Jurnal Riset dan Pengabdian Masyarakat
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Published By Universitas Islam Negeri Ar-Raniry

2774-9339, 2774-8642

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 268-272
Zurrahmi ◽  
Syafrina Sari Lubis

The Covid-19 virus is severe for Indonesian citizens nowadays, especially the Baet people, Aceh Besar. It is due to the low awareness of the Baet people towards the implementation of health protocols. In this case, the use of masks is not considered optimal. The public's perception of unimportant masks is the background to the problem. When viewed from the health aspect, masks have an essential role during the Covid-19 pandemic to reduce the spread of Covid -19. This study aims to describe the information on the importance of using masks, which is inversely proportional to the awareness of the Baet people. The research method used by the author is the descriptive qualitative method. The results showed that residents had not realized the importance of using masks in breaking the chain of spreading Covid-19.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 280-289
Dwiki Yunadika ◽  
I Ketut Muryana

Bunga pucuk bang masih dibutuhkan untuk kepentingan upacara keagamaan. Selama agama Hindu masih tetap tegak di Bali, bunga pucuk bang akan tetap dibutuhkan. Tidak sekedar memenuhi kebutuhan sarana upakara, bunga pucuk bang juga memiliki nilai yang khusus, yang patut kita jaga dan lestarikan keberadaanya. Pucuk bang merupakan judul dari karya tabuh kreasi ini, yang menggunakan media ungkap gamelan gong kebyar. Karya ini terinspirasi darimelihat tanaman bunga pucuk bang yang ada di pekarangan rumah. Dari pemaknaan bunga pucuk bang secara etimologis, terciptalah karya pucuk bang ini. Metode yang digunakan dalam garapan ini ialah metode yang dikemukan oleh Alma M. Hawkins, dalam penciptaan tari yaitu Tahap Penjajagan (eksplorasi), Tahap Percobaan (improvisasi), dan Tahap Pembentukan (forming). Konsep dari garapan ini berpedoman pada konsep Tri Angga (kawitan, pengawak, pengecet) dan masih menggunakan pola-pola tradisi. Pola-pola tradisi tersebut dikembangkan baik dari struktur lagu, teknik permainan/motif permainan dengan penataan unsur-unsur musikal seperti: nada, melodi, ritme, tempo, harmoni dan dinamika. Karya tabuh kreasi yang berjudul pucuk bang ini memiliki durasi 11 menit  kurang 12 detik dengan menggunakan 28 pendukung termasuk penata. Karya tabuh kreasi pucuk bang ini disajikan secara konser, yang di rekam di Green Kubu, Br. Sebunibus, Nusa Penida.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 273-279
Angga Syatriandi ◽  

Macro fungi are fungi whose body parts can be seen clearly without a tool (microscope), while micro fungi are used to see their physical form using a tool (microscope). Based on the classification, mushrooms are divided into five groups, namely Chytridiomycota, Zygomycota, Glomeromycota, Ascomycota, and Basidiomycota. This study aims to determine the diversity and abundance of mushroom species found at the Soraya Research Station. The most common types were bowl and coral mushrooms, while the least common species were the bridal hood mushrooms.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 252-267
Muji Burrahman ◽  
Faizatul Faridy

The implementation of this community service aims to develop and dedicate knowledge to the community to help and awaken children and the community in science and worship. In this study, we utilized counseling and demonstrations, counseling using lectures i.e. delivering material about prayer services, and practicing prayer procedures both from the reading as well as the gestures in prayer. This study found that the children (santri) of TPA Geuceu Meunara Banda Aceh feel very pleased and enthusiastic in following the materials and demonstrations of prayers.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 226-232
Lisma Novita ◽  
Zainal Abidin

This community service activity is motivated by the low level of mathematical ability of TPA children in learning to read, write and count. This activity aims to increase the mathematical ability of Al-Ukhwah TPA children in the fields of reading, writing, and arithmetic. The implementation of this activity was carried out using descriptive research methods with a qualitative approach. The findings in this service are 1) Knowing the importance of learning to read, writing and counting, 2) Researchers can carry out this activity in several ways, including designing methods or strategies and teaching materials, providing motivation and teaching, and selecting assignments to be given, 3) Reading, writing and arithmetic activities can improve children's mathematical abilities.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 233-242
M. Ade Permana ◽  
Melly Masni

