ENECO-Proceeding of Energy Economic Research Center
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Published By The International Research Education And Training Centre Ltd

2674-4597, 2674-4562

2021 ◽  
Vol 06 (02) ◽  
pp. 23-27
Gulshan Zeynalova Gulshan Zeynalova

The Caspian Sea is the largest body of water in Eurasia: After the collapse of the USSR, the water area of this region is a zone of interest for many states. [1] The Caspian region rightfully serves as one of the most significant regions for most countries interested in the mineral resources that the Caspian is rich in. The Caspian Sea has a significant hydrocarbon reserves. According to the Energy Information Administration (EIA), hydrocarbon resources in the Caspian basin have the following values: oil - 48 billion barrels of oil, natural gas - 292 trillion. cubic feet (found and probable reserves), of which 75% and 67%, respectively, are produced or may be produced offshore. The northern part of the Caspian Sea contains most of the oil reserves, while the southern sector of the Caspian Sea is rich in natural gas.[2] It should be emphasized that the list of states that have the rights to use the resources of the Caspian Sea is as follows: Azerbaijan, Iran, Kazakhstan, Russia and Turkmenistan. It is impossible to correlate the importance of the oil and gas resources of the Caspian reservoir for each of the above countries, for the following reasons: Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan are countries for which the hydrocarbon potential of the Caspian is the most important predictor of the formation and development of the economy, while for Kazakhstan, the use of oil and gas resources of the Caspian Sea plays an important , but not the most decisive role, since oil and gas deposits in this country are not limited to the Caspian region, but its economy is developing in other directions. Iran and Russia, however, are interested in influencing the direction of flows of oil and gas raw materials, including their transit through the territory of the countries. [3] The last years for the Caspian region have become the years of a shift in the development of the oil and gas industry of the Caspian "five", which account for 17.6% of oil reserves and 46.4% of gas reserves in terms of global reserves. It is assumed that on the territory of the Caspian shelf, which belongs to Russia, oil reserves amount to 270 million tons, natural gas reserves - 0.5 trillion cubic meters. m of gas. [4] Of course, it is worth noting that the potential of the Russian sector of the Caspian Sea is significantly lower than the oil and gas potential of Yamal or Western Siberia, but the development of this region is important for the strategic development of the oil and gas sector, in particular offshore drilling.

2021 ◽  
Vol 06 (02) ◽  
pp. 28-29
Nurlan Hajizade Nurlan Hajizade

One of the important vectors of economic development in the modern world is the minimization of the negative consequences of human economic and other activities. Therefore, highly developed countries impose mandatory and voluntary requirements on the development of products and implement a series of measures. Necessary regulatory activities of the state in this direction include the definition of mandatory requirements, their proper implementation and the application of sanctions. All these processes are carried out through technical regulation. It is important to apply technical regulation in every sector of the economy. This importance plays a special role in the energy sector, which is closely linked to all sectors of the economy, and differs even more. In this regard, the role and importance of technical regulation in increasing the efficiency of the energy sector in the research work is highlighted.

2021 ◽  
Vol 06 (02) ◽  
pp. 36-40
Gulshan Zeynalova Gulshan Zeynalova

With the collapse of the USSR and the formation of new independent states in the post-Soviet space, the Caspian region gradually turned into a geopolitical space in which focused the attention of the leading world powers. Development the region since that time has led to its dramatic change with the transformation into one of the notable factors of global politics and economy. The key factor that largely determines the condition and development of the economic potential of the Caspian region and hydrocarbon resources are also influencing the geopolitical processes around it. The active development of oil and gas fields in the Caspian region initially raised the issue of ensuring the transportation of hydrocarbons with the aim of exporting them to foreign markets. At the same time, special emphasis is placed both on the expansion of the throughput capacity of the currently operating pipelines and on the implementation of projects for the construction of new ones. The formation of a single transport space based on the balanced development of an efficient transport infrastructure seems to be one of the most serious issues, in a positive solution of which all the Caspian countries, without exception, are interested.

