłowa, kształtując w ten sposób zakres metafor konceptualnych. Autorki stwierdzają, że w językach niezwiązanych genetycznie konceptualne metafory SKROMNOŚCI wskazują na wspólne modele umysłowe i różnią się głównie formą werbalną oraz częstotliwością występowania w dyskursie. Z perspektywy międzykulturowej, zróżnicowanie konceptualnych metafor SKROMNOŚCI jest umotywowane nie tylko językowo, ale i kulturowo. W angielskich metaforach konceptualnych domeny źródłowe, na które nakłada się docelowe pojęcie SKROMNOŚCI, są semantycznie bardziej zróżnicowane niż w metaforach ukraińskich. Domeny docelowe, na które mapowana jest SKROMNOŚĆ, tworzą semantycznie podobne metafory konceptualne, różniące się częstotliwością występowania w dyskursie angielskim i ukraińskim.

2021 ◽  
pp. 172-178
Li Hua Fang ◽  
Dong Yonggui

More applications are being developed for the Internet of Things (IoT) these days. What resources are available to help with the software design phase, particularly for those programs that emphasize interplay? The incorporation of cognitive approach can aid in the understanding of people and the application of these discoveries in the design phase. The goal of this article is to introduce the idea of blending and the architecture of Integrated Interactions, and to apply those principles to the IoT. This article evaluates the intellectual foundations of conceptual integration and the layering process. After that, this article describes the Integrated Interaction framework and shows an Affinity Table in intervention. This paper also evaluates the fundamentals of the Internet of Things and how it can be used in various industries. According to the findings, this application offers a distinct blend.

2021 ◽  
Karen C. Abbott ◽  
Maarten B. Eppinga ◽  
James Umbanhowar ◽  
Mara Baudena ◽  
James D. Bever

2021 ◽  
Vol 878 (1) ◽  
pp. 012012
F Siahaan

Abstract Nias Selatan is located in the west of the island of Sumatra, Indonesia, has a unique traditional house in the form of a stilt house with a sloping roof, and a wooden frame construction where all the building materials are made of biological materials, obtained from the natural surroundings. Buildings are strongly influenced by the environment and its inhabitants, which are in harmony with the principles of biological architecture. This study aims to identify the application of biological architecture in South Nias traditional houses. The research method used is qualitative content analysis, namely research methods with in-depth conceptual integration. The environment (climate, location, vegetation, land and water) and people / inhabitants (basic human needs, culture, beliefs / religions, and livelihoods) are important indicators as well as factors causing the birth of the traditional house of South Nias. These factors will be analyzed to determine the impact (architectural design, materials, construction) on the building. From the research results, it can be concluded that the traditional houses of South Nias apply biological architecture that reflects the genius locus of their ancestors.

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