The government is expected to develop a public service paradigm from a centralized service to a service that focuses more on community satisfaction-oriented management. Moreover, the village apparatus (gampong in Acehnese language) as part of the state apparatus has a direct relationship so that they should better understand the living conditions of the people who are within the scope of their administration. In this case, the author takes a case study of the Gampong Empee Trieng Government, where the author performed community service tasks. To meet the demands of excellent administrative services, Gampong government officials are required to provide good services, especially in providing professional services, having work systems and service procedures that are transparent, integrated, responsive, and adaptive to any changes. This study uses a descriptive approach with qualitative research that will provide an overview of how the performance of the Gampong Empee Trieng government in improving the quality of public services for its people. The three principles of government administration that focus on public services will be used as indicators to measure the quality of public services in Gampong Empee Trieng, Darul Kamal District, Aceh Besar District.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 243-251
Maysyurah Turiza ◽  
Saifullah Maysa

The gampong government is a group of people the community has trusted because of their abilities and good backgrounds. In this case, the role of the gampong government is closely related to fostering religious activities. Because it is used as a guide for religious activities in the community, we want to know what roles the village government plays in fostering religious activities. The existence of religious activities is fundamental in human life, especially during a pandemic recently. This study uses a qualitative method that aims to find out the kind of activities in the village Ie Masen. This study found that teaching and learning tajwīd and reading Al-Quran activities are fully supported by the gampong Doy Banda Aceh government.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 210-225
Prilli Prisiska ◽  
Syahril Furqany

Early childhood was realized as an asset for the future of the nation, parents and society. The tremendous responsibility that parents must carry out is at the stage of development. In addition, children's happiness is a significant factor in the development of children, both at home and outside the home. Therefore, parents must create a safe, comfortable, harmonious and loving environment in the family to strengthen the emotions between parents and children, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, which requires children and parents to stay at home. This research is qualitative research with research methods carried out using literature (library), both in the form of books, notes, and reports of previous research results, and this study uses library research methods. The study results indicate that during the COVID-19 pandemic in online learning, students can become less active in conveying their aspirations and thoughts, which can result in boring learning. A student who experiences boredom in learning will get progress in learning outcomes. Therefore, it is necessary to encourage students to move students so that they are enthusiastic about learning to have learning achievements.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 186-192
Elsa Nabila ◽  

This study aims to describe how effective the implementation of religious activities is in the midst of pandemic COVID-19 in Tutong Village. This research is a descriptive qualitative research. The research subject is the Ustadz or Ustadzah in recitation at the children's recitation place. Ustadz the leader of the weekly Islamic study, as well as several people who take part in the weekly study. The research instrument used interview, observation and documentation techniques. The result showed that religious activities carried out in the midst of pandemic were effective, both in the implementation of routine assesment and children's recitation. There are no obstacles in the implementation of the two activities, and there is also noregulation requiring all participants who participate in recitation to wear masks, but in children recitation place, student are required to maintain personal hygienie. As for the two religious activities, the Ustdaz or Ustadzah always provide education about COVID-19 to children's recitation student and to routine recitation participants every week.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 201-209
Risfaton Munawarah ◽  

The purpose of this research is to provide education to increase public awareness of the dangers of covid-19. In addition, this study found the importance of raising public awareness to adhere to health protocols to avoid the dangers of Covid-19.  The research target is the government of Gampong Aneuk Glee, Indrapuri Sub District. This study uses a qualitative method that aims to determine the Gampong government’s strategy in increasing public awareness about the dangers of Covid-19. The data was obtained through three data collection methods, including interviews, observation, and analysis. The results showed that the Gampong Aneuk Glee government had carried out many strategies in increasing public awareness, such as placing banners and appealing to the public about the dangers of Covid-19. It is intended to increase public awareness regarding the dangers of Covid-19 optimally.

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