2021 ◽  
Vol 06 (02) ◽  
pp. 11-19
Sədaqət İbrahimova Sədaqət İbrahimova ◽  
Xaliq Qurbanov Xaliq Qurbanov

Dünya ölkələrinin uzun illər ərzində istifadə etdikləri ənənəvi enerji mənbəyi sayılan karbohidrogen ehtiyatlarının getdikcə tükənməsi dünyada alternativ və bərpa olunan enerji mənbələrindən istifadəni zəruri edir. Günəşdən, küləkdən, bioloji tullantılardan, dənizin dalğalarından alınan və heç bir tullantısı olmayan enerji resurslarından istifadənin üstünlüyü, ekoloji cəhətdən problemin olmaması və təbiəti heç bir zərərli tullantı ilə çirkləndirməməsidir. Alternativ energetika təkcə ətraf mühitin mühafizəsi üçün vacib deyil. O, ölkələrin, ərazilərin, təsərrüfat sistemlərinin neftdən və onun qiymətindən asılılığını da yumşaldır. Hesablamalara görə, gələcəkdə dünyada alternativ və bərpa olunan enerji mənbələri ETT və yüksək qabaqcıl texnologiyalar sayəsində ənənəvi enerji mənbələrinə nisbətdə ən sürətli inkişaf edən enerji mənbəyi olacaqdır. Qeyri-ənənəvi enerji mənbələrindən istifadə, iki vacib şərtə əsaslanır: yanacaq mənbəyinin bərpaolunanlığı və verilmiş ərazidə mövcudluğu. Azərbaycan günəşli və küləkli günlərin miqdarına görə tükənməz enerji potensialı baxımından əlverişli imkanlara - bərpa olunan təbii sərvətlərə malikdir. Günəş enerjisindən istifadə sahəsində 3000 Kvt-a qədər gücə malik elektrik stansiyaları qurmaqla ildə 13 min ton şərti yanacağa qənaət etmək, atmosferdə karbon qazını 23 min ton azaltmaq mümkündür. Ölkəmizdə külək enerjisinin illik potensial gücü 800 Mvt, yəni, 4 mlrd kvt/saat imkanındadır. Bu da ildə 1 milyon ton şərti yanacağa, 3.7 mln. ton karbon qazına qənaət deməkdir. Bundan əlavə respublika bioqaz, termal sular və dəniz dalğası kimi digər qeyri-ənənəvi enerji ehtiyatlarına da malikdir. Alternativ enerji mənbələrinin istifadəsi bu potensialın yüksək olduğu və ənənəvi yanacaq resurslarının çatışmadığı rayonlarda daha perspektivlidir. Azərbaycanda bu tip yerlər ucqar dağ kəndləri və dağlıq ərazilər, xüsusi mühafizə olunan təbiət əraziləri ola bilər. Azərbaycanın demək olar ki, bütün əraziləri zəngin alternativ enerji resurslarına malikdir. Açar sözlər: bərpa olunan enerji, alternativ enerji, hidroenergetika, enerji potensialı, Günəş enerjisi, elektrik stansiyaları, yanacağa qənaət, termal sular, dəniz dalğası, bioqaz.

2021 ◽  
Vol 06 (02) ◽  
pp. 04-11
Fazil Hajiyev Fazil Hajiyev

One of the global challenges facing the humanity in the 21st century is to improve the sustainable socio-economic development of countries. Thus, significant results have been achieved in Azerbaijan's socio-economic development over the past decade. The main reason for this is the implementation of large economic projects to ensure continued development in Azerbaijan. Innovative development of the economy is associated with the solution of the problem of promotion of innovation, the formation and development of innovative entrepreneurship, fundamental tax reforms and elimination of staff shortages in this area. The most important thing here is that the future state of the Republic of Azerbaijan will find the key government program "Strategic roadmap for key sectors of the national economy". The socio-economic successes of Azerbaijan in recent years have also been reflected in the reports of reputable international rating agencies. Azerbaijan has been included in the top 20 reformist countries in the World Bank's Doing Business rating. In total, it ranks 34th out of 190 countries. The country is ranked ninth according to the Business Establishment Index. In this report, Azerbaijan entered the top five in the world in terms of starting a business by simplifying business registration and was ranked as one of the best practice countries.[17] President Ilham Aliyev said at a conference on the results of the first year of implementation of the “State Program on socio-economic development of the regions of the Republic of Azerbaijan for 2019-2023”. to raise the level of competitive states. Therefore, given the challenges of the modern world, rapid development in the region will continue. Taking into account all these pressing scientific issues, the article has become a research problem in the field of industry, agriculture, entrepreneurship and innovation in terms of effective implementation of the strategic roadmap and the importance of sustainable socio-economic development of Azerbaijan in general. Keywords: strategic road map, social-economic development, industry, agrarian area, ownership, innovation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 06 (02) ◽  
pp. 30-35
Farhad Babayev Farhad Babayev

Problems related to the tourism sector are quite relevant in modern times, and it is necessary to identify solutions to the problems of this area in accordance with the challenges of the time. Especially during war periods, the tourism sector was paralyzed, and it took a lot of time and resources to rehabilitate its activities in the post-war period, to restore the pace of development of this particular sector. Regional economic, political and geopolitical stability play an important role in the diversification of tourism, and I would like to pay more attention to the development and rehabilitation of tourism in the post-war period, which is one of the current problems of the mentioned sphere.[1] I personally conduct this research on regional tourism - on the basis of Caucasus region, especially in Azerbaijan area. The development of regional tourism is a complex process and involves many factors. The development of regional tourism depends not only on the economic and political stability of a country, but also on the existence of geopolitical stability in all countries bordering on that country, as well as on the relations between these countries. Planning, forecasting, management, marketing, socio-economic processes and their impact play a significant role in the development of regional tourism. Factors influencing the development of regional tourism, along with scientific approaches in the work process, practical approaches including international experience are quiet effective as well. Keywords: tourism, war, postwar, postpandemic, development, region, problems, challenges, international experience, etc.

2021 ◽  
Vol 06 (02) ◽  
pp. 20-22
Elshan Hajizade Elshan Hajizade

Energy security and related energy efficiency issues are part of the national energy strategy in most economically developed countries. In the modern world, energy security also includes issues related not only to the quantity of consumption, but also to its quality. In this regard, a sustainable socially oriented state does not separate energy security from energy efficiency and considers it an important indicator of the country's level of development. The Republic of Azerbaijan is also among the countries of the world with abundant hydrocarbon energy resources in terms of current and future prospects. Although energy security is ensured in the country, its strengthening and enrichment with elements of energy efficiency are the main priorities of the ongoing reforms. This issue is also of scientific relevance. In this regard, the article deals with issues related to energy security and energy efficiency priorities in the Republic of Azerbaijan.

2020 ◽  
Vol 04 (04) ◽  
pp. 04-05
Olena Chernovol

The control functions of each structural unit and the measure of their responsibility have been determined. The types of on-farm control at the enterprise and their role and significance for the economic activity of the enterprise have been determined. Internal control is carried out at each enterprise by all economic and technical services. Given that in modern economic conditions, the main thing is to ensure the interests of the owner, the main purpose of internal control is to prevent shortcomings. One of the most important objects of control are production costs, since control over them is a necessary element of enterprise management, without which it is impossible to fully implement other management functions. In our opinion, the organization of internal cost control in modern conditions should be considered as a process that follows and is derived from the financial structure of the enterprise. And in this sense, this process is authentic to the cost accounting process. However, the process of on-farm cost control has its own characteristics.

2020 ◽  
Vol 03 (03) ◽  
pp. 13-17
Nurlan Hacızadə

Müasir zamanda enerji effektivliyi yeni obyektiv reallıq olaraq bəşəri həyatın bütün sferalarına nüfuz etmiş və dünyanın bir çox ölkələrinin siyasətində daha vacib prioritetə çevrilmişdir. Bu səbəbdən də həmin ölkələr milli enerji strategiyalarına yenidən baxır, onu qlobal çağırışlara uyğun korrektə edərək təkmilləşdirilir. Bu istiqamətdə regional sferada Avropa İttifaqı daha çox fərqlənir. Aparılan təhlillə müəyyən olunmuşdur ki, Avropa İttifaqında həyata keçirilən enerji effektivliyi strategiyasının müsbət tendensiyasından Azərbaycanda da faydalanmaq üçün mühüm əsaslar var. Bundan irəli gələrək, bu öncül təcrübənin Azərbaycanda enerji sferasında aparılan islahatlar sisteminə də daxil edilməsi vacib şərt olaraq irəli sürülür. Açar sözlər: enerji effektivliyi, Avropa İttifaqı, Azərbaycan Respublikası, milli neft strategiyası.